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(Unknown), Aachen, Aaron, Abrancis, Adams, Adele, Adgate, Adilsson, Aethelreda, Agnes, Aigle, Albon, Aldgyth, Alencon, Alfgifu, Algautsson, Alges, All Fair, Allen, Allerdale, Alpaide, Alsace, Andechs, Anderson, Andrews, Angelina, Angelos, Angouleme, Anjou, Ansell, Anstey, Ansty, Antioch, Apleby, Aquitaine, Aragon, Arglwydd, Arnstein, Aron, Arragon, Arsic, Arthemia, Artois, Aston, Atheling, Athelstan, Atwood, Aubigny, Auchy, Audley, Aumale, Austrasia, Auxerre, Avelina, Avesnes, Avesnes comte de, Avesnes hainaut, Avranches, Baggilegh, Balliol, Bar le duc, Bar
sur aube, Barcelona, Bardolf, Barrett, Bartley, Baudement, Bavaria, Bayeaux, Bayeux, Beauchamp, Beaumeis, Beaumont, Beldeg, Beli, Belmeis, Beltsa, Benauges, Bentheim, Beorn, Berenguer, Berkeley, Bert, Besford, Beverly, Bigod, Billeau, Biornsson, Birchard, Blanchan, Blanche, Bledri, Blessing, Bliss, Blois, Bodegisel, Bodenham,
Bogardus, Bogert, Bokland, Bolbec, Bolebec, Bond, Bouillon, Boulogne, Bourbon, Bourgogne, Brabant, Bradley, Bradstreet, Braman, Brampton, Brancestre, Brand, Brandon, Braose, Braut-Onundsson, Bretagne, Breteuil, Bretton, Brewster, Brienne, Brionne, Brittany, Briwere, Broke, Brooke, Bruce, Bruley, Brus, Bruyelle, Bullock, Burgundy, Bushnell, Byrchard, Byzantine empire, Cadivor, Cadwgan, Calkins, Calverly, Cambria, Caradawg, Caradoc, Carinthia, Casere, Castile, Castile galicia, Catherwood, Ceawlin,
Cenred, Ceolwald, Cerdic, Ceva, Chacomb, Chamberlain, Champagne, Chaplin, Chateau du loire, Chateaudun, Chatellerault, Chatillon, Chaumont, Chawcer, Chaworth, Chernigov,
Chetwode, Chetwood,
Chloderic, Chyrfold, Clare, Clermont, Clifford, Coles, Cologne, Columbers, Colwyn, Comet, Conde, Confessor, Constantinople, Conteville, Cook, Corbet, Cotton, Coucy, Coucy pinon, Coucy vervins, Courtenay, Crepi, Crispe, Cuhelyn, Cumania, Cumberland, Cunningham, Cuseau, Cuser, Cutha, Cuthwine, Cuthwulf, Cynan, Cynric, d'Esne, Dafydd, Dalriada, Dammartin,
Dansson, Danvers, Darte, Davenport, David, Davis, Davison, de
Berlaymont, de Bourgogne, de Duras, de Franchimont, de la Lee, de
Lannoy, de Ligne, de
Looz, de Meschines, de Mingoval, de Molembais, de Ramerupt, de
Roucy, de Venuz, Delano, Deming, Despencer, Despenser, Devon, Dickinson, Dmitrievna, Donjon, Drakelowe, Dreux, Drevlians, Du Bois, Dubois, Dunbar, Dunkeld, Dunstanville, Duston, Eadgifu, Eadhild, Eadnothson, Eadred, Eadwig, Eafa, Eaton, Edgiva, Edith, Edwards, Edwin, Egbert, Einion, Elder, Elesa, Elesason, Elfrida, Elgiva, Elystan, Engaine, Engayne, England, Envermeu, Eoppa, Equisheim, Erdley, Esla, Estey, Estmond, Estridsen, Ethelbald, Ethelbert, Ethelred, Ethelswida, Ethelwolf, Evereaux, Eysteinsson, Falaise, Farmoutier, Farrar, Faucigny, Fergan, Fergant, Ferrers, Fiennes, Finch, Fines, Fisher, Fiske, Fitch, FitzAlan, Fitzalan, Fitzalured, FitzBarnard, FitzBernard, FitzGeoffrey, FitzHarding, FitzJohn, FitzJudhel, Fitzosborne, FitzPatrick, FitzPons, FitzRobert, Fitzroger, FitzRoy, FitzWalter, Flaitel,
