(unknown), (marriage to Thomas Adgate) (i305), d.1655
(unknown), Agnes (i1807)
(unknown), Agnes (marriage to Erasmus Kirkner) (i1807)
(Unknown), Alice (i1469), d.1663
(Unknown), Alice (marriage to Anthony Fisher) (i1469), d.1663
(unknown), B. (i1617), b.1604-d.1665
(unknown), B. (marriage to H. Bradstreet) (i1617), b.1604-d.1665
(unknown), Batie (i189)
(unknown), Batie (marriage to John Marlett) (i189)
(unknown), Edith (marriage to Reinford Salter) (i139)
(unknown), Elizabeth (i58), d.1699
(unknown), Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas Bliss Jr.) (i58), d.1699
(unknown), Emma (marriage to George Salter) (i130)
(unknown), Emma (marriage to Robert Ogden Bradley) (i1107)
(unknown), Frances (i1464), b.1608-d.1680
(unknown), Frances (marriage to John Hill) (i1464), b.1608-d.1680
(Unknown), Isabel (Rigby) (Breck) (marriage to Anthony Fisher) (i8850)
(unknown), Isabella (i1841)
(unknown), Isabella (marriage to Thomas Petley) (i1841)
(unknown), Jane (marriage to Thomas (Lowthroppe) Lathrop) (i1918)
(unknown), Joane (i1620)
(unknown), Joane (marriage to Henry Hulins) (i1620)
(unknown), Katherine (i1411), b.1509-d.1566
(unknown), Katherine (marriage to Robert Broke) (i1411), b.1509-d.1566
(unknown), Mame (marriage to Jess Salter) (i128)
(unknown), Margaret (i1622)
(unknown), Margaret (marriage to John Hulins) (i1622)
(unknown), Martha (i1598), b.1596-
(unknown), Martha (marriage to Edward White) (i1598), b.1596-
(unknown), Mary (i1504)
(unknown), Mary (marriage to Reinford Salter Catherwood) (i160)
(unknown), Mary (marriage to William Hyde) (i1504)
(unknown), Patience (marriage to William Brewster) (i1562), d.1740
(unknown), Polly (marriage to William Salter) (i119)
, (marriage to William II Rufus England) (i5631), b.1060-
, concubine (marriage to Philippe II King of France) (i5983), b.1167-
, concubine 1 (i5439), b.1112-
, concubine 1 (marriage to Alan de Galloway Lord of Galloway) (i8293), b.1172-
, concubine 1 (marriage to David Earl of Huntingdon) (i6541), b.1146-
, concubine 1 (marriage to Geoffrey V Plantagenet Count of Anjou and Maine) (i5439), b.1112-
, concubine 1 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5536), b.1070-
, concubine 1 (marriage to Richard I Coeur de Lion England) (i5384), b.1159-
, concubine 1 (marriage to Robert Earl of Gloucester "de Caen") (i5546), b.1092-
, concubine 10 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5581), b.1076-
, Concubine 11 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5583), b.1077-
, Concubine 12 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5586), b.1078-
, Concubine 13 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5593), b.1079-
, Concubine 14 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5602), b.1072-
, Concubine 16 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5604), b.1072-
, concubine 2 (marriage to David Earl of Huntingdon) (i6539), b.1146-
, concubine 2 (marriage to Geoffrey V Plantagenet Count of Anjou and Maine) (i5418), b.1113-
, concubine 2 (marriage to Henry II King of England) (i5339), b.1148-
, concubine 2 (marriage to Rainald de Dunstanville) (i5524), b.1102-
, concubine 2 (marriage to Robert Earl of Gloucester "de Caen") (i5548), b.1092-
, concubine 2 (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i6518), b.1144-
, concubine 3 (marriage to Rainald de Dunstanville) (i5526), b.1106-
, concubine 3 (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i6520), b.1146-
, concubine 4 (i5565), b.1072-
, concubine 4 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5565), b.1072-
, concubine 4 (marriage to Rainald de Dunstanville) (i5528), b.1112-
, concubine 4 (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i6522), b.1148-
, concubine 5 (marriage to Henry II King of England) (i5341), b.1148-
, concubine 5 (marriage to Rainald de Dunstanville) (i5530), b.1112-
, concubine 6 (marriage to John (Lackland) King England) (i5224), b.1168-
, concubine 6 (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i6526), b.1151-
, concubine 8 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5577), b.1076-
3rd Concubine (marriage to Richard III Duke of Normandy) (i8458), b.1000-
Aachen, Hildegard of (i4318), d.783
Aachen, Hildegard of (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4318), d.783
Aaron, Gwenllian Verch (i8474), b.1026-
Aaron, Gwenllian Verch (marriage to Idnerth Ap Cadwgan) (i8474), b.1026-
Abbott, Elizabeth (marriage to Silvanus Delano) (i2241), b.1721-
Abell, Caleb (marriage to Margaret Post) (i1540)
Abrancis, Lucia Essex de (i5120), b.1125-
Abrancis, Lucia Essex de (marriage to Aubrey III de Vere Earl of Oxford) (i5120), b.1125-
Adams, Benjamin (i1332)
Adams, Benjamin (marriage to Eunice Rockwell) (i1332)
Adams, Mary (i1167), b.1753-d.1818
Adams, Mary (marriage to Samuel Isham) (i1167), b.1753-d.1818
Adela (marriage to William Plantagenet Earl Warenne) (i7681), b.1242-
Adele (i8405), b.1004-
Adele (marriage to Richard de Evereaux Count of) (i8405), b.1004-
Adele, (i6763), b.895-
Adele, Countess of Poitiers (i6767), b.897-
Adelinde, Adelheid, concubine 10 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4351), b.785-
Adeliza (i6854), b.1035-
Adeliza (marriage to Robert de Toni Lord Belvoir) (i6854), b.1035-
Adeltrude, Anstrude (marriage to Drogon Count of Champagne) (i4415), b.676-
Adgate, Abigaill (i312), b.1661-
Adgate, Hannah (i307), b.1653-
Adgate, Rebeckah (i313), b.1666-
Adgate, Sarah (i62), b.1663-d.1706
Adgate, Sarah (marriage to Christopher Huntington) (i62), b.1663-d.1706
Adgate, Thomas (i61), b.1620-d.1707
Adgate, Thomas (i314), b.1669-d.1760
Adgate, Thomas (marriage to Mary Marvin) (i61), b.1620-d.1707
Adgate, Thomas (marriage to Ruth Brewster) (i314), b.1669-d.1760
Adilsson, Eystein (i6738), b.594-
Aelfled III (i7224), b.1027-
Aelfled III (marriage to Siward Biornsson Earl Northumber) (i7224), b.1027-
Aethelreda, (i3903), b.1042-
Aethelreda, (marriage to Gospatric I Earl of Dunbar) (i3903), b.1042-
Agnes (i7416), b.1279-
Agnes (marriage to Robert Touchet) (i7416), b.1279-
Agnes, (unknown) (i2064), b.1230-
Agnes, (unknown) (marriage to Hellin Marquis de Franchimont) (i2064), b.1230-
Agnes, Othon, Duke of Bavaria (i2065), b.1190-
Aigle, Gilbert de La (i5704), b.1070-
Aigle, Gilbert de La (marriage to Julienne Du Perche) (i5704), b.1070-
Aigle, Marguerite de La (i5706), b.1100-d.1141
Aigle, Marguerite de La (marriage to Garcias V VI Navarre King of) (i5706), b.1100-d.1141
Aigle, Richard de La (i8243), b.1040-d.1085
Aigle, Richard de La (marriage to Judith D Avranches) (i8243), b.1040-d.1085
Aimeri (i5920), b.1081-d.1134
Aimeri (marriage to Maud de Hauteville) (i5919), b.1055-d.1105
Albimica, Nigel de (marriage to Amicea de Ferrers) (i8545), b.1066-
Albini, Maud de (marriage to William Plantagenet Earl Warenne) (i7680), b.1242-
Albini, William de (marriage to Cicely Bigod) (i6826), b.1106-
Albini, William de (marriage to Cicely Bigod) (i6826), b.1106-
Albini, William de (marriage to Mary (Maud) Bigod) (i6824), b.1104-
Albini, William de (marriage to Mary (Maud) Bigod) (i6824), b.1104-
Albon, Guigues III Count of (i5868), b.1068-
Albon, Guigues III Count of (marriage to Mathilde) (i5868), b.1068-
Albon, Maud Mathilde, Countess of (i5773), b.1116-d.1145
Albon, Maud Mathilde, Countess of (marriage to Amadeo III Count Savoy) (i5773), b.1116-d.1145
Aldgyth, (i3835), b.986-
Aldgyth, (marriage to Edmund II Ironside) (i3835), b.986-
Alencon, Guillaume III Duke (i5970), b.1055-
Alencon, Guillaume III Duke (marriage to Alice) (i5970), b.1055-
Alfgifu, (i3811), b.968-
Alfgifu, (marriage to Ethelred II The Unready) (i3811), b.968-
Alfgifu, Elgiva (i3706), b.996-
Alfgifu, Elgiva (marriage to Alfgar III of Mercia) (i3706), b.996-
Alfgifu, Elgiva (marriage to Uchtred Earl of Northumberland) (i3706), b.996-
Alfonso (i5895), b.1220-d.1272
Alfonso (i8143), b.1311-d.1350
Alfonso (marriage to Maria of Portugal) (i8143), b.1311-d.1350
Algautsson, Gauthild (i6735), b.664-
Algautsson, Gauthild (marriage to Ingjald Braut-Onundsson) (i6735), b.664-
Alges, Agnes (i1521)
Alges, Agnes (marriage to Thomas Fitch) (i1521)
Alges, Robert (i1522)
Alice (i5971), b.1055-
Alice (i6444), b.1120-d.1168
Alice (marriage to Baldwin IV Hainault Count of) (i6444), b.1120-d.1168
Alice (marriage to Guillaume III Duke Alencon) (i5971), b.1055-
Alice (marriage to John de Warenne) (i8089), b.1349-
Alice (marriage to William Prince of England) (i5515), b.1107-
Alice Aline (i5595), b.1099-d.1141
Alida (marriage to Guillaume III de Avesnes Count) (i6357), b.1286-
Alix (i6442), b.1137-
Alix (marriage to Bernard de Guise) (i6442), b.1137-
All Fair, Eadwig The (i3826), d.959
Allen, Abigail (i2263), b.1646-d.1729
Allen, Amy (i2084), b.1663-d.1710
Allen, Amy (marriage to Joseph Hatch) (i2084), b.1663-d.1710
Allen, George (i2268), b.1582-d.1648
Allen, George (marriage to Katharine Davis) (i2268), b.1582-d.1648
Allen, James (i2244), b.1636-d.1714
Allen, James (marriage to Elizabeth Partridge) (i2244), b.1636-d.1714
Allen, John (i2270), b.1543-
Allen, Joseph (i2266), b.1650-d.1727
Allen, Mary (i2258), b.1634-d.1709
Allen, Samuel (i2253), b.1598-d.1669
Allen, Samuel (marriage to Anne Whitmore) (i2253), b.1598-d.1669
Allen, Samuel, Deacon (i2255), b.1632-d.1703
Allen, Samuel, Deacon (marriage to Sarah Partridge) (i2255), b.1632-d.1703
Allen, Sarah (i2259), b.1639-d.1690
Allerdale, Alan, Baron of (i8317), b.1106-
Allerdale, Waltheof Lord of (i3904), b.1064-
Allerton, Isaac (marriage to Fear Brewster) (i2329)
Allyn, Mary (marriage to Thomas Parke) (i2561) (living status unknown)
Alof Or "Aarbod" Princess (marriage to Thorer Rognvaldsson) (i6755), b.1017-
Alpaide, concubine 1 (i4409), b.654-
Alpaide, concubine 1 (marriage to Pepin Austrasia) (i4409), b.654-
Alphonso (i6271), b.1103-
Alphonso (i6783), b.1000-
Alphonso (marriage to Berenquela) (i6271), b.1103-
Alsace, Dietrich D, Count of FLANDER (i5461), b.1099-d.1168
Alsace, Dietrich D, Count of FLANDER (marriage to Sibilla Sibyl Sybil Anjou Countess of Fl (i5461),
Alsace, Hugues III Count, Count of Tours (i7115), b.765-d.839
Alsace, Hugues III Count, Count of Tours (marriage to Ava Unknown) (i7115), b.765-d.839
Alsace, Luitfrid I Duke of (i7121), b.707-d.750
Alsace, Luitfrid I Duke of (marriage to Edith Unknown) (i7121), b.707-d.750
Alsace, Luitfrid II Count (i7119), b.740-d.780
Alsace, Luitfrid II Count (marriage to Hiltrude Unknown) (i7119), b.740-d.780
Alsace, Luitfrid III Count (i7117), b.798-d.798
Alsace, Matthieu D, Count of Boulogn (i5463), b.1137-d.1214
Alsace, Matthieu D, Count of Boulogn (marriage to Marie, Countess of Romsey mortain) (i5463),
Alsace, Maud, D, Duchess of Braba (i6281), b.1163-d.1211
Alsace, Maud, D, Duchess of Braba (marriage to Henry I Duke Brabant) (i6281), b.1163-d.1211
Alsace, Theitbaldus of (i7123), b.742-
Alsace, Theodric D (marriage to Mathilde de Anjou Duchess of Normandy) (i5468), b.1118-
Altena, Adolf I, Count (marriage to Irmgard Countess van Gelre) (i6600), b.1192-
Ana of Burgundy (marriage to Amadeo IV Count Savoy) (i5860), b.1192-d.1243
Anagelos, Andronikos Dukas (marriage to Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa) (i6333), b.1131-
Andech, Judith of (marriage to Louis West Holy Roman Emporer, the Pious) (i4257), b.816-
Andechs, Gertrude, Countess of, Queen of Hungary (i6085), b.1185-d.1213
Andechs, Gertrude, Countess of, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Andras II, King of Hungary) (i6085),
Anderson, Ada J. (i1252), b.1876-d.1934
Anderson, Anna Laura (i1257), b.1870-d.1939
Anderson, Anna Laura (marriage to George Krueger) (i1257), b.1870-d.1939
Anderson, Arthur (i1253), b.1884-d.1887
Anderson, Charles J. (i1250)
Anderson, Charles J. (marriage to Augusta Timmell) (i1250)
Anderson, Frances (i1256)
Anderson, Frank (i1255)
Anderson, Jay (i1254), b.1868-d.1947
Andras (marriage to Margit, Princess of Hungary) (i6184), b.1160-
Andrews, Christian (i90), d.1723
Andrews, Christian (marriage to John Birchard) (i90), d.1723
Andrews, Mary (marriage to Thomas Post) (i1563), d.1661
Andrews, William (i8875), d.1659
Andrews, William (marriage to Mary Unknown) (i8875), d.1659
Angelina, Irini (i6344), b.1149-d.1186
Angelina, Irini Maria, EmpressofGermany (i6313), b.1184-d.1208
Angelina, Irini Maria, EmpressofGermany (marriage to Philipp II Emperor Germany) (i6313),
Angelina, Miss (i6347), b.1151-
Angelina, Theodora (i6349), b.1158-
Angelos, Andronikos (i6331), b.1153-d.1184
Angelos, Andronikos Dukas (i6328), b.1122-d.1185
Angelos, Andronikos Dukas (marriage to Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa) (i6328), b.1122-d.1185
Angelos, Ioannis, Prince (i6340), b.1147-d.1189
Angelos, Konstantinos (i6332), b.1156-d.1185
Angelos, Theodoros (i6330), b.1145-d.1184
Angharad (i5203), b.1215-
Angilbert, The Saint (marriage to Bertha Princess Holy roman) (i4364), b.776-d.814
Angouleme, Isabella of, (Taillefer) Queen (i5187), b.1188-d.1246
Angouleme, Isabella of, (Taillefer) Queen (marriage to Hugh X le Brun de Lusignan) (i5187),
Angouleme, Isabella of, (Taillefer) Queen (marriage to John (Lackland) King England) (i5187),
Angouleme, Mathilde de (i7817), b.1159-
Angouleme, Mathilde de (marriage to Hugh de Lusignan) (i7817), b.1159-
Angus, Gilchrist, Earl of (marriage to Marjory Princess of Scotland) (i6543), b.1154-
Anjou, Arsinde (Blanche) de, Countess Of Tou (i7396), b.948-
Anjou, Arsinde (Blanche) de, Countess Of Tou (marriage to William III Taillefer Count Toul (i7396),
Anjou, Elias de, Count of Maine (i5469), b.1111-d.1151
Anjou, Ermengarde de (i5479), b.1064-d.1146
Anjou, Ermengarde de Countess, Countess Of Gas (marriage to Robert I Duke Bourgogne) (i7394),
Anjou, Ermengardis de, Duchss of Aquita (i5492), b.1090-d.1146
Anjou, Foulques IV Count (i5472), b.1033-d.1109
Anjou, Foulques IV Count (marriage to Bertrade de Montfort Queen of France) (i5472),
Anjou, Foulques V Le, King of Jerusalem (i5441), b.1092-d.1143
Anjou, Foulques V Le, King of Jerusalem (marriage to Ermengarde Ermentrude Du Maine Counte (i5441),
Anjou, Geoffroy IV Martel (i5475), b.1071-d.1106
Anjou, Mathilde de, Duchess of Normandy (i5466), b.1107-d.1154
Anjou, Mathilde de, Duchess of Normandy (marriage to William Atheling Prince England) (i5466),
Anjou, Sibilla Sibyl Sybil, Countess of Flanders (i5458), b.1105-d.1165
Anjou, Sibilla Sibyl Sybil, Countess of Flanders (marriage to Dietrich D Alsace Count of F (i5458),
Annandale, Agnes of (marriage to Robert de Brus) (i8618), b.1074-
Annora (i8425), b.1206-
Annora (marriage to Walter de Riddlesford) (i8425), b.1206-
Ansell, Mary (i1128)
Ansell, Mary (marriage to Joseph Lathrop) (i1128)
Ansfride concubine 2 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5550), b.1069-
Anstey, Francis (i4481), b.1527-
Ansty, Elizabeth Or Agnes (i2624), b.1554-
Ansty, Elizabeth Or Agnes (marriage to William Chaplin) (i2624), b.1554-
Antioch, Constanza, Princess of (i6258), b.1126-
Antioch, Constanza, Princess of (marriage to Renaud de Chatillon Prince) (i6258), b.1126-
Antioche, Boemond I Prince (marriage to Constansia Princess of France) (i5767), b.1058-d.1111
Anund Jakob (i7354), b.999-d.1050
Apleby, Eva de (i7423), b.1222-
Apleby, Eva de (marriage to Robert Touchet) (i7423), b.1222-
Apleby, Roger de (i7437), b.1196-
Appurleys, De (marriage to Margaret Russell) (i3663), b.1316-
Aquitaine, Agnes Maud of (i5683), b.1100-
Aquitaine, Agnes Maud of (marriage to Ramiro II King of Aragon King of) (i5683), b.1100-
Aquitaine, Agnes of (i8500), b.1024-d.1077
Aquitaine, Agnes of (marriage to Henry III Germany Emporer) (i8500), b.1024-d.1077
Aquitaine, Alice de Poitou (i4132), b.950-d.1006
Aquitaine, Alice de Poitou (marriage to Hugues Capet King France) (i4132), b.950-d.1006
Aquitaine, Charles King of (i4271), d.865
Aquitaine, Eleanore Princess of (i5318), b.1122-d.1204
Aquitaine, Eleanore Princess of (marriage to Henry II King of England) (i5318), b.1122-d.1204
Aquitaine, Eleanore Princess of (marriage to Louis VII King of France) (i5318), b.1122-d.1204
Aquitaine, Guillaume X Duke (i5677), b.1099-d.1137
Aquitaine, Guillaume X Duke (marriage to Eleanor de Chatellerault) (i5677), b.1099-d.1137
Aquitaine, Ingeltrude Queen (marriage to Pepin I King of Aquitaine) (i4291), b.803-d.803
Aquitaine, Pepin I King of (i4290), b.803-
Aquitaine, William Duke of (marriage to Ermengardis de Anjou Duchss of Aquita) (i5491), b.1088-
Aquitaine, William I Duke (i4165), b.915-d.963
Aquitaine, William I Duke (marriage to Princess Adele Normandy) (i4165), b.915-d.963
Aquitaine, William II Duke (i4167), b.937-d.993
Aquitaine, William II Duke (marriage to Countess Emma Champagne) (i4167), b.937-d.993
Aquitaine, William III Duke (i4169), b.969-d.1030
Aquitaine, William III Duke (marriage to Agnes Countess of Burgundy) (i4169), b.969-d.1030
Aquitaine, William IV Duke (i4170), b.941-
Aquitaine, William VI VIII (i5685), b.1026-d.1086
Aquitaine, William VI VIII (marriage to Hildegarde France Princess of) (i5685), b.1026-d.1086
Aquitaine, William VII Guillaume (i5679), b.1071-d.1126
Aquitaine, William VII Guillaume (marriage to Philippa Mathilde Or Toulouse Countess of) (i5679),
Aragon, Alfonso II King of (i5822), b.1152-d.1196
Aragon, Alfonso II King of (marriage to Sanchia Castile Queen of Aragon) (i5822), b.1152-d.1196
Aragon, Alphonso (marriage to Eleanor, Princess of England) (i5121), b.1262-
Aragon, Constanzia, Princess of, Queen of Hungary (i5825), b.1174-d.1222
Aragon, Constanzia, Princess of, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Imre, King of Hungary) (i5825),
Aragon, Isabel Princess of (i6037), b.1243-d.1271
Aragon, Isabel Princess of (marriage to Philippe III King of France) (i6037), b.1243-d.1271
Aragon, Jaime I, King of (i5830), b.1208-d.1276
Aragon, Jaime I, King of (marriage to Jolan, Princess of Hungary) (i5830), b.1208-d.1276
Aragon, James I King of (marriage to Eleanor Princess of Castile) (i5942), b.1208-d.1271
Aragon, Pedro II King of (i5828), b.1185-d.1213
Aragon, Pedro II King of (marriage to Marie de Montpellier) (i5828), b.1185-d.1213
Aragon, Pedro II Prince (i6080), b.1240-d.1285
Aragon, Petronilla de (i5684), b.1135-d.1173
Aragon, Petronilla de (marriage to Raimond Berenger V, Barcelona) (i5684), b.1135-d.1173
Aragon, Ramiro II King of, King of (i4113), b.1095-d.1147
Aragon, Ramiro II King of, King of (marriage to Agnes Maud of Aquitaine) (i4113), b.1095-d.1147
Aragon, Violante Princess of (i5885), b.1232-d.1264
Aragon, Violante Princess of (marriage to Alfonso X, King of Castile) (i5885), b.1232-d.1264
Arderne, John (marriage to Isabel Giffard) (i3359), b.1467-
Arenberg, Alverade, Countess of (marriage to Otto, Count of Bentheim) (i6499), b.1143-
Arglwydd, Hywel Sais Ap (i5000), b.1148-
Arles, William III Count (marriage to Almodis de La Marche Countess of Bar) (i7404), b.1016-
Arnstein, Agnes Von (i6605), b.1128-
Arnstein, Agnes Von (marriage to Hendrik, Count Van Gelre) (i6605), b.1128-
Aron, Joan verch (i8821)
Aron, Joan verch (marriage to Rhun Ap Gronwy) (i8821)
Arragon, Felicitas Queen of (i4112), b.1040-d.1086
Arragon, Felicitas Queen of (marriage to Sancho V King of Arragon) (i4112), b.1040-d.1086
Arragon, Sancho V King of (i4111), b.1067-d.1094
Arragon, Sancho V King of (marriage to Felicitas Queen of Arragon) (i4111), b.1067-d.1094
Arsic, Alexander (i4587) (living status unknown)
Arsic, Alexandra (i4585) (living status unknown)
Arsic, Manasses (i4588) (living status unknown)
Arsic, Robert (i4586) (living status unknown)
Arsic, Robert (i4589) (living status unknown)
Arthemia, (i4460) (living status unknown)
Arthemia, (marriage to Munderic) (i4460) (living status unknown)
Artois, Blanche D, Princess (i5181), b.1245-d.1302
Artois, Blanche D, Princess (marriage to Edmund Crounchback Prince England) (i5181),
Artois, Blanche D, Princess (marriage to Enrique I King of Navarra) (i5181), b.1245-d.1302
Artois, Robert I Count (i5935), b.1216-d.1249
Artois, Robert I Count (marriage to Mahaut Maud de Brabant) (i5935), b.1216-d.1249
Artois, Robert II Count (i6077), b.AUG-d.1302
Artois, Robert II, Comte (marriage to Marguerite de Avesnes) (i6383), b.1274-
Aston, Ellen (i2041), b.1508-d.1572
Aston, Ellen (marriage to Robert Lathrop Reverend) (i2041), b.1508-d.1572
Aston, Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth Giffard) (i3389), b.1408-
Astrid (i7352), b.1003-
Atheling, Alfred (i3808), b.1002-d.1036
Atheling, Christina (i8496), b.1044-
Atheling, Edgar (i3816), b.1052-d.1125
Atheling, Edgar (i8495), b.1036-d.1126
Atheling, Edmund (i3836), b.1016-d.1050
Atheling, Edward, The Exile (i3779), b.1016-d.1057
Atheling, Edward, The Exile (marriage to Agatha of Germany) (i3779), b.1016-d.1057
Atheling, Margaret, Queen (i3781), b.1043-d.1093
Atheling, Margaret, Queen (marriage to Malcolm III King of Scotland) (i3781), b.1043-d.1093
Athelstan, (i3800), d.939
Athelstan, (i3812), b.980-d.1015
Athelstan, (i3843), d.853
Atholl, Isabella Countess of (marriage to Thomas Galloway Earl Of Athol) (i8302), b.1194-d.1236
Atkinson, Helen (marriage to Joseph Hills) (i4969), b.1602-d.1661
Atwood, Agnes (i1748)
Atwood, Agnes (marriage to Robert Whitfield) (i1748)
Atwood, William (i1749)
Aubigny, William de (i6851), d.1155
Aubigny, William de (marriage to Maud Bigod) (i6819), b.1070-d.1139
Aubigny, William de (marriage to Maud Bigod) (i6819), b.1070-d.1139
Aubigny, William II (marriage to Maud FitzRobert) (i6838) (living status unknown)
Auchy, Sylvius Bishop of (i4413), b.677-
Audley, Alice (i7445), b.1313-
Audley, Hugh de, Lord Audley (marriage to Iseude Iswolde Isolt Mortimer Baroness Audley) (i8760),
Audley, Joan (i4637), b.1331-
Audley, Joan (marriage to Sir John Touchet) (i4637), b.1331-
Audley, Margaret de (i7441), b.1334-d.1410
Audley, Mrs Humphry (marriage to Humphrey Touchet) (i4872), b.1439-
Audley, Nicholas (i4900), b.1258-d.1299
Audley, Nicholas (marriage to Catherine Giffard) (i4900), b.1258-d.1299
Audley, Nicholas de (i7438), b.1333-d.1399
Audley, Nicholas, 1st Lord Audley (i6666), b.1289-d.1316
Audley, Sir Knight James, 2nd Lord Audley (i6664), b.1312-d.1386
Audley, Sir Knight James, 2nd Lord Audley (marriage to Joan de Mortimer) (i6664), b.1312-d.1386
Auger, Elizabeth (marriage to Henry Bradley) (i1146)
Aumale, Eudes III, Count, Count Of Troyes (marriage to Adelaide Princess of Normandy) (i7239),
Aumale, Stephan Count of, Lord Holderness (i7240), b.1070-d.1130
Austrasia, Carloman King of (i4378), d.771
Austrasia, Charles Martel (i4382), d.741
Austrasia, Charles Martel (marriage to Rotrude Austrasia) (i4382), d.741
Austrasia, Childebrand (i4422), b.678-
Austrasia, Duke Ansigise (i4424), b.602-d.685
Austrasia, Duke Ansigise (marriage to St beggue) (i4424), b.602-d.685
Austrasia, Gertrude (i4411), b.680-
Austrasia, Hardeloga Bastard of (i4401), b.732-
Austrasia, Pepin (i4408), b.635-d.714
Austrasia, Pepin (marriage to Alpaide concubine 1) (i4408), b.635-d.714
Austrasia, Rotrude (i4383), b.690-
Austrasia, Rotrude (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4383), b.690-
Austria, Agnes, Princess of (marriage to Istvan III, King of Hungary) (i6165), b.1151-d.1182
Austria, Klementie, Arch Duchess (marriage to Karoly I Martel, Hungary) (i6629), b.1272-d.FEB
Austria, Leopold V, Duke (marriage to Ilona, Princess of Hungary) (i6179), b.1157-d.1194
Auvergne, Robert I, Count of (marriage to Ermengarde Provence) (i7398), b.971-
Auvergne, William Count of (marriage to Adelaide Alix de Brabant) (i6291), b.1192-d.1247
Auxerre, Adelaide Havoise Countess (i4138), b.1003-d.1063
Auxerre, Conrad Count of (marriage to Adelaide Princess West Holy Roman) (i4303), b.812-
Auxerre, Eudo Odes Bishop (i4144), b.1013-d.1054
Avelina, Duchess (i3729)
Avelina, Duchess (marriage to Osbert de Bolebec) (i3729)
Avenal (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i6528), b.1138-
Avenel, Miss, concubine 1 (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i6516), b.1143-
Avennes, Alice de (marriage to Roger Bigod 5th Earl) (i4071) (living status unknown)
Avesnes comte de, Jean de (i6374), b.1278-d.1302
Avesnes hainaut, Marie D (i6387), b.1280-d.1354
Avesnes, Ada de (i6429), b.1186-d.1239
Avesnes, Adelaide de (i6432), b.1188-
Avesnes, Aleid de, Countess (i6396), b.1292-d.1351
Avesnes, Alix de (i6381), b.1273-d.1317
Avesnes, Baudouin de (i6401), b.1249-
Avesnes, Baudouin de (i6411), b.1217-d.1219
Avesnes, Baudouin de (i6412), b.1219-d.1295
Avesnes, Bishop Bouchard de (i6402), b.1251-d.1296
Avesnes, Bishop Guillaume de (i6404), b.1254-d.1296
Avesnes, Bishop Guy de (i6403), b.1253-d.1317
Avesnes, Bouchard de (i6410), b.1182-d.1244
Avesnes, Bouchard de (marriage to Marguerite, Comtesse de Flandre) (i6410), b.1182-d.1244
Avesnes, Fastre de (i6435), b.1159-
Avesnes, Floris de (i6408), b.1255-d.1297
Avesnes, Gauthier de (i6419), b.1181-d.1245
Avesnes, Guillaume III de, Count (i6350), b.1280-d.1337
Avesnes, Guillaume III de, Count (marriage to Jeanne de Valois Hainault) (i6350), b.1280-d.1337
Avesnes, Guy de (i6418), b.1187-d.1219
Avesnes, Henri de (i6373), b.1271-d.1303
Avesnes, Henri de (i6398), b.1302-
Avesnes, Ida de (i6378), b.1294-d.1351
Avesnes, Ida de (i6427), b.1185-d.1216
Avesnes, Ida de (i6438), b.1157-
Avesnes, Isabelle de (i6386), b.1275-d.1305
Avesnes, Jacques de (i6416), b.1155-d.1191
Avesnes, Jacques de (i6424), b.1184-
Avesnes, Jacques de (marriage to Adelphie de Guise) (i6416), b.1155-d.1191
Avesnes, Jean de (i6390), b.1288-d.1356
Avesnes, Jean I de (i6400), b.1218-d.1257
Avesnes, Jean I de (marriage to Aleida, Countess of Holland) (i6400), b.1218-d.1257
Avesnes, Jean II de, Count (i6371), b.1247-d.1304
Avesnes, Jean II de, Count (marriage to Philippine, Comtesse de Luxembourg) (i6371),
Avesnes, Jeanne de (i6375), b.1279-
Avesnes, Jeanne de (i6405), b.1256-d.1304
Avesnes, Marguerite de (i6384), b.1274-d.1342
Avesnes, Marguerite de (i6407), b.1239-
Avesnes, Mathilde de (i6422), b.1183-d.1237
Avesnes, Miss de (i6440), b.1161-
Avesnes, Nicolas de (i6433), b.1129-
Avesnes, Nicolas de (marriage to Mathilde de La Roche) (i6433), b.1129-
Avesnes, Radulph de (i6436), b.1163-
Avranches, Arbella Loup de (i6842), b.1067-
Avranches, Judith D (i8244), b.1040-
Avranches, Judith D (marriage to Richard de La Aigle) (i8244), b.1040-
Avranches, Judith de (i6841), b.1056-
Avranches, Maud D, Dame du Sap (marriage to Robert Prince of England) (i5573), b.1097-d.1173
Avranches, Maud de (i6840), b.1054-
Avranches, Maud de (marriage to Ranulf de Meschines) (i6840), b.1054-
Avranches, Maud de (marriage to Ranulph de Meschines) (i8242), b.1050-
Avranches, Richard de (i6836), b.1025-d.1066
Avranches, Richard de (marriage to Emma de Conteville) (i6836), b.1025-d.1066
Aylmer, Joshua (marriage to Anna Manning) (i1815)
Backus, Eunice (marriage to John Post) (i228), b.1754-
Badlesmere, Elisabeth (marriage to Edmund de Mortimer) (i7483), b.1313-d.1356
Baggilegh, Isabel de (i2025), b.1249-d.1358
Baggilegh, Isabel de (marriage to John Hyde) (i2025), b.1249-d.1358
Baggilegh, William (i2026)
Baldington, Thomas (marriage to Agnes Danvers) (i3542), b.1428-
Baliol, John de, Lord of Barnard (marriage to Dervorgilla de Galloway) (i8276), b.1216-d.1268
Balliol, Annabel, concubine 3 (i5320), b.1153-d.1204
Balliol, Annabel, concubine 3 (marriage to Henry II King of England) (i5320), b.1153-d.1204
Balliol, Barnard (i8412), b.1105-
Balliol, Barnard (marriage to Agnes Piquigny) (i8412), b.1105-
Balliol, Bernard (i8414), b.1075-
Balun, Walter de, Sir Knight (marriage to Iseude Iswolde Isolt Mortimer Baroness Audley) (i7548),
Bar le duc, Henri II Count (i6610), b.1170-
Bar le duc, Henri II Count (marriage to Philippe de Dreux) (i6610), b.1170-
Bar le duc, Henry III Count (marriage to Eleanor, Princess of England) (i5123), b.1262-
Bar le duc, Marguerite de (i6609), b.1220-
Bar le duc, Marguerite de (marriage to Henri II, Count Luxembourg) (i6609), b.1220-
Bar le duc, Sibylle de (i6613), b.1200-
Bar sur aube, Adele de, Countess of Val (i7374), b.1015-d.1043
Bar sur aube, Adele de, Countess of Val (marriage to Raoul III "The Valois) (i7374),
Bar, Agnes de La (marriage to Robert Danvers) (i3523), b.1416-
Bar, Joan (marriage to John de Warenne) (i8080), b.1349-
Barbosa, Sancho Nunez de (marriage to Teresa, Princess of Portugal) (i5923), b.1111-
Barcelona, Aldonza of (i5834), b.1156-d.1198
Barcelona, Aldonza of (marriage to Sancho I King of Portugal) (i5834), b.1156-d.1198
Barcelona, Berenguela of, Queen of Castile (i5841), b.1105-d.1148
Barcelona, Berenguela of, Queen of Castile (marriage to Alfonso VII, King of Castile galic (i5841),
Barcelona, Clemence of (i5963), b.1120-
Barcelona, Clemence of (marriage to Alberic I Count Dammartin) (i5963), b.1120-
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger II, (i7403), b.1025-d.1076
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger II, (marriage to Almodis de La Marche Countess of Bar) (i7403),
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger III, (i5917), b.1055-d.1082
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger III, (marriage to Maud de Hauteville) (i5917), b.1055-d.1082
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger IV, (i5838), b.1080-d.1130
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger IV, (marriage to Dulce Aldonza Milhaud Countess) (i5838),
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger V, (i5831), b.1120-d.1162
Barcelona, Raimond Berenger V, (marriage to Petronilla de Aragon) (i5831), b.1120-d.1162
Barcelona, Stephanie, of (i5901), b.1045-d.1092
Barcelona, Stephanie, of (marriage to William I Count Burgundy) (i5901), b.1045-d.1092
Bardolf, Beatrice (i8700), b.1176-
Bardolf, Cecilia (i8697), b.1178-
Bardolf, Hugh (i8695), b.1156-
Bardolf, Hugh (marriage to Isabel Unknown) (i8695), b.1156-
Bardolf, Hugo (i8703), b.1125-
Bardolf, Isolda (i8684), b.1182-d.1246
Bardolf, Isolda (marriage to Henry de Grey) (i8684), b.1182-d.1246
Bardolf, Juliana (i8702), b.1184-
Bardolf, Matilda (i8698), b.1180-
Bardolf, Robert (i8704), b.1154-
Bardolf, Rose (i3682), b.1176-
Bardolf, Rose (marriage to John Russell) (i3682), b.1176-
Bardolf, Thomas (i3690), b.1154-
Bardolf, Thomas (marriage to Alice de Corbet) (i3690), b.1154-
Barentyne, Katherine (marriage to Robert Danvers) (i3527), b.1415-
Barnes, John (marriage to Mary Freeman) (i4494), b.1549-
Barrett, Margaret (i1604)
Barrett, Margaret (marriage to Simon Huntington) (i1604)
Bartlett, Nellie Myrtle (marriage to William Lander Post) (i1642), b.1876-d.1951
Bartlett, Robert (marriage to Mary Warren) (i1626), b.1603-d.1676
Bartley, Anne (i1525)
Bartley, Anne (marriage to Thomas Fitch) (i1525)
Basinas, Armeline (marriage to Andrew George Catherwood) (i158) (living status unknown)
Baskerville, John, Sir (marriage to Elizabeth Touchet) (i4902), b.1408-d.1455
Bassett, Philip (marriage to Ela de Longespee) (i8371), b.1218-
Bassett, Ralph (marriage to Alice Audley) (i7451), b.1305-d.1335
Baudement, Agnes de (i5743), b.1130-d.1218
Baudement, Agnes de (marriage to Robert Count of Dreux) (i5743), b.1130-d.1218
Baugency, Hildegarde de, "lancelote" (marriage to Foulques IV Count Anjou) (i5477), b.1044-
Bavaria, Childtrude Hiltrude, Duchess (i4407), b.716-d.716
Bavaria, Gifon Grippon Duke (i4385), b.726-d.726
Bavaria, Judith of (i4259), b.1934-d.843
Bavaria, Judith of (marriage to Louis West Holy Roman Emporer, the Pious) (i4259), b.1934-d.843
Bavaria, Otto I, Duke (i6606), b.1147-
Bavaria, Otto I, Duke (marriage to Agnes, Comtesse de Looz) (i6606), b.1147-
Bavaria, Princess Judith (i6319), b.1092-d.1125
Bavaria, Princess Judith (marriage to Friedrich II, Duke Swabia) (i6319), b.1092-d.1125
Bavaria, Richardis Princess of (i6592), b.1173-d.1231
Bavaria, Richardis Princess of (marriage to Otto I Count Gelre) (i6592), b.1173-d.1231
Bavaria, Utilo Odilon, Duke (marriage to Childtrude Hiltrude Bavaria Duchess) (i4406), b.714-
Bavaria, Wiltrude Duchess of (i7093), b.937-
Bayard, Petrus (marriage to Blandina Kierstede) (i2139)
Bayeaux, Berenger (i6760), b.846-
Bayeax, Ranulph de (marriage to Alix de Normandy) (i8240), b.1015-
Bayeux, Randolph, Vicompte Bayeux (marriage to Maud de Avranches) (i8237), b.1048-
Bayeux, Ranulph Comte de (i8238), b.1017-
Bayeux, Ranulph Comte de (marriage to Alix de Normandy) (i8238), b.1017-
Baynham, Elizabeth (marriage to Robert Throckmorton) (i5211)
Beatrice (marriage to Aubrey III de Vere Earl of Oxford) (i6790), b.1125-
Beatrix (i7777), b.1205-
Beatrix (marriage to Simon de Geneville) (i7777), b.1205-
Beauchamp, Amy de (i7792), b.1276-d.1296
Beauchamp, Anne de (i7790), b.1274-d.1296
Beauchamp, Beatrice de (i8323), b.1107-
Beauchamp, Beatrice de (marriage to Hugh de Morville) (i8323), b.1107-
Beauchamp, De (i7793), b.1277-
Beauchamp, De (i7795), b.1279-
Beauchamp, Ella de (marriage to Baldwin Wake) (i4042), b.1242-d.1295
Beauchamp, Guy de, Earl Of Warwick (i7787), d.1315
Beauchamp, Guy de, Earl Of Warwick (marriage to Isabel de Clare) (i7787), d.1315
Beauchamp, Isabel de (i7796), b.1280-d.1306
Beauchamp, Isabel de (marriage to Patrick de Chaworth) (i7796), b.1280-d.1306
Beauchamp, John de (i7788), b.1273-
Beauchamp, John de (i7791), b.1275-
Beauchamp, Margaret de (i7794), b.1278-
Beauchamp, Margaret de (i7799), b.1285-
Beauchamp, Matilda de (i7798), b.1283-d.1360
Beauchamp, Maud de (i7797), b.1282-
Beauchamp, Peganus Payne de (marriage to Rohese de Vere) (i6776), b.1118-d.1157
Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of Worcester (marriage to Isabel Despencer) (i4932), b.1387-d.1421
Beauchamp, Robert de (i7786), b.1271-
Beauchamp, Robert de (i7789), b.1273-
Beauchamp, Sarah de (i7785), b.1269-
Beauchamp, Stephen de (marriage to Isolda de Ferrers) (i8349), d.1171
Beauchamp, Thomas de, Earl Warwick (marriage to Katharine de Mortimer Countess Of Warw) (i7508),
Beauchamp, Walter de (marriage to Bertha de Braose) (i7653), b.1173-d.1235
Beauchamp, William de (marriage to Ida Camvile Longespee) (i8374), b.1187-
Beauchamp, William de, Earl Of Warwick (i7783), b.1241-d.1298
Beauchamp, William de, Earl Of Warwick (marriage to Maud FitzJohn) (i7783), b.1241-d.1298
Beaufort, John, Marquess (marriage to Margaret de Holland Duchess Of Clare) (i5062),
Beaugency, Raoul de (marriage to Maud Matilda de Vermandois) (i7265), b.1082-d.1130
Beaumeis, Robert de (i8216), b.1022-
Beaumont, Elizabeth (marriage to Nicholas de Audley) (i7439), b.1333-
Beaumont, Elizabeth, Countess Of Leic (i6571), b.1140-
Beaumont, Ermengarde de, Queenof Scotland (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i5592),
Beaumont, Geffery de (i6574), b.1146-
Beaumont, Gervace de (i6570), b.1138-
Beaumont, Hawise de (i6568), b.1134-d.1197
Beaumont, Henry de (i6575), b.1148-
Beaumont, Henry de, Baron Beaumont (i8015), b.1340-d.1369
Beaumont, Isabel de (i6567), b.1132-
Beaumont, Isabel de (marriage to Earl Gilbert de Clare Pembroke) (i4021), b.1086-
Beaumont, Isabel de (marriage to Simon II de St liz) (i6567), b.1132-
Beaumont, John de (i6573), b.1144-
Beaumont, John de (marriage to Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel) (i8014), b.1327-d.1342
Beaumont, Margaret de (i6569), b.1154-d.B 12
Beaumont, Margaret de (marriage to Saier IV de Quincy Earl Winchester) (i6569), b.1154-d.B 12
Beaumont, Robert II de, Earl Leicester (i6564), b.1104-d.1168
Beaumont, Robert II de, Earl Leicester (marriage to Amice de Uta Gael waiet Countess Of Le (i6564),
Beaumont, Robert III de, Earl Leicester (i6566), b.1130-d.1190
Beaumont, Roscelin de, Vicomte de Maine (marriage to Constance Maud Viscountess Maine) (i5587),
Beaumont, Waleran, Count Meulent (marriage to Oda de Conteville) (i7211), b.990-d.1069
Beaumont, William de (i6572), b.1142-
Becke, William (marriage to Mary Giffard) (i3349), b.1484-
Beckwith, Elizabeth (marriage to James Birchard) (i482)
Beldeg, (i4508), b.243-
Beldeg, (marriage to Nanna) (i4508), b.243-
Beli, Gruffydd Ap (i4999), b.1109-
Belmeis, Alice (i8203), b.1160-
Belmeis, Alice (marriage to Alan Zouche) (i8203), b.1160-
Belmeis, Phillip de (i8211), b.1110-
Belmeis, Phillip de (marriage to Maud Matilda de Meschines) (i8211), b.1110-
Belmeis, Richard de (i8215), b.1048-
Belmeis, Walter de (i8214), b.1080-
Beltsa, (i4536), b.194-
Beltsa, (marriage to Frithuwald) (i4536), b.194-
Benauges, Vitapoy de (i5700), b.1086-
Benauges, Vitapoy de (marriage to William III Taillefer) (i5700), b.1086-
Bennet, Grono Ap Howel (marriage to Eleanor Verch Morgan) (i4986), b.1380-
Bentheim, Otto, Count of (i6498), b.1143-d.1207
Beorn, (i4506), b.301-
Bere, Richard de La (marriage to Anne Touchet) (i4880), b.1439-
Bereford, Joan de (marriage to Roger Giffard Esq) (i3384), b.1372-
Berengaria of Leon (i5893), b.1193-
Berengaria of Leon (marriage to Jean I de Brienne King Jerusalem) (i5893), b.1193-
Berenguer, Ramon (i5832), b.1148-d.1166
Berenquela (i6272), b.1110-
Berenquela (marriage to Alphonso) (i6272), b.1110-
Berkeley, Alice de (i3946), b.1133-
Berkeley, Alice de (marriage to Maurice FitzRobert FitzHarding) (i3946), b.1133-
Berkeley, Eustace de (i3991), b.1065-d.1094
Berkeley, Henry de (i3950), b.1172-
Berkeley, John de (i3993), b.1071-
Berkeley, Letitia de (i3980), b.1145-
Berkeley, Lucia de (marriage to Robert de Berkeley) (i3944), b.1197-d.1234
Berkeley, Maud FitzHarding de (i3428), b.1160-
Berkeley, Maud FitzHarding de (marriage to Elias Helias Giffard) (i3428), b.1160-
Berkeley, Maurice de (i3948), b.1169-d.1272
Berkeley, Miss de (i3992), b.1067-d.1091
Berkeley, Mr de (i3994), b.1069-
Berkeley, Oliver de (i3979), b.1141-
Berkeley, Philip de (i3978), b.1137-
Berkeley, Richard de (i3951), b.1174-
Berkeley, Robert de (i3942), b.1165-d.1220
Berkeley, Roger I de (i3989), b.1040-d.1093
Berkeley, Roger I de (marriage to Rissa Unknown) (i3989), b.1040-d.1093
Berkeley, Roger II de (i3988), b.1073-d.1131
Berkeley, Roger III de (i3977), b.1105-d.1170
Berkeley, Roger IV de (i3981), b.1131-d.1191
Berkeley, Thomas de (i3952), b.1187-d.1243
Berkeley, William de (i3949), b.1170-
Berry, Nathaniel (marriage to Rebecca Hatch) (i2380)
Bert, Margerie (i8832), b.1530-
Bert, Margerie (marriage to William Fisher) (i8832), b.1530-
Bert, William (i8858), b.1496-d.1556
Bert, William (marriage to Johan Godbold) (i8858), b.1496-d.1556
Bertrade (i8403), b.995-
Bertrade (marriage to Amauri de Montfort) (i8403), b.995-
Besford, Agnes de (i3750), b.1365-d.1428
Besford, Agnes de (marriage to Thomas de Throckmorton) (i3750), b.1365-d.1428
Besford, Alexander de (i3741), b.1334-d.1403
Besford, Alexander de (marriage to Beatrice Unknown) (i3741), b.1334-d.1403
Besford, John de (i4469), b.1320-
Besford, John de (marriage to Joan de Harley) (i4469), b.1320-
Bethune, Alice de (marriage to William Marshall) (i5308), b.1190-d.1216
Beures, Thierry de, Sgr de Beures (marriage to Ade de Coucy) (i7838), b.1166-
Beverly, Morgan Provost of (i5340), b.1168-d.1217
Bigod, Alice (Adeliza) (i6772), b.1192-
Bigod, Baldwin (i6801), b.1152-
Bigod, Cicely (i6827), b.1106-
Bigod, Hugh (i6802), b.1154-
Bigod, Hugh, 1st Earl Norfolk (i5113), b.1095-d.1176
Bigod, Hugh, 1st Earl Norfolk (marriage to Gundred Or Gundreda Warwick) (i5113), b.1095-d.1176
Bigod, Hugh, 1st Earl Norfolk (marriage to Julianna de Vere) (i5113), b.1095-d.1176
Bigod, Hugh, 3rd Earl Norfolk (i6670), b.1186-d.1225
Bigod, Hugh, 3rd Earl Norfolk (marriage to Maud Marshall) (i6670), b.1186-d.1225
Bigod, Isabel (i7690), b.1222-d.1239
Bigod, Isabel (marriage to Gilbert de Lacy Lord Meath) (i7690), b.1222-d.1239
Bigod, Isabel (marriage to John FitzGeoffrey) (i7690), b.1222-d.1239
Bigod, Julia (i6806), b.1162-
Bigod, Margaret (Margery) (i6773), b.1194-d.1237
Bigod, Mary (i6774), b.1196-
Bigod, Mary (Maud) (i6825), b.1104-
Bigod, Maud (i6820), b.1080-
Bigod, Nicholas (i6804), b.1158-
Bigod, Ralph (i7687), b.1202-
Bigod, Ralph Le (i4068), b.1252-
Bigod, Robert (i6831), b.1015-d.1071
Bigod, Robert Or Roger (i6828), b.1035-
Bigod, Robert Or Roger (marriage to Miss Saint saveur) (i6828), b.1035-
Bigod, Roger (i6816), b.1060-
Bigod, Roger (marriage to Adeliza de Toni) (i6816), b.1060-
Bigod, Roger de (marriage to Alix de Avesnes) (i6382), b.1273-
Bigod, Roger Le (i6775), b.1198-
Bigod, Roger, 2nd Earl Norfolk (i6671), b.1150-d.1221
Bigod, Roger, 2nd Earl Norfolk (marriage to Ida Isabel Plantagenet) (i6671), b.1150-d.1221
Bigod, Roger, 5th Earl (i4070), d.1306
Bigod, Rollo Thurstan Brico (i6846), b.909-
Bigod, Rollo Thurstan Brico (marriage to Gerlotte) (i6846), b.909-
Bigod, Simon (i6803), b.1156-
Bigod, Simon (i7689), b.1220-d.1271
Bigod, Sir Hugh (i4065), b.1216-d.1266
Bigod, Sir Hugh (marriage to Joan de Stuteville) (i4065), b.1216-d.1266
Bigod, Sir John Le (i4067), b.1250-d.1305
Bigod, Thomas Le (i6771), b.1190-d.1240
Bigod, William (i6805), b.1160-
Bigod, William (i6815), b.1094-d.1120
Bigod, William (i6830), b.1070-
Bigod, William Le (i6770), b.1188-
Billeau, Christience (i2318), b.1658-
Billeau, Christience (marriage to Abraham Marlatt) (i2318), b.1658-
Billeau, Pierre (i2319), d.1702
Billeau, Pierre (marriage to Francoise Dubois) (i2319), d.1702
Billing, Sir Thomas (marriage to Catherine Giffard) (i3386), b.1397-
Bingham, Joseph (marriage to Ruth Post) (i454)
Biornsson, Siward, Earl Northumber (i7223), b.1020-d.1055
Biornsson, Siward, Earl Northumber (marriage to Aelfled III) (i7223), b.1020-d.1055
Birchard, Abigael (i365), b.1667-
Birchard, Abigail (i19), b.1704-d.1733
Birchard, Abigail (marriage to Nathaniel Post) (i19), b.1704-d.1733
Birchard, Ann (i297), b.1633-
Birchard, Ann (i483)
Birchard, Benjamin (i369), b.1675-d.1675
Birchard, Danell (i371), b.1680-
Birchard, Elizabeth (i293), b.1622-
Birchard, James (i364), b.1665-d.1745
Birchard, John (i89), b.1628-d.1702
Birchard, John (i361), b.1657-d.1658
Birchard, John (i362), b.1659-d.1662
Birchard, John (i367), b.1671-
Birchard, John (marriage to Christian Andrews) (i89), b.1628-d.1702
Birchard, Joseph (i368), b.1673-
Birchard, Katherine (i360), b.1656-d.1656
Birchard, Marie (i294), b.1623-
Birchard, Mary (i370), b.1677-
Birchard, Samuel (i91), b.1663-d.1720
Birchard, Samuel (marriage to Ann Calkins) (i91), b.1663-d.1720
Birchard, Sara (i295), b.1626-
Birchard, Sarah (i363), b.1661-d.1664
Birchard, Susan (i296), b.1627-
Birchard, Thomas (i87), b.1595-d.1683
Birchard, Thomas (i359), b.1654-d.1658
Birchard, Thomas (i366), b.1669-
Birchard, Thomas (marriage to Mary Robinson (?)) (i87), b.1595-d.1683
Bishop, Caleb (marriage to Keziah Hibbard) (i3776), b.1715-d.1785
Bisset, Walter (marriage to Ada de Galloway) (i8300), b.1182-
Bisset, Walter, Sir Knight (marriage to Ada de Galloway) (i8298), b.1182-
Bittles, Mary Ann (marriage to Alfred Perkins Post) (i523), b.1840-d.1885
Blamont, Ferry I de (marriage to Sibylle de Bar le duc) (i6612), b.1196-d.1258
Blanchan, Elizabeth (i1379)
Blanchan, Elizabeth (marriage to Pieter Cornelise Louw) (i1379)
Blanche, Isabel La (i5225), b.1192-
Blashford, Thomas (marriage to Abigail Hibbard) (i2514), b.1653-
Bledri, Ivor Ap (i4997), b.1104-
Bledri, Ivor Ap (marriage to Nest Verch Caradoc) (i4997), b.1104-
Blessing, Joanna (i1310)
Blessing, Joanna (marriage to William Towne) (i1310)
Blethyn, William (marriage to Elizabeth Morgan) (i4740), b.1576-
Blindon, Thomas (marriage to Margaret Manning) (i1819)
Bliss, Ann (i2290)
Bliss, Anne (i321), b.1660-d.1714
Bliss, Deliverance (i319), b.1655-
Bliss, Elisabeth (i315), b.1645-
Bliss, Elizabeth (i2300), b.1637-
Bliss, Elizabeth (marriage to Miles Morgan) (i4693), b.1637-d.1683
Bliss, Hannah (i2302), b.1639-d.1660
Bliss, Hester (i2304)
Bliss, John (i2303), b.1640-d.1702
Bliss, Lawrence (i2294)
Bliss, Margaret (i1424), b.1649-d.1745
Bliss, Margaret (marriage to Nathaniel Foote) (i1424), b.1649-d.1745
Bliss, Mary (i317), b.1649-
Bliss, Mary (i2291)
Bliss, Mary (marriage to David Calkins) (i317), b.1649-
Bliss, Nathaniel (i960), b.1621-d.1654
Bliss, Rebeka (i52), b.1663-d.1737
Bliss, Rebeka (marriage to Israel Lathrop) (i52), b.1663-d.1737
Bliss, Samuel (i320), b.1657-
Bliss, Samuel (i2296), b.1624-d.1720
Bliss, Sarah (i316), b.1647-
Bliss, Sarah (i2298), b.1636-
Bliss, Thomas (i299), b.1580-d.1650
Bliss, Thomas (i318), b.1651-d.1681
Bliss, Thomas (marriage to Margaret Hulins) (i299), b.1580-d.1650
Bliss, Thomas, Jr. (i57), d.1688
Bliss, Thomas, Jr. (marriage to Elizabeth (unknown)) (i57), d.1688
Blois, Eleonore de (i5648), b.1104-d.1141
Blois, Eleonore de (marriage to Raoul I Count Vermandois) (i5648), b.1104-d.1141
Blois, Emma de (i5649), b.1106-
Blois, Estienne Henry Count (i5636), b.1045-d.1102
Blois, Estienne Henry Count (marriage to Adela Alice Princess England) (i5636), b.1045-d.1102
Blois, Etienne (i5644), b.1095-d.1154
Blois, Eudes de (i5650), b.1107-d.1107
Blois, Gerlon Count of (marriage to Richildes de Blois) (i4249), b.864-
Blois, Humbert de (i5642), b.1094-
Blois, Mahaud Countess of (i4209), b.974-d.1017
Blois, Marguerite, Comtesse de (marriage to Gauthier de Avesnes) (i6420), b.1181-
Blois, Richildes de (i4250), b.866-
Blois, Thibaud V Count, the Good (marriage to Alix Princess of France) (i5350), b.1148-d.1191
Blois, Thibaud V Count, the Good (marriage to Alix Princess of France) (i5350), b.1148-d.1191
Blois, Thibault IV de (i5640), b.1093-d.1152
Blois, William de (marriage to Isabel de Warenne) (i5431), b.1160-d.1159
Blount, Robert Le (marriage to Gundreda de Ferrers) (i8547), b.1010-
Bocland, Joan (marriage to Robert de Ferrers) (i8515), b.1179-
Bodegisel, (i4455), b.560-
Bodegisel, (i4456), b.530-
Bodenham, Elizabeth (i4725), b.1538-
Bodenham, Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas Morgan) (i4725), b.1538-
Bodenham, Roger (i4938), b.1508-
Bogardus, Cornelis (i2149), b.1640-
Bogardus, Everardus, Reverend (i1361), b.1607-d.1647
Bogardus, Everardus, Reverend (marriage to Anneke Jans) (i1361), b.1607-d.1647
Bogardus, Evert (i1365), b.1660-
Bogardus, Evert (marriage to Tjaatje Hoffman) (i1365), b.1660-
Bogardus, Jonas (i2150)
Bogardus, Maria (i1367), b.1709-d.1791
Bogardus, Maria (marriage to Johannes Wynkoop) (i1367), b.1709-d.1791
Bogardus, Pieter (i2151)
Bogardus, William (i1363), b.1639-d.1711
Bogardus, William (marriage to Wyntie Sybbrantse) (i1363), b.1639-d.1711
Bogert, Maragrietje (i7)
Bogert, Maragrietje (marriage to Peter Arnold Van Der Poest) (i7)
Bohemia, Anna Princess of, Queen Of England (marriage to Richard II King of England) (i7938),
Bohemia, Bedrich, Duke of (marriage to Erszebet, Princess of Hungary) (i6169), b.1141-d.1189
Bohemia, Malfriede of (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7330), b.960-
Bohemia, Miss, Princess of (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7332) (living status unknown)
Bohemia, Premysl Otakar I, (marriage to Konstancia, Princess of Hungary) (i6144), b.1155-d.1230
Bohemia, Svatopluk, Prince of (marriage to Odola, Princess of Hungary) (i6177), b.1143-d.1169
Bohum, Maud de (marriage to Anselm Marshal) (i7735), b.1205-
Bohun, Eleanor Alianore de (marriage to Thomas Prince of England) (i5077), b.1366-d.1399
Bohun, Elizabeth de (marriage to Richard FitzAlan Earl Of Arundel,) (i7488), b.1350-d.1385
Bohun, Humphrey de (marriage to Margaret de Huntingdon) (i6548), b.1150-d.1182
Bohun, Humphrey VIII de (marriage to Elizabeth, Princess of England) (i5138), b.1276-d.1321
Bohun, Humphrey, Earl of Hereford (marriage to Joan FitzAlan CntessofHereford) (i7487), b.1340-
Bohun, John de (marriage to Alice FitzAlan) (i5144), b.1306-d.1335
Bohun, Maud de (marriage to Anselm Marshall) (i7705), b.1202-
Bohun, Maud de (marriage to Roger de Quincy Earl Winchester) (i7149), b.1174-d.1252
Bokland, Alan de (i3464), b.1185-
Bokland, Alan de (marriage to Alice Murdac) (i3464), b.1185-
Bokland, Isabel de (i3422), b.1211-d.1242
Bokland, Isabel de (marriage to Osbert Giffard) (i3422), b.1211-d.1242
Bolbec, Isabel (i6563) (living status unknown)
Bolbec, Isabel (marriage to Robert de Vere 3rd Earl Oxford) (i6563) (living status unknown)
Bolebec, Osbert de (i3728), d.1063
Bolebec, Osbert de (marriage to Duchess Avelina) (i3728), d.1063
Bond, Jane (i2678), b.1514-d.1576
Bond, Jane (marriage to Richard Coles) (i2678), b.1514-d.1576
Bond, Mary (marriage to Samuel Hibbard) (i2532), b.1660-
Borsselen, Wolfert Van (marriage to Aleid de Avesnes Countess) (i6395), b.1288-d.1317
Botiler, William (marriage to Margaret FitzAlan) (i8068), b.1302-
Botilier, William (marriage to Elizabeth de Holland) (i7958), b.1318-
Botiller, Joan de (marriage to Roger de Mortimer) (i7506), b.1309-
Bouillon, Ida de (i7244), b.1040-d.1113
Bouillon, Ida de (marriage to Eustace II Count of Boulogne) (i7244), b.1040-d.1113
Boulogne, Enricule Count of (i7246), b.950-
Boulogne, Enricule Count of (marriage to Adeline Unknown) (i7246), b.950-
Boulogne, Eustace Count of (i7241), b.1004-d.1047
Boulogne, Eustace Count of (marriage to Maud de Louvain) (i7241), b.1004-d.1047
Boulogne, Eustace II Count of (i7243), b.1000-d.1080
Boulogne, Eustace II Count of (marriage to Ida de Bouillon) (i7243), b.1000-d.1080
Boulogne, Eustace III Count (i5673), b.1059-d.1125
Boulogne, Eustace III Count (marriage to Mary, Princess of Scotland) (i5673), b.1059-d.1125
Boulogne, Sibyl de (i7768), b.1132-
Boulogne, Sibyl de (marriage to Ingelram de Fines) (i7768), b.1132-
Boulogne, Son (i5675), b.1103-
Bourbon, Archambaud Viii, Lord (i6273), b.1189-
Bourbon, Ermengarde de (marriage to Foulques IV Count Anjou) (i5474), b.1045-
Bourbon, Louis Duke of (marriage to Marie D Avesnes hainaut) (i6061), b.1279-d.1342
Bourbon, Marguerite de, Queen of Navarra (i6264), b.1205-
Bourbon, Marguerite de, Queen of Navarra (marriage to Teobaldo I King of Navarra) (i6264),
Bourgogne, Alix de (marriage to Henry III Duke Brabant) (i6278), b.1238-d.1273
Bourgogne, Beatrice de (marriage to Robert Prince of France) (i6060), b.1257-d.1310
Bourgogne, Blanche de (marriage to Charles IV King of France) (i6028), b.1296-d.1326
Bourgogne, Conrad I (marriage to Adelaide Tours) (i4235), b.822-
Bourgogne, Gerberge Countess of (marriage to Heinrich I Duke Bourgogne) (i4215), b.936-
Bourgogne, Heinrich I Duke (i4214), d.1001
Bourgogne, Herbert Hugues Bastard (i4188), d.994
Bourgogne, Jeanne de (marriage to Philippe V King of France) (i6020), b.1291-d.1329
Bourgogne, Jeanne de (marriage to Philippe VI King of France) (i6070), b.1294-d.1348
Bourgogne, Otto Eudes Duke (i4213), d.965
Bourgogne, Raoul Duke of, king of France (marriage to Emma Princess of France) (i4228),
Bourgogne, Richard Duke of (i4234), b.864-
Bourgogne, Robert I Duke (i4142), b.1011-d.1076
Bourgogne, Robert I Duke (marriage to Ella Ermengarde (Helie) Semur) (i4142), b.1011-d.1076
Bourgogne, Robert II Duke (marriage to Agnes Princess of France) (i6067), b.1245-d.1305
Bourgogne, Yolande de (marriage to Jean Tristan Prince France) (i6049), b.1247-d.1280
Bowse, (marriage to Elizabeth Freeman) (i4492), b.1546-
Brabant et limbo, Jeanne, Duchess of (marriage to Willem IV Count Holland) (i6366), b.1317-
Brabant, Adelaide Alix de (i6290), b.1194-
Brabant, Adelicia Princess of, Queen of England (marriage to King Henry I England (Beaucle (i5499),
Brabant, Daughter de (i6284), b.1198-
Brabant, Gilbert Count of (i7094), d.892
Brabant, Gilbert Count of (marriage to Ermengarde Duchess of Moselle) (i7094), d.892
Brabant, Godfrey de (i6282), b.1186-
Brabant, Henry I Duke (i6280), b.1160-d.1235
Brabant, Henry I Duke (marriage to Maud, D Alsace Duchess of Braba) (i6280), b.1160-d.1235
Brabant, Henry II Duke (i6275), b.1180-d.1247
Brabant, Henry II Duke (marriage to Marie de Swabia Princess of Germany) (i6275), b.1180-d.1247
Brabant, Henry III Duke (i6277), b.1233-d.1260
Brabant, Jean I Duke (marriage to Marguerite Princess of France) (i6055), b.1251-d.1294
Brabant, Jean II Duke (marriage to Margaret, Princess of England) (i5135), b.1275-d.1312
Brabant, Mahaut Maud de (i6076), b.1224-d.1288
Brabant, Mahaut Maud de (marriage to Robert I Count Artois) (i6076), b.1224-d.1288
Brabant, Margaret de (i6288), b.1192-d.1231
Brabant, Margaretha Van (marriage to Gerard Count van Gelre en zutphen) (i6595), b.1185-
Brabant, Marie, Princess of (marriage to Willem I, Count Holland) (i6466), b.1167-
Brabant, Marle de (i6283), b.1188-d.1253
Brabant, Mary de (i6286), b.1190-d.1260
Brabant, Mathilde of (i6294), b.1200-d.1267
Brabant, Mathilde of (marriage to Floris IV, Count Holland) (i6294), b.1200-d.1267
Bradford, Alice (marriage to James Fitch Major) (i1558), b.1662-d.1745
Bradley, Ada Jean (i1008) (still alive)
Bradley, Alice (i1109)
Bradley, Amy Lou (i1005) (still alive)
Bradley, Betsey (i1154)
Bradley, Betsey (i1162), b.1786-d.1833
Bradley, Captain Jabez (i1155), b.1751-d.1825
Bradley, Captain Jabez (marriage to Hanna Lathrop) (i1155), b.1751-d.1825
Bradley, Chester (i1164), b.1792-d.1823
Bradley, Chester (i1175), b.1816-d.1840
Bradley, Chester (i1242), b.1844-d.1924
Bradley, Chloe (i1159), b.1777-
Bradley, Cornelia (i1174), b.1813-
Bradley, David Lothrop (i1160), b.1779-
Bradley, Dr. Roswell (i1165), b.1775-d.1842
Bradley, Dr. Roswell (marriage to Sarah Isham) (i1165), b.1775-d.1842
Bradley, Elaine Mildred (i1009) (still alive)
Bradley, Elias Bowen (i1180), b.1856-d.1910
Bradley, Flora (marriage to Charles Isham) (i1433), b.1797-d.1845
Bradley, George (i1139), b.1667-d.1741
Bradley, George (i1141), b.1718-
Bradley, George (i1169), b.1800-d.1881
Bradley, George (marriage to Hannah Braman) (i1139), b.1667-d.1741
Bradley, George Tappen (i1177), b.1839-
Bradley, Hannah (i1142), b.1719-
Bradley, Hannah (i1151), b.1753-
Bradley, Harold Robert (i1006), b.1890-d.1980
Bradley, Harold Robert (marriage to Mildred Ada Krueger) (i1006), b.1890-d.1980
Bradley, Harriet (i1172), b.1806-
Bradley, Henry (i1145), b.1729-d.1762
Bradley, Howard (i1299), b.1891-d.1892
Bradley, Jabez (i1149), b.1727-d.1758
Bradley, Jabez (i1163), b.1788-
Bradley, Jabez (marriage to Hannah (Bush) King) (i1149), b.1727-d.1758
Bradley, Jane (i1144), b.1723-
Bradley, Jessie Elizabeth (i1042), b.1891-d.1986
Bradley, Jonah (i1148), b.1733-d.1746
Bradley, Josiah (i1147), b.1730-d.1826
Bradley, Julia (i1173), b.1811-
Bradley, Julia (i1178), b.1842-d.1863
Bradley, Kimberlee Michelle (i1272) (still alive)
Bradley, Kristina Lynn (i1271) (still alive)
Bradley, Lisa Marie (i1004) (still alive)
Bradley, Louis (marriage to Alice Bradley) (i1280), b.1877-d.1961
Bradley, Margaret Anne (i1010) (still alive)
Bradley, Mary (i1143), b.1722-
Bradley, Mary Margaret (i1043), b.1894-d.1971
Bradley, Melissa Ann (i1270) (still alive)
Bradley, Ogden (i1176), b.1804-d.1886
Bradley, Ogden (marriage to Cornelia Tappen) (i1176), b.1804-d.1886
Bradley, Peter (marriage to Elizabeth Brewster) (i1590), d.1662
Bradley, Ralph Ogden (i1040), b.1887-d.1947
Bradley, Raymond (i1108)
Bradley, Robert Charles (i1003) (still alive)
Bradley, Robert Ogden (i1001) (still alive)
Bradley, Robert Ogden (i1038), b.1852-d.1942