Flanders, Flandre, Fleche, Fleisch, Flotte, Foote, Forcalquier, Fougeres, France, Franks, Freawine, Fredville, Freeman, Freothelaf, Fridleifsson, Frigg, Frithogar, Frithuwald, Frodasson, Fynche, Gael waiet, Galloway, Gand, Gand (Ghent), Garciez, Gardinis, Gardino, Gefion, Gelre, Gelre en
zutphen, Geneva, Geneville, Germany, Gernon, Gewar, Gewis, Giffard, Gifford, Glass, Gloucester, Gobion, Goda, Godbold, Godfrey, Gore, Gouche, Goz, Great, Gregory, Gressinghall, Grey, Grindon, Gronwy, Gruffydd, Gudrodsson, Guise, Gunnora, Guzman, Gwrgant, Gwyn, Hainault, Hainaut, Halfdansson, Halloway, Harley, Harrington, Hatch, Hauteville, Havarsson, Haye, Helgasson, Herdislee, Hereward, Heristal, Hesbaye, Hesding, Hibbard, Hieme, Hill, Hills, Hoffman, Holand, Holland, Holme, Holy roman, Hommet, Hood, Howes, Hrolfsson, Hugh, Hulins, Hungary, Hungerford,
Hunter, Huntingdon,
Huntington, Hyde, Hywel, Idnerth, Ifor, Induberga, Ingjaldsson, Inglid,
Ingvarsson, Ironside, Isham, Isles, Italy, Ithel, Ivarsson, Ivor, James, Jans, Jansen, Jerusalem, Juatt or
Marsh or Evans, Kastamonitissa, Keiffer, Kellet, Kembold, Kent, Kiersted, Kierstede, Kiev, Kiew, Kimball, King, Kirkner, Knyvet, Krueger, Kynveton, L isle, Labau, Lacy, Lancaster, Landen, Lander, Langley, Langston, Lanston, Laskarina, Lathrop, Le bon, Le brun, Lee, Leffingwell, Legh, Lens, Leon, Leon and castile, Leon castile,
Limburg, Lincoln, Litch, Llawen, Llewelyn, Llywarch, Loan, Locels, Londres, Longdyck, Longespee, Lorraine,
Lothier, Louis, Louvain, Louw, Lowers, Lucelles, Lucy, Luff, Lumbert, Lusignan, Luxembourg, Macdavid, MacMurrough, Madelet, Madog, Madog maret, Magnificent, Mahieu, Maine, Man, Manasses, Manning, Mantes, Marche, Maredudd, Maredydd, Marlatt, Marlett, Marsden, Marshal, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Martyr, Marvin, Massie, Mathew, Mauch, Maud, Maurienne, McGillis,
Mercia, Merle, Merlet, Merley, Merston, Mervyn, Meschines, Metz, Meyers, Mile, Milhaud, Missenden, Moha, Moncon, Montacute, Montanolier, Montdidier, Montfort, Montgomery, Montlhery, Montpellier, Montvillers, Moray, Morel, Morgan, Mormaer, Mortaigne, Mortain, Morteyn, Mortimer, Morville, Morvis, Moselle, Munderic, Murdac, Murom, Namur, Nanna, Naples, Naples and sicil, Navarra, Navarra navarre, Navarre, Neufmarche, Neustria, Nevers, Normandy, North, North wales, Northumberland, Novgorod, Novgorod and psk, Oberlothringen, Oda, Olafsson, Oldham, Osburga, Oslac, Otoole, Ottarsson, Ouldham, Owain, Paen, Palatina, Palatine, Palmer, Paris, Parke, Parker, Partridge, Peaceable, Peche, Pemberton, Perche, Petley, Peverel, Peveril, Philip, Philpot, Picts, Piquigny, Planches, Plantagenet, Poland,
Polotsk, Ponce, Ponthieu, Pontz, Portugal, Post, Provence, Province, Pskov, Putten, Quackenbush, Quartermain, Quarterman, Quincy, Rapalje, Read, Redburga, Reid, Rheims, Rheineck, Rhun, Rhys, Richards, Riddlesford, Robbe, Robert, Roberts, Robinson, Roche, Rockwell, Roeloffse,