Bradley, Robert Ogden (marriage to Mary Campbell Wilson) (i1038), b.1852-d.1942
Bradley, Rocksey (i1161), b.1783-d.1783
Bradley, Rocksey (i1302), b.1784-
Bradley, Ruth (i1152), b.1755-d.1835
Bradley, Samuel (i1157), b.1773-
Bradley, Samuel Allen (i1044), b.1897-d.1977
Bradley, Sarah Agatha (i1179), b.1847-d.1924
Bradley, Susanna (i1153), b.1757-
Bradley, William (i1156), b.1772-
Bradley, William (i1171), b.1802-d.1862
Bradley, William Wilson (i1041), b.1888-d.1980
Bradstreet, H. (i1616), b.1594-d.1655
Bradstreet, H. (marriage to B. (unknown)) (i1616), b.1594-d.1655
Bradstreet, Mary (i1315), b.1633-
Bradstreet, Mary (marriage to John Kimball) (i1315), b.1633-
Bradstreet, Simon (i1618), b.1580-
Braman, Hannah (i1140), b.1690-
Braman, Hannah (marriage to George Bradley) (i1140), b.1690-
Braman, Thomas (i1472), d.1709
Braman, Thomas (marriage to Hannah Fisher) (i1472), d.1709
Bramann, Fred (marriage to Mary Margaret Bradley) (i1880)
Brampton, Alice (i1830)
Brampton, Alice (marriage to Johannes Petley) (i1830)
Brampton, William (i1829)
Brampton, William (marriage to Alice Shelley) (i1829)
Branas, Theodoros, Lord of Andrinap (marriage to Agnes Anna , France) (i5987), b.1169-
Brancestre, Agnes (i3579), b.1374-
Brancestre, Agnes (marriage to Richard Danvers) (i3579), b.1374-
Brancestre, John (i3590), b.1348-
Brancestre, John (marriage to Margaret Mile) (i3590), b.1348-
Brand, (i4505), b.271-
Brandenburg, Otto I, Margrave (marriage to Ada, Countess of Holland) (i6476), b.1126-d.1184
Brandon, (unknown) (i1794)
Brandon, (unknown) (marriage to Hugo Manning) (i1794)
Braose, Adam de (i8600), b.1081-
Braose, Amicia de (i8589), b.1074-
Braose, Annora Eleanore de (i7642), b.1185-d.1241
Braose, Bernard de (i7613), b.1183-
Braose, Bertha de (i7654), b.1151-d.1170
Braose, Daughter de (i8584), b.1102-
Braose, De (i8580), b.1116-
Braose, Eleanor de (i7640), b.1185-d.1241
Braose, Engeram de (i7647), b.1154-
Braose, Flandrina de (i7606), b.1170-
Braose, Gildon de (i8574), b.1104-
Braose, Gildon de (i8576), b.1114-
Braose, Giles de (i7608), b.1175-d.1215
Braose, Giles de (i7650), b.1163-
Braose, Henry de (i7612), b.1181-
Braose, Hortense de (i8603), b.1084-
Braose, Hugh de (i7611), b.1180-
Braose, Isabell (marriage to Dafydd Prince of North wales) (i7603), b.1238-
Braose, Joan de (i7618), b.1175-
Braose, John de (i7636), b.1180-d.1205
Braose, John de (i8587), b.1082-
Braose, John de (marriage to Margred Verch Llewelyn) (i7580), b.1197-d.1232
Braose, Laurette de (i7630), b.1176-d.1266
Braose, Margaret de (i7635), b.1180-d.1200
Braose, Margaret de (marriage to Walter de Lacy) (i7635), b.1180-d.1200
Braose, Mary (marriage to Thomas Prince of England) (i5112), b.1297-d.1362
Braose, Matilda de (i7652), b.1150-
Braose, Maud (i7556), b.1230-d.1301
Braose, Maud (marriage to Roger de Mortimer) (i7556), b.1230-d.1301
Braose, Maud de (i7615), b.1173-
Braose, Miss de (i8591), b.1077-
Braose, Philena de (i8599), b.1079-
Braose, Philip de (i7645), b.1126-
Braose, Philip de (i8572), b.1073-d.1134
Braose, Philip de (i8577), b.1112-
Braose, Philip de (i8581), b.1100-d.1201
Braose, Philip de (marriage to Aenor FitzJudhel) (i8572), b.1073-d.1134
Braose, Reginald de (i4093), b.1178-d.1228
Braose, Reginald de (i7648), b.1155-d.1225
Braose, Reginald de (marriage to Gladys Dhu Verch Llewelyn) (i4093), b.1178-d.1228
Braose, Reginald de (marriage to Gracia de Briwere) (i4093), b.1178-d.1228
Braose, Robert de (i7609), b.1175-
Braose, Roger de (i7607), b.1171-
Braose, Roger de (i7649), b.1159-
Braose, Sybil de (i7658), b.1157-d.FEB
Braose, Sybil de (marriage to William de Ferrers Earl of Derby) (i7658), b.1157-d.FEB
Braose, Thomas de (i7610), b.1175-
Braose, Walter de (i7632), b.1177-
Braose, William de (i7604), b.1153-d.1211
Braose, William de (i7619), b.1175-d.1210
Braose, William de (i7646), b.1140-
Braose, William de (i8585), b.1049-d.1087
Braose, William de (marriage to Agnes de Saint clare) (i8585), b.1049-d.1087
Braose, William de (marriage to Eve Marshall) (i4095), b.1204-d.1230
Braose, William de (marriage to Maud de St valery Lady of LaHaie) (i7604), b.1153-d.1211
Braose, William de, Sheriff Of Heref (i7643), b.1100-d.1192
Braose, William de, Sheriff Of Heref (marriage to Bertha de Gloucester) (i7643), b.1100-d.1192
Braut-Onundsson, Ingjald (i6734), b.660-
Braut-Onundsson, Ingjald (marriage to Gauthild Algautsson) (i6734), b.660-
Bretagne, Alan IV Count (marriage to Constance Princess of England) (i5633), b.1059-d.1119
Bretagne, Bertha Princess of (i5570), b.1120-
Bretagne, Conan III Duke (i5566), b.1096-d.1148
Bretagne, Conan III Duke (marriage to Maud Duchess of Bretagne) (i5566), b.1096-d.1148
Bretagne, Conan IV Count, "le Petit" (marriage to Margaret de Huntingdon) (i6551),
Bretagne, Constance Countess of (marriage to Geoffrey II of Bretagne England Duke of Britt (i5387),
Bretagne, Constance Princess of, ViscuntssofRohan (i5569), b.1118-
Bretagne, Constance Princess of, ViscuntssofRohan (marriage to Alan La Zouch Vicomte de Ro (i5569),
Bretagne, Havoise (i4210), b.977-d.1034
Bretagne, Hoel IV Count (i5568), b.1116-d.1163
Bretagne, Jean I Duke (marriage to Blanca Princess of Navarra) (i6265), b.1212-
Bretagne, Jean II Duke (marriage to Beatrice Princess of England) (i5167), b.1238-d.1305
Bretagne, Maud Duchess of (i5567), b.1091-
Bretagne, Maud Duchess of (marriage to Conan III Duke Bretagne) (i5567), b.1091-
Bretagne, Sprote de (i6761), b.911-
Bretagne, Sprote de (marriage to Guillaume I Duke Normandy) (i6761), b.911-
Breteuil, Adele de (i7217), b.990-
Breteuil, Adele de (i7376), b.992-
Breteuil, Adele de (marriage to Raoul II Count Vexin Amiens & Valois) (i7376), b.992-
Breteuil, Waleran III Lord (marriage to Alix Adele de Dreux) (i7823), b.1142-
Bretton, Guy de (i3626), b.1285-
Bretton, Guy de (marriage to Joan de Grey) (i3626), b.1285-
Bretton, Katherine de (i3614), b.1317-
Bretton, Katherine de (marriage to Thomas Quartermain) (i3614), b.1317-
Bretton, William de (i3628), b.1253-
Bretton, William de (marriage to Avice Chetwode) (i3628), b.1253-
Brewes, John de (marriage to Margaret Princess of North wales) (i8468), b.1208-
Brewes, Reginald de (marriage to Wentelina Gwladus Princess North wales "du") (i8465), b.1197-
Brewster, Anne (i343), b.1662-
Brewster, Benjamin (i39), b.1633-d.1710
Brewster, Benjamin (marriage to Anne Darte) (i39), b.1633-d.1710
Brewster, Benjamine (i348), b.1673-
Brewster, Daniel (i345), b.1666-
Brewster, Daniel (marriage to Dorothy Morgan) (i4619), b.1675-
Brewster, Elizabeth (i349), b.1676-
Brewster, Elizabeth (i1589), b.1637-d.1708
Brewster, Fear (i2328), b.1606-d.1634
Brewster, Hannah (i1587), b.1641-
Brewster, Jonathan (i37), d.1659
Brewster, Jonathan (i344), b.1664-
Brewster, Jonathan (marriage to Lucretia Oldham) (i37), d.1659
Brewster, Love (i1593), b.1611-d.1650
Brewster, Mary (i41), b.1660-
Brewster, Mary (i1586), b.1627-d.1694
Brewster, Mary (marriage to Samuel Fitch) (i41), b.1660-
Brewster, Patience (i2326), b.1600-d.1634
Brewster, Ruth (i347), b.1671-d.1734
Brewster, Ruth (i1591), b.1631-d.1677
Brewster, Ruth (marriage to Thomas Adgate) (i347), b.1671-d.1734
Brewster, William (i33), b.1535-d.1590
Brewster, William (i346), b.1669-
Brewster, William (i2392)
Brewster, William (marriage to Elisabeth Read) (i346), b.1669-
Brewster, William (marriage to Mary (Simkinson) Smythe) (i33), b.1535-d.1590
Brewster, William (marriage to Maude Man) (i2392)
Brewster, William, Elder (i35), b.1566-d.1644
Brewster, William, Elder (marriage to Mary Wyrall or Wentworth or Unknown) (i35), b.1566-d.1644
Brewster, Wrestling (i2330), b.1614-d.1644
Brienne, Blanche de (i7762), b.1245-d.1302
Brienne, Blanche de (marriage to William de Fiennes) (i7762), b.1245-d.1302
Brienne, Gautier de (marriage to Eustachia de Courtenay) (i5716), b.1160-d.1199
Brienne, Jean de (i5894), b.1225-d.1296
Brienne, Jean de (marriage to Jeanne de Chateaudun) (i5894), b.1225-d.1296
Brienne, Jean I de, King Jerusalem (i5892), b.1191-d.1237
Brienne, Jean I de, King Jerusalem (marriage to Berengaria of Leon) (i5892), b.1191-d.1237
Brionne, Geoffrey Count of, Count of Eu (i4199), b.953-
Brionne, Gilbert de, Count (i4034), b.1000-
Brionne, Gilbert de, Count (marriage to Gunnora) (i4034), b.1000-
Brittany, Emma de (i8605), b.1034-d.1094
Brittany, Emma de (marriage to Robert de Brus) (i8605), b.1034-d.1094
Brittany, Jean II Duke (marriage to Beatrice Princess of England) (i5178), b.1240-
Brittany, Jean V Duke (marriage to Mary Princess of England) (i5068), b.1339-d.1399
Briwere, Gracia de (i4094), b.1186-d.1223
Briwere, Gracia de (marriage to Reginald de Braose) (i4094), b.1186-d.1223
Briwere, Henry de (i4102), b.1119-
Briwere, Isabel de (i4079), b.1184-d.1233
Briwere, Isabel de (marriage to Baldwin Wake) (i4079), b.1184-d.1233
Briwere, Joan de (i4098), b.1190-
Briwere, William de (i4091), b.1145-d.1226
Briwere, William de (marriage to Beatrice de Vaux) (i4091), b.1145-d.1226
Broke, Robert (i1410), b.1495-d.1551
Broke, Robert (marriage to Katherine (unknown)) (i1410), b.1495-d.1551
Brokhill, Juliana (marriage to Johannes Manning) (i1788)
Bromhall, Matilda de (marriage to Robert Touchet) (i7419), b.1302-
Brompton, John de (marriage to Matilda de Braose) (i7651), b.1148-
Brooke, Edward (marriage to Elizabeth Touchet) (i4866), b.1412-d.1464
Brooke, Joane (i1414), b.1555-
Brooke, Joane (marriage to Robert Foote) (i1414), b.1555-
Brooke, John (i1412), b.1525-d.1584
Brooke, John (marriage to Elizabeth Whatman) (i1412), b.1525-d.1584
Brooke, Katheren (i1716)
Brooke, Margaret (i1715), d.1634
Brooke, Robert (i1713)
Brooke, Sara (i1717)
Brooke, Susan (i1714)
Brotherlon, Edwardof (marriage to Beatrice de Mortimer) (i7527), b.1311-
Browning, Mary (marriage to Edmund Towne) (i1927)
Broyes, Hugues III Lord (marriage to Elisabeth Isabelle de Dreux) (i7836), b.1158-d.1199
Bruce, Duncan de (i8608), b.1062-
Bruce, Rosselina de (i8610), b.1062-
Bruce, William de (i8607), b.1060-d.1155
Bruen, Rebecca (marriage to Thomas Post) (i1566), b.1644-d.1721
Bruley, Agnes de (i3595), b.1359-
Bruley, Agnes de (marriage to William de Bruley) (i3595), b.1359-
Bruley, Joane (i3513), b.1402-
Bruley, Joane (marriage to John Danvers) (i3513), b.1402-
Bruley, John (i3592), b.1383-
Bruley, John (marriage to Matilda Quartermain) (i3592), b.1383-
Bruley, William de (i3594), b.1357-
Bruley, William de (marriage to Agnes de Bruley) (i3594), b.1357-
Brun, Alice (marriage to John de Warenne Earl of Surrey) (i5252)
Brunswick, Elisabeth, Princess of (marriage to Willem II, Count Holland) (i6452), b.1234-d.1266
Brus, Robert de (i8604), b.1030-d.1080
Brus, Robert de (i8611), b.1072-d.1141
Brus, Robert de (marriage to Emma de Brittany) (i8604), b.1030-d.1080
Bruyelle, Simon, Seigneur de (i6377), b.1291-d.1356
Buckland, Lydia (marriage to Abraham Post) (i1969), d.1701
Bulgaria, Ivan Asen II, (marriage to Maria, Princess of Hungary) (i6086), b.1190-d.1241
Bulgaria, Milolika Princess (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7324), b.963-
Bullock, Hopestill (i1326)
Bullock, Hopestill (marriage to Joshua Lumbert) (i1326)
Bunnell, Benjamin (marriage to Elizabeth Post) (i1543)
Burgh, Elizabeth de (marriage to Lionel Prince of England) (i5046), b.1332-d.1363
Burgh, William (marriage to Maud Plantagenet) (i8093), b.1312-d.1333
Burgundy, Agnes Countess of (i8498), b.995-d.1068
Burgundy, Agnes Countess of (marriage to William III Duke Aquitaine) (i8498), b.995-d.1068
Burgundy, Alice (i4161), b.894-
Burgundy, Alice (marriage to Rainer II Count Hainault) (i4161), b.894-
Burgundy, Constance Duchess of (i5904), b.1040-d.1092
Burgundy, Constance Duchess of (marriage to Alfonso VI King of Castile) (i5904), b.1040-d.1092
Burgundy, Gisela Gille, Countess of (i5770), b.1060-
Burgundy, Gisela Gille, Countess of (marriage to Humbert de Maurienne Count) (i5770), b.1060-
Burgundy, Henri de (i5927), b.1009-
Burgundy, Henri de (marriage to Sibil de Burgundy) (i5927), b.1009-
Burgundy, Henri de, Count of Portugal (i5906), b.1035-d.1112
Burgundy, Henri de, Count of Portugal (marriage to Teresa, Princess of Leon and castile) (i5906),
Burgundy, Henry Duke of (i7390), b.1029-d.1061
Burgundy, Hughes de (i7392), b.1043-d.1057
Burgundy, Marguerite de (marriage to Amadeo IV Count Savoy) (i5858), b.1199-d.1242
Burgundy, Marguerite de (marriage to Louis X King of France) (i6013), b.1290-d.1315
Burgundy, Otto William Count of (marriage to Ermentrude Irmtrude Rheims) (i4119), b.1018-d.1026
Burgundy, Raimond Count of (i5846), b.1065-d.1107
Burgundy, Raimond Count of (marriage to Urraca Queen of Castile) (i5846), b.1065-d.1107
Burgundy, Richard Duke of (i7104), b.868-
Burgundy, Robert de (i7391), b.1041-d.1113
Burgundy, Sibil de (i5928), b.1011-
Burgundy, Sibil de (marriage to Henri de Burgundy) (i5928), b.1011-
Burgundy, Simon de (i7393), b.1043-d.1087
Burgundy, Stephen, Count of (i5902), b.1066-d.1102
Burgundy, William I Count (i5900), b.1040-d.1087
Burgundy, William I Count (marriage to Stephanie, of Barcelona) (i5900), b.1040-d.1087
Burnel, Lord Edward (marriage to Aveline Or Oliva Despenser) (i8115), b.1264-
Burnel, Philip (marriage to Matilda FitzAlan) (i8072), b.1269-
Burnell, Matilda (marriage to William Touchet) (i7428), b.1224-
Burnell, Philip (marriage to Maud FitzAlan) (i8071), b.1263-
Burnet, Joan Or Joanna (marriage to Sir Hugh Bigod) (i4066) (living status unknown)
Burnet, Joan Or Joanna (marriage to Sir Hugh Bigod) (i4066) (living status unknown)
Bushnell, Joseph (marriage to Mary Leffingwell) (i2703), b.1651-d.1748
Bushnell, Marcie (i311), b.1657-
Bushnell, Mary (i310), b.1654-
Bushnell, Mary (marriage to Thomas Leffingwell) (i310), b.1654-
Bushnell, Richard (marriage to Mary Marvin) (i304), b.1620-d.1658
Bushnell, Zipporah (marriage to Nathan Hibbard) (i2686), b.1723-d.1763
Byrchard, William (i8877)
Byrchard, William (marriage to Catherine Finch) (i8877)
Byzantine empire, Alexios II, Emperor (marriage to Agnes Anna , France) (i5985), b.1169-d.1183
Byzantine empire, Alexios III, Emperor (i6334), b.1143-d.1211
Byzantine empire, Alexios, Emperor of, (twin) (marriage to Dobredeya Evpraksia, Princess K (i6240),
Byzantine empire, Andronikos I, Emperor (marriage to Agnes Anna , France) (i5447),
Byzantine empire, Andronikos II, Emperor (marriage to Anna, Princess of Hungary) (i6650),
Byzantine empire, Andronikos, Prince of (marriage to Dobredeya Evpraksia, Princess Kiev) (i6238),
Byzantine empire, Anna, Princess of (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7333), b.963-d.1011
Byzantine empire, Isaac II Emperor (i6326), b.1155-d.1204
Byzantine empire, Isaak II, Emperor (i6129), b.1155-d.1204
Byzantine empire, Isaak II, Emperor (marriage to Margit, Princess of Hungary) (i6129),
Byzantine empire, Maria, Princess of (marriage to Istvan IV, King of Hungary) (i6196), b.1144-
Byzantine empire, Maria, Princess of (marriage to Vsevolod I, Grand Kiev) (i7303),
Cadivor, Bledri Ap, Lord Kilsant (i7935), b.1090-
Cadwgan, Idnerth Ap (i8473), b.1020-
Cadwgan, Idnerth Ap (marriage to Gwenllian Verch Aaron) (i8473), b.1020-
Calkins, Ann (i92), b.1676-
Calkins, Ann (i467), b.1678-
Calkins, Ann (marriage to Samuel Birchard) (i92), b.1676-
Calkins, David (i465), b.1667-d.1667
Calkins, David (i503), d.1717
Calkins, David (marriage to Mary Bliss) (i503), d.1717
Calkins, Deacon Hugh (i497), b.1600-d.1690
Calkins, Deacon Hugh (marriage to Ann Eaton) (i497), b.1600-d.1690
Calkins, Deborah (i502), b.1643-
Calkins, Elisabeth (i466), b.1673-
Calkins, Hugh (i461), b.1659-d.1722
Calkins, John (i457), b.1634-d.1703
Calkins, John (i462), b.1661-
Calkins, John (marriage to Sarah Royce) (i457), b.1634-d.1703
Calkins, Mary (i80), b.1669-d.1748
Calkins, Mary (i500), b.1629-d.1691
Calkins, Mary (marriage to Samuel Gifford) (i80), b.1669-d.1748
Calkins, Rebecca (i501), d.1651
Calkins, Samuel (i463), b.1663-
Calkins, Samuel (marriage to Hannah Gifford) (i463), b.1663-
Calkins, Sarah (i464), b.1666-
Calkins, Sarah (i499), b.1626-d.1677
Calverly, Beatrice (i1993), b.1575-d.1624
Calverly, Beatrice (marriage to Robert Hyde) (i1993), b.1575-d.1624
Calverly, William (i1994), b.1521-
Calverly, William (marriage to Elizabeth Sneyde) (i1994), b.1521-
Cambria, Dolfin King of (i3726), b.1060-
Came, Elizabeth (marriage to Edmond Morgan) (i4767), b.1516-
Camoys, Ralph, Lord (marriage to Ada Despenser) (i8105), b.1260-
Campbell, Andrew (marriage to Mary Muir Wilson) (i1858)
Camville, Iodine de (marriage to William de Longespee Earlof Salisbury) (i8366), b.1209-d.1251
Cantaloupe, Millicent (marriage to Eudo Loughe Gouche) (i8182), b.1252-
Cantilupe, Euphemia (marriage to Aubrey III de Vere Earl of Oxford) (i6791), b.1125-
Caradawg, Trahaern Ap (i8471), b.1044-d.1080
Caradawg, Trahaern Ap (marriage to Nesta) (i8471), b.1044-d.1080
Caradoc, Nest Verch (i4998), b.1108-
Caradoc, Nest Verch (marriage to Ivor Ap Bledri) (i4998), b.1108-
Carey, John, Jr. (marriage to Abigail Allen) (i2264)
Carinthia, Engelbert II, Duke of (i6005), b.1065-d.1141
Carinthia, Engelbert II, Duke of (marriage to Uta Von Putten) (i6005), b.1065-d.1141
Carinthia, Mathilde Maude Princess (i5988), b.1097-d.1152
Carinthia, Mathilde Maude Princess (marriage to Thibaud IV II Champagne) (i5988), b.1097-d.1152
Carne, John (marriage to Blanch Morgan) (i4705), b.1587-
Carne, John (marriage to Blanch Morgan) (i4714), b.1601-
Carpenter, Abigail (marriage to Samuel Bradley) (i1158)
Carradus, Robert (marriage to Amy Salter) (i125)
Casere, (i4524), b.247-
Castellion, Arengarde de (marriage to Foulques IV Count Anjou) (i5476), b.1045-
Castile galicia, Alfonso VII, King of (i5840), b.1105-d.1157
Castile galicia, Alfonso VII, King of (marriage to Berenguela of Barcelona Queen of Castil (i5840),
Castile galicia, Alfonso VII, King of (marriage to Rixa Richenza Poland Princess of) (i5840),
Castile leon, Constanza Princess of (marriage to John of Gaunt England Duke) (i5058),
Castile, Alfonso VI King of (i5903), b.1039-d.1109
Castile, Alfonso VI King of (marriage to Constance Duchess of Burgundy) (i5903), b.1039-d.1109
Castile, Alfonso VI King of (marriage to Ximena de Guzman) (i5903), b.1039-d.1109
Castile, Alfonso VIII King of (i5391), b.1155-d.1214
Castile, Alfonso VIII King of (marriage to Eleanor England Queen of Castile) (i5391),
Castile, Alfonso X, King of (i5884), b.1228-d.1284
Castile, Alfonso X, King of (marriage to Violante Princess of Aragon) (i5884), b.1228-d.1284
Castile, Beatrice Sancha Princess (i5946), b.1150-
Castile, Beatrice Sancha Princess (marriage to Sancho V VI Navarre) (i5946), b.1150-
Castile, Blanca Princess of (i5397), b.1188-d.1252
Castile, Blanca Princess of (marriage to Louis VIII King of France) (i5397), b.1188-d.1252
Castile, Constance Princess of (i5399), b.1190-d.1243
Castile, Constance Princess of (i5402), b.1194-
Castile, Constance, Princess of, Queen of France (i5842), b.1133-d.1160
Castile, Constance, Princess of, Queen of France (marriage to Louis VII King of France) (i5842),
Castile, Eleanor Princess of (i5403), b.1195-d.1253
Castile, Ferdinand III King of (i5881), b.1191-d.1252
Castile, Ferdinand III King of (marriage to Beatrice Princess of Germany) (i5881),
Castile, Ferdinand III King of (marriage to Joana de Dammartin Countess) (i5881), b.1191-d.1252
Castile, Ferdinand Prince of (i5398), b.1189-d.1209
Castile, Fernando de La (marriage to Blanche Princess of France) (i5887), b.1256-d.1275
Castile, Henry I King of (i5404), b.1203-d.1217
Castile, Henry Prince of (i5395), b.1182-
Castile, Isabel of (i5005), b.1355-d.1393
Castile, Isabel of (marriage to Edmund of Langley) (i5005), b.1355-d.1393
Castile, Leonor Princess of (i5092), b.1244-d.1290
Castile, Leonor Princess of (marriage to Edward I Longshanks King of England) (i5092),
Castile, Matilda Princess of (i5400), b.1192-
Castile, Pedro of (i8141), b.1335-d.1368
Castile, Pedro of (marriage to Maria de Padilla) (i8141), b.1335-d.1368
Castile, Sancha Princess of (i5401), b.1193-
Castile, Sanchia, Queen of Aragon (i5823), b.1154-d.1208
Castile, Sanchia, Queen of Aragon (marriage to Alfonso II King of Aragon) (i5823),
Castile, Sancho III, King of (i5843), b.1135-d.1158
Castile, Sancho III, King of (marriage to Blanche Princess of Navarra) (i5843), b.1135-d.1158
Castile, Sancho Prince of (i5393), b.1180-d.1180
Castile, Uracca Princess of (i5396), b.1185-d.1220
Castile, Urraca Queen of (i5847), b.1082-d.1126
Castile, Urraca Queen of (marriage to Raimond Count of Burgundy) (i5847), b.1082-d.1126
Catherwood, Agnes (i257)
Catherwood, Amy (Caroline) (i147), b.1895-
Catherwood, Anderson Cunningham (Andrew) (i97), b.1870-d.1929
Catherwood, Anderson Cunningham (Andrew) (marriage to Martha Salter) (i97), b.1870-d.1929
Catherwood, Andrew George (i149), b.1899-
Catherwood, Christina C. (i150), b.1901-
Catherwood, Edna Kay (i153), b.1911-d.1989
Catherwood, Esther Agnes (i148)
Catherwood, James (i259)
Catherwood, John James (i95)
Catherwood, John James (marriage to Agnes Cunningham) (i95)
Catherwood, Lucinda Mae (i31), b.1906-d.2002
Catherwood, Lucinda Mae (marriage to Charles Walter Post) (i31), b.1906-d.2002
Catherwood, Marion Ruth (i154) (living status unknown)
Catherwood, Mary (i256)
Catherwood, Nellis (i258)
Catherwood, Reinford Salter (i152), b.1909-d.1962
Catherwood, William (i151), b.1904-d.1976
Cauntelo cantilu, Millicent de (marriage to Eon Eudo La Zouche) (i7596), b.1250-d.1298
Cauz, Emma de (marriage to John de Grey) (i8679), b.1208-
Caylewe, Elias de (marriage to Berta Giffard) (i3439), b.1220-
Ceawlin, (i3844), b.540-
Cecilia (i2285), b.1517-d.1582
Cecilia (marriage to Henry Kimball) (i2285), b.1517-d.1582
Cenred, (i3829), b.688-
Ceolwald, (i3840), b.635-d.688
Cerdic, King of Wessex (i3846), b.467-
Ceva, Leugia de (i8074), b.1249-
Ceva, Leugia de (marriage to Thomas de Saluzza) (i8074), b.1249-
Chabot, Ferry (marriage to Adrienne Swabia) (i6321), b.1080-
Chacomb, Amabilia de (i8427), b.1220-
Chacomb, Amabilia de (marriage to Gilbert de Segrave) (i8427), b.1220-
Chacomb, Hugh de (i8436), b.1149-
Chacomb, Hugh de (marriage to Hodierne) (i8436), b.1149-
Chacomb, Robert de (i8434), b.1175-
Chacomb, Robert de (marriage to Julian) (i8434), b.1175-
Chalker, Alex (marriage to Catherine Post) (i1584)
Chalon, Hughes II Count (marriage to Constance Duchess of Burgundy) (i5914), b.1030-
Chalon, Mathilde de (marriage to Heinrich I Duke Bourgogne) (i4216), b.1936-d.1005
Chamberlain, Joseph (i965)
Chamberlain, Joseph (marriage to Mary Dickinson) (i965)
Chamberlain, Juliette (marriage to Charles Rockwell Post) (i272), b.1839-d.1906
Chamberlain, Sarah (i1330), b.1693-d.1777
Chamberlain, Sarah (marriage to Ephraim Foote) (i1330), b.1693-d.1777
Champagne and of, Thibaud III Count (marriage to Alice de Vexin) (i7377), b.1015-d.1089
Champagne, Alice, Countess of (i5974), b.1140-d.1206
Champagne, Alice, Countess of (marriage to Louis VII King of France) (i5974), b.1140-d.1206
Champagne, Alix de (i5646), b.1100-d.1145
Champagne, Countess Emma (i4168), b.939-d.1003
Champagne, Countess Emma (marriage to William II Duke Aquitaine) (i4168), b.939-d.1003
Champagne, Drogon Count of (i4414), b.674-d.674
Champagne, Emma (marriage to William IV Duke Aquitaine) (i4171), b.943-
Champagne, Eustache de (i5973), b.1090-
Champagne, Eustache de (marriage to Anselme de St pol) (i5973), b.1090-
Champagne, Guillaume de (i5638), b.1086-d.1150
Champagne, Henri I Count (i5344), b.1127-d.1181
Champagne, Henri I Count (marriage to Marie Princess of France) (i5344), b.1127-d.1181
Champagne, Henry Eudes de (i5647), b.1101-d.1171
Champagne, Henry II Count (i5346), b.1153-d.1197
Champagne, Jeanne de (i6008), b.1271-d.1304
Champagne, Jeanne de (marriage to Philippe IV King of France) (i6008), b.1271-d.1304
Champagne, Lithuise Adela de (i5645), b.1098-d.1118
Champagne, Mahaud de (i5639), b.1090-d.1119
Champagne, Marie de (i5348), b.1174-d.1204
Champagne, Marie de (marriage to Baudouin IX Count Flanders) (i5348), b.1174-d.1204
Champagne, Scholastique de (i5347), b.1157-d.1218
Champagne, Thibaud IV II (i5641), b.1093-d.1152
Champagne, Thibaud IV II (marriage to Mathilde Maude Princess Carinthia) (i5641), b.1093-d.1152
Champagne, Thibault V Count (i5349), b.1177-d.1201
Champagne, Thibault V Count (marriage to Blanche de Navarra navarre) (i5349), b.1177-d.1201
Champlitte, Guillaume I de, Prince of Achaia (marriage to Eustachia de Courtenay) (i5713),
Chandos, John (marriage to Margery de Ferrers) (i8503), b.1163-
Chapin, Catherine (marriage to Nathaniel Bliss) (i961), b.1630-d.1712
Chaplin, Alice (i2610), b.1559-d.1620
Chaplin, Alice (marriage to Robert Parke) (i2610), b.1559-d.1620
Chaplin, Martha (i2594), d.1640
Chaplin, Martha (marriage to Robert Parke) (i2594), d.1640
Chaplin, William (i2620), b.1524-d.1577
Chaplin, William (i2622), b.1552-
Chaplin, William (marriage to Elizabeth Or Agnes Ansty) (i2622), b.1552-
Chapman, Robert (marriage to Ann Bliss) (i2293)
Charlton, Alan de (marriage to Ela Zouche) (i7979), b.1286-d.1360
Charros, Aimon de (marriage to Daughter de Courtenay) (i5724), b.1172-d.1221
Chartres, Thetbaldi Earl of (marriage to Miss de Vermandois) (i4445), b.850-
Chasillon, Guy II Lord (marriage to Alix Adele de Dreux) (i7824), b.1142-d.1170
Chateau du loire, Erenburg, Mrs de (i8410), b.1030-
Chateau du loire, Erenburg, Mrs de (marriage to Gervase Seigneur de Chateau du loire) (i8410),
Chateau du loire, Gervase Seigneur de (i8409), b.1030-
Chateau du loire, Gervase Seigneur de (marriage to Erenburg, Mrs de Chateau du loire) (i8409),
Chateau du loire, Matilde de, Countess of Maine (i5494), b.1055-d.1099
Chateau du loire, Matilde de, Countess of Maine (marriage to Elias Helie , Maine) (i5494),
Chateaudun, Jeanne de (i7771), b.1227-
Chateaudun, Jeanne de (marriage to Jean de Brienne) (i7771), b.1227-
Chateaufort, De (marriage to Constance de Courtenay) (i5728), b.1172-
Chatellerand, Jeanne Viscountess of (marriage to Geoffrey de Lusignan) (i5247), b.1226-
Chatellerand, Jeanne Viscountess of (marriage to Geoffrey de Lusignan) (i5247), b.1226-
Chatellerault, Aumary I, Viscount of (i5690), b.1077-
Chatellerault, Eleanor de (i5678), b.1103-d.1130
Chatellerault, Eleanor de (marriage to Guillaume X Duke Aquitaine) (i5678), b.1103-d.1130
Chatillon, Agnes de, Queen of Hungary (i6125), b.1154-d.1184
Chatillon, Agnes de, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Bela III, King Hungary) (i6125),
Chatillon, Guy II de, Count of St. Pol (marriage to Mahaut Maud de Brabant) (i6078),
Chatillon, Jeanne de (marriage to Pierre Prince of France) (i6050), b.1253-d.1291
Chatillon, Mahaud de (marriage to Charles Count of Valois) (i6046), b.1278-
Chatillon, Renaud de, Prince (i6257), b.1124-d.1186
Chatillon, Renaud de, Prince (marriage to Constanza, Princess of Antioch) (i6257),
Chaumont, Henry Lord of (i7255), b.1075-d.1130
Chauviguy, William de, SgnrChateauroux (marriage to Agatha Agnes de Lusignan) (i5265), b.1228-
Chauviguy, William de, SgnrChateauroux (marriage to Agatha Agnes de Lusignan) (i5265), b.1228-
Chawcer, Catherina (i1786)
Chawcer, Catherina (marriage to Simon Manning) (i1786)
Chaworth, Anne Agnes de (i8128), b.1254-
Chaworth, Emma de (i8129), b.1256-
Chaworth, Eve de (i8127), b.1252-
Chaworth, Harvey de (i8126), b.1248-
Chaworth, Maud (i8092), b.1282-d.1317
Chaworth, Maud (marriage to Henry Plantagenet Earl of Lancaster) (i8092), b.1282-d.1317
Chaworth, Patrick de (i8101), b.1250-d.1282
Chaworth, Patrick de (i8123), b.1218-d.1257
Chaworth, Patrick de (marriage to Hawise de Londres) (i8123), b.1218-d.1257
Chaworth, Patrick de (marriage to Isabel de Beauchamp) (i8101), b.1250-d.1282
Chaworth, Payne de (i8125), b.1245-d.1278
Chaworth, Sibyl (i7749), b.1082-
Chaworth, Sibyl (marriage to Walter de Evereaux) (i7749), b.1082-
Cherleton, Edward, Earl Of Powys (marriage to Eleanor Alianore de Holland) (i7929),
Cherleton, John de (marriage to Maud de Mortimer) (i7489), b.1307-
Chernigov, Miss Svyatoslavna, Princess (marriage to Vsevolod Gavriil, Duke Novgorod and ps (i6233),
Chernigov, Mstislav Vladimirovich Duke (i7345), b.988-d.1035
Chester, Richard Earl of (marriage to Mahaud de Champagne) (i5990), b.1088-d.1120
Chetwode, Avice (i3629), b.1257-
Chetwode, Avice (marriage to William de Bretton) (i3629), b.1257-
Chetwode, William (i3630), b.1200-
Chetwood, John (i3636), b.1203-
Chetwood, Kalph (i3638), b.1145-
Chetwood, Ralph (i3635), b.1198-
Chetwood, Robert (i3633), b.1171-
Chetwood, Robert (marriage to Sybil Strange) (i3633), b.1171-
Child (i5497), b.1101-d.1101
Chiny, Louis, Comte de (marriage to Mathilde de Avesnes) (i6423), b.1183-
Chloderic, (i4461), b.485-
Choiseul, Renaud de (marriage to Daughter de Dreux) (i7821), b.1183-
Christian (i2309)
Christian (marriage to Thomas Mervyn) (i2309)
Chunehild, (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4400), b.710-
Church, Richard (marriage to Elizabeth Warren) (i1628), b.1608-d.1668
Churchill, Josiah (marriage to Elizabeth Foote) (i1440), d.1686
Chyrfold, (unknown) (i1784)
Chyrfold, (unknown) (marriage to William Manning) (i1784)
Clare, Adeliza Alice de (i4008), b.1066-d.1163
Clare, Adeliza Alice de (marriage to Alberic II de Vere) (i4008), b.1066-d.1163
Clare, Adeliza de (i4003), b.1069-d.1138
Clare, Alianore de (marriage to Hugh Despenser) (i5128), b.1292-d.1337
Clare, Baldwin FitzGilbert de, Lord Bourne (i4026), b.1088-d.1171
Clare, Baldwin FitzGilbert de, Lord Bourne (marriage to Adeline de Rollos) (i4026),
Clare, Earl Gilbert de, Pembroke (i4020), b.1086-d.1147
Clare, Emma FitzGilbert de (i4028), b.1114-
Clare, Emma FitzGilbert de (marriage to Hugh Wake) (i4028), b.1114-
Clare, Gilbert de (marriage to Isabel Marshal) (i7695), b.1196-
Clare, Gilbert de, Earl Glouchester (marriage to Alice de Lusignan) (i5124), b.1243-d.1295
Clare, Gilbert de, Earl Glouchester (marriage to Isabel Marshall) (i6675), b.1180-d.1230
Clare, Gilbert de, Earl Glouchester (marriage to Joan of Acre England) (i5124), b.1243-d.1295
Clare, Gilbert Fitzrichard de, 2nd Earl (i4005), b.1065-d.1114
Clare, Gilbert Fitzrichard de, 2nd Earl (marriage to Adeliza de Clermont) (i4005),
Clare, Isabel de (i5131), b.1262-
Clare, Isabel de (marriage to Guy de Beauchamp Earl Of Warwick) (i5131), b.1262-
Clare, Isabel de, Countess of Pembroke (i7674), d.1220
Clare, Isabel de, Countess of Pembroke (marriage to William Marshall Earl of Pembroke) (i7674),
Clare, Maud de (marriage to William de Braose) (i7620), b.1177-
Clare, Miss Fitzrichard de (i6860), b.1056-
Clare, Richard de (i3998), b.1062-d.1107
Clare, Richard de (marriage to Eva (Aoife) MacMurrough Countess of Ireland) (i7757),
Clare, Richard Fitzgilbert de (i3777), b.1030-d.1090
Clare, Richard FitzGilbert de (i4013), b.1084-d.1136
Clare, Richard FitzGilbert de (marriage to Alice Adeliza de Meschines) (i4013), b.1084-d.1136
Clare, Richard Fitzgilbert de (marriage to Rohais Giffard) (i3777), b.1030-d.1090
Clare, Richard Strongbow FitzGilbert de, Earl (i7755), b.1110-
Clare, Richard Strongbow FitzGilbert de, Earl (marriage to Eva (Aoife) MacMurrough Countes (i7755),
Clare, Robert FitzRichard de (i3999), b.1064-d.1136
Clare, Robert FitzRichard de (marriage to Maud de St liz) (i3999), b.1064-d.1136
Clare, Roger de (i3996), b.1058-
Clare, Roger FitzGilbert de (i4029), b.1116-
Clare, Rohese de (i4001), b.1067-d.1121
Clare, Rohesia de (i4032), b.1090-
Clare, Rohesia de (i6857), b.1055-d.1171
Clare, Rose de (i6810), b.1115-
Clare, Rose de (marriage to Hugh de Lacy) (i6810), b.1115-
Clare, Rose FitzGilbert de (i4030), b.1118-
Clare, Walter de (i3997), b.1060-
Clare, Walter de (i4004), b.1086-d.1149
Clare, Walter FitzRobert de (i6862), b.1110-d.1198
Clark, Ann (marriage to Nathaniel Foote) (i1437), d.1726
Clark, Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas (Lowthroppe) Lathrop) (i1917), d.1574
Clark, Rose Dunster (marriage to Joseph Hills) (i4952), b.1603-d.1650
Clermont, Adeliza de (i4006), b.1058-
Clermont, Adeliza de (marriage to Gilbert Fitzrichard de Clare 2nd Earl) (i4006), b.1058-
Clermont, Hugh Count de (i4036), b.1030-d.1101
Clermont, Hugh Count de (marriage to Marguerite de Montdidier) (i4036), b.1030-d.1101
Clermont, Raoul de (marriage to Isabelle de Avesnes) (i6385), b.1275-
Clermont, Renaud de (i4037), b.1000-
Clifford, Berta (i3444), b.1107-d.1167
Clifford, Berta (marriage to Elias Helias Giffard) (i3444), b.1107-d.1167
Clifford, Maud (marriage to Edmund of Langley) (i5007), b.1343-d.1446
Clifford, Maud de (marriage to Richard Prince of England) (i5015), b.1389-d.1446
Clifford, Rosamond (marriage to Henry II King of England) (i5336), b.1133-d.1176
Clifford, Walter de (i4476), b.1105-d.1190
Clinton, John de (marriage to Elizabeth Morgan) (i4796), b.1474-
Clopton, John (marriage to Mary Giffard) (i3391), b.1410-
Coles, Peter (i2679), b.1486-
Coles, Richard (i2677), b.1512-d.1575
Coles, Richard (marriage to Jane Bond) (i2677), b.1512-d.1575
Coles, Ursula (i2670), b.1538-d.1606
Coles, Ursula (marriage to Edward Edwards) (i2670), b.1538-d.1606
Collier, Sarah (marriage to Love Brewster) (i1594), d.1691
Cologne, Childebert King of (i4463), b.440-
Cologne, Clovis King of (i4464), b.415-
Cologne, Siegbert King of (i4462), b.465-
Columbers, Alan de (i8150), b.1177-
Columbers, Alan de (marriage to Cicily Waleton) (i8150), b.1177-
Columbers, Cecily de (i8148), b.1201-
Columbers, Cecily de (marriage to Robert de Holland) (i8148), b.1201-
Columbers, William de (i8152), b.1151-
Colver, Ephraim (marriage to Martha Hibbard) (i2494), b.1682-
Colwyn, Cadivor Vawr Ap, Lord of Dyfed (i8766), b.1050-d.1089
Colwyn, Cadivor Vawr Ap, Lord of Dyfed (marriage to Helen Llawen) (i8766), b.1050-d.1089
Comet, Ela (i8418), b.1110-
Comet, Ela (marriage to Patric de Salisbury) (i8418), b.1110-
Comet, William Talvase (i8423), b.1084-
Comnene, Marie (marriage to Amaury King of Jerusalem) (i5454), b.1148-d.1206
Comyn, Alexander, Earl of Buchan (marriage to Elizabeth de Quincy) (i8252), b.1211-
Comyn, John (marriage to Lady Margaret Wake Countess of Kent) (i5119), b.1299-
Concubine (marriage to John de Warenne) (i8082), b.1349-
Conde, Isabel (i7766), b.1210-
Conde, Isabel (marriage to Enguerrand Ingelram de Fiennes) (i7766), b.1210-
Conde, James de (i7770), b.1184-
Confessor, Edward The (i3809), b.1004-d.1066
Connard, William (marriage to Mary Zouche) (i7986), b.1294-
Constantinople, Pierre Emperor of, Prince (i5707), b.1126-d.1183
Constantinople, Pierre Emperor of, Prince (marriage to Isabelle Elizabeth de Courtenay) (i5707),
Conteville, Emma de (i6837), b.1029-
Conteville, Emma de (marriage to Richard de Avranches) (i6837), b.1029-
Conteville, Harlevin de (i7188), b.1001-
Conteville, Harlevin de (marriage to Harlette de Falaise) (i7188), b.1001-
Conteville, Jean de (i7218), b.969-
Conteville, Oda de (i7212), b.994-
Conversana, Sibyl Sibille de (marriage to Robert III Prince England Duke of Normandy) (i5624),
Cook, Ruth, Or Percy Ruth (i71)
Cook, Ruth, Or Percy Ruth (marriage to Joseph Read) (i71)
Cooke, John (marriage to Sarah Warren) (i1627), b.1610-d.1695
Corbeil, Guilbert de Pershale (marriage to Arbella Loup de Avranches) (i8245), b.1050-d.1087
Corbet, Alice de (i3691), b.1156-
Corbet, Alice de (marriage to Thomas Bardolf) (i3691), b.1156-
Corbet, Sibyl (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5507), b.1075-d.1157
Coste, Richard (marriage to Hawise de Ferrers) (i8530), b.1106-
Cotton, Elizabeth (i1536)
Cotton, Elizabeth (marriage to Edmund Sheaffe) (i1536)
Coucy pinon, Robert I de, Sn de Pinon (i7831), b.1188-d.1234
Coucy vervins, Thomas II de, Sgnrde Vervins (i7829), b.1184-d.1253
Coucy, Ade de (i7835), b.1168-
Coucy, Agnes de (i7832), b.1190-
Coucy, Enguerrand III de, Vscntde Meaux (i7828), b.1182-d.1242
Coucy, Enguerrand VII de (marriage to Isabel Princess of England) (i5038), b.1342-d.1396
Coucy, Felicite de (marriage to Baudouin de Avesnes) (i6413), b.1222-d.1307
Coucy, Isabeau de (i7834), b.1166-
Coucy, Raoul de (i7830), b.1186-
Coucy, Raoul I de, Sgr de Marle (i7827), b.1139-d.1191
Coucy, Raoul I de, Sgr de Marle (marriage to Agnes de Hainault) (i7827), b.1139-d.1191
Coucy, Raoul I de, Sgr de Marle (marriage to Alix de Dreux) (i7827), b.1139-d.1191
Coucy, Raoul II de, Snde Marle (marriage to Philippe de Dammartin) (i5954), b.1212-d.1250
Coucy, Yolande de (i7820), b.1164-d.1222
Coucy, Yolande de (marriage to Robert II Count Dreux) (i7820), b.1164-d.1222
Courtenay, Agnes de (marriage to Amaury King of Jerusalem) (i5451), b.1133-d.1180
Courtenay, Alix de, Countess (i5692), b.1160-d.1218
Courtenay, Alix de, Countess (marriage to Count Aymer of Angouleme Taillefer) (i5692),
Courtenay, Amicie de (marriage to Robert II Count Artois) (i6274), b.1250-d.1275
Courtenay, Catherine de (marriage to Charles Count of Valois) (i6045), b.1276-
Courtenay, Clementia de (i5718), b.1164-
Courtenay, Constance de (i5727), b.1176-
Courtenay, Daughter de (i5725), b.1174-
Courtenay, Elizabeth (marriage to Humphrey Touchet) (i4871), b.1430-d.1493
Courtenay, Eustachia de (i5714), b.1162-d.1235
Courtenay, Geoffrey de (i8380), b.1074-d.1139
Courtenay, Geoffrey de (i8381), b.1074-d.1139
Courtenay, Guillaume de (i5721), b.1170-d.1233
Courtenay, Guillaume de (i5790), b.1098-d.1147
Courtenay, Hodierne de (i8377), b.1061-
Courtenay, Hugh de (marriage to Maud de Holland) (i7948), b.1359-
Courtenay, Isabelle Elizabeth de (i5708), b.1148-d.1205
Courtenay, Isabelle Elizabeth de (marriage to Pierre Emperor of Constantinople Prince) (i5708),
Courtenay, John de (i5712), b.1172-d.1221
Courtenay, John de (marriage to Isabel de Vere) (i7127), b.1218-d.1274
Courtenay, Josceline de (i5789), b.1096-
Courtenay, Josceline de (i8375), b.1034-
Courtenay, Josceline de (marriage to Isabel de Montlhery) (i8375), b.1034-
Courtenay, Josceline de, Count of Edessa (i8379), b.1072-d.1131
Courtenay, Milo de (i5787), b.1069-d.1127
Courtenay, Milo de (marriage to Ermengarde de Nevers) (i5787), b.1069-d.1127
Courtenay, Miss de (i5786), b.1129-
Courtenay, Peter II de (i5709), b.1155-d.1218
Courtenay, Philippe de (i5711), b.1168-d.1186
Courtenay, Philippe de (marriage to Beatrix de Sicile) (i6633), b.1250-d.1283
Courtenay, Renaud Reginald, Seigneur De (i5777), b.1100-d.1161
Courtenay, Renaud Reginald, Seigneur De (i5780), b.1125-d.1194
Courtenay, Renaud Reginald, Seigneur De (marriage to Hawise de Donjon) (i5777), b.1100-d.1161
Courtenay, Robert de (i5719), b.1166-d.1239
Courtenay, Tochter de (i5710), b.1158-
Courtenay, Yolande de, Queen of Hungary (i6084), b.1198-d.1232
Courtenay, Yolande de, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Andras II, King of Hungary) (i6084),
Crane, Jonathan (marriage to Mary Hibbard) (i2457), b.1672-
Crane, Sarah (marriage to Nathaniel Hibbard) (i2473), b.1680-d.1721
Cranston, Eliza (marriage to Jabez Post) (i215), b.1801-d.1829
Credy, John (marriage to Joan Russell) (i3601), b.1352-
Crepi, Hugues I, le Grand, Comte de Vermandois (i7253), b.1057-d.1102
Crepi, Hugues I, le Grand, Comte de Vermandois (marriage to Adelaide de Vermandois Comtess (i7253),
Crequy, Miss de (marriage to Jacques de Avesnes) (i6425), b.1184-
Crispe, Johan (i8830)
Crispe, Johan (marriage to Nicholas Fiske) (i8830)
Croatia, Miss, Princess of (marriage to Vladimir, Grand Duke Kiev) (i6252), b.1132-
Cuhelyn, Elystan Ap (i8481)
Cuhelyn, Elystan Ap (marriage to Gwenllian Verch Einion) (i8481)
Cuijck, Alveradis Van (marriage to Otto, Count of Bentheim) (i6500), b.1143-
Culpeper, Elizabeth (marriage to John Whitfield) (i1758)
Cumania, Erzsebet, Princess of, Queen Of Hungary (i6637), b.1240-d.1290
Cumania, Erzsebet, Princess of, Queen Of Hungary (marriage to Istvan V, King of Hungary) (i6637),
Cumberland, Eugene Prince of (i3934), b.899-
Cummings, Joseph (marriage to Sarah Estey) (i1945)
Cumyn, Red John (marriage to Marian Galloway) (i8274), b.1214-
Cunningham, Agnes (i96)
Cunningham, Agnes (marriage to John James Catherwood) (i96)
Curcy, Hawise de (marriage to Renaud Reginald Courtenay Seigneur De) (i5576), b.1135-d.1209
Curcy, Robert de (marriage to Avice de Meschines) (i8219), b.1126-
Cuseau, Mathilde (i5876), b.1112-
Cuseau, Mathilde (marriage to Amadeo I Geneva Count of) (i5876), b.1112-
Cuseau, Pons I, Seigneur of (i5879), b.1086-
Cuseau, Pons I, Seigneur of (marriage to Laura de Senecy) (i5879), b.1086-
Cuser, Willem (i6392), b.1290-d.1355
Cutha, (i3834)
Cuthwine, (i3842), b.545-
Cuthwulf, (i3839)
Cuthwulf, (i3841), b.560-
Cynan, Ednowain Ap (i8478), b.996-d.1070
Cynric, (i3845), b.495-
d'Esne, Michelle, dame de Conroy (i2049), d.1511
d'Esne, Michelle, dame de Conroy (marriage to Baudoin de Lannoy) (i2049), d.1511
Dabitok, Osbert (marriage to Lucy Russell) (i3671), b.1258-
Dafydd, Crisli verch (i8824)
Dalriada, Aodh Hugh Fionn, King (i3898), b.725-
Dalriada, Eochaid II, King (i4480), b.675-
Dalriada, Eochaid III King of (i3900), b.695-
Dalriada, Eochaid IV King of (i3896), b.747-d.781
Dalriada, Eochaid IV King of (marriage to Urgusia Queen of Dalriada) (i3896), b.747-d.781
Dalriada, Fergus of (i3899), b.733-
Dalriada, Urgusia Queen of (i3897), b.755-
Dalriada, Urgusia Queen of (marriage to Eochaid IV King of Dalriada) (i3897), b.755-
Dammartin, Agnes de (i5960), b.1166-
Dammartin, Agnes de (marriage to William de Fiennes) (i5960), b.1166-
Dammartin, Alberic I Count (i5962), b.1100-
Dammartin, Alberic I Count (marriage to Clemence of Barcelona) (i5962), b.1100-
Dammartin, Alberic II, Count (i5957), b.1148-d.1200
Dammartin, Alberic II, Count (marriage to Maud de Ponthieu) (i5957), b.1148-d.1200
Dammartin, Joana de, Countess (i5882), b.1208-d.1279
Dammartin, Joana de, Countess (marriage to Ferdinand III King of Castile) (i5882),
Dammartin, Philippe de (i5953), b.1214-d.1277
Dammartin, Simon de (i5950), b.1180-d.1239
Dammartin, Simon de (marriage to Marie Countess of Ponthieu) (i5950), b.1180-d.1239
Dampierre, Isabel (marriage to John Fiennes) (i7765), b.1277-
Danmartin, Mr (marriage to Daughter de Braose) (i8583), b.1100-
Danpi (i6721), b.395-
Danpi (marriage to Olaf Vermundsson) (i6721), b.395-
Dansson, Frodi (i6718), b.433-
Danvers, (i3515), b.1436-
Danvers, (i3516), b.1436-
Danvers, Agnes (i3543), b.1430-d.1478
Danvers, Agnes (i3553), b.1424-d.1478
Danvers, Alice (i3586), b.1286-
Danvers, Alicia (i3548), b.1432-
Danvers, Amicia Amys (i3555), b.1426-
Danvers, Amicia Amys (marriage to John Langston) (i3555), b.1426-
Danvers, Bova (i3576), b.1440-
Danvers, Edward (i3518), b.1444-
Danvers, Elizabeth (i3560), b.1428-
Danvers, Henry (i3569), b.1434-
Danvers, Isabel (i3588), b.1289-
Danvers, Joan (i3480), b.1422-
Danvers, John (i3512), b.1400-d.1448
Danvers, John (i3532), b.1426-d.1504
Danvers, John (i3580), b.1345-
Danvers, John (marriage to Isabell de la Lee) (i3580), b.1345-
Danvers, John (marriage to Joane Bruley) (i3512), b.1400-d.1448
Danvers, Margaret (i3574), b.1438-
Danvers, Margaret (marriage to John Langston) (i3574), b.1438-
Danvers, Miss (i3514), b.1436-
Danvers, Richard (i3534), b.1428-d.1488
Danvers, Richard (i3578), b.1370-
Danvers, Richard (marriage to Agnes Brancestre) (i3578), b.1370-
Danvers, Robert (i3522), b.1424-d.1467
Danvers, Robert (i3589), b.1230-
Danvers, Simon (i3517), b.1442-
Danvers, Simon (i3583), b.1256-d.1331
Danvers, Thomas (i3520), b.1422-
Danvers, Thomas (i3521), b.1442-
Danvers, Thomas (i3562), b.1430-
Danvers, William (i3566), b.1432-
Dapifer, Eudos Le (marriage to Rohese de Clare) (i4000), b.1060-
Darte, Anne (i40), d.1709
Darte, Anne (marriage to Benjamin Brewster) (i40), d.1709
Daughter concubine 1 (marriage to Richard III Duke of Normandy) (i8453), b.998-
Daughter concubine 2 (marriage to Richard III Duke of Normandy) (i8455), b.999-
Daughter concubine 3 (i8457), b.1000-
Daughter concubine 3 (marriage to Richard III Duke of Normandy) (i8457), b.1000-
Davenport, Jane (i2000), b.1527-d.1566
Davenport, Jane (marriage to Robert Hyde) (i2000), b.1527-d.1566
Davenport, John (i2012), b.1419-d.1478
Davenport, John (marriage to Cicely Warren) (i2012), b.1419-d.1478
Davenport, John or Thomas (i2023), b.1250-
Davenport, Margaret (i2006), b.1385-
Davenport, Margaret (i2022), b.1275-
Davenport, Margaret (marriage to Hamon (Hamnet) Hyde) (i2006), b.1385-
Davenport, Margaret (marriage to John de Hyde) (i2022), b.1275-
Davenport, Thomas (i2007), b.1365-
Davenport, William (i2008), b.1472-d.1542
Davenport, William (i2010), b.1446-d.1469
Davenport, William (marriage to Blanch Warburton) (i2008), b.1472-d.1542
Davenport, William (marriage to Margery Legh) (i2010), b.1446-d.1469
David, David Gwilim (marriage to Ann Verch Morgan) (i4980), b.1374-
David, Jenet Verch (i4813), b.1360-
David, Jenet Verch (marriage to Llewelyn Ap Morgan) (i4813), b.1360-
Davis, Katharine (i2269), b.1578-
Davis, Katharine (marriage to George Allen) (i2269), b.1578-
Davison, Anna (i969), b.1774-
Davison, Charlotte (i970), b.1770-
Davison, Daniel (i1080), b.1733-d.1828
Davison, Daniel (marriage to Martha Harrington) (i1080), b.1733-d.1828
Davison, Elizabeth (i971), b.1777-
Davison, Henry (i1082), b.1772-d.1841
Davison, Henry (marriage to Sarah Estey) (i1082), b.1772-d.1841
Davison, Mary (i972), b.1768-
Davison, Philena Bailey (i1086), b.1814-d.1868
Davison, Philena Bailey (marriage to James Wilson) (i1086), b.1814-d.1868
Day, Jennette (marriage to John Fitch Post) (i507), b.1839-d.1913
de Beaumont, Robert I, Earl of Leicester (marriage to Isabel (Elizabeth) de Vermandois) (i8826)
de Berlaymont, Adrienne, dit de Floyon (i2051), d.1439
de Berlaymont, Adrienne, dit de Floyon (marriage to Baudoin XIX 'le Begue de Lannoy) (i2051),
de Bourgogne, Magdeline (i2047), b.1489-d.1511
de Bourgogne, Magdeline (marriage to Phillipe de Lannoy) (i2047), b.1489-d.1511
de Clery, Isabeau (marriage to Jean de Franchimont) (i2062)
de Colevil, Alice (marriage to Simon Touchet) (i7433), b.1134-
de Duras, Agnis (i2061)
de Duras, Agnis (marriage to Hellin II Marquis de Franchimont) (i2061)
de Esthalk, Eustace (marriage to Maude Unknown) (i3621), b.1284-
de Fay, Maud Or Matilda (marriage to William de Braose) (i7634), b.1179-
de Franchimont, Arnulphe (i2068), b.1139-
de Franchimont, Conrad (i2066), b.1170-
de Franchimont, Conrad (marriage to Ermingarde Wallecourt of Namur) (i2066), b.1170-
de Franchimont, Hellin II Marquis (i2060), b.1255-
de Franchimont, Hellin II Marquis (marriage to Agnis de Duras) (i2060), b.1255-
de Franchimont, Hellin Marquis (i2063), b.1225-
de Franchimont, Hellin Marquis (marriage to (unknown) Agnes) (i2063), b.1225-
de Franchimont, Jean (i2058), b.1280-
de Franchimont, Jean (marriage to Mahienne de Lannoy) (i2058), b.1280-
de la Bourne, (marriage to Marjory Russell) (i3665), b.1318-
de la Lee, Isabel (marriage to John Danvers) (i3582), b.1349-
de la Lee, Isabell (i3581), b.1349-
de la Lee, Isabell (marriage to John Danvers) (i3581), b.1349-
de Lannoy, Baudoin (i2048), b.1439-d.1501
de Lannoy, Baudoin (marriage to Michelle d'Esne dame de Conroy) (i2048), b.1439-d.1501
de Lannoy, Baudoin XIX 'le Begue (i2050), b.1419-d.1474
de Lannoy, Baudoin XIX 'le Begue (marriage to Adrienne de Berlaymont dit de Floyon) (i2050),
de Lannoy, Gilbert XII (i2055), b.1419-d.1462
de Lannoy, Guillebert (i2053), b.1340-
de Lannoy, Guillebert (marriage to Catherine de Molembais) (i2053), b.1340-
de Lannoy, Guysberg (i1435), b.1545-
de Lannoy, Hugues (i2056), b.1311-d.1349
de Lannoy, Hugues (marriage to Marguerite dame de Mingoval) (i2056), b.1311-d.1349
de Lannoy, Jan (Jean) (i1602), b.1570-d.1604
de Lannoy, Jan (Jean) (marriage to Marie Mahieu) (i1602), b.1570-d.1604
de Lannoy, Jean (i2044), b.1511-
de Lannoy, Jean (marriage to Jeanne de Ligne dame de Barbecon) (i2044), b.1511-
de Lannoy, Mahienne (i2059), b.1290-
de Lannoy, Mahienne (marriage to Jean de Franchimont) (i2059), b.1290-
de Lannoy, Phillipe (i2046), b.1501-d.1543
de Lannoy, Phillipe (marriage to Magdeline de Bourgogne) (i2046), b.1501-d.1543
de Ligne, Jeanne, dame de Barbecon (i2045)
de Ligne, Jeanne, dame de Barbecon (marriage to Jean de Lannoy) (i2045)
de Looz, Agnes, Comtesse (i6607), b.1151-
de Looz, Agnes, Comtesse (marriage to Otto I, Duke Bavaria) (i6607), b.1151-
de Melles, Marie, dame de Caucourt & de Dolhain (marriage to Baudoin XIX 'le Begue de Lann
de Meschines, Adeliza (i8232), b.1094-d.1128
de Mingoval, Marguerite dame (i2057)
de Mingoval, Marguerite dame (marriage to Hugues de Lannoy) (i2057)
de Molembais, Catherine (i2054)
de Molembais, Catherine (marriage to Guillebert de Lannoy) (i2054)
de Musegross, Hawyse (marriage to William de Mortimer) (i7570), b.1258-
de Oglander, Robert (marriage to Roberta Russell) (i3678), b.1204-
de Port, Alice (marriage to John Marshall) (i7741), b.1144-
de Ramerupt, Adele (i8864)
de Ramerupt, Guy de Neufchatel (i8863), d.1103
de Ramerupt, Manassas (i8862), b.1021-
de Ramerupt, Manasses Calva Asina (marriage to Beatrix (de Hainault) von Hennegau) (i8820)
de Roucy, Adele (i4039), b.1014-d.1062
de Roucy, Adele (marriage to Count Hilduin III Montdidier) (i4039), b.1014-d.1062
de Roucy, Ebles I Count (i4114), b.998-d.1033
de Roucy, Ebles I Count (marriage to Beatrix (de Hainault) von Hennegau) (i4114), b.998-d.1033
de Roucy, Havide (Hedwig) (i8860)
de Venuz, Miss (i7747), b.1105-
de Venuz, Miss (marriage to Gilbert Marshall) (i7747), b.1105-
de Wafre, Lucy (marriage to Roger de Mortimer) (i7568), b.1256-
Delano, Amy (i2233), b.1713-
Delano, Barnabas (i2235), b.1718-
Delano, Clarinda (i1125), b.1731-d.1804
Delano, Clarinda (marriage to David Lathrop) (i1125), b.1731-d.1804
Delano, Elizabeth (i2237), b.1722-
Delano, Jabez (i1123), b.1708-d.1752
Delano, Jabez (marriage to Prudence (Hebert) Hibbard) (i1123), b.1708-d.1752
Delano, Johnathan, Lt. (i1120), b.1647-d.1720
Delano, Johnathan, Lt. (marriage to Mercy Warren) (i1120), b.1647-d.1720
Delano, Jonathan (i2234), b.1715-
Delano, Jonathan, Captain (i1121), b.1680-d.1752
Delano, Jonathan, Captain (marriage to Amy Allen Hatch) (i1121), b.1680-d.1752
Delano, Nathan (i2232), b.1711-
Delano, Phillip (i1339), b.1602-d.1681
Delano, Phillip (marriage to Mary (pontus) Glass) (i1339), b.1602-d.1681
Delano, Sarah (i2240), b.1705-
Delano, Silvanus (i2236), b.1720-
Delano, Susanna (i2069), b.1724-d.1806
Delano, Thomas (i2077), b.1704-d.1803
Delano, Thomas (i2238), b.1726-
Delano, Timothy (i2239), b.1729-
Deming, Elizabeth (i1419), b.1595-d.1683
Deming, Elizabeth (marriage to Nathaniel Foote) (i1419), b.1595-d.1683
Deming, John (i1418), b.1580-
Deming, Rachel (marriage to Captain John Morgan) (i4660), b.1644-
Denmark, Astrid, Princess of (marriage to Vsevolod Vladimirovich, Prince Vladimir volynsk) (i7344),
Denmark, Erik II, King of (marriage to Malfrida, Princess Of, Kiev) (i6224), b.1098-
Denmark, Ingeburge Princess of (marriage to Philippe II King of France) (i5979), b.1175-d.1236
Denmark, Knut, Prince of (marriage to Ingeborga, Princess Of, Kiev) (i6219), b.1096-d.1131
Denmark, Sven King of (marriage to Elizaveta Yaroslavna Princess Kiev) (i7313), b.1032-
Dennison, Captain George (marriage to Bridget Thompson) (i2635), b.1620-d.1694
Deols, Raoul Le Jeune (marriage to Adewis Plantagenet) (i5432), b.1130-
Depery, Katherine (marriage to Sir Thomas Giffard) (i3403), b.1347-
Despencer, Eleanor (i8104), b.1268-d.1351
Despencer, Isabel (i4933), b.1400-d.1439
Despencer, Isabel (i8118), b.1270-d.1334
Despenser, Ada (i8106), b.1262-
Despenser, Aveline Or Oliva (i8116), b.1266-d.1363
Despenser, Elizabeth Le (i4912), b.1398-
Despenser, Hugh (i8103), b.1260-d.1326
Despenser, Hugh Le, Earl Winchester (marriage to Isabel de Beauchamp) (i8102), b.1260-d.1326
Despenser, Isabel Le, Countess Arundel (marriage to Richard "Copped Hat" Fitzalan Earl of (i8002),
Despenser, Joan (i8114), b.1264-d.FEB
Despenser, Philip (i8720), b.1266-
Despenser, Richard Le (i4914), b.1396-d.1413
Despenser, Rohesia Le (marriage to Stephen de Segrave) (i8430), b.1180-
Despenser, Thomas Le (marriage to Constance of York (Plantagenet)) (i4911), b.1373-d.1399
Desteyngrave, John (marriage to Ida Wake) (i4056), b.1256-
Devon, Ordgar Earl of (i3804), b.920-
Dewing, Iva Maude (marriage to Howard Afton Post) (i1644), b.1869-d.1965
Dey, Jocosa (marriage to Henry Manning) (i1811)
Dickenson, Hannah (marriage to Samuel Leffingwell) (i1557), d.1691
Dickinson, Mary (i966)
Dickinson, Mary (marriage to Joseph Chamberlain) (i966)
Dinan, Gervaise de (marriage to Richard Marshal) (i7694), b.1194-
Dinant, Gervase Le (marriage to Richard Marshall) (i7692), b.1190-
Dinham, Oliver, Sir (marriage to Isabel de Vere) (i7124), d.1298
Dithmarschen, Killikiya Countess of (marriage to Svyatopolk I (II), Kiev) (i7301), b.1027-
Dmitrievna, Lyubava (i6199), b.1100-d.1168
Dmitrievna, Lyubava (marriage to Mstislav I, Grand Kiev) (i6199), b.1100-d.1168
Doda (i7252), b.980-
Doda (marriage to Fulbert de Falaise) (i7252), b.980-
Dodo, Felice (marriage to Gervace de Beaumont) (i8259), b.1152-
Doedijn (marriage to Guillaume III de Avesnes Count) (i6358), b.1286-
Done, Hugh (marriage to Anne Touchet) (i4882), b.1439-
Donjon, Frederic de (i5791), b.1085-
Donjon, Frederic de (marriage to Unknown) (i5791), b.1085-
Donjon, Guy de (i5793), b.1111-
Donjon, Hawise de (i5778), b.1113-
Donjon, Hawise de (marriage to Renaud Reginald Courtenay Seigneur De) (i5778), b.1113-
Doure, Fulbert de (marriage to Isabel de Briwere) (i4080), b.1182-
Dover, Rohsia Rose (marriage to Richard FitzRoy) (i5220), b.1188-
Downer, Hannah (marriage to Ebenezer Hibbard Jr.) (i2435)
Doyley, John (marriage to Rose de Duston) (i8635), b.1215-d.1240
Dragutin, Stefan IV, King Of Serbia (marriage to Katalin Princess of Hungary) (i6641),
Drakelowe, Eleanor (i3470), b.1381-
Drakelowe, Eleanor (marriage to William Thomas Vaux Esq) (i3470), b.1381-
Dreux, Alix Adele de (i5742), b.1144-
Dreux, Alix de (i5744), b.1145-d.1217
Dreux, Alix de (i5747), b.1156-d.1212
Dreux, Alix de (marriage to Raoul I de Coucy Sgr de Marle) (i5744), b.1145-d.1217
Dreux, Daughter de (i7822), b.1186-
Dreux, Elisabeth Isabelle de (i5749), b.1160-d.1239
Dreux, Guillaume de (i5751), b.1163-d.1189
Dreux, Henry de (i5746), b.1155-d.1198
Dreux, Jean de (i5752), b.1164-d.1189
Dreux, Marguerite de (i5753), b.1167-
Dreux, Massilie Beatrix de (i5754), b.1167-d.1200
Dreux, Philippe de (i5748), b.1158-d.1217
Dreux, Philippe de (i6611), b.1174-
Dreux, Philippe de (marriage to Henri II Count Bar le duc) (i6611), b.1174-
Dreux, Pierre de (i5750), b.1161-d.1185
Dreux, Robert Count of (i5738), b.1123-d.1184
Dreux, Robert Count of (marriage to Agnes de Baudement) (i5738), b.1123-d.1184
Dreux, Robert II Count (i5745), b.1154-d.1218
Dreux, Robert II Count (marriage to Yolande de Coucy) (i5745), b.1154-d.1218
Dreux, Robert III, Count (i7818), b.1183-
Dreux, Robert III, Count (marriage to Leonore St Valerie) (i7818), b.1183-
Dreux, Simon de (i5740), b.1141-d.1144
Dreux, Yolande de (i5244), b.1218-d.1272