Roelofs, Rognvaldsson, Rohan chabot, Rohan porhoet, Rolfe, Rollos, Rollosson, Romsey mortain, Roosa, Rostov, Rothwell, Roucy, Rouen, Rowley, Royce, Rudd, Rumilly, Rumley, Russell, Sabran, Saeming, Saint
clare, Saint saveur, Salins, Salisbury, Salmesbury, Salter, Saluzza, Samwell, Sanford, Savoy, Saxony, Scotland, Scott, Scudder, Seagrave, Seaxnete, Segrave, Semur, Senecy, Senlis, Serbia, Shaftesbury, Sheaffe, Shelley, Sicile, Sicily, Sigelline, Sigrlami,
Sims, Sire, Skjold, Skjoldsson, Slemme, Smedes, Smith, Smolensk, Smythe, Sneyde, Snydom, Sowter, Spencer, Spineto, Spinney, St arnulf, St beggue, St Denis,
St liz, St Ouen, St pol, St Quentin, St valery, Staller, Stavelegh, Stokeport, Strange, Stretle, Stuteville, Swabia, Sweden, Sybbrantse, Symonds,
Taillebois, Taillefer, Talvas, Tappen, Ten Broeck, Thatcher, Thessalonique, Thomas, Thompson, Thorgilsson, Throckmorton, Tillieul or bigo, Timmell, Tompson, Tomson, Toni, Totnes, Touchet, Toulouse, Tours, Towne, Tracy, Trahaiarn, Traves, Trivers, Trouemer, Turenne, Turnar, Turrenne, Ulsiusson, Ungle, Unknown, Unready, Valence, Valerie, Valoines, Valois, Valtrude, Vampage, Van Buren, Van Der Poest, Van Gelder,
Van Zul, Varennes, Vas, Vaughan, Vaux, Ve, Venables, Venaissin, Verdun, Vere, Vermandois, Vermundsson, Vexin, Vienne, Viennois, Vili, Vitre, Vitrie, Vladimir volynsk, von Hennegau, Wac, Wade, Waiet, Wake, Walden, Wale, Wales, Waleton, Walker, Wallecourt, Warburton, Warenne, Warren, Warwick, Wasseburg, Wecta, Weothelgeat, West franks, West holy roman, Whatman, Wheateley, White, Whitfield, Whitmore, Whitney, Whotlock, Wig, Wilson, Winslow, Winta, Winter, Woden, Wulfhild, Wynkoop, Wynslow, York, Zouch, Zouche
The Bradley and Post heritage is interesting and varied. From our accomplished and well-known ancestors such as Mayflower passengers
Richard Warren and William Brewster, to poor innocent Mary Towne, hanged as a witch during the Salem witch hunt, and the noted royalty of
Europe (King Henry II, among many others). To our cousins Franklin Delano Roosevelt (through Lt. Jonathan Delano and Mercy Warren ),
Ulysses S. Grant (through Capt. Jonathan Delano and Amy Allen Hatch) and Sir Winston Churchill (through Joseph Hatch and Amy Allen), not to
mention our more contemporary cousin Patrick Joseph Kennedy II (through Isaac Estey and Abigail Kimball). Europe is
well-represented in us: our ancestors came from England, Holland, Germany, and others. Our ancestry is full of those who endured much
hardship but whose accomplishments despite these trials are still known to us today. PLEASE NOTE: I get many inquiries each week
from visitors to this web site. Please allow several weeks for a response, as it takes time to find your answers/check your assertions in
my database and get back to you.
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