Dreux, Yolande de (marriage to Hugh Xi de Lusignan) (i5244), b.1218-d.1272
Drevlians, Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Duke (i7331), b.983-d.1015
Drewsbury, Esther (Hester) (marriage to Phillip Delano) (i1340), d.1657
Du Bois, Catrina (i1383)
Du Bois, Catrina (marriage to Petrus Smedes) (i1383)
Dubois, Cretian (i2323)
Dubois, Francoise (i2320)
Dubois, Francoise (marriage to Pierre Billeau) (i2320)
Dunbar, Edgar (i3612) (living status unknown)
Dunbar, Gospatric I Earl of (i3745), b.1040-d.1074
Dunbar, Gospatric I Earl of (marriage to Aethelreda) (i3745), b.1040-d.1074
Dunbar, Gospatric II Earl of (i2449), b.1062-d.1138
Dunbar, Gospatric II Earl of (marriage to Sybil Morel) (i2449), b.1062-d.1138
Dunbar, Gunnild of (i8306), b.1134-
Dunbar, Gunnild of (marriage to Uchtred, Lord of Galloway) (i8306), b.1134-
Dunbar, Juliana of (i3768), b.1130-
Dunbar, Juliana of (marriage to Ralph de Merley) (i3768), b.1130-
Dunbar, Maldred Earl of (i3723), b.1003-d.1045
Dunbar, Maldred Earl of (marriage to Ealdgyth of Northumberland) (i3723), b.1003-d.1045
Dunbar, Waltheof, Earl of (i8315), b.1062-d.1138
Dunbar, Waltheof, Earl of (marriage to Sigrid Or Sigarith) (i8315), b.1062-d.1138
Dunkeld, Crinan Abbott of (i3709), b.978-d.1045
Dunkeld, Crinan Abbott of (marriage to Bethoc of Scotland) (i3709), b.978-d.1045
Dunstanville, Rainald de (i5516), b.1110-d.1175
Dunstanville, Walter (marriage to Sibyl Marshall) (i7730), b.1202-
Duston, Isabel de (i8631), b.1224-
Duston, Isabel de (marriage to Walter de Grey) (i8631), b.1224-
Duston, Rose de (i8636), b.1222-d.1283
Duston, William de (i8634), b.1198-
Duston, William de (i8757) (living status unknown)
Duston, William de (marriage to Nn wake) (i8757) (living status unknown)
Dutton, Hugh de, 9th Lord Of Dutt (marriage to Joan Jane de Holland) (i7963), b.1276-d.1326
Dutton, Thomas Sir (marriage to Anne Touchet) (i4884), b.1421-d.1459
Eadgifu, (i4283), b.904-
Eadgifu, (marriage to Count Herbert Tours) (i4283), b.904-
Eadhild, (i4191), b.908-d.937
Eadhild, (marriage to Hugh Magnus of France) (i4191), b.908-d.937
Eadnothson, Harding (i3972), b.1050-d.1116
Eadnothson, Harding (marriage to Livida Unknown) (i3972), b.1050-d.1116
Eadred, (i3832), b.923-d.955
Eadwig, (i3813), b.988-d.1017
Eafa, (i3828), b.740-
Eaton, Ann (i498), b.1605-d.1688
Eaton, Ann (marriage to Deacon Hugh Calkins) (i498), b.1605-d.1688
Eaton, Francis (i2189)
Echingham, Anne (marriage to John Touchet) (i4856), b.1422-d.1498
Edesse, Melisende de (marriage to Foulques V Le Anjou King of Jerusalem) (i5443), b.1109-d.1160
Edgiva, (i3789), b.877-
Edgiva, (marriage to Edward The Elder) (i3789), b.877-
Edith concubine 3 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5559), b.1071-
Edith concubine 6 (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5571), b.1074-
Edith, (i3783), b.1042-d.1047
Edith, (i3814), b.994-
Edmunds, William (marriage to Margaret Morgan) (i4770), b.1514-
Edwards, Edward (i2669), b.1536-d.1592
Edwards, Edward (marriage to Ursula Coles) (i2669), b.1536-d.1592
Edwards, Margaret (i2657), b.1562-
Edwards, Margaret (marriage to Henry Freeman) (i2657), b.1562-
Edwards, Peter (i2671), b.1490-d.1552
Edwards, Peter (i6669) (living status unknown)
Edwards, Peter (marriage to Susanna Samwell) (i2671), b.1490-d.1552
Edwin, (i3831)
Egbert, (i3794), d.838
Egbert, (marriage to Redburga) (i3794), d.838
Eginhard, (marriage to Emma Bastard of France) (i4346), b.800-
Einion, Gwenllian Verch (i8482), b.951-
Einion, Gwenllian Verch (marriage to Elystan Ap Cuhelyn) (i8482), b.951-
Elbertsen, Elbert (Stoothoff) (marriage to Sara Roeloffse) (i2134)
Elder, Edward The (i3788), b.875-d.924
Elder, Edward The (marriage to Edgiva) (i3788), b.875-d.924
Elderkin, Anna (marriage to Samuel Bliss) (i485)
Elesa, (i4496), b.439-
Elesason, Princess (i4497), b.469-
Elfrida, Ealfthyth Or (i3785), d.1000
Elfrida, Ealfthyth Or (marriage to Edgar The Peaceable) (i3785), d.1000
Elgar, Elizabeth (marriage to Josiah Bradley) (i1386), b.1731-d.1815
Elgiva, (i3787), b.922-
Elgiva, (marriage to Edmund I The Magnificent) (i3787), b.922-
Elisabeth Zayda of (marriage to Alfonso VI King of Castile) (i5910), b.1066-
Elizabeth (marriage to Edward FitzAlan) (i8059), b.1316-
Elizabeth, (marriage to John Prince of England Earl of Kent) (i7405), b.1330-
Elsdon, Anne (marriage to Henry Rowley) (i2364), b.1583-
Elvira Gualtar (marriage to Alfonso I King of Portugal) (i5865), b.1111-
Elystan, Cadwgan Ap (i8475), b.975-
Elystan, Cadwgan Ap (marriage to Eva Verch Gwrgant) (i8475), b.975-
Emina (marriage to Hrollager Or Hrollaug Rognvaldsson) (i6752), b.858-
Emma (i5606), b.1096-d.1157
Emma (marriage to Albert II Count Vermandois) (i7370), b.1035-
Endeline (marriage to Louis X King of France) (i6017), b.1288-
Engaine, Ralph de (i8329), b.1046-
Engaine, Ralph de (marriage to Ebria Trivers) (i8329), b.1046-
Engayne, Ada de (i8328), b.1081-
Engayne, Ada de (marriage to Simon de Morville) (i8328), b.1081-
Enghien, Engelbert IV, Comte (marriage to Ida de Avesnes) (i6426), b.1185-
England, A Priest S, concubine (marriage to Robert III Prince England Duke of Normandy) (i5626),
England, Adela Alice Princess (i5637), b.1062-d.1137
England, Adela Alice Princess (marriage to Estienne Henry Count Blois) (i5637), b.1062-d.1137
England, Adelidis Alice Princess (i5618), b.1056-d.1066
England, Agatha Matilda Princess (i5620), b.1064-d.1080
England, Alice, Princess of (i5101), b.1279-d.1291
England, Alphonso, Prince of (i5097), b.1273-d.1284
England, Anna Princess of (i5621), b.1066-
England, Baldwin, Prince of (i5996), b.1133-d.1135
England, Beatrice Princess of (i5168), b.1242-d.1274
England, Beatrice, Princess of (i5102), b.1286-
England, Berengaria, Princess of (i5099), b.1276-d.1277
England, Blanche of (i5103), b.1290-
England, Blanche Princess of (i5020), b.1342-d.1342
England, Catherine Princess of (i5157), b.1253-d.1256
England, Cecilia Princess of (i5617), b.1055-d.1126
England, Constance Princess of (i5634), b.1061-d.1090
England, Edith of (i8497), b.1042-d.1087
England, Edmund Crounchback Prince (i5179), b.1244-d.1296
England, Edmund Crounchback Prince (marriage to Blanche D Artois Princess) (i5179),
England, Edmund Prince of, Earl of Kent (i5115), b.1326-d.1331
England, Edward I Longshanks King of (i5091), b.1239-d.1307
England, Edward I Longshanks King of (marriage to Leonor Princess of Castile) (i5091),
England, Edward I Longshanks King of (marriage to Marguerite Princess of France) (i5091),
England, Edward II King of (i5083), b.1284-d.1327
England, Edward II King of (marriage to Isabelle Princess of France) (i5083), b.1284-d.1327
England, Edward III King of (i5016), b.1312-d.1377
England, Edward III King of (marriage to Philippa Countess of Hainault) (i5016), b.1312-d.1377
England, Edward Prince of (i5008), b.1373-d.1415
England, Edward Prince of (i5022), b.1330-d.1376
England, Edward Prince of (i5024), b.1364-d.1371
England, Edward Prince of (marriage to Joan Princess of England) (i5022), b.1330-d.1376
England, Eleanor Princess (i5307), b.1215-d.1275
England, Eleanor Princess (marriage to William Marshall) (i5307), b.1215-d.1275
England, Eleanor Princess of (i5087), b.1318-d.1355
England, Eleanor, Princess of (i5122), b.1264-d.1298
England, Eleanor, Queen of Castile (i5392), b.1162-d.1214
England, Eleanor, Queen of Castile (marriage to Alfonso VIII King of Castile) (i5392),
England, Eleonor Princess of (i5106), b.1306-d.1311
England, Elizabeth, Princess of (i5139), b.1282-d.1316
England, Elizabeth, Princess of (i5609), b.1095-
England, Elizabeth, Princess of (marriage to Fergus, Lord of Galloway) (i5609), b.1095-
England, Eustace IV Prince (marriage to Constance Princess of France) (i5757), b.1135-d.1152
England, Eustace IV Prince (marriage to Constance Princess of France) (i5758), b.1135-d.1152
England, Eustace IV Prince (marriage to Constance Princess of France) (i5759), b.1135-d.1152
England, Eustace IV, Prince (i5755), b.1135-d.1152
England, Eustace IV, Prince (marriage to Constance Princess of France) (i5755), b.1135-d.1152
England, Fulk Prince of (i5552), b.1102-
England, Geoffrey II of Bretagne, Duke of Brittany (i5386), b.1158-d.1186
England, Gilbert Prince of (i5582), b.1130-d.1142
England, Gundred Princess of (i5533), b.1114-d.1130
England, Gundred Princess of, Countess (i5652), b.1063-d.1085
England, Gundred Princess of, Countess (marriage to William de Varennes Earl of Surrey) (i5652),
England, Henry II King of (i5317), b.1133-d.1189
England, Henry II King of (marriage to Annabel Balliol concubine 3) (i5317), b.1133-d.1189
England, Henry II King of (marriage to Eleanore Princess of Aquitaine) (i5317), b.1133-d.1189
England, Henry III King (i5153), b.1207-d.1272
England, Henry III King (marriage to Eleonore, Countess of Provence Queen of England) (i5153),
England, Henry King of (i5355), b.1155-d.1183
England, Henry King of (marriage to Marguerite, Princess of France Queen of Hungary) (i5355),
England, Henry Prince of (i5095), b.1268-d.1274
England, Henry Prince of (i5159), b.1258-
England, Isabel Princess of (i5039), b.1332-d.1379
England, Isabel Princess of (i5098), b.1274-
England, Joan of Acre (i5125), b.1272-d.1307
England, Joan Princess of (i5018), b.1334-d.1348
England, Joan Princess of (i5023), b.1328-d.1385
England, Joan Princess of (i5089), b.1321-d.1362
England, Joan Princess of (marriage to Edward Prince of England) (i5023), b.1328-d.1385
England, Joan Princess of (marriage to Sir Thomas Holland) (i5023), b.1328-d.1385
England, Joan, Princess of (i5093), b.1265-
England, Joane Princess (i5294), b.1210-d.1238
England, Joanna Princess (i5406), b.1165-d.1199
England, John (Lackland) King (i5186), b.1167-d.1216
England, John (Lackland) King (marriage to Agatha de Ferrers) (i5186), b.1167-d.1216
England, John (Lackland) King (marriage to Isabella of Angouleme (Taillefer) Queen) (i5186),
England, John of Gaunt, Duke (i5049), b.1340-d.1399
England, John Prince of (i5085), b.1315-d.1336
England, John Prince of (i5156), b.1250-d.1256
England, John Prince of, Earl of Kent (i5118), b.1330-d.1352
England, John, Prince of (i5094), b.1266-d.1272
England, Julian Or Katherine (i5096), b.1271-d.1271
England, Juliane Princess of (i5554), b.1102-
England, King Henry I, (Beauclerc) (i5495), b.1070-d.1135
England, King Henry I, (Beauclerc) (marriage to concubine 4) (i5495), b.1070-d.1135
England, King Henry I, (Beauclerc) (marriage to Matilda Eadgyth Scotland Princess) (i5495),
England, Lionel Prince of (i5045), b.1338-d.1368
England, Margaret Princess of (i5071), b.1346-d.1361
England, Margaret Princess of (i5161), b.1240-d.1274
England, Margaret Princess of (i5619), b.1059-d.1112
England, Margaret, Princess of (i5136), b.1275-d.1318
England, Mary Princess of (i5069), b.1344-d.1361
England, Mary, Princess of (i5100), b.1278-d.1232
England, Matilda Maud, Empress (i5415), b.1102-d.1169
England, Matilda Maud, Empress (marriage to Geoffrey V Plantagenet Count of Anjou and Main (i5415),
England, Matilda Princess (i5362), b.1156-d.1189
England, Matilda, Princess of (i5997), b.1134-d.1136
England, Matilda, Queen of (i5676), b.1105-d.1151
England, Matilda, Queen of (marriage to Stephen King of England) (i5676), b.1105-d.1151
England, Maud Princess of, Countess of Perc (i5561), b.1090-d.1119
England, Miss Edward (marriage to Edward Prince of England) (i5027), b.1332-
England, Oliver, of (i5209), b.1187-d.1219
England, Philip Prince of (i5319), b.1160-d.1160
England, Princess Joan of (i5193), b.1188-d.1237
England, Princess Joan of (marriage to Llewelyn of North Llewelyn Prince of Wales) (i5193),
England, Princess of (i5579), b.1095-
England, Richard Earl of Cornwal (i5267), b.1209-d.1272
England, Richard Earl of Cornwal (marriage to Isabel Marshall) (i5267), b.1209-d.1272
England, Richard Earl of Cornwal (marriage to Sancha, Countess of Provence) (i5267),
England, Richard I Coeur de Lion (i5380), b.1157-d.1199
England, Richard I Coeur de Lion (marriage to Berengaria Princess of Navarra) (i5380),
England, Richard II King of (i5025), b.1367-d.1400
England, Richard Prince of (i5011), b.1376-d.1415
England, Richard Prince of (i5155), b.1247-d.1256
England, Richard Prince of (i5498), b.1105-d.1119
England, Richard Prince of (i5551), b.1101-d.1119
England, Richard Prince of (i5616), b.1054-d.1081
England, Robert III Prince, Duke of Normandy (i5623), b.1051-d.1134
England, Robert Prince of (i5572), b.1093-d.1172
England, Rohese Princess of (i5508), b.1114-d.1176
England, Stephen King of (i5643), b.1095-d.1154
England, Stephen King of (marriage to Matilda, Queen of England) (i5643), b.1095-d.1154
England, Thomas Prince of (i5076), b.1354-d.1397
England, Thomas Prince of (i5107), b.1300-d.1338
England, Thomas Prince of, Duke Of Clarence (marriage to Margaret de Holland Duchess Of Cl (i7921),
England, William Atheling Prince (i5465), b.1103-d.1119
England, William Atheling Prince (marriage to Mathilde de Anjou Duchess of Normandy) (i5465),
England, William I The, Duke of Normandy (i5614), b.1024-d.1087
England, William I The, Duke of Normandy (marriage to Matilda Countess of Flanders Queen o (i5614),
England, William II Rufus (i5630), b.1060-d.1100
England, William Prince of (i5019), b.FEB-d.1337
England, William Prince of (i5021), b.1348-
England, William Prince of (i5158), b.1256-d.1256
England, William Prince of (i5514), b.1105-d.1187
England, William, Count of Boulogu (i5429), b.1137-d.1159
England, William, Count of Boulogu (marriage to Isabel de Warenne) (i5429), b.1137-d.1159
England, William, Count of Poitiers (i5352), b.1152-d.1156
Englefield, Nicholas (marriage to Elizabeth Quartermain) (i3602), b.1366-d.1415
Englefield, Sybil (marriage to Richard Quartermain) (i3607), b.1401-d.1482
Envermeu, Godiva de (i4087) (living status unknown)
Envermeu, Hugh de (i4180) (living status unknown)
Eoppa, (i3833), b.718-
Equisheim, Count Hugh (i4162) (living status unknown)
Equisheim, Countess Alice Adela (i4126)
Equisheim, Countess Alice Adela (marriage to Rainer III Count Hainault) (i4126)
Erdley, Agnes (i2276), d.1640
Erdley, Agnes (marriage to Stephen Tracy) (i2276), d.1640
Ermengarde (marriage to William VII Guillaume Aquitaine) (i5681), b.1073-
Ermengaud (marriage to Aldonza of Barcelona) (i5836), b.1154-d.1183
Ermensinde (marriage to Baldwin IV Hainault Count of) (i6446), b.1126-
Ermisende (i6450), b.1088-d.1143
Ermisende (marriage to Albert Moha Count of) (i6450), b.1088-d.1143
Ermisende (marriage to Godfrey Namur Count of) (i6450), b.1088-d.1143
Esla, (i4500), b.411-
Essex, Henry de (marriage to Adeliza Alice de Vere) (i6808), b.1090-
Este, Beatrix D, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Andras II, King of Hungary) (i6119),
Estey, Aaron (i975), b.1725-
Estey, Aaron (i1317), b.1699-d.1783
Estey, Aaron (marriage to Esther (hester) Richards) (i1317), b.1699-d.1783
Estey, Abigail (i979)
Estey, Benjamin (i8890), b.1669-
Estey, Esther (i980), d.1741
Estey, Esther (i981)
Estey, Hannah (i976), b.1726-
Estey, Hannah (i8889), b.1663-
Estey, Isaac (i977), b.1724-d.1731
Estey, Isaac (i1083), b.1731-d.1807
Estey, Isaac (i1308), b.1630-d.1712
Estey, Isaac (i1313), b.1656-d.1714
Estey, Isaac (marriage to Abigail Kimball) (i1313), b.1656-d.1714
Estey, Isaac (marriage to Hannah Smith) (i1083), b.1731-d.1807
Estey, Isaac (marriage to Mary Towne) (i1308), b.1630-d.1712
Estey, Jacob (i8892), b.1674-
Estey, Jeffrey (i1307), d.1700
Estey, John (i8888), b.1663-
Estey, Joseph (i8886), b.1658-
Estey, Joshua (i8893), b.1678-
Estey, Mary (i978), b.1730-
Estey, Mary (i1961)
Estey, Moses (i1847)
Estey, Samuel (i8891), b.1672-
Estey, Sarah (i1085), b.1774-d.1850
Estey, Sarah (i1944), b.1694-d.1751
Estey, Sarah (i8887), b.1660-
Estey, Sarah (marriage to Henry Davison) (i1085), b.1774-d.1850
Estey, William (i982)
estmond, (i3975), b.1074-
estmond, (marriage to Godiva Unknown) (i3975), b.1074-
Estmond, Eva (i3965), b.1100-d.1170
Estmond, Eva (marriage to Robert FitzHarding) (i3965), b.1100-d.1170
Estrid of Sweden (i7357), b.1003-
Estrid Or Margret (marriage to Robert I "The Normandy) (i7249), b.1001-
Estridmargaret (i7229), b.997-
Estridmargaret (marriage to Ulf Thorgilsson) (i7229), b.997-
Estridsen, Asbjorn (i7230), b.1023-d.1086
Estridsen, Niels (i7231), b.1025-
Estridsen, Svend II (i7232), b.1019-d.1076
Etalle, Louis D (marriage to Sibylle de Bar le duc) (i6618), b.1198-
Etamps, Jean Count of (marriage to Eustachie Princess of France) (i5489), b.1097-
Etamps, Jean Count of (marriage to Eustachie Princess of France) (i5489), b.1097-
Ethelbald, (i3838)
Ethelbert, (i3837)
Ethelred, (i3802)
Ethelswida, (i3801) (living status unknown)
Ethelwolf, (i3792), b.801-d.858
Ethelwolf, (marriage to Osburga) (i3792), b.801-d.858
Eu, Theodorici D (marriage to Sibilla Sibyl Sybil Anjou Countess of Flanders) (i5460), b.1113-
Eva (marriage to Philip de Braose) (i8578), b.1114-
Eva Maud (marriage to Philip de Braose) (i8582), b.1102-d.1200
Evan, Joan Ap (marriage to Watkin Or William Vaughan) (i4822), b.1461-
Evereaux, Agnes de (i8397), b.1030-
Evereaux, Agnes de (marriage to Simon I Montfort Seigneur De) (i8397), b.1030-
Evereaux, Harvise de (marriage to Robert Count of Dreux) (i5741), b.1118-d.1152
Evereaux, Jeanne de (marriage to Charles IV King of France) (i6033), b.1310-d.1371
Evereaux, Patrick de (i7750), b.1117-d.1167
Evereaux, Richard de, Count of (i8404), b.986-d.1067
Evereaux, Richard de, Count of (marriage to Adele) (i8404), b.986-d.1067
Evereaux, Sybill de (i7737), b.1127-
Evereaux, Sybill de (marriage to John Marshall) (i7737), b.1127-
Evereaux, Walter de (i7748), b.1100-
Evereaux, Walter de (marriage to Sibyl Chaworth) (i7748), b.1100-
Evereaux, William de (i8406), b.1032-
Eysteinsson, Asa (i6729), b.709-
Eysteinsson, Asa (marriage to Halfdau Olafsson) (i6729), b.709-
Eysteinsson, Ingvar (i6737), b.616-
Eysteinsson, Rognvald (i6745), b.830-
Eysteinsson, Rognvald (marriage to Ragnhild Hrolfsson) (i6745), b.830-
Eysteinsson, Sigurd (Earl) (i6758), b.832-
Fairfield, Joan (marriage to John Hibbard) (i2535), b.1577-
Falaise, Fulbert de (i7251), b.978-
Falaise, Fulbert de (marriage to Doda) (i7251), b.978-
Falaise, Harlette de (i7187), b.1003-
Falaise, Harlette de (marriage to Harlevin de Conteville) (i7187), b.1003-
Falaise, Harlette de (marriage to Robert I "The Normandy) (i7187), b.1003-
Faquemont, Beatrice de (marriage to Richard Earl of Cornwal England) (i5279), b.1210-
Farmoutier, Rothaide Abbesse of (i4333), b.788-d.852
Farrar, Sarrah (i1132), b.1648-d.1712
Farrar, Sarrah (marriage to Melatiale Lathrop) (i1132), b.1648-d.1712
Farrar, Thomas (i1130), b.1617-d.1694
Farrar, Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth Hood) (i1130), b.1617-d.1694
Faucigny, Itha (i5878), b.1086-
Faucigny, Itha (marriage to Aimon II Geneva Count of) (i5878), b.1086-
Faunce, Priscilla (marriage to Joseph Warren) (i1630), b.1633-d.1707
Felbrigg, Maud de (marriage to Simon Bigod) (i7802), b.1222-
Felbrigg, Maud de (marriage to Simon Bigod) (i7802), b.1222-
Fellows, Mary (marriage to Israel Lathrop) (i442)
Ferch, Llewelyn Gwladys (marriage to Ralph de Mortimer) (i7574), b.1194-d.1251
Fergan, Hawise (i8207), b.1130-
Fergant, Alan (i8210), b.1084-
Ferrers, Agatha (marriage to Eon La Zouche) (i8189), b.1209-
Ferrers, Agatha de (i5191), b.1168-
Ferrers, Agatha de (marriage to Hugh de Mortimer) (i7579), b.1233-
Ferrers, Agatha de (marriage to John (Lackland) King England) (i5191), b.1168-
Ferrers, Amicea de (i8546), b.1068-
Ferrers, Berta de (marriage to Ralph Le Bigod) (i4069), b.1256-
Ferrers, Dau de (i8533), b.1113-
Ferrers, Dau de (i8535), b.1115-
Ferrers, Eleanor de (marriage to Roger de Quincy Earl Winchester) (i7148), b.1236-d.1274
Ferrers, Elizabeth de (i7669), b.1166-
Ferrers, Emmeline de (i8544), b.1070-
Ferrers, Ermintrude de (i7666), b.1163-
Ferrers, Eugenulph de (i8542), b.1064-
Ferrers, Gundreda de (i8548), b.1077-
Ferrers, Hawise de (i8531), b.1108-
Ferrers, Henry (marriage to Hortense de Braose) (i8602), b.1084-
Ferrers, Henry de (i8523), b.1148-
Ferrers, Henry de, (Sire de Chambrai) (i8540), b.1036-d.1088
Ferrers, Henry de, (Sire de Chambrai) (marriage to Bertha Roberts) (i8540), b.1036-d.1088
Ferrers, Hugh de (i8551), b.1038-
Ferrers, Hugo de (i8522), b.1146-
Ferrers, Isabel de (i7668), b.1166-
Ferrers, Isabel de (i8554), b.1040-
Ferrers, Isolda de (i8519), b.1141-
Ferrers, Isolda de (i8536), b.1118-
Ferrers, Malcheline de (i8518), b.1138-
Ferrers, Margery de (i7667), b.1165-
Ferrers, Matilda de (i8520), b.1142-
Ferrers, Maud de (i8529), b.1096-
Ferrers, Millicent de (i7662), b.1170-
Ferrers, Millicent de (i7670), b.1177-
Ferrers, Robert de (i7664), b.1177-d.1227
Ferrers, Robert de (i8521), b.1144-
Ferrers, Robert de (i8524), b.1062-d.1139
Ferrers, Robert de (marriage to Hawise de Vitre (Countess of Derb)) (i8524), b.1062-d.1139
Ferrers, Robert de, Earl of Derby (i8516), b.1100-d.1160
Ferrers, Robert de, Earl of Derby (marriage to Margaret Peveril Countess of Derby) (i8516),
Ferrers, Son de (i7660), b.1168-
Ferrers, Son de (i7661), b.1170-
Ferrers, Son de (i7663), b.1172-
Ferrers, Walcheline de (i8527), b.1092-
Ferrers, Walkelin de (i8550), b.1010-d.1089
Ferrers, William de (i7659), b.1162-d.1246
Ferrers, William de (i8526), b.1088-d.1139
Ferrers, William de (i8543), b.1066-
Ferrers, William de, Earl of Derby (i7657), b.1136-d.1190
Ferrers, William de, Earl of Derby (marriage to Margaret de Quincy) (i7716), b.1200-d.1254
Ferrers, William de, Earl of Derby (marriage to Sibyl Marshall) (i7716), b.1200-d.1254
Ferrers, William de, Earl of Derby (marriage to Sybil de Braose) (i7657), b.1136-d.1190
Ferte arnaud, Guillaume La (marriage to Constance de Courtenay) (i5726), b.1172-
Fiddes, Alan (marriage to Mary Catherwood) (i260)
Fiennes, Enguerrand Ingelram de (i5961), b.1192-
Fiennes, Enguerrand Ingelram de (marriage to Isabel Conde) (i5961), b.1192-
Fiennes, Isabel (marriage to Thomas Danvers) (i3564), b.1432-
Fiennes, John (i7764), b.1277-d.1331
Fiennes, Margaret de (i7533), b.1262-d.1333
Fiennes, Margaret de (marriage to Sir Edmund de Mortimer Knight) (i7533), b.1262-d.1333
Fiennes, Robert (i7763), b.1273-
Fiennes, William de (i5959), b.1160-d.1240
Fiennes, William de (i7761), b.1245-d.1302
Fiennes, William de (marriage to Agnes de Dammartin) (i5959), b.1160-d.1240
Fiennes, William de (marriage to Blanche de Brienne) (i7761), b.1245-d.1302
Finch, Catherine (i8878), d.1636
Finch, Catherine (marriage to William Byrchard) (i8878), d.1636
Fines, Ingelram de (i7767), b.1134-
Fines, Ingelram de (marriage to Sibyl de Boulogne) (i7767), b.1134-
Fisher, Agnes (i8842), b.1558-
Fisher, Amos (i8846), b.1594-d.1660
Fisher, Anne (or Amy) (i8839), b.1525-
Fisher, Anthony (i1466), b.1558-d.1640
Fisher, Anthony (i1468), b.1591-d.1671
Fisher, Anthony (i8855), b.1623-d.1670
Fisher, Anthony (marriage to Alice (Unknown)) (i1468), b.1591-d.1671
Fisher, Anthony (marriage to Marie Fiske) (i1466), b.1558-d.1640
Fisher, Cornelius (i8849), b.1599-d.1641
Fisher, Cornelius (i8857), b.1629-d.1699
Fisher, Daniel (i1470), b.1618-d.1683
Fisher, Daniel (marriage to Hannah Hill) (i1470), b.1618-d.1683
Fisher, Hannah (i1471), b.1666-d.1714
Fisher, Hannah (marriage to Thomas Braman) (i1471), b.1666-d.1714
Fisher, Jane (i8843), b.1560-
Fisher, Johanna (i8840), b.1553-
Fisher, John (i8834), d.1523
Fisher, John (i8848), b.1597-d.1636
Fisher, John (i8852), d.1637
Fisher, John (marriage to Christian Unknown) (i8834), d.1523
Fisher, Joshua, Deacon (i8844), b.1587-d.1674
Fisher, Leah (i8854)
Fisher, Lydia (i8853), d.1691
Fisher, Margaret (i8837), b.1521-
Fisher, Maria (i8845), b.1589-
Fisher, Martha (i8847), b.1595-d.1659
Fisher, Nathaniel (i8856), b.1626-d.1676
Fisher, Robert (i8833), b.1495-d.1564
Fisher, Robert (i8838), b.1523-
Fisher, William (i8831), b.1527-d.1591
Fisher, William (i8836), b.1490-
Fisher, William (i8841), b.1556-
Fisher, William (marriage to Margerie Bert) (i8831), b.1527-d.1591
Fiske, Marie (i1467)
Fiske, Marie (marriage to Anthony Fisher) (i1467)
Fiske, Nicholas (i8829)
Fiske, Nicholas (marriage to Johan Crispe) (i8829)
Fitch, Abiah (i433), b.1717-
Fitch, Abigail (i383), b.1650-
Fitch, Anne (i392), b.1675-
Fitch, Benajah (i435), b.1721-
Fitch, Benjamin (i43), b.1691-d.1727
Fitch, Benjamin (i434), b.1719-
Fitch, Benjamin (marriage to Hannah Read) (i43), b.1691-d.1727
Fitch, Danell (i388), b.1665-
Fitch, Dorothy (i386), b.1658-
Fitch, Ebenezer (i45), b.1725-d.1797
Fitch, Ebenezer (marriage to Mary Huntington) (i45), b.1725-d.1797
Fitch, Eleazer (i395), b.1683-
Fitch, Elisabeth (i384), b.1651-
Fitch, Hannah (i385), b.1653-
Fitch, Jabez (i391), b.1672-
Fitch, James, Major (i382), b.1649-d.1727
Fitch, Jeremiah (i390), b.1670-
Fitch, John (i389), b.1667-
Fitch, John (i432), b.1716-d.1737
Fitch, John (i1510), b.1294-
Fitch, Joseph (i290)
Fitch, Joseph (i394), b.1681-
Fitch, Mary (i431), b.1714-
Fitch, Nabbe Abigail (i23), b.1757-d.1798
Fitch, Nabbe Abigail (marriage to John Post) (i23), b.1757-d.1798
Fitch, Nathanell (i393), b.1679-
Fitch, Rev. James (i74), b.1622-d.1702
Fitch, Rev. James (marriage to Abigail Whitfield) (i74), b.1622-d.1702
Fitch, Samuel (i42), b.1655-d.1725
Fitch, Samuel (marriage to Mary Brewster) (i42), b.1655-d.1725
Fitch, Thomas (i289)
Fitch, Thomas (i301), d.1686
Fitch, Thomas (i1512)
Fitch, Thomas (i1515)
Fitch, Thomas (i1517)
Fitch, Thomas (i1520), d.1514
Fitch, Thomas (i1523), b.1490-
Fitch, Thomas (i1524), b.1522-
Fitch, Thomas (i1526), b.1562-
Fitch, Thomas (marriage to Agnes Alges) (i1520), d.1514
Fitch, Thomas (marriage to Anne Bartley) (i1524), b.1522-
Fitch, Thomas (marriage to Cora North) (i1512)
Fitch, Thomas (marriage to Joanna Marston) (i1517)
Fitch, Thomas (marriage to Mary Mauch) (i1526), b.1562-
Fitch, William (i1511), d.1388
Fitch, William (i1516), b.1422-
Fitzalan, Alice (i7908), b.1352-d.1416
FitzAlan, Alice (i8051), b.1305-
Fitzalan, Alice (marriage to Thomas de Holand Earl of Kent) (i7908), b.1352-d.1416
FitzAlan, Aline (i8055), b.1309-d.1386
FitzAlan, Amy (i7565), b.1273-
FitzAlan, Edmund (i8003), d.1377
FitzAlan, Edmund (i8049), b.1301-
Fitzalan, Edmund, Earl of Arundel (i8043), b.1285-d.1326
Fitzalan, Edmund, Earl of Arundel (marriage to Alice de Warenne) (i8043), b.1285-d.1326
FitzAlan, Edward (i8058), b.1313-d.1398
FitzAlan, Eleanor (i7566), b.1275-d.1328
FitzAlan, Eleanor (i8066), b.1274-
FitzAlan, Elizabeth (i8061), b.1315-d.1389
FitzAlan, Isabel Mary (i8007), b.1332-d.1396
FitzAlan, Jane (i8053), b.1307-
FitzAlan, Joan, CntessofHereford (i8024), b.1348-
FitzAlan, John (i7559), b.1246-d.1272
FitzAlan, John (i7564), b.1271-
FitzAlan, John (i8045), b.1311-
FitzAlan, John (i8063), b.1287-
FitzAlan, John (marriage to Isabella de Mortimer) (i7559), b.1246-d.1272
FitzAlan, John Arundel, Baron Arundel (i8025), b.1348-d.1379
FitzAlan, Katherine (i8047), b.1299-d.1376
FitzAlan, Margaret (i8069), b.1302-
FitzAlan, Matilda (i7563), b.1269-
FitzAlan, Maud (i7561), b.1263-
FitzAlan, Maud (i8064), b.1289-
FitzAlan, Phillippa (i8011), b.1333-
Fitzalan, Richard "Copped Hat", Earl of Arundel (i8000), b.1313-d.1375
Fitzalan, Richard "Copped Hat", Earl of Arundel (marriage to Eleanor Plantagenet Countess (i8000),
FitzAlan, Richard, Earl Of Arundel (i7562), b.1267-d.1302
FitzAlan, Richard, Earl Of Arundel (marriage to Alisona de Saluzza) (i7562), b.1267-d.1302
FitzAlan, Richard, Earl Of Arundel, (i8036), b.1350-d.1397
Fitzalured, Roger (i7435), b.1138-
Fitzalured, Roger (marriage to Maud) (i7435), b.1138-
FitzBarnard, John, Sir (i7999), b.1247-
FitzBernard, Joan (i4046), b.1273-d.1309
FitzBernard, Joan (marriage to Sir John Wake) (i4046), b.1273-d.1309
FitzGeoffrey, John (i7778), b.1215-d.1238
FitzGeoffrey, John (marriage to Isabel Bigod) (i7778), b.1215-d.1238
FitzGerald, Maurice (marriage to Emmeline de Longespee) (i8361), b.1250-d.1286
FitzHamon, Lucy (marriage to Randolph Meschines) (i8231), b.1100-
FitzHamon, Mabel Sibyl Maud, Countess (marriage to Robert Earl of Gloucester "de Caen") (i5538),
FitzHarding, Aldena (i3971), b.1132-
FitzHarding, Elena FitzRobert (marriage to Roger IV de Berkeley) (i3982), b.1134-d.1190
FitzHarding, Helena (i3970), b.1130-
FitzHarding, Henry (i3969), b.1128-d.1188
FitzHarding, Maurice FitzRobert (i3463), b.1134-d.1189
FitzHarding, Maurice FitzRobert (marriage to Alice de Berkeley) (i3463), b.1134-d.1189
FitzHarding, Robert (i3964), b.1096-d.1170
FitzHarding, Robert (marriage to Eva Estmond) (i3964), b.1096-d.1170
FitzHarding, Robert de Were (i3966), b.1122-
FitzHarding, Thomas (i3968), b.1126-
FitzHerbert, Piers (marriage to Isabel de Ferrers) (i8555), b.1038-
FitzHerbert, William (marriage to Emma de Blois) (i6004), b.1104-d.1154
FitzIve, Richard (marriage to Isabel La Blanche) (i5226), b.1190-
FitzJohn, Isabel (i7781), b.1240-
FitzJohn, John (i7779), b.1240-d.1275
FitzJohn, Maud (i7784), b.1250-d.1301
FitzJohn, Maud (marriage to William de Beauchamp Earl Of Warwick) (i7784), b.1250-d.1301
FitzJudhel, Aenor (i8573), b.1075-
FitzJudhel, Aenor (marriage to Philip de Braose) (i8573), b.1075-
Fitzosborne, Emma (i8265), b.1082-
Fitzosborne, Emma (marriage to Ralph de Waiet Earl of Norfolk) (i8265), b.1082-
Fitzosborne, William, Earl of Hereford (i8266), b.1056-
Fitzosborne, William, Earl of Hereford (marriage to Adeliza de Toni) (i8266), b.1056-
FitzPatrick, William, Earl Salisbury (i8415), b.1150-d.1196
FitzPatrick, William, Earl Salisbury (marriage to Alianore de Vitrie) (i8415), b.1150-d.1196
FitzPernel, Robert (marriage to Laurette de Braose) (i7629), b.1176-
FitzPons, Osbert (i4472), b.1066-
FitzPons, Richard (i3461), b.1064-
FitzPons, Richard (marriage to Maude FitzWalter) (i3461), b.1064-
FitzPons, Simon (i4473), b.1068-d.1150
FitzRanulf, Robert (marriage to Mary Bigod) (i7808), b.1192-d.1252
FitzRichard, Beatrice (marriage to Rainald de Dunstanville) (i5517), b.1115-
FitzRichard, Roger, Lord Workworth (marriage to Adeliza Alice de Vere) (i5114), d.1178
FitzRobert, Isabel (marriage to John (Lackland) King England) (i5188), b.1170-d.1217
FitzRobert, Matilda Maud (marriage to Ranulph de Meschines) (i5544), b.1120-d.1189
FitzRobert, Matilda Maud (marriage to Ranulph Gernon Earl of Chester) (i5544), b.1120-d.1189
FitzRobert, Maud (i6852), b.1134-
FitzRobert, Nicholas (i3967), b.1124-d.1189
FitzRobert, Walter (marriage to Ida Camvile Longespee) (i8373), b.1220-
FitzRobert, William, Earl of Gloucester (marriage to Hawise de Beaumont) (i5539), b.1110-d.1183
Fitzroger, Alice (i7430), b.1164-
Fitzroger, Alice (marriage to Robert Touchet) (i7430), b.1164-
FitzRoger, Robert de, Lord Clavering (marriage to Margaret La Zouche) (i8161), b.1247-d.1310
FitzRoy, Eudo (Odo) (i5217), b.1192-d.1242
FitzRoy, Geofrey (i5213), b.1192-d.1205
FitzRoy, Henry (i5216), b.1192-
FitzRoy, Ivo (i5218), b.1194-
FitzRoy, John (i5215), b.1192-d.1201
FitzRoy, Prince Henry (i5501), b.1105-d.1157
FitzRoy, Richard (i5219), b.1186-d.1270
FitzWalter, Alan, High Steward (marriage to Margaret de Galloway) (i8311), b.1126-d.1204
FitzWalter, Drogo Dru (i4470), b.1060-
FitzWalter, Maude (i3462), b.1066-
FitzWalter, Maude (marriage to Richard FitzPons) (i3462), b.1066-
FitzWalter, Walter (i4471), b.1062-
FitzWalter, Walter (marriage to Ida de Longespee) (i8364), b.1170-
Flaitel, Agnes Ermengarde (i3732), b.1014-
Flaitel, Agnes Ermengarde (marriage to Lord Walter Giffard) (i3732), b.1014-
Flanders, Baldwin V Count (i8460), b.1012-d.1067
Flanders, Baldwin V Count (marriage to Adele Alix Princess France) (i8460), b.1012-d.1067
Flanders, Baldwin VI Count (i8461), b.1029-d.1070
Flanders, Baudouin IX Count (i6269), b.1171-d.1206
Flanders, Baudouin IX Count (marriage to Marie de Champagne) (i6269), b.1171-d.1206
Flanders, Countess Alice Count (i4224), b.915-
Flanders, Henry Count of (i8463), b.1035-
Flanders, Ida de, Cntss of Dammart (i6308), b.1161-d.1216
Flanders, Marguerite Countess of, Countess of VERM (i5462), b.1135-d.1194
Flanders, Marguerite Countess of, Countess of VERM (marriage to Baldwin VIII Hainaut) (i5462),
Flanders, Matilda Countess of, Queen of England (i5615), b.1031-d.1083
Flanders, Matilda Countess of, Queen of England (marriage to William I The England Duke of (i5615),
Flanders, Robert I Le (i8462), b.1033-d.1093
Flanders, Robert III Count (marriage to Blanche de Sicile) (i6632), b.1248-d.1322
Flanders, Suzanne Rosala Countess (marriage to Robert II der Fromme France King, the Pious (i4148),
Flanders, William Count of (marriage to Sibilla Sibyl Sybil Anjou Countess of Flanders) (i5464),
Flanders, Yolande, Countess of (i6260), b.1176-
Flanders, Yolande, Countess of (marriage to Pierre, Prince of France) (i6260), b.1176-
Flandre, Marguerite, Comtesse de (i6270), b.1202-d.1280
Flandre, Marguerite, Comtesse de (marriage to Bouchard de Avesnes) (i6270), b.1202-d.1280
Fleche, John de La (i8407), b.1042-
Fleche, John de La (marriage to Paula) (i8407), b.1042-
Fleisch, Margaret (i1260), b.1842-d.1926
Fleisch, Margaret (marriage to Rudolph Krueger) (i1260), b.1842-d.1926
Fleming, Joan (marriage to Reynold Morgan) (i4760), b.1510-
Flotte, Josserane de (i5854), b.1106-
Flotte, Josserane de (marriage to Bertrand Forcalquier Count of) (i5854), b.1106-
Foliot, Jordan (marriage to Beatrice Bardolf) (i8699), b.1174-
Follick, Edwin (marriage to Esther Agnes Catherwood) (i155)
Foote, Daniel (i988), b.1652-
Foote, Daniel (i1720)
Foote, Dorothy (i1331), b.1733-d.1790
Foote, Dorothy (marriage to John Isham) (i1331), b.1733-d.1790
Foote, Elizabeth (i989), b.1652-
Foote, Elizabeth (i1439), b.1616-d.1700
Foote, Elizabeth (i1724)
Foote, Ephraim (i1329), b.1684-d.1765
Foote, Ephraim (marriage to Sarah Chamberlain) (i1329), b.1684-d.1765
Foote, Frances (i992), b.1629-
Foote, Francis (i1721)
Foote, James (i1719)
Foote, John (i1415), b.1520-d.1558
Foote, John (marriage to Helen Or Ellen Warren) (i1415), b.1520-d.1558
Foote, Joseph (i1723)
Foote, Joshua (i1722)
Foote, Mary (i1441), b.1623-d.1685
Foote, Mary (i1725)
Foote, Nathaniel (i1420), b.1592-d.1644
Foote, Nathaniel (i1421), b.1621-d.1655
Foote, Nathaniel (i1423), b.1646-d.1702
Foote, Nathaniel (i1436), b.1682-d.1774
Foote, Nathaniel (marriage to Elizabeth Deming) (i1420), b.1592-d.1644
Foote, Nathaniel (marriage to Elizabeth Smith) (i1421), b.1621-d.1655
Foote, Nathaniel (marriage to Margaret Bliss) (i1423), b.1646-d.1702
Foote, Rebeckah (i994), b.1634-d.1701
Foote, Robert (i991), b.1627-d.1681
Foote, Robert (i1417), b.1556-d.1608
Foote, Robert (i1718)
Foote, Robert (marriage to Joane Brooke) (i1417), b.1556-d.1608
Foote, Samuel (i987), b.1650-
Foote, Sarah (i993), b.1632-
Forcalquier, Bertrand, Count of (i5853), b.1104-d.1149
Forcalquier, Bertrand, Count of (marriage to Josserane de Flotte) (i5853), b.1104-d.1149
Forcalquier, Garsinde, Countess of (i5851), b.1156-
Forcalquier, Garsinde, Countess of (marriage to Raimond de Sabran Prnc Marseilles) (i5851),
Forcalquier, Gersinde II, Countess of (i5821), b.1180-d.1209
Forcalquier, Gersinde II, Countess of (marriage to Alfonso II Count Provence) (i5821),
Forcalquier, William IV, Count of (i5852), b.1130-d.1208
Fortibus, Alice de (marriage to William Marshall) (i7685), b.1186-
Fortibus, Aveline de (marriage to Edmund Crounchback Prince England) (i5180), b.1258-d.1274
Forz or fortibus, William de (marriage to Christian Galloway) (i8272), b.1216-d.1260
Foster, Edward (marriage to Hester Bliss) (i2305)
Fougeres, Jeanne de (i7813), b.1242-d.1274
Fougeres, Jeanne de (marriage to Hugh de Lusignan) (i7813), b.1242-d.1274
Fowler, Richard (marriage to Joan Danvers) (i3479), b.1420-d.1477
Fox, Chauncey (marriage to Chloe Bradley) (i1225)
France, Ade Princess of (i4374), b.759-
France, Adelaide Princess of, a nun (i4370), b.746-
France, Adelais Princess of (i5898), b.1160-d.1160
France, Adele Alix Princess (i4141), b.1009-d.1079
France, Adele Alix Princess (marriage to Baldwin V Count Flanders) (i4141), b.1009-d.1079
France, Adele Alix Princess (marriage to Richard III Duke of Normandy) (i4141), b.1009-d.1079
France, Adele, Princess of (i4143), b.1012-
France, Adelinda (i4338), b.796-
France, Adeltrud Bastard of (i4335), b.790-
France, Agnes Anna, (i5986), b.1171-d.1240
France, Agnes Princess of (i5808), b.1260-d.1327
France, Alix Princess of (i5351), b.1150-d.1195
France, Alix Princess of (i5965), b.1170-d.1221
France, Alix Princess of (marriage to William Guillaume III Ponthieu) (i5965), b.1170-d.1221
France, Alphonse Prince of (i5933), b.1213-
France, Alphonse Prince of (i5937), b.1220-d.1271
France, Arnould Bastard of (i4256), d.817
France, Bellinandra Bastard of (i4342), b.798-
France, Bertha Queen of (marriage to Robert II der Fromme France King, the Pious) (i4136),
France, Berthe Bastard of (i4377), b.739-
France, Bertrada Queen of (i4367), b.720-d.783
France, Bertrada Queen of (marriage to Pepin King of France "the Short") (i4367), b.720-d.783
France, Blanche Princess (i6010), b.1290-d.1294
France, Blanche Princess of (i5798), b.1240-d.1243
France, Blanche Princess of (i5805), b.1253-d.1320
France, Carloman Prince of (i4404), d.755
France, Cecile Princess of (i5487), b.1097-d.1145
France, Charles IV King of (i6027), b.1295-d.1328
France, Charles Prince of (i5763), b.1085-
France, Constance Princess of (i5756), b.1124-d.1151
France, Constance Princess of (marriage to Eustace IV, Prince England) (i5756), b.1124-d.1151
France, Constansia Princess of (i5766), b.1078-d.1124
France, Daughter Princess of (i5931), b.1205-
France, Dietrich Thierry (i4352), d.819
France, Edith of (i4192), b.867-
France, Emma Bastard of (i4347), b.802-d.802
France, Emma Princess of (i4229), b.898-d.898
France, Emma Princess of (i7271), b.1054-
France, Etienne Prince of (i5940), b.1225-
France, Eudes King of (i4236), b.858-d.898
France, Eudes Prince of (i5764), b.1087-d.1096
France, Eustachie Princess of (i5490), b.1099-
France, Fastrada Queen of (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4325), b.763-d.794
France, Flore Fleury Prince (i5483), b.1095-d.1118
France, Gerberga Princess of (i6685) (living status unknown)
France, Gerberga Princess of (marriage to Albert I Count Vermandois) (i6685) (living status
France, Gertruda Bastard of (i4344), b.800-
France, Gertrude Princess of (i4371), b.748-
France, Gilles Prince of (i4372), b.755-
France, Gisela of (i4258), b.840-
France, Gisele Princess of, a nun (i4368) (living status unknown)
France, Henry I of, King (i4139), b.1008-d.1060
France, Henry I of, King (marriage to Anna von Kiew) (i4139), b.1008-d.1060
France, Henry Prince of (i5762), b.1083-
France, Hildegarde, Princess of (i5686), b.1030-d.1104
France, Hildegarde, Princess of (marriage to William VI VIII Aquitaine) (i5686), b.1030-d.1104
France, Hiltrude Princess of (i4327), b.786-
France, Hruodhaid Bastard of (i4350), b.804-
France, Hugh Magnus of (i4185), b.895-d.956
France, Hugh Magnus of (marriage to Eadhild) (i4185), b.895-d.956
France, Hugh Magnus of (marriage to Hedwig of Saxony) (i4185), b.895-d.956
France, Hugh The Grand, The Grand (i4140), b.1007-d.1025
France, Hugo L Abbe (i4339), b.794-d.844
France, Hugues Capet King (i4131), b.941-d.996
France, Hugues Capet King (marriage to Alice de Poitou Aquitaine) (i4131), b.941-d.996
France, Isabelle de (i5736), b.1105-d.1175
France, Isabelle Princess of (i5084), b.1292-d.1358
France, Isabelle Princess of (i5799), b.1242-d.1271
France, Isabelle Princess of (i5939), b.1224-d.1269
France, Isabelle Princess of (marriage to Edward II King of England) (i5084), b.1292-d.1358
France, Isabelle Princess of (marriage to Thibaut II King of Navarra) (i5799), b.1242-d.1271
France, Isabelle Princess of, Queen Of England (marriage to Richard II King of England) (i7939),
France, Jean Prince of (i5802), b.1246-d.1247
France, Jean Prince of (i5934), b.1213-
France, Jean Prince of (i5936), b.1219-d.1232
France, Jean Tristan Prince (i5803), b.1250-d.1270
France, Louis IX King of (i5796), b.1214-d.1270
France, Louis IX King of (marriage to Marguerite, Countess of Provence Queen of France) (i5796),
France, Louis Prince of (i5800), b.1243-d.1259
France, Louis Prince of (i6038), b.1267-d.1276
France, Louis VI King of (i5729), b.1077-d.1137
France, Louis VI King of (marriage to Alix Countess of Savoy Queen of France) (i5729),
France, Louis VII King of (i5343), b.1120-d.1180
France, Louis VII King of (marriage to Alice, Countess of Champagne) (i5343), b.1120-d.1180
France, Louis VII King of (marriage to Constance, Princess of Castile Queen of France) (i5343),
France, Louis VII King of (marriage to Eleanore Princess of Aquitaine) (i5343), b.1120-d.1180
France, Louis VIII King of (i5930), b.1187-d.1226
France, Louis VIII King of (marriage to Blanca Princess of Castile) (i5930), b.1187-d.1226
France, Louis X King of (i6012), b.1289-d.1316
France, Luitgard Queen of (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4328), b.774-d.800
France, Marguerite Princess of (i5104), b.1279-d.1317
France, Marguerite Princess of (i5806), b.1254-d.1271
France, Marguerite Princess of (i6009), b.1286-d.1294
France, Marguerite Princess of (marriage to Edward I Longshanks King of England) (i5104),
France, Marguerite, Princess of, Queen of Hungary (i5356), b.1158-d.1197
France, Marguerite, Princess of, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Bela III, King Hungary) (i5356),
France, Marguerite, Princess of, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Henry King of England) (i5356),
France, Marie Princess of (i5345), b.1145-d.1198
France, Marie Princess of (i5981), b.1198-d.1238
France, Marie Princess of (marriage to Henri I Count Champagne) (i5345), b.1145-d.1198
France, Pepin Bastard of, "the Hunchback" (i4330), b.769-d.769
France, Pepin King of, "the Short" (i4366), d.768
France, Pepin King of, "the Short" (marriage to Bertrada Queen of France) (i4366), d.768
France, Pepin Prince of (i4373)
France, Philip Prince of (i5731), b.1116-d.1131
France, Philippe Hurepel Prince (i5982), b.1200-d.1234
France, Philippe I King of (i5480), b.1052-d.1108
France, Philippe I King of (marriage to Bertha Countess of Holland Queen of France) (i5480),
France, Philippe I King of (marriage to Bertrade de Montfort Queen of France) (i5480),
France, Philippe II King of (i5975), b.1165-d.1223
France, Philippe II King of (marriage to Isabelle de Hainaut) (i5975), b.1165-d.1223
France, Philippe III King of (i5801), b.1245-d.1285
France, Philippe III King of (marriage to Isabel Princess of Aragon) (i5801), b.1245-d.1285
France, Philippe IV King of (i6007), b.1268-d.1314
France, Philippe IV King of (marriage to Jeanne de Champagne) (i6007), b.1268-d.1314
France, Philippe Prince of (i5932), b.1209-d.1218
France, Philippe Prince of (i5941), b.1229-
France, Philippe V King of (i6019), b.1291-d.1321
France, Philippe VI King of (i6043), b.1293-d.1350
France, Philippedagobert Prince of (i5938), b.1222-
France, Pierre Charlot Princess, Bishop of Noyon (i5984), b.1185-d.1249
France, Pierre Prince of (i5804), b.1251-d.1284
France, Pierre, Prince of (i6259), b.1172-
France, Pierre, Prince of (marriage to Yolande, Countess of Flanders) (i6259), b.1172-
France, Princess Alice (i4134), d.1079
France, Princess Beatrix (i4195), d.987
France, Princess Emma (i4197), d.968
France, Princess Emma (marriage to Richard I Duke Normandy Fearless) (i4197), d.968
France, Princess Gisele (i4150), b.965-
France, Princess Hedwig (Heluis) de (i4124), b.965-d.1013
France, Princess Hedwig (Heluis) de (marriage to Count Reginald Hainault) (i4124), b.965-d.1013
France, Princess Hildebrante (i4220), b.895-d.931
France, Princess Hildebrante (marriage to Herbert II Count Vermandois) (i4220), b.895-d.931
France, Raoul Bastard of (i4146), b.1060-
France, Robert I King of, Count of Paris (i4217), b.875-d.923
France, Robert I King of, Count of Paris (marriage to Beatrice de Vermandois) (i4217),
France, Robert II der Fromme, King, the Pious (i4135), b.972-d.1031
France, Robert II der Fromme, King, the Pious (marriage to Constance de Provence) (i4135),
France, Robert Prince (i4147), b.1011-d.1076
France, Robert Prince of (i5807), b.1256-d.1317
France, Robert Prince of (i6011), b.1297-d.1308
France, Robert Prince of (i6039), b.1269-
France, Robert Prince of (i7272), b.1055-d.1060
France, Robert the Strong, Duke (i4232), b.820-d.866
France, Robert the Strong, Duke (marriage to Adelaide Tours) (i4232), b.820-d.866
France, Rothaide Princess of (i4369), b.744-
France, Rothais Rothaide Bastard (i4331), b.771-
France, Son Prince of (i5977), b.1190-d.1190
France, Son Prince of (i5978), b.1190-d.1190
France, Talendus Bastard of (i4376), b.737-
France, Theodoreda Queen (marriage to Eudes King of France) (i4237), b.860-
France, Theodrade Princess of (i4326), b.784-d.784
Franks, Alerade Princess of (i7103), b.953-
Franks, Carloman Prince of (i7099), b.945-d.953
Franks, Charles Prince of, Duke of Lorraine (i7101), b.953-
Franks, Henri Prince of (i7102), b.953-d.953
Franks, Hildegard Princess of (i7098), b.944-
Franks, Laudrade Princess (i4389), b.728-
Franks, Lothaire King of (i7096), d.986
Franks, Louis IV King of, "transmarinus" (marriage to Gerberge of Saxony) (i7095), b.921-d.954
Franks, Louis Prince of (i7100), b.948-d.954
Franks, Mathilde Princess of, Countess Of Flan (i7097), d.991
Fray, John (marriage to Agnes Danvers) (i3552), b.1422-
Fray, John (marriage to Agnes Danvers) (i3544), b.1428-
Freawine, (i4503), b.327-
Fredville, Roger de (i3639), b.1148-
Freeman, Alice (i2598), b.1585-d.1664
Freeman, Alice (marriage to John Thompson) (i2598), b.1585-d.1664
Freeman, Alice (marriage to Robert Parke) (i2598), b.1585-d.1664
Freeman, Blase (i4487), b.1566-
Freeman, Blase (i4488), b.1536-d.1590
Freeman, Edward (i4483), b.1551-
Freeman, Elizabeth (i4486), b.1564-
Freeman, Elizabeth (i4493), b.1546-
Freeman, George (i4484), b.1552-
Freeman, Henry (i2656), b.1560-
Freeman, Henry (i2662), b.1596-
Freeman, Henry (i2667), b.1503-d.1585
Freeman, Henry (marriage to Joan Rudd) (i2667), b.1503-d.1585
Freeman, Henry (marriage to Margaret Edwards) (i2656), b.1560-
Freeman, Jane (i2665), b.1600-
Freeman, John (i2658), b.1592-
Freeman, John (i4482), b.1541-
Freeman, John (i4485), b.1562-
Freeman, Mary (i4495), b.1549-
Freeman, Oswolde (i4490), b.1544-
Freeman, Thomas (i2659), b.1594-
Freeman, Thomas (i2666), b.1529-d.1586
French, Margaret (marriage to Samuel Allen) (i2265)
Freothelaf, (i4539), b.164-
Fridleifsson, Frodi (i6694), b.281-
Fridleifsson, Frodi (i6712), b.479-
Fridleifsson, Haver (i6692), b.325-
Fridleifsson, Olaf "Vegetus" (i6717), b.477-
Friesland, Mathilde de (marriage to Henry I of France King) (i7273), b.1008-d.1044
Frigg, Frea Or (i4512), b.219-
Frigg, Frea Or (marriage to Odin Or Woden) (i4512), b.219-
Frithogar, (i4504), b.299-
Frithuwald, (i4535), b.190-
Frithuwald, (marriage to Beltsa) (i4535), b.190-
Friuli, Eberhard Duke of (marriage to Gisle Princess West Holy Roman) (i4305), b.816-
Frodasson, Fridleif (i6693), b.303-
Frodasson, Fridleif (i6716), b.456-
Frodasson, Frodi (i6713), b.505-
Frodasson, Halfdan (i6703), b.503-
Frodasson, Halfdan (i6719), b.454-
Frodasson, Halfdan (marriage to Sigris) (i6703), b.503-
Frodasson, Ingjald (i6714), b.501-
Frodasson, Vermund (i6690), b.369-
Froste, Joan (marriage to William Chaplin) (i2621), b.1547-
Fuller, Elizabeth (marriage to Moses Rowley) (i2367)
Furnival, Bertha (marriage to Ralph Bigod) (i7801), b.1222-
Furnival, Gerard, Lord Hallams (marriage to Maud FitzJohn) (i7800), b.1250-
Fynche, Thomas, Sr. (i8879)
Gael waiet, Amice de Uta, Countess Of Leic (i6565), b.1108-
Gael waiet, Amice de Uta, Countess Of Leic (marriage to Robert II de Beaumont Earl Leicest (i6565),
Gager, Hannah (marriage to William Brewster) (i1561), b.1666-d.1727
Gager, John (marriage to Elizabeth Gore) (i2230)
Galich, Miss Yaroslavna, Princess (marriage to Istvan III, King of Hungary) (i6166), b.1153-
Galicia, Princess of (marriage to Istvan III, King of Hungary) (i6167), b.1147-
Galiena, concubine 8 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4348), b.780-
Gallop, Hannah (marriage to Stephen Gifford) (i338)
Galloway, Ada de (i8299), b.1189-
Galloway, Affrica de, Queen (i5612), b.1128-
Galloway, Alan de, Lord of Galloway (i8267), b.1186-d.1234
Galloway, Alan de, Lord of Galloway (marriage to Helen de L isle) (i8267), b.1186-d.1234
Galloway, Christian (i8273), b.1216-d.1246
Galloway, Daughter de (i8269), b.1206-d.1213
Galloway, Dervorgilla de (i8277), b.1218-d.1289
Galloway, Fergus (i8307), b.1159-d.1185
Galloway, Fergus, Lord of (i5608), b.1090-
Galloway, Fergus, Lord of (marriage to Elizabeth, Princess of England) (i5608), b.1090-
Galloway, Gilbert de (i5611), b.1126-d.1185
Galloway, Helen de (i7144), b.1208-d.1245
Galloway, Helen de (marriage to Roger de Quincy Earl Winchester) (i7144), b.1208-d.1245
Galloway, Lochlan (i8308), b.1161-
Galloway, Margaret de (i5613), b.1130-
Galloway, Marian (i8275), b.1216-
Galloway, Roland of (i8295), b.1164-d.1200
Galloway, Roland of (marriage to Elena Or Helena Morville) (i8295), b.1164-d.1200
Galloway, Son de (i8297), b.1187-
Galloway, Thomas (i8270), b.1212-d.1296
Galloway, Thomas, Earl Of Athol (i8301), b.1190-d.1231
Galloway, Uchtred, Lord of (i5610), b.1100-d.1174
Galloway, Uchtred, Lord of (marriage to Gunnild of Dunbar) (i5610), b.1100-d.1174
Gand (Ghent), Beatrice (i6778), b.1040-
Gand (Ghent), Beatrice (marriage to Alberic de Vere) (i6778), b.1040-
Gand, Henry Castellan Or (i6784), b.1005-
Gand, Henry Castellan Or (marriage to Sibilla Manasses) (i6784), b.1005-
Garciez, Juan de Padilla (i8145), b.1282-d.1355
Garciez, Juan de Padilla (marriage to Maria de Henestrosa) (i8145), b.1282-d.1355
Gardinis, Alexandra de Lahaye (i3416), b.1279-d.1328
Gardinis, Alexandra de Lahaye (marriage to Sir John Giffard) (i3416), b.1279-d.1328
Gardinis, Roger de (i4578) (living status unknown)
Gardinis, Sir Thomas de (i3466), b.1253-d.1328
Gardinis, Sir William de (i4579), b.1234-d.1288
Gardinis, Sir William de (i4580), b.1215-d.1264
Gardinis, Sir William de (marriage to Alexandra de la Haye) (i4579), b.1234-d.1288
Gardinis, Sir William de (marriage to Sybil Unknown) (i4580), b.1215-d.1264
Gardino, Roger de (i4581), b.1180-
Garlende, Agnes de (marriage to Amaury de Montfort) (i8399), b.1095-d.1181
Gastinois, Hildegarde de (marriage to Josceline de Courtenay) (i8376), b.1041-
Gefion, (i4514), b.241-
Gefion, (marriage to King of Danes Skjold) (i4514), b.241-
Geldern, Otto II Count (marriage to Philippe de Dammartin) (i5956), b.1210-
Gelre en zutphen, Gerard Count van (i6594), b.1185-d.1229
Gelre, Aleid Countess van (i6461), b.1187-d.1218
Gelre, Aleid Countess van (marriage to Willem I, Count Holland) (i6461), b.1187-d.1218
Gelre, Hendrik Count van (i6596), b.1186-d.1197
Gelre, Hendrik, Count Van (i6604), b.1124-
Gelre, Hendrik, Count Van (marriage to Agnes Von Arnstein) (i6604), b.1124-
Gelre, Irmgard Countess van (i6601), b.1192-d.1230
Gelre, Lodewijk Count van (i6593), b.1188-d.1217
Gelre, Margaretha Countess van (i6599), b.1190-d.1264
Gelre, Mechteld Countess van (i6603), b.1194-d.1247
Gelre, Otto I Count (i6591), b.1150-d.1207
Gelre, Otto I Count (marriage to Richardis Princess of Bavaria) (i6591), b.1150-d.1207
Geneva, Aimon II, Count of (i5877), b.1084-d.1134
Geneva, Aimon II, Count of (marriage to Itha Faucigny) (i5877), b.1084-d.1134
Geneva, Amadeo I, Count of (i5875), b.1110-d.1162
Geneva, Amadeo I, Count of (marriage to Mathilde Cuseau) (i5875), b.1110-d.1162
Geneva, Beatrice Margaret (i5856), b.1180-d.1257
Geneva, Beatrice Margaret (marriage to Thomas I Count Savoy) (i5856), b.1180-d.1257
Geneva, William I, Count of (i5867), b.1130-d.1195
Geneva, William I, Count of (marriage to Agnes Savoy Countess of) (i5867), b.1130-d.1195
Geneville, Geoffrey de (i7774), b.1228-d.1314
Geneville, Geoffrey de (marriage to Maud de Lacy) (i7774), b.1228-d.1314
Geneville, Joan de (i7467), b.1285-d.1356
Geneville, Joan de (marriage to Roger de Mortimer) (i7467), b.1285-d.1356
Geneville, Piers de (i7772), b.1256-d.1292
Geneville, Piers de (marriage to Joan Lusignan de Marche) (i7772), b.1256-d.1292
Geneville, Simon de (i7776), b.1200-
Geneville, Simon de (marriage to Beatrix) (i7776), b.1200-
Geoffrey SgnrChteaubriand (marriage to Marguerite de Lusignan) (i5264), b.1226-
Geoffrey SgnrChteaubriand (marriage to Marguerite de Lusignan) (i5264), b.1226-
Georgia, Miss Dmitrievna, Princess (marriage to Izyaslav II, Grand Kiev) (i6204), b.1098-
Geraard, Warine (marriage to Jane FitzAlan) (i8052), b.1312-
Gerard II Countof Gueldres (marriage to Ida de Flanders Cntss of Dammart) (i6307),
Gerberge, (marriage to Carloman King of Austrasia) (i4379), b.1669-
Gerlotte (i6847), b.913-
Gerlotte (marriage to Rollo Thurstan Brico Bigod) (i6847), b.913-
Germany, Agatha of (i3780), b.1018-d.1024
Germany, Agatha of (marriage to Edward Atheling The Exile) (i3780), b.1018-d.1024
Germany, Beatrice Princess of (i5883), b.1193-d.1234
Germany, Beatrice Princess of (marriage to Ferdinand III King of Castile) (i5883),
Germany, Emma Queen (marriage to Louis II King of Germany ("The German")) (i4308), b.810-d.810
Germany, Emperor Henry II (i3798) (living status unknown)
Germany, Engelberga Empress of (marriage to Louis II King of Italy) (i7111), b.826-
Germany, Frederick II Emperor (marriage to Isabel Empress Germany) (i5296), b.1194-d.1250
Germany, Heinrich IV, Emporer (i8501), b.1050-d.1106
Germany, Heinrich V Emperor (marriage to Matilda Maud England Empress) (i5440), b.1081-d.1125
Germany, Henry III, Emporer (i8499), b.1017-d.1056
Germany, Henry III, Emporer (marriage to Agnes of Aquitaine) (i8499), b.1017-d.1056
Germany, Henry Vi, Emperor (i6315), b.1165-d.1197
Germany, Isabel Empress (i5297), b.1214-d.1241
Germany, Louis II King of, ("The German") (i4307), b.800-d.876
Germany, Otto IV Emperor (marriage to Mary de Brabant) (i5367), b.1177-d.1218
Germany, Philipp II Emperor (i6312), b.1147-
Germany, Philipp II Emperor (marriage to Irini Maria Angelina EmpressofGermany) (i6312),
Germany, Sophia Agnes, Princess of (i5849), b.1043-
Germany, Sophia Agnes, Princess of (marriage to Vladislav II Poland King of) (i5849), b.1043-
Gernon, Ranulph, Earl of Chester (i8224), b.1100-d.1153
Gerswind, concubine 3 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4334), b.768-
Gewar, King of Norway (i4540), b.221-
Gewis, (i4501), b.383-
Giffard, Adelaide (i3735), b.1036-
Giffard, Alice (i3362), b.1471-
Giffard, Anna Amy (i3340), b.1484-
Giffard, Anna Amy (marriage to Richard Samwell Esq) (i3340), b.1484-
Giffard, Berenger (i3730), b.1012-
Giffard, Berta (i3440), b.1185-
Giffard, Berta (i3447), b.1140-
Giffard, Bishop William (i3736), b.1038-
Giffard, Catherine (i3387), b.1399-d.1479
Giffard, Catherine (i6667), b.1272-d.1322
Giffard, Catherine (marriage to Nicholas Audley) (i6667), b.1272-d.1322
Giffard, Earl Walter (i3733), b.1032-d.1102
Giffard, Edmund (i3354), b.1469-
Giffard, Edmund, Knight (i3417), b.1303-
Giffard, Eleanor (i3358), b.1467-
Giffard, Elias (i3429), b.1180-d.1248
Giffard, Elias Helias (i3427), b.1130-d.1190
Giffard, Elias Helias (i3443), b.1095-d.1166
Giffard, Elias Helias (i3454), b.1022-d.1121
Giffard, Elias Helias (marriage to Ala Unknown) (i3454), b.1022-d.1121
Giffard, Elias Helias (marriage to Berta Clifford) (i3443), b.1095-d.1166
Giffard, Elias Helias (marriage to Maud FitzHarding de Berkeley) (i3427), b.1130-d.1190
Giffard, Elizabeth (i3381), b.1433-
Giffard, Elizabeth (i3390), b.1410-
Giffard, Gilbert (i3407), b.1340-d.1372
Giffard, Gilbert (i3441), b.1203-
Giffard, Gilbert (i3446), b.1136-
Giffard, Gilbert (i3456), b.1100-
Giffard, Isabel (i3360), b.1469-
Giffard, Isabella Constance Catherine (i3737), b.1041-
Giffard, Jane (i3394), b.1414-
Giffard, John (i3353), b.1467-
Giffard, John (i3399), b.1370-
Giffard, John (i3409), b.1327-
Giffard, John, Esq (i3351), b.1431-d.1506
Giffard, John, Esq (marriage to Agnes Wynslow) (i3351), b.1431-d.1506
Giffard, Lora (i3738), b.1043-
Giffard, Lord Hugh (i3739), b.1045-
Giffard, Lord Walter (i3731), b.1010-d.1085
Giffard, Lord Walter (marriage to Agnes Ermengarde Flaitel) (i3731), b.1010-d.1085
Giffard, Margaret (i3364), b.1473-
Giffard, Mary (i3350), b.1486-
Giffard, Mary (i3392), b.1412-
Giffard, Matilda (marriage to John (Lackland) King England) (i5189), b.1185-
Giffard, Nicholas (i3406), b.1335-d.1373
Giffard, Osbert (i3421), b.1188-d.1237
Giffard, Osbert (i3423), b.1234-d.1291
Giffard, Osbert (i5190), b.1205-
Giffard, Osbert (marriage to Isabel de Bokland) (i3421), b.1188-d.1237
Giffard, Osborne Osbert Gyffarde (i3727), b.1040-d.1086
Giffard, Richard (i3413), b.1331-
Giffard, Richard (i3449), b.1138-
Giffard, Robert (i3355), b.1471-
Giffard, Roger, Esq (i3365), b.1463-d.1542
Giffard, Roger, Esq (i3382), b.1367-d.1409
Giffard, Roger, Esq (marriage to Isabella Stretle) (i3382), b.1367-d.1409
Giffard, Rohais (i3734), b.1034-d.1113
Giffard, Rohais (marriage to Richard Fitzgilbert de Clare) (i3734), b.1034-d.1113
Giffard, Sir John (i3404), b.1301-d.1368
Giffard, Sir John (i3415), b.1270-d.1328
Giffard, Sir John (i3419), b.1235-d.1300
Giffard, Sir John (marriage to Alexandra de Lahaye Gardinis) (i3415), b.1270-d.1328
Giffard, Sir John (marriage to Lucy de Elmbrugge Morteyn) (i3404), b.1301-d.1368
Giffard, Sir John (marriage to Unknown) (i3419), b.1235-d.1300
Giffard, Sir Thomas (i3395), b.1345-d.1394
Giffard, Sir Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth de Missenden) (i3395), b.1345-d.1394
Giffard, Thomas (i3342), b.1456-d.1511
Giffard, Thomas (i3400), b.1372-
Giffard, Thomas (i3418), b.1305-
Giffard, Thomas (i3436), b.1182-d.1195
Giffard, Thomas (marriage to Jane Joan Langston) (i3342), b.1456-d.1511
Giffard, Thomas, Esq (i3344), b.1476-d.1550
Giffard, Thomas, Esq (i3378), b.1408-d.1469
Giffard, Thomas, Esq (marriage to Eleanor Vaux) (i3378), b.1408-d.1469
Giffard, Walter (i3445), b.1133-
Giffard, William (i3375), b.1465-
Giffard, William (i3401), b.1374-
Giffard, William (i3448), b.1175-
Gifford, Aquilla (i342), b.1682-
Gifford, Hannah (i81), b.1696-
Gifford, Hannah (i337), b.1670-
Gifford, Hannah (marriage to Samuel Calkins) (i337), b.1670-
Gifford, Hannah (marriage to Samuel Leffingwell) (i81), b.1696-
Gifford, Jeremiah (i436), d.1702
Gifford, Jeremiah (i440), b.1708-
Gifford, John (i339), b.1673-
Gifford, Lydea (i438), b.1704-
Gifford, Mary (i437), b.1701-
Gifford, Ruth (i340), b.1676-
Gifford, Ruth (i439), b.1706-
Gifford, Samuel (i79), b.1668-d.1714
Gifford, Samuel (marriage to Mary Calkins) (i79), b.1668-d.1714
Gifford, Sarah (i441), b.1712-
Gifford, Stephen (i78), b.1641-d.1724
Gifford, Stephen (i341), b.1679-
Gifford, Stephen (marriage to Hannah Gore) (i78), b.1641-d.1724
Gilbert, Prudence (marriage to Miles Morgan) (i4683), b.1617-d.1660
Gilmore, Lewis H. (marriage to Alice Post) (i271)
Gisselle (marriage to Rollo Duke Normandy Rognvaldsson) (i6743) (living status unknown)
Glanville, Emma de (marriage to John de Grey) (i8680), b.1208-
Glass, Mary (pontus) (i1341), d.1681
Glass, Mary (pontus) (marriage to Phillip Delano) (i1341), d.1681
Gloucester, Bertha de (i7644), b.1130-
Gloucester, Bertha de (marriage to William de Braose Sheriff Of Heref) (i7644), b.1130-
Gloucester, Miles de, Earl of Hereford (i8622), b.1104-
Gloucester, Miles de, Earl of Hereford (marriage to Sybil de Neufmarche) (i8622), b.1104-
Gloucester, Robert Earl of, "de Caen" (i5537), b.1090-d.1147
Gobion, Hugh (i3557), b.1140-d.1166
Gobion, Hugh (i3558), b.1110-d.1130
Gobion, Hugh (i3760), b.1230-d.1275
Gobion, Hugh (marriage to Matilda Unknown) (i3760), b.1230-d.1275
Gobion, Joan (i3759), b.1260-
Gobion, Joan (marriage to John de Morteyn) (i3759), b.1260-
Gobion, Richard (i3493), d.1231
Gobion, Richard (i3698), b.1245-d.1300
Gobion, Richard (i3762), b.1182-d.1230
Gobion, Richard (marriage to Agnes de Merley) (i3762), b.1182-d.1230
Gobion, Richard de (i3765), b.1145-d.1182
Gobion, Richard de (marriage to Beatrice de Lucelles) (i3765), b.1145-d.1182
Goda, (i3810), b.1017-d.1055
Godbold, Johan (i8859)
Godbold, Johan (marriage to William Bert) (i8859)
Godfrey, Count of Beulac (i6848), b.911-
Godith (i8356), b.1091-
Godith (marriage to Gilbert de Lancaster) (i8356), b.1091-
Godwin, Edith of (marriage to Edward The Confessor) (i3805) (living status unknown)
Goet gouet, (marriage to William de Varennes Earl of Surrey) (i5657), b.1057-
Goet, William III, Lord of Montmira (marriage to Princess of England) (i5578), b.1091-
Goodrich, William (marriage to Sarah Marvin) (i2306), b.1621-d.1676
Gore, Elizabeth (i2229), b.1627-
Gore, Hannah (i77), d.1670
Gore, Hannah (marriage to Stephen Gifford) (i77), d.1670
Gore, Mary (i2231)
Gore, Samuel (i2227)
Gore, Samuel (marriage to Elizabeth Hill) (i2227)
Gouche, Eudo Loughe (i8181), b.1250-
Gournay, Hugh III de (marriage to Beatrix de Vermandois) (i7268), b.1077-d.1180
Goz, Ansfred II Onfror (i6843), b.970-
Goz, Toustien Le (i6832), b.1000-
Goz, Toustien Le (marriage to Judith de Montanolier) (i6832), b.1000-
Grace (i2088)
Grace (marriage to Thomas Hatch) (i2088)
Grandison, Piers de (marriage to Blanche de Mortimer) (i7529), b.1296-
Grandpre, Henri, Comte de (marriage to Ada de Avesnes) (i6428), b.1186-
Grant, Noah, Captain (marriage to Susanna Delano) (i2070), b.1718-d.1756
Graves, Abigail (marriage to John Hibbard) (i2509), b.1645-
Graves, Elizabeth (marriage to Joseph Hibbard Twin) (i2510), b.1650-
Great, Alfred The (i3790), d.899
Great, Alfred The (marriage to Elswitha of Mercia) (i3790), d.899
Great, Ethelred The (i3803), b.820-
Green, Marguerite (marriage to Samuel Allen Bradley) (i1045)
Gregory, Elizabeth (i1493), b.1603-d.1640
Gregory, Elizabeth (marriage to Matthew Marvin) (i1493), b.1603-d.1640
Grelle, Thomas de (marriage to Wake) (i4053), b.1272-
Grentmaisnill, Adelaide de (marriage to Roger Bigod) (i6817), b.1072-
Grentmesnil, Adeliza de (marriage to Humphrey de Tillieul or bigo) (i6835), b.1017-
Grentmesnil, Petronilla (marriage to Robert III de Beaumont Earl Leicester) (i7156),
Gressinghall, Isabel de (i3695) (living status unknown)
Gressinghall, Isabel de (marriage to Osmund de Stuteville) (i3695) (living status unknown)
Gressinghall, William de FitzRobert (i3565) (living status unknown)
Grey, Hawise de (marriage to Henry de Grey) (i8633), b.1174-
Grey, Henry de (i8683), b.1178-d.1219
Grey, Henry de (i8687), b.1210-
Grey, Henry de (marriage to Isolda Bardolf) (i8683), b.1178-d.1219
Grey, Joan de (i3627), b.1289-
Grey, Joan de (i8688), b.1212-d.1256
Grey, Joan de (marriage to Guy de Bretton) (i3627), b.1289-
Grey, John de (i8627), b.1274-d.1311
Grey, John de (i8678), b.1205-d.1265
Grey, Richard de (i8690), b.1200-d.1271
Grey, Richard de (i8694), b.1148-
Grey, Robert de (i8625), b.1248-d.1295
Grey, Robert de (i8692), b.1206-
Grey, Robert de (marriage to Amice Unknown) (i8692), b.1206-
Grey, Robert de (marriage to Joan de Valoines) (i8625), b.1248-d.1295
Grey, Sir Richard (marriage to Margaret Touchet) (i4861), b.1436-d.1466
Grey, Thomas de (i3640)
Grey, Thomas de (marriage to Unknown) (i3640)
Grey, Walter de (i8630), b.1222-d.1267
Grey, Walter de (marriage to Isabel de Duston) (i8630), b.1222-d.1267
Grey, Walter de, Archbishop (i8686), b.1208-
Grey, William de (i8685), b.1204-
Grindon, Agnes (i3659), b.1290-
Grindon, Agnes (marriage to Nicholas Russell) (i3659), b.1290-
Grist, Thomas (marriage to Ann Birchard) (i484)
Griswold, Experience (marriage to Nathaniel Post) (i1538)
Gronwy, Gronwy "Fychan" ap (i8822)
Gronwy, Gronwy "Fychan" ap (marriage to Catrin verch Madog) (i8822)
Gronwy, Rhun Ap (i5002), b.1308-
Gronwy, Rhun Ap (marriage to Joan verch Aron) (i5002), b.1308-
Gruffydd, Lleici Verch (i4996), b.1135-
Gruffydd, Lleici Verch (marriage to Llewelyn Ap Ivor) (i4996), b.1135-
Gruffydd, Rhys Ap (marriage to Maud de Braose) (i7616), b.1171-
Gruffydd, Susanna Verch (i7592), b.1095-
Gruffydd, Susanna Verch (marriage to Madoc Ap Maredydd) (i7592), b.1095-
Gudrodsson, Olaf (i6731), b.770-d.770
Gueldres, Reinoud II Duke (marriage to Eleanor Princess of England) (i5086), b.1316-
Gueldress, Gerard III Count (marriage to Margaret de Brabant) (i6287), b.1190-d.1229
Guillaume iii, (marriage to Adele) (i6762), b.929-
Guillen, Maria de Guzman (marriage to Alfonso X, King of Castile) (i5889), b.1238-d.1262
Guise, Adelphie de (i6417), b.1159-
Guise, Adelphie de (marriage to Jacques de Avesnes) (i6417), b.1159-
Guise, Bernard de (i6441), b.1133-
Guise, Bernard de (marriage to Alix) (i6441), b.1133-
Gunhild (marriage to Anund Jakob) (i7355), b.1001-
Gunnora, (i4035), b.1000-
Gunnora, (marriage to Gilbert de Brionne Count) (i4035), b.1000-
Gunter, William (marriage to Jane Morgan) (i4777), b.1522-
Guyon, Guy IV de, Sieur de Laval (marriage to Emma) (i5605), b.1094-d.1152
Guzman, Ximena de (i5905), b.1032-
Guzman, Ximena de (marriage to Alfonso VI King of Castile) (i5905), b.1032-
Gwaethfold, Cynan Ap (marriage to Eva Verch Gwrgant) (i8477) (living status unknown)
Gwilim, Howel Ap (marriage to Eleanor Vaughan) (i4827), b.1471-
Gwilim, Thomas Ap (marriage to Verch Morgan) (i4984), b.1378-
Gwrgant, Eva Verch (i8476), b.979-
Gwrgant, Eva Verch (marriage to Cadwgan Ap Elystan) (i8476), b.979-
Gwyn, Miss Verch (i8484), b.957-
Gwyn, Miss Verch (marriage to Gwrgant Ap Ithel) (i8484), b.957-
Haddington, Agnes (marriage to William Russell) (i3646), b.1370-
Hainault, Agnes de (i7833), b.1141-d.1168
Hainault, Agnes de (marriage to Raoul I de Coucy Sgr de Marle) (i7833), b.1141-d.1168
Hainault, Baldwin III, Count of (i6447), b.1087-
Hainault, Baldwin III, Count of (marriage to Yolande de Wasseburg) (i6447), b.1087-
Hainault, Baldwin IV, Count of (i6443), b.1108-d.1171
Hainault, Baldwin IV, Count of (marriage to Alice) (i6443), b.1108-d.1171
Hainault, Count Reginald (i4123), b.950-d.1014
Hainault, Count Reginald (marriage to Princess Hedwig (Heluis) de France) (i4123), b.950-d.1014
Hainault, Philippa Countess of (i5017), b.1314-d.1369
Hainault, Philippa Countess of (marriage to Edward III King of England) (i5017), b.1314-d.1369
Hainault, Rainer II Count (i4160), b.892-
Hainault, Rainer II Count (marriage to Alice Burgundy) (i4160), b.892-
Hainault, Rainer III Count (i4125), b.932-
Hainault, Rainer III Count (marriage to Countess Alice Adela Equisheim) (i4125), b.932-
Hainault, Richilde de (marriage to Amaury de Montfort) (i8401), b.1093-
Hainault, Richildis de (marriage to Baldwin VI Count Flanders) (i8486), b.1031-d.1086
Hainaut, Baldwin VIII (i6311), b.1150-d.1195
Hainaut, Baldwin VIII (marriage to Marguerite Countess of Flanders Countess of VERM) (i6311),
Hainaut, Isabelle de (i5976), b.1170-d.1190
Hainaut, Isabelle de (marriage to Philippe II King of France) (i5976), b.1170-d.1190
Hainaut, Valeran de (i6376), b.1282-
Hales, Alice de, CountssofNorfolk (marriage to Thomas Prince of England) (i5108), b.1302-d.1327
Halfdansson, Gudrod (i6730), b.738-d.738
Halfdansson, Helgi (i6707), b.528-
Halfdansson, Helgi (marriage to Olof "The Mighty") (i6707), b.528-
Halfdansson, Helgi (marriage to Yrsa Helgasson) (i6707), b.528-
Halfdansson, Hroar (i6700), b.526-
Halfdansson, Signa (i6706), b.524-
Halfdansson, Solveig (i6733), b.684-
Halfdansson, Solveig (marriage to Olaf Ingjaldsson) (i6733), b.684-
Halloway, Grace (i68), d.1727
Halloway, Grace (marriage to Josiah Read) (i68), d.1727
Halloway, William (i67)
Hammond, (unknown) (marriage to Sarah Lathrop) (i1430)
Hammond, Anna (marriage to John Lathrop Reverend) (i1336), b.1616-d.1688
Harcourt, Anchetil de (marriage to Miss de Braose) (i8590), b.1070-
Harcourt, Richard, Sir Knight (marriage to Arabella de Quincy) (i7137), b.1200-d.1258
Harcourt, William (marriage to Alice La Zouche) (i7139), d.1278
Harley, Joan de (i4467), b.1320-
Harley, Joan de (marriage to John de Besford) (i4467), b.1320-
Harper, Donald G. (marriage to Edna Kay Catherwood) (i162) (living status unknown)
Harper, Wm (marriage to Whitney) (i4849), b.1473-
Harrington, Martha (i1081), b.1746-
Harrington, Martha (marriage to Daniel Davison) (i1081), b.1746-
Harris, Lt. Joseph (marriage to Lydia Post) (i1555)
Hartahorn, David (marriage to Abigail Hibbard) (i2498), b.1694-
Hastings, John (marriage to Isabel Despencer) (i8117), b.1268-
Hastings, John de (marriage to Margaret Princess of England) (i5070), b.1347-d.1375
Hastings, Laurence, Earl of Pembroke (marriage to Agnes de Mortimer CntessofPembroke) (i7480),
Hastings, William de (marriage to Margaret (Margery) Bigod) (i7807), b.1194-
Hatch, Amy Allen (i1122), b.1687-d.1762
Hatch, Amy Allen (marriage to Jonathan Delano Captain) (i1122), b.1687-d.1762
Hatch, Benjamin (i2371), b.1655-
Hatch, Johnathan (i2085), b.1624-d.1710
Hatch, Johnathan (marriage to Sarah Rowley) (i2085), b.1624-d.1710
Hatch, Jonathan (i2370), b.1652-
Hatch, Joseph (i2083), b.1654-d.1737
Hatch, Joseph (marriage to Amy Allen) (i2083), b.1654-d.1737
Hatch, Lydia (i2246)
Hatch, Lydia (i2375), b.1669-
Hatch, Mary (i2368), b.1647-
Hatch, Mercy (i2374), b.1667-
Hatch, Moses (i2373), b.1662-
Hatch, Nathaniel (i2372), b.1657-
Hatch, Rebecca (i2379)
Hatch, Samuel (i2248), b.1659-d.1718
Hatch, Sarah (i2247), b.1665-d.1731
Hatch, Thomas (i2087), b.1603-d.1661
Hatch, Thomas (i2369), b.1649-
Hatch, Thomas (marriage to Grace) (i2087), b.1603-d.1661
Hauteville, Maud de (i5918), b.1055-
Hauteville, Maud de (marriage to Raimond Berenger III, Barcelona) (i5918), b.1055-
Havarsson, Frodi (i6689), b.347-
Havise (marriage to Eudes de Vermandois) (i7363), b.1062-
Haye, Alexandra de la (i4583), b.1243-d.1267
Haye, Alexandra de la (marriage to Sir William de Gardinis) (i4583), b.1243-d.1267
Haye, Thomas de la (i4584) (living status unknown)
Heemstede, Mechteld Van (marriage to Willem Cuser) (i6394), b.1290-
Heid, (marriage to King of Gardariki Sigrlami) (i4522), b.249-
Helgasson, Hrolf "Krak" (i6710), b.596-
Helgasson, Skulda (i6711), b.598-
Helgasson, Yrsa (i6709), b.565-
Helgasson, Yrsa (marriage to Adils Ottarsson) (i6709), b.565-
Helgasson, Yrsa (marriage to Helgi Halfdansson) (i6709), b.565-
Helloe (i6845), b.937-
Helloe (marriage to Ansfred I, Rollosson) (i6845), b.937-
Hendershot, William (marriage to Dora Knapp Post) (i1700), b.1905-
Henneberg, Hermann I, Count (marriage to Margaretha, Countess of Holland) (i6456),
Henry of Burgundy (marriage to Teresa) (i5915), b.1054-
Herbert, Richard (marriage to Mary Morgan) (i4785), b.1524-
Herbert, William (marriage to Catherine Morgan) (i4734), b.1570-
Herdislee, Agnes de (i2032), b.1197-
Herdislee, Agnes de (marriage to Robert de Hyde) (i2032), b.1197-
Hereward, Mercian Thegn (i4182) (living status unknown)
Hereward, Turfrida (i4181) (living status unknown)
Heristal, Doda de (i4427), b.586-d.612
Heristal, Doda de (marriage to Bishop of Metz St arnulf) (i4427), b.586-d.612
Hermanni, Vidonis Count of (marriage to Miss de Vermandois) (i4443), b.848-
Hermengastin (marriage to Hugh The Grand France The Grand) (i8451), b.1009-
Hesbaye, Ingeramne Duke of (i4438), b.752-
Hesbaye, Sigirami Count of (marriage to Laudrade Princess Franks) (i4388), b.726-
Hesding, Sibille de (i8421), b.1077-
Hesding, Sibille de (marriage to Walter de Salisbury) (i8421), b.1077-
Hewes, John (marriage to Mary Foote) (i1726), d.1621
Hewett, John (marriage to Ruth Gifford) (i453)
Heydon, Edward (marriage to Dorathea Manning) (i1817)
Hibbard, Abigail (i2513), b.1655-
Hibbard, Abigail (i2687), b.1724-
Hibbard, Abigail (i3325), b.1696-d.1760
Hibbard, Ebenezer (i2450), b.1682-d.1732
Hibbard, Ebenezer (marriage to Margaret (Margery) Morgan) (i2450), b.1682-d.1732
Hibbard, Ebenezer, Jr. (i2434), b.1720-
Hibbard, Elizabeth (i2506), b.1653-
Hibbard, Elizabeth (i2540), b.1620-
Hibbard, Ellenor (i2537) (living status unknown)
Hibbard, George (i2536), b.1601-
Hibbard, Hannah (i2497), b.1691-
Hibbard, Joanna (i2511), b.1651-
Hibbard, John (i2515), b.1642-d.1718
Hibbard, John (i2534), b.1583-
Hibbard, John (i2538) (living status unknown)
Hibbard, Joseph (i2461), b.1678-d.1755
Hibbard, Joseph, Twin (i2505), b.1648-d.1701
Hibbard, Josiah (i2454), b.1686-
Hibbard, Keziah (i2446), b.1722-
Hibbard, Lydia (i2456), b.1699-
Hibbard, Margeret (i2430), b.1713-
Hibbard, Marie (i2539) (living status unknown)
Hibbard, Martha (i2495), b.1684-
Hibbard, Mary (i2458), b.1674-
Hibbard, Mary (i2508), b.1641-
Hibbard, Nathan (i2541), b.1715-d.1798
Hibbard, Nathaniel (i2472), b.1680-d.1725
Hibbard, Prudence (Hebert) (i1124), b.1711-
Hibbard, Prudence (Hebert) (marriage to Jabez Delano) (i1124), b.1711-
Hibbard, Reuben (i2688), b.1718-
Hibbard, Robert (i2459), b.1676-d.1742
Hibbard, Robert (i2500), b.1612-d.1684
Hibbard, Robert (marriage to Joanna Luff) (i2500), b.1612-d.1684
Hibbard, Robert, Jr (i2452), b.1648-d.1710
Hibbard, Robert, Jr (marriage to Mary Walden) (i2452), b.1648-d.1710
Hibbard, Samuel (i2531), b.1658-d.1702
Hibbard, Sarah (i2455), b.1694-d.1762
Hibbard, Sarah (i2503), b.1644-d.1644
Hibbard, Sarah (i2504), b.1646-d.1718
Hibbard, Shubael (i2682), b.1726-
Hieme, Guillaume Count of, "the Bastard" (i4201), b.955-d.1039
Hilary, Roger (marriage to Margaret de Audley) (i7440), b.1334-
Hildegarde (marriage to William VII Guillaume Aquitaine) (i5682), b.1073-
Hill, Elizabeth (i2228)
Hill, Elizabeth (marriage to Samuel Gore) (i2228)
Hill, George (i4941), b.1578-
Hill, George (marriage to Mary Symonds) (i4941), b.1578-
Hill, Hannah (i1465), b.1641-d.1669
Hill, Hannah (marriage to Daniel Fisher) (i1465), b.1641-d.1669
Hill, John (i1463), b.1602-d.1664
Hill, John (marriage to Frances (unknown)) (i1463), b.1602-d.1664
Hill, Margery (i2546), b.1610-d.1690
Hill, Margery (marriage to James Morgan) (i2546), b.1610-d.1690
Hill, William (i1462), b.1580-
Hills, Abigail (i4945), b.1604-
Hills, Abraham (i4949), b.1615-
Hills, John (i4944), b.1604-
Hills, John (i4946), b.1606-
Hills, John (marriage to Catherine Post) (i1585)
Hills, Joseph (i4951), b.1602-d.1687
Hills, Martha (i4948), b.1611-
Hills, Rebecca (i4947), b.1607-
Hills, Sarah (i4943) (living status unknown)
Himiltrud, concubine 1 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4329), b.746-
Hlodversson, Sigurd II, earl of Orkney (marriage to Anleta Thora of Scotland) (i3923),
Hobart, Anne (marriage to William Chaplin) (i2623), b.1556-
Hodierne (i8437), b.1151-
Hodierne (marriage to Hugh de Chacomb) (i8437), b.1151-
Hoffman, Tjaatje (i1366)
Hoffman, Tjaatje (marriage to Evert Bogardus) (i1366)
Hohenstaufen, Miss, Princess of (marriage to Izyaslav II, Grand Kiev) (i6205), b.1098-
Holand, Edmund de, Earl of Kent (i4908), b.1383-d.1408
Holand, Edmund de, Earl of Kent (marriage to Constance of York (Plantagenet)) (i4908),
Holand, Eleanor de (i4852), b.1405-
Holand, Eleanor de (marriage to James Touchet 4th Lord Audley) (i4852), b.1405-
Holand, Thomas de, Earl of Kent (i5033), b.1354-d.1397
Holand, Thomas de, Earl of Kent (marriage to Alice Fitzalan) (i5033), b.1354-d.1397
Holgrove, Martha (marriage to William Parke) (i2602), b.1609-
Holland, Ada, Countess of (i6462), b.1202-d.1258
Holland, Ada, Countess of (i6477), b.1163-d.1205
Holland, Agnes, Countess of (i6353), b.1320-d.1327
Holland, Agnes, Countess of (i6475), b.1181-d.1228
Holland, Aleid, Countess of (marriage to Hendrik Count van Gelre) (i6597), b.1186-
Holland, Aleida, Countess of (i6296), b.1226-
Holland, Aleida, Countess of (marriage to Jean I de Avesnes) (i6296), b.1226-
Holland, Alianore de (i7911), b.1384-d.1405
Holland, Beatrix, Countess of (i6472), b.1175-
Holland, Bertha Countess of, Queen of France (i5761), b.1054-d.1093
Holland, Bertha Countess of, Queen of France (marriage to Philippe I King of France) (i5761),
Holland, Bishop Boudewijn, Count (i6491), b.1145-d.1196
Holland, Bishop Dirk, Count (i6492), b.1147-d.1197
Holland, Boudewijn, Count Van (i6470), b.1171-d.1204
Holland, Dirk Or Pelgrim, (i6490), d.1151
Holland, Dirk Vi, Count (i6488), b.1114-d.1157
Holland, Dirk Vi, Count (marriage to Sofie, Countess of Rheineck) (i6488), b.1114-d.1157
Holland, Dirk Vii, Count (i6484), b.1165-d.1203
Holland, Edmund de (i5032), b.1352-
Holland, Eleanor Alianore de (i7923), b.1392-d.1405
Holland, Elisabeth Or Isabella, (i6370), b.1323-d.1361
Holland, Elisabeth, Countess of (i6355), b.1327-
Holland, Elisabeth, Countess of (i6473), b.1177-
Holland, Elizabeth de (i7933), b.1394-
Holland, Elizabeth de (i7959), b.1320-
Holland, Floris de Zwarte (i6503), b.1115-d.1132
Holland, Floris Florence III, "crusader" (i6467), b.1141-d.1190
Holland, Floris Florence III, "crusader" (marriage to Ada, Princess of Scotland) (i6467),
Holland, Floris II, de (i6501), b.1085-d.1121
Holland, Floris II, de (marriage to Petronille, Princess of Oberlothringen) (i6501),
Holland, Floris IV, Count (i6295), b.1210-d.1234
Holland, Floris IV, Count (marriage to Mathilde of Brabant) (i6295), b.1210-d.1234
Holland, Floris, Count of (i6298), b.1228-d.1258
Holland, Floris, Count of (i6469), b.1169-d.1210
Holland, Geertruid, Countess of (i6496), b.1155-
Holland, Hadewig, Countess of (i6505), b.1117-d.1132
Holland, Hedwig, Countess of (i6474), b.1179-
Holland, Hedwig, Countess of (i6495), b.1151-d.1167
Holland, Isabel de (marriage to John de Warenne) (i8081), b.1349-
Holland, Jan I Count (marriage to Elizabeth, Princess of England) (i5152), b.1280-
Holland, Jan, Count of (i6352), b.1313-d.1316
Holland, Joan de (i5006), b.1380-d.1434
Holland, Joan de (i5034), b.1356-
Holland, Joan de (marriage to Edmund of Langley) (i5006), b.1380-d.1434
Holland, Joan Jane de (i7964), b.1311-
Holland, Joane de (i7953), b.1273-
Holland, Johanna, Countess of (i6363), b.1315-d.1374
Holland, John of Huntingdon (i5031), b.1350-d.1399
Holland, Louis, Count of (i6354), b.1325-d.1328
Holland, Machteld, Countess of (i6300), b.1232-
Holland, Margaret (i2002)
Holland, Margaret (marriage to Robert Hyde) (i2002)
Holland, Margaret de, Duchess Of Clare (i7914), b.1385-d.1439
Holland, Margaretha, Countess of (i6299), b.1230-d.1277
Holland, Margaretha, Countess of (i6359), b.1311-d.1356
Holland, Margaretha, Countess of (i6483), b.1164-d.1203
Holland, Mathew de (i8149), b.1171-
Holland, Maud de (i5035), b.1359-d.1390
Holland, Maud de (i7951), b.1296-
Holland, Maud Matilda de (i7956), b.1319-
Holland, Otto, Count of (i6465), b.1208-d.1249
Holland, Petronella, Countess of (i6497), b.1157-
Holland, Richardis, Countess of (i6463), b.1203-d.1262
Holland, Robbrecht, Count of (i6493), b.1149-d.1190
Holland, Robert de (i7961), b.1253-
Holland, Robert de (i8147), b.1197-
Holland, Robert de (marriage to Cecily de Columbers) (i8147), b.1197-
Holland, Robert de (marriage to Elizabeth de Salmesbury) (i7961), b.1253-
Holland, Robrecht, Count of (i6471), b.1173-
Holland, Sibylla, Countess of (i6351), b.1310-
Holland, Simon, Count of (i6504), b.1116-
Holland, Sir Robert de, Knight (i7949), b.1280-d.1328
Holland, Sir Robert de, Knight (marriage to Maud La Zouche) (i7949), b.1280-d.1328
Holland, Sir Thomas (i5030), b.1314-d.1360
Holland, Sir Thomas (marriage to Joan Princess of England) (i5030), b.1314-d.1360
Holland, Sophia, Countess of (i6494), b.1151-d.1212
Holland, Thomas de (i7909), b.1371-d.1399
Holland, Thurstan de (i7972), b.1222-d.1275
Holland, Thurstan de (marriage to Kellet) (i7972), b.1222-d.1275
Holland, Willem I, Count (i6460), b.1167-d.1222
Holland, Willem I, Count (marriage to Aleid Countess van Gelre) (i6460), b.1167-d.1222
Holland, Willem II, Count (i6297), b.1227-d.1256
Holland, Willem IV Count (i6365), b.1317-d.1345
Holland, Willem, Count of (i6464), b.1206-d.1238
Holland, William Count of (marriage to Mary de Brabant) (i6285), b.1188-d.1223
Holme, (unknown) (i1728)
Holme, (unknown) (marriage to William Whitfield) (i1728)
Holme, Richard (i1729)
Holmes, Anna (marriage to Jacobus Kierstede Dr.) (i2172)
Holy roman, Adelheid Princess (i4320), d.774
Holy roman, Bertha Princess (i4365), d.826
Holy roman, Charlemagne Emporer (i4317), b.742-d.814
Holy roman, Charlemagne Emporer (marriage to Hildegard of Aachen) (i4317), b.742-d.814
Holy roman, Charles Emperor (i4319), d.811
Holy roman, Desiderata Sibilla Empress (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4324),
Holy roman, Friedrich I Barberosa (i6320), b.1122-d.1190
Holy roman, Friedrich I Barberosa (marriage to Beatrice, Countess of Palatine) (i6320),
Holy roman, Friedrich II (marriage to Constanzia, Princess of Aragon Queen of Hungary) (i5827),
Holy roman, Gisele Princess of (i4321), b.778-
Holy roman, Hildegard Princess of (i4323)
Holy roman, Lothaire Prince of (i4322), b.778-d.778
Holy roman, Rotrud Princess (i4362), b.774-d.810
Hommet, Agnes Du (i4082), b.1160-
Hommet, Agnes Du (marriage to Baldwin Wake) (i4082), b.1160-
Hommet, William Du, Constable (i4089), b.1134-
Hommet, William Du, Constable (marriage to Lucy Unknown) (i4089), b.1134-
Hood, Elizabeth (i1131), d.1681
Hood, Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas Farrar) (i1131), d.1681
Hopton, Rachel (marriage to Thomas Morgan) (i4708), b.1588-
Horbury, John de (marriage to Elizabeth Wake) (i4060), b.1266-
Hostaden, Lotharius, Count of (marriage to Margaretha Countess van Gelre) (i6598), b.1190-
Hough, John (marriage to Sarah Post) (i1551)
Hough, William (marriage to Anne Lathrop) (i2195), b.1657-d.1705
Hough, William (marriage to Sarah Calkins) (i504), b.1617-d.1683
Howarth, Jake (marriage to Belle Salter) (i133)
Howes, Hannah (i1335), b.1590-d.1633
Howes, Hannah (marriage to John Lathrop Reverend) (i1335), b.1590-d.1633
Howes, John, Reverend (i958), b.1572-
Hrolfsson, Ragnhild (i6746), b.836-
Hrolfsson, Ragnhild (marriage to Rognvald Eysteinsson) (i6746), b.836-
Hugh, Hugh (i6822), b.1166-
Hugh, William (i6823), b.1168-
Hulins, Henry (i1619), b.1540-
Hulins, Henry (marriage to Joane (unknown)) (i1619), b.1540-
Hulins, John (i1621), b.1565-
Hulins, John (marriage to Margaret (unknown)) (i1621), b.1565-
Hulins, Margaret (i300), b.1595-d.1684
Hulins, Margaret (marriage to Thomas Bliss) (i300), b.1595-d.1684
Humez, Lucy de (marriage to Richard de Grey) (i8691), b.1203-
Hungary, Almos, Prince of (i6188), b.1134-d.1141
Hungary, Andras I, King of (marriage to Anastasiya Agmunda Yaroslavna, Kiev) (i7286),
Hungary, Andras II, King of (i6083), b.1176-d.1235
Hungary, Andras II, King of (marriage to Gertrude, Countess of Andechs Queen of Hungary) (i6083),
Hungary, Andras II, King of (marriage to Yolande de Courtenay Queen of Hungary) (i6083),
Hungary, Andras, Prince of (i6117), b.1210-d.1245
Hungary, Andras, Prince of (i6638), b.1268-d.1277
Hungary, Anna, Princess of (i6103), b.1227-d.1274
Hungary, Anna, Princess of (i6651), b.1259-d.1281
Hungary, Arpad, Prince of (i6163), b.1154-
Hungary, Bela II The (i6186), b.1108-d.1141
Hungary, Bela II The (marriage to Jelena Or Jereha, Serbia Queen of Hungary) (i6186),
Hungary, Bela III, King (i5359), b.1148-d.1196
Hungary, Bela III, King (marriage to Agnes de Chatillon Queen of Hungary) (i5359),
Hungary, Bela III, King (marriage to Marguerite, Princess of France Queen of Hungary) (i5359),
Hungary, Bela IV, King of (i6099), b.1206-d.1270
Hungary, Bela IV, King of (marriage to Maria Laskarina Princess OF BYZA) (i6099), b.1206-d.1270
Hungary, Bela, Prince of (i6111), b.1243-d.1269
Hungary, Constance (i5360), b.1188-
Hungary, Erszebet, Princess of (i6170), b.1149-d.1189
Hungary, Erzsebet, Princess of (i6105), b.1236-
Hungary, Erzsebet, Princess of (i6114), b.1207-d.1231
Hungary, Geza II, King of (i6160), b.1130-d.1161
Hungary, Geza II, King of (marriage to Evfrosiniya, Princess of Kiev Queen of Hungary) (i6160),
Hungary, Geza, Prince of (i6162), b.1152-d.1210
Hungary, Ilona Jolan, (i6107), b.1238-d.1298
Hungary, Ilona, Princess of (i6180), b.1158-d.1199
Hungary, Imre, King of (i5824), b.1174-d.1204
Hungary, Imre, King of (marriage to Constanzia, Princess of Aragon Queen of Hungary) (i5824),
Hungary, Istvan III, King of (i6164), b.1147-d.1172
Hungary, Istvan IV, King of (i6195), b.1133-d.1164
Hungary, Istvan The Posthumous (i6120), b.1236-d.1271
Hungary, Istvan V, King of (i6109), b.1240-d.1272
Hungary, Istvan V, King of (marriage to Erzsebet, Princess of Cumania Queen Of Hungary) (i6109),
Hungary, Istvan, Prince of (i6128), b.1184-d.1210
Hungary, Jolan, Princess of (i6079), b.1219-d.1251
Hungary, Jolan, Princess of (marriage to Jaime I, King of Aragon) (i6079), b.1219-d.1251
Hungary, Kalman, Prince of (i6115), b.1208-d.1241
Hungary, Kalman, Prince of (i6640), b.1274-d.1272
Hungary, Karoly I Martel, (i6628), b.1271-d.1295
Hungary, Katalin Princess of (i6642), b.1257-d.1317
Hungary, Katalin, Princess of (i6104), b.1229-d.1242
Hungary, Klemencia, Princess of (marriage to Louis X King of France) (i6015), b.1293-d.1328
Hungary, Konstancia, Princess of (i6106), b.1237-
Hungary, Konstancia, Princess of (i6145), b.1180-
Hungary, Kunignuda, Princess of (i6101), b.1224-d.1292
Hungary, Ladislas IV King of (marriage to Marie Elizabeth Isabel Sicile) (i6635), b.1259-
Hungary, Laszlo II, King of (i6191), b.1132-d.1162
Hungary, Laszlo IV, King of (i6636), b.1262-d.1290
Hungary, Laszlo IV, King of (marriage to Isabella, Princess of Naples and sicil) (i6636),
Hungary, Margit, Princess of (i6102), b.1226-d.1242
Hungary, Margit, Princess of (i6110), b.1242-d.1271
Hungary, Margit, Princess of (i6139), b.1175-d.1208
Hungary, Margit, Princess of (i6185), b.1160-
Hungary, Margit, Princess of (marriage to Isaac II Emperor Byzantine empire) (i6327), b.1157-
Hungary, Margit, Princess of (marriage to Isaak II, Emperor Byzantine empire) (i6139),
Hungary, Maria, Princess of (i6087), b.1204-d.1237
Hungary, Maria, Princess of (i6627), b.1258-d.1323
Hungary, Maria, Princess of (marriage to Carlo II King of Naples) (i6627), b.1258-d.1323
Hungary, Miss, Princess of (i6126), b.1182-
Hungary, Miss, Princess of (marriage to Roman, Prince Of, Kiev) (i6243), b.1106-
Hungary, Mrs Laszlo II, (marriage to Laszlo II, King of Hungary) (i6192), b.1134-
Hungary, Odola, Princess of (i6178), b.1156-
Hungary, Oertrud, Princess of (i6190), b.1140-d.1156
Hungary, Salamon, Prince of (i6127), b.1183-d.1210
Hungary, Salamon, Prince of (i6639), b.1272-d.1272
Hungary, Szabina, Princess of (i6112), b.1245-
Hungary, Szar Laszlo, Prince (marriage to Premislava Vladimirovna, Princ Kiev) (i7341), d.1029
Hungary, Zsofia, Princess of (i6189), b.1137-
Hungerford, Ann (i2278)
Hungerford, Ann (marriage to Joo Lee) (i2278)
Hunter, Ann (i1990), b.1568-d.1626
Hunter, Ann (marriage to Abraham Post) (i1990), b.1568-d.1626
Huntingdon, David Earl of (i6530), b.1144-d.1219
Huntingdon, Henry de (i6556), b.1114-d.1152
Huntingdon, Margaret (marriage to Alan de Galloway Lord of Galloway) (i8291), b.1172-
Huntingdon, Margaret de (i6549), b.1154-d.1201
Huntington, Abigail (i452), b.1739-
Huntington, Anne (i381), b.1675-
Huntington, Benjamin (i451), b.1737-
Huntington, Christopher (i63), b.1660-d.1735
Huntington, Christopher (i66), b.1633-d.1691
Huntington, Christopher (i375), b.1653-d.1654
Huntington, Christopher (i414), b.1686-
Huntington, Christopher (marriage to Ruth Rockwell) (i66), b.1633-d.1691
Huntington, Christopher (marriage to Sarah Adgate) (i63), b.1660-d.1735
Huntington, Dorcas (i446), b.1725-
Huntington, Elijah (i450), b.1734-
Huntington, Elizabeth (i428), b.1712-
Huntington, Henry Earl of (i5662), b.1110-d.1152
Huntington, Hezekiah (i417), b.1696-
Huntington, Isaac (i56), b.1688-d.1764
Huntington, Isaac (i443), b.1719-
Huntington, Isaac (marriage to Rebecka Lathrop) (i56), b.1688-d.1764
Huntington, Jabez (i415), b.1691-
Huntington, Jeremiah (i419), b.1702-d.1703
Huntington, Jeremiah (i429), b.1715-
Huntington, John (i378), b.1666-
Huntington, John (i427), b.1709-
Huntington, Joseph (i449), b.1732-
Huntington, Joseph (marriage to Rebeckah Adgate) (i473)
Huntington, Judith (i426), b.1707-
Huntington, Lydyah (i380), b.1672-
Huntington, Mary (i46), b.1728-d.1798
Huntington, Mary (marriage to Ebenezer Fitch) (i46), b.1728-d.1798
Huntington, Mathew (i416), b.1694-
Huntington, Maud (i5660), b.1072-d.1130
Huntington, Maud (marriage to David I, King of Scotland) (i5660), b.1072-d.1130
Huntington, Maud (marriage to Simon de Senlis St liz) (i5660), b.1072-d.1130
Huntington, Nehemiah (i445), b.1723-
Huntington, Rebeckah (i336), b.1717-d.1725
Huntington, Rebeckah (i447), b.1726-
Huntington, Ruth (i303), b.1682-
Huntington, Ruth (i376), b.1658-
Huntington, Samuell (i448), b.1731-d.1737
Huntington, Sarah (i418), b.1700-
Huntington, Sarah (i444), b.1721-
Huntington, Simon (i1603), d.1633
Huntington, Simon (i1606), b.1633-
Huntington, Simon (marriage to Margaret Barrett) (i1603), d.1633
Huntington, Susanah (i379), b.1668-
Huntington, Thomas (i377), b.1664-
Huntington, Thomas (i8294), b.1196-
Huntington, Waltheof Earl of (i7221), b.1046-d.1076
Huntington, Waltheof Earl of (marriage to Judith de Lens) (i7221), b.1046-d.1076
Hussey, Henry (marriage to Katherine FitzAlan) (i8046), b.1305-
Hyde, Hamnet (i1999), b.1491-d.1526
Hyde, Hamnet (marriage to Margaret Warren) (i1999), b.1491-d.1526
Hyde, Hamon (Hamnet) (i2005), b.1381-
Hyde, Hamon (Hamnet) (marriage to Margaret Davenport) (i2005), b.1381-
Hyde, Hester (i15), b.1631-d.1703
Hyde, Hester (marriage to John Post) (i15), b.1631-d.1703
Hyde, John (i2024), b.1245-d.1317
Hyde, John (i2027), b.1219-
Hyde, John (marriage to Isabel de Baggilegh) (i2024), b.1245-d.1317
Hyde, John (marriage to Margaret Stokeport) (i2027), b.1219-
Hyde, John de (i2014), b.1355-d.1460
Hyde, John de (i2021), b.1271-d.1364
Hyde, John de (marriage to Margaret Davenport) (i2021), b.1271-d.1364
Hyde, John de (marriage to Matild Massie) (i2014), b.1355-d.1460
Hyde, Mathew de (i2033), b.1167-
Hyde, Melissa (marriage to Chester Bradley) (i1243), b.1852-d.1933
Hyde, Polly? (marriage to William Bradley) (i1232)
Hyde, Robert (i1992), b.1543-d.1614
Hyde, Robert (i1997), b.1522-d.1571
Hyde, Robert (i2001), b.1465-d.1528
Hyde, Robert (i2017), b.1329-d.1439
Hyde, Robert (i2018), b.1303-d.1401
Hyde, Robert (marriage to Beatrice Calverly) (i1992), b.1543-d.1614
Hyde, Robert (marriage to Jane Davenport) (i1997), b.1522-d.1571
Hyde, Robert (marriage to Margaret Holland) (i2001), b.1465-d.1528
Hyde, Robert (marriage to Margaret or Elizabeth Stavelegh) (i2018), b.1303-d.1401
Hyde, Robert de (i2031), b.1193-d.1225
Hyde, Robert de (marriage to Agnes de Herdislee) (i2031), b.1193-d.1225
Hyde, Samuel (i481)
Hyde, Thomas (i2003), b.1439-d.1523
Hyde, Thomas (marriage to (kinaston) kynveton) (i2003), b.1439-d.1523
Hyde, William (i288), b.1606-d.1681
Hyde, William (i1991), b.1580-d.1637
Hyde, William (marriage to Mary (unknown)) (i288), b.1606-d.1681
Hythus, Miss, concubine 5 (marriage to William I King of Scotland) (i6524), b.1145-
Hywel, Hywel Ap Sais (i5001), b.1188-
Hywel, Susan Verch (i4992), b.1214-
Hywel, Susan Verch (marriage to Llewelyn Lleia Ap Ivor) (i4992), b.1214-
Hywel, Tanglwst Sais Verch (i4994), b.1174-
Hywel, Tanglwst Sais Verch (marriage to Ivor Ap Llewelyn) (i4994), b.1174-
Ida (i5969), b.1090-
Ida (marriage to Guy II de Ponthieu) (i5969), b.1090-
Idnerth, Dyddgu Verch (i8470), b.1060-
Idnerth, Dyddgu Verch (marriage to Llywarch Ap Trahaiarn) (i8470), b.1060-
Ifor, Llewelyn Ap (i4988), b.1282-
Ifor, Llewelyn Ap (marriage to Angharad Verch Morgan) (i4988), b.1282-
Induberga, Itte (i4433), b.597-d.597
Ingelrica Maud (marriage to William I The England Duke of Normandy) (i5622), b.1073-
Ingjaldsson, Olaf (i6732), b.682-
Ingjaldsson, Olaf (marriage to Solveig Halfdansson) (i6732), b.682-
Inglid, (i3830), b.688-
Ingvarsson, Braut-Onund (i6736), b.638-
Ireland, Aedh Finnliath King of (marriage to Princess Scotland Queen Ireland) (i3941), b.840-
Ironside, Edmund II (i3778), b.989-d.1016
Ironside, Edmund II (marriage to Aldgyth) (i3778), b.989-d.1016
Isabel (marriage to John de Warenne Earl of Surrey) (i5254)
Isabel (marriage to William Plantagenet Earl Warenne) (i7682), b.1242-
Isabella (i7426), b.1196-
Isabella (marriage to Hugh de Lusignan) (i7814), b.1272-
Isabella (marriage to Thomas Touchet) (i7426), b.1196-
Isham, Abigail (i8916), b.1731-
Isham, Caroline (marriage to George Bradley) (i1170)
Isham, Charles (i1432), b.1784-d.1856
Isham, Daniel (i8915), b.1730-
Isham, David (i8914), b.1729-
Isham, Dorothy (i8925), b.1770-
Isham, Ebenezer (i8911), b.1723-
Isham, Ephraim (i8924), b.1766-
Isham, Ezra (i8926), b.1772-
Isham, Hannah (i8907), b.1701-
Isham, Isaac (i1324), b.1693-d.1771
Isham, Isaac (i8909), b.1718-
Isham, Isaac (marriage to Abigail Lumbert) (i1324), b.1693-d.1771
Isham, Jane (i8902), b.1689-
Isham, John (i1323), b.1654-d.1713
Isham, John (i1328), b.1721-d.1802
Isham, John (i8903), b.1691-
Isham, John (i8919), b.1757-
Isham, John (marriage to Dorothy Foote) (i1328), b.1721-d.1802
Isham, John (marriage to Jane Parker) (i1323), b.1654-d.1713
Isham, Johnathan (i8920), b.1759-
Isham, Joshua (i8913), b.1727-
Isham, Lois (i8921), b.1761-
Isham, Lucy (i8923), b.1764-
Isham, Mary (i8905), b.1697-
Isham, Mary (i8918), b.1755-
Isham, Noah (i8922), b.1764-
Isham, Patience (i8906), b.1699-
Isham, Samuel (i1166), b.1752-d.1827
Isham, Samuel (i8910), b.1719-
Isham, Samuel (marriage to Mary Adams) (i1166), b.1752-d.1827
Isham, Sarah (i1168), b.1778-d.1865
Isham, Sarah (i8904), b.1694-
Isham, Sarah (i8917), b.1754-
Isham, Sarah (marriage to Dr. Roswell Bradley) (i1168), b.1778-d.1865
Isham, Thankful (i8908), b.1706-
Isham, Timothy (i8912), b.1725-
Isles, Reginald, Lord of (i8357), b.1148-
Isles, Reginald, Lord of (marriage to Fonia, of Moray) (i8357), b.1148-
Issoudun, Raoul II D, Comte d'Eu (marriage to Philippe de Dammartin) (i5952), b.1205-d.1237
Italy, Bernard King of (i4355), d.818
Italy, Bernard King of (marriage to Cunigunde Queen of Italy) (i4355), d.818
Italy, Carloman Prince of (i4279), b.816-
Italy, Cunigunde Queen of (i4449), b.797-
Italy, Cunigunde Queen of (marriage to Bernard King of Italy) (i4449), b.797-
Italy, Dode of (marriage to Lothaire I King of Italy) (i4278), b.796-d.852
Italy, Ermengarde Queen of (i4280), d.851
Italy, Ermengarde Queen of (marriage to Lothaire I King of Italy) (i4280), d.851
Italy, Gisle Princess of (i4287), b.834-d.861
Italy, Helletrude Princess of (i4286), b.832-
Italy, Lothaire I King of (i4277), d.855
Italy, Lothaire I King of (marriage to Ermengarde Queen of Italy) (i4277), d.855
Italy, Louis II King of (i4288), b.825-d.875
Italy, Pippin Carloman King of (i4353), d.810
Italy, Pippin Carloman King of (marriage to Bertha of Toulouse) (i4353), d.810
Italy, Princess Adelaide (i4356), b.797-
Italy, Princess Adele (i4357), b.799-
Italy, Princess Berthais (i4359), b.803-
Italy, Princess Gundrada (i4358), b.801-
Italy, Princess Theodrate (i4360), b.805-
Ithel, Gwrgant Ap (i8483), b.953-
Ithel, Gwrgant Ap (marriage to Miss Verch Gwyn) (i8483), b.953-
Ivarsson, Eystein Or Glumra (i6756), b.810-
Ivarsson, Eystein Or Glumra (marriage to Aseda Rognvaldsson) (i6756), b.810-
Ivor, Llewelyn Ap (i4995), b.1130-
Ivor, Llewelyn Ap (marriage to Lleici Verch Gruffydd) (i4995), b.1130-
Ivor, Llewelyn Lleia Ap (i4991), b.1209-
Ivor, Llewelyn Lleia Ap (marriage to Susan Verch Hywel) (i4991), b.1209-
Izyaslavl, Bryachislav Davidovich, Duke (marriage to Kseniya, Princess of Kiev) (i6216),
James, Edward (marriage to Elizabeth Morgan) (i4786), b.1528-
James, Elizabeth (marriage to Edward Morgan) (i4711), b.1592-
James, Sarah (i1321)
James, Sarah (marriage to Robert Parker) (i1321)
Jans, Anneke (i1362), b.1604-d.1663
Jans, Anneke (marriage to Everardus Bogardus Reverend) (i1362), b.1604-d.1663
Jans, Anneke (marriage to Roelof Jansen) (i1362), b.1604-d.1663
Jansen, Roelof (i2152), b.1602-d.1639
Jansen, Roelof (marriage to Anneke Jans) (i2152), b.1602-d.1639
Jeer, Sarah (marriage to Nathaniel Parke) (i2591), b.1662-
Jenkin, Richard (marriage to Jane Morgan) (i4779), b.1520-
Jenkins, Maud (marriage to John Morgan) (i4763), b.1514-
Jerusalem, Amaury King of (i5450), b.1131-d.1174
Jerusalem, Baudouin King of (i5444), b.1129-d.1163
Joan (marriage to Robert Touchet) (i7417), b.1277-
Joan (marriage to William de Longespee Earl of Salisbury) (i5334), b.1150-
Johan (i2156), b.1565-
Johan (marriage to Trijntje Roelofs) (i2156), b.1565-
John, (marriage to Joan de Holland) (i7947), b.1356-
John, Jenet (marriage to John Morgan Sir) (i4793), b.1445-
Joigney, Renaud III Count (marriage to Alix de Champagne) (i5999), b.1098-d.1139
Joigny, Guillaume I Count (marriage to Alix de Courtenay Countess) (i5693), b.1156-d.1219
Jones, Elizabeth (marriage to Captain John Morgan) (i4669), b.1659-
Jones, William (marriage to Constance Morgan) (i4781), b.1524-
Jones, William (marriage to Elizabeth Morgan) (i4736), b.1572-
Joole, Jefery (marriage to Bova Danvers) (i3575), b.1438-
Jordan, Mary (marriage to Abraham Post) (i275), b.1640-d.1684
Juatt or Marsh or Evans, Elizabeth (i1116), b.1583-d.1673
Juatt or Marsh or Evans, Elizabeth (marriage to Richard Warren) (i1116), b.1583-d.1673
Judith of Normandy (marriage to Richard II Duke Normandy "the Good") (i6768), b.974-d.1017
Judith, (marriage to Hugh Magnus of France) (i4190), b.902-d.1001
Julian (i8435), b.1180-
Julian (marriage to Robert de Chacomb) (i8435), b.1180-
Juliana (i1838)
Juliana (marriage to Johannes Petley) (i1838)
Julich, Wilhelm, Duke of (marriage to Johanna, Countess of Holland) (i6362), b.1315-
Kamaterina, Euphrosyne Dukaina (marriage to Alexios III, Emperor Byzantine empire) (i6335),
Kantakuzenos, Ioannis (marriage to Irini Angelina) (i6343), b.1150-
Kastamonitissa, Euphrosyne (i6329), b.1125-d.1195
Kastamonitissa, Euphrosyne (marriage to Andronikos Dukas Angelos) (i6329), b.1125-d.1195
Keiffer, Ethel M. (i29), b.1883-d.1911
Keiffer, Ethel M. (marriage to James Albert Post) (i29), b.1883-d.1911
Kellet, (i7973), b.1230-
Kellet, (marriage to Thurstan de Holland) (i7973), b.1230-
Kellet, Adam de (i8154), b.1204-
Kembold, John (i2288), b.1396-d.1452
Kemeys, Catherine (marriage to Henry Morgan) (i4747), b.1532-
Kemeys, Edward (marriage to Elizabeth Morgan) (i4752), b.1538-
Kemeys, James (marriage to Isabella Morgan) (i4802), b.1480-
Kemeys, Jevan Ap Jenkin (marriage to Christian Verch Morgan) (i4978), b.1372-
Kemeys, John (marriage to Margaret Morgan) (i4768), b.1516-
Kent, Ealhmund King of (i3795), b.749-
Kiersted, Anieta (i1220)
Kiersted, Ann (i1217)
Kiersted, Cornelia (i1222)
Kiersted, Elizabeth (i1221)
Kiersted, John (i1216)
Kiersted, Katy (i1219)
Kiersted, Lucas (i1215), b.1743-d.1821
Kiersted, Lucas (marriage to Elizabeth Ann Smedes) (i1215), b.1743-d.1821
Kiersted, Sally (i1223)
Kierstede, Ann (i1224), b.1772-d.1833
Kierstede, Ann (marriage to George Tappen) (i1224), b.1772-d.1833
Kierstede, Anna (i2137) (living status unknown)
Kierstede, Blandina (i2138), d.1702
Kierstede, Catharyn (i2143)
Kierstede, Hans (i1372), b.1612-d.1671
Kierstede, Hans (Jan) (i2135), d.1692
Kierstede, Hans (marriage to Sara Roeloffse) (i1372), b.1612-d.1671
Kierstede, Jacob (i2145)
Kierstede, Jacobus, Dr. (i2146), b.1663-d.1702
Kierstede, Jochem (John) (i2140)
Kierstede, Johannes (i1376), b.1677-d.1759
Kierstede, Johannes (marriage to Ariantje Tappen) (i1376), b.1677-d.1759
Kierstede, Lucas (i2141)
Kierstede, Rachel (i2147)
Kierstede, Roeliff (i1214), b.1703-
Kierstede, Roeloff (i1374)
Kierstede, Roeloff (marriage to Eytie Albertse Roosa) (i1374)
Kiev and chernig, Vsevolod II Yurij (marriage to Mariya Agafiya Mstislavna, Kiev) (i6225),
Kiev, Adlaga, Grand Duchess (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7320), b.959-
Kiev, Anastasiya Agmunda Yaroslavna, (i7287), b.1023-d.1074
Kiev, Dobredeya Evpraksia, Princess (i6239), b.1102-d.1136
Kiev, Dobronegra Mariya Vladimirovna (i7334), b.1011-d.1087
Kiev, Elizaveta Yaroslavna Princess (i7312), b.1032-
Kiev, Evfrosiniya, Princess of, Queen of Hungary (i6161), b.1130-d.1186
Kiev, Evfrosiniya, Princess of, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Geza II, King of Hungary) (i6161),
Kiev, Ingeborga, Princess Of, (i6220), b.1099-
Kiev, Izyaslav I Dmitrij, (i7291), b.1025-d.1078
Kiev, Izyaslav II, Grand (i6203), b.1096-d.1154
Kiev, Kseniya, Princess of (i6217), b.1098-d.1129
Kiev, Malfrida, Princess Of, (i6223), b.1100-
Kiev, Mariya Agafiya Mstislavna, (i6226), b.1101-
Kiev, Miss Mstislavna, Princess (i6209), b.1097-
Kiev, Miss Vladimirovna, Princess (i7336), b.987-
Kiev, Mstislav I, Grand (i6198), b.1076-d.1132
Kiev, Mstislav I, Grand (marriage to Lyubava Dmitrievna) (i6198), b.1076-d.1132
Kiev, Olava, Grand Duchess (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7321), b.959-
Kiev, Predislava, Grand Duchess (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7323), b.962-
Kiev, Predslava Vladimirovna, Prince (i7319), b.984-d.1018
Kiev, Premislava Vladimirovna, Princ (i7342), b.980-
Kiev, Rogneda, Princess Of, (i6201), b.1106-d.1168
Kiev, Roman, Prince Of, (i6242), b.1104-
Kiev, Rostislav I Mikhail, (i6202), b.1110-d.1168
Kiev, Svyatopolk I (II), (i7300), b.1027-d.1076
Kiev, Vladimir I (i7317), d.1015
Kiev, Vladimir I (marriage to Rogneda, Princess of Polotsk) (i7317), d.1015
Kiev, Vladimir, Grand Duke (i6251), b.1131-d.1174
Kiev, Vsevolod I, Grand (i7302), b.1030-d.1093
Kiew, Anna von (i7270), b.1036-d.1077
Kiew, Anna von (marriage to Henry I of France King) (i7270), b.1036-d.1077
Kiew, Yaroslav I (i7275), d.1054
Kiew, Yaroslav I (marriage to Ingegerda, Princess of Sweden) (i7275), d.1054
Kimball, Abigail (i1316), b.1667-
Kimball, Abigail (marriage to Isaac Estey) (i1316), b.1667-
Kimball, Abigail (marriage to Joseph Hibbard) (i2462), b.1680-d.1756
Kimball, Henry (i2279), b.1565-d.1619
Kimball, Henry (i2280), b.1539-d.1583
Kimball, Henry (i2284), b.1510-
Kimball, Henry (i2286), b.1466-d.1526
Kimball, Henry (marriage to Cecilia) (i2284), b.1510-
Kimball, Henry (marriage to Margaret Manning) (i2280), b.1539-d.1583
Kimball, Henry (marriage to Marion) (i2286), b.1466-d.1526
Kimball, John (i1314), b.1631-d.1698
Kimball, John (marriage to Mary Bradstreet) (i1314), b.1631-d.1698
Kimball, Richard (i1615), b.1595-d.1675
Kimball, Richard (marriage to Ursula Scott) (i1615), b.1595-d.1675
Kimball, Thomas (i2289), b.1370-
King, Hannah (Bush) (i1150), d.1797
King, Hannah (Bush) (marriage to Jabez Bradley) (i1150), d.1797
Kip, Johannes (marriage to Catharyn Kierstede) (i2144)
Kip, Rachel (marriage to Lucas Kierstede) (i2142)
Kirkner, Catherine (i1808)
Kirkner, Catherine (marriage to Henry Manning) (i1808)
Kirkner, Erasmus (i1806)
Kirkner, Erasmus (marriage to Agnes (unknown)) (i1806)
Kivilioc, Maud (marriage to David Earl of Huntingdon) (i6531), b.1163-d.1233
Kleve, Adelheid, Countess of (marriage to Dirk Vii, Count Holland) (i6485), b.1167-d.1238
Kleve, Dietrich IV, Count (marriage to Margaretha, Countess of Holland) (i6482), b.1164-
Kniveton, Catherine (marriage to Richard Touchet) (i7414), b.1352-
Knyvet, Lecia (i3720), b.1198-
Knyvet, Lecia (marriage to Herbert Quartermain) (i3720), b.1198-
Komnene, Maria, Princess (marriage to Bela III, King Hungary) (i5408), b.1149-d.1182
Komnene, Theodora Kalusine, Princess OF BYZA (marriage to Baudouin King of Jerusalem) (i5445),
Kopp, Emma C.f. (marriage to James Albert Post) (i1655), b.1883-d.1972
Krueger, Floyd Ralph (i1262), b.1893-d.1967
Krueger, George (i1258), b.1867-d.1953
Krueger, George (marriage to Anna Laura Anderson) (i1258), b.1867-d.1953
Krueger, Margaret (i1263) (living status unknown)
Krueger, Mildred Ada (i1007), b.1898-d.1985
Krueger, Mildred Ada (marriage to Harold Robert Bradley) (i1007), b.1898-d.1985
Krueger, Raymond George (i1261), b.1890-d.1960
Krueger, Rudolph (i1259), b.1842-d.1911
Krueger, Rudolph (marriage to Margaret Fleisch) (i1259), b.1842-d.1911
Kuman, Anna, Princess of (marriage to Vsevolod I, Grand Kiev) (i7306), b.1045-d.1111
kynveton, (kinaston) (i2004), b.1443-
kynveton, (kinaston) (marriage to Thomas Hyde) (i2004), b.1443-
L isle, Helen de (i8268), b.1186-
L isle, Helen de (marriage to Alan de Galloway Lord of Galloway) (i8268), b.1186-
Labau, Charles W. (i1842), b.1860-
Labau, Charles W. (marriage to Lillie Minnie (nee Unknown) Labau) (i1842), b.1860-
Labau, Lillie Minnie (nee Unknown) (i1843), b.1864-
Labau, Lillie Minnie (nee Unknown) (marriage to Charles W. Labau) (i1843), b.1864-
Lacy, Alice de, CountssofLincoln (marriage to Thomas Plantagenet) (i8100), b.1280-
Lacy, Gilbert de, Lord Meath (i7631), b.1206-d.1234
Lacy, Gilbert de, Lord Meath (marriage to Isabel Bigod) (i7631), b.1206-d.1234
Lacy, Hugh de (i6809), b.1115-d.1185
Lacy, Hugh de (marriage to Emmeline de Riddlesford Countess Of Ulst) (i8360), b.1228-
Lacy, Hugh de (marriage to Rose de Clare) (i6809), b.1115-d.1185
Lacy, John de, Earl of Lincoln (marriage to Margaret de Quincy) (i5234), b.1192-d.1240
Lacy, Maud de (i7775), b.1232-d.1304
Lacy, Maud de (marriage to Geoffrey de Geneville) (i7775), b.1232-d.1304
Lacy, Miss de (marriage to Alan de Galloway Lord of Galloway) (i8292), b.1178-
Lacy, Walter de (i6811), b.1160-d.1241
Lacy, Walter de (marriage to Margaret de Braose) (i6811), b.1160-d.1241
Laferte-Gaucher, Godefroi (Gottfried) de (marriage to Constance de Vermandois) (i7263), b.1067-
Lamvallie, Margaret de (marriage to Gilbert Marshal) (i7699), b.1198-
Lancaster, Avice de (i8558), b.1088-d.1149
Lancaster, Avice de (marriage to William, The Younger Peverel (de Nottingham)) (i8558),
Lancaster, Avice Or Avicia (i6590), b.1155-d.1191
Lancaster, Avice Or Avicia (marriage to Richard de Morville Constable) (i6590), b.1155-d.1191
Lancaster, Gilbert de (i8355), b.1089-
Lancaster, Gilbert de (marriage to Godith) (i8355), b.1089-
Lancaster, Roger de (i8570), b.1062-
Lancaster, Roger de (marriage to Aumodis de La Marche) (i8570), b.1062-
Lancaster, William de, Lord Of Kendal (i6589), b.1115-d.1170
Lancaster, William de, Lord Of Kendal (marriage to Gundred de Warenne Countess Of Warw) (i6589),
Lancastria, Avice de (marriage to William, The Younger Peverel (de Nottingham)) (i8561),
Landen, Gertrude de, Abbesse Nivell (i4434), b.626-d.659
Landen, Grimoald de (i4435) (living status unknown)
Landen, Pepin of (i4432) (living status unknown)
Landen, Pepin of (marriage to Itte Induberga) (i4432) (living status unknown)
Lander, Ann (i204)
Lander, Deborah (i180), b.1813-
Lander, Frank R. (i205), b.1861-d.1929
Lander, Gideon (i179), b.1811-
Lander, Jane (i186), b.1827-
Lander, Jeremiah (i184), b.1822-
Lander, John (i178), b.1808-
Lander, Marcellus A. (dick) (i202), b.1842-d.1917
Lander, Maria (i177), b.1807-
Lander, Orsa Jane (i27), b.1845-d.1923
Lander, Orsa Jane (marriage to Walter Post) (i27), b.1845-d.1923
Lander, Peter (i183), b.1820-
Lander, Rachel (i182), b.1818-
Lander, Sally (i176), b.1805-
Lander, Susan (i185), b.1825-
Lander, William (i174), b.1775-
Lander, William (i181), b.1816-d.1891
Lander, William (i203)
Lander, William (marriage to Eliza Ann Litch) (i181), b.1816-d.1891
Lander, William (marriage to Mary (Polly) Marlett) (i174), b.1775-
Langley, Constance de (marriage to Edmund de Holand Earl of Kent) (i4910), b.1374-d.1416
Langley, Edmund of (i5004), b.1341-d.1402
Langley, Edmund of (marriage to Isabel of Castile) (i5004), b.1341-d.1402
Langley, Edmund of (marriage to Joan de Holland) (i5004), b.1341-d.1402
Langley, Elinor (i13), b.1606-d.1670
Langley, Elinor (marriage to Stephen Post) (i13), b.1606-d.1670
Langston, Elizabeth (marriage to Richard Danvers) (i3535), b.1432-d.1482
Langston, Jane Joan (i3343), b.1460-d.1535
Langston, Jane Joan (marriage to Thomas Giffard) (i3343), b.1460-d.1535
Langston, John (i3477), b.1434-
Langston, John (marriage to Amicia Amys Danvers) (i3477), b.1434-
Langston, John (marriage to Margaret Danvers) (i3477), b.1434-
Lanston, Maria, or Langton (i4940), b.1538-
Lanston, Maria, or Langton (marriage to William Winter Sir) (i4940), b.1538-
Laskarina, Maria, Princess OF BYZA (i6100), b.1206-d.1270
Laskarina, Maria, Princess OF BYZA (marriage to Bela IV, King of Hungary) (i6100),
Lathrop, Abigaiell (i327), b.1665-
Lathrop, Anne (i328), b.1667-
Lathrop, Benjamin (i408), b.1699-
Lathrop, Benjamin (i996)
Lathrop, David (i1136), b.1723-d.1787
Lathrop, David (i1137)
Lathrop, David (marriage to Clarinda Delano) (i1136), b.1723-d.1787
Lathrop, Ebenezar (i409), b.1703-
Lathrop, Ebenezer (i1425)
Lathrop, Elizabeth (i322), b.1648-
Lathrop, Elizabeth (i1134), b.1677-
Lathrop, Elizabeth (i1427)
Lathrop, Elizabeth (marriage to Hope Lathrop) (i1134), b.1677-
Lathrop, Hanna (i1138), b.1750-d.1828
Lathrop, Hanna (marriage to Captain Jabez Bradley) (i1138), b.1750-d.1828
Lathrop, Hope (i1129), b.1671-d.1734
Lathrop, Hope (marriage to Elizabeth Lathrop) (i1129), b.1671-d.1734
Lathrop, Ichabod (i997)
Lathrop, Israel (i51), b.1659-d.1733
Lathrop, Israel (i402), b.1687-
Lathrop, Israel (marriage to Rebeka Bliss) (i51), b.1659-d.1733
Lathrop, Jabez (i410), b.1707-
Lathrop, John (i93), b.1646-d.1688
Lathrop, John (i404), b.1690-
Lathrop, John (i1135), b.1699-d.1752
Lathrop, John (i2042) (living status unknown)
Lathrop, John (marriage to Anney Thatcher) (i1135), b.1699-d.1752
Lathrop, John (marriage to Margaret Wade) (i2042) (living status unknown)
Lathrop, John (marriage to Ruth Royce) (i93), b.1646-d.1688
Lathrop, John, Reverend (i1126), b.1584-d.1653
Lathrop, John, Reverend (marriage to Hannah Howes) (i1126), b.1584-d.1653
Lathrop, Joseph (i326), b.1661-
Lathrop, Joseph (i1000)
Lathrop, Joseph (i1127), b.1624-
Lathrop, Joseph (marriage to Mary Ansell) (i1127), b.1624-
Lathrop, Martha (i325), b.1657-
Lathrop, Martha (i407), b.1696-
Lathrop, Mary (i406), b.1696-
Lathrop, Mary (i1428)
Lathrop, Melatiah (i999)
Lathrop, Melatiale (i1133), b.1646-d.1712
Lathrop, Melatiale (marriage to Sarrah Farrar) (i1133), b.1646-d.1712
Lathrop, Rebecka (i55), b.1695-d.1774
Lathrop, Rebecka (marriage to Isaac Huntington) (i55), b.1695-d.1774
Lathrop, Rebeckah (i1426)
Lathrop, Robert, Reverend (i2040), d.1558
Lathrop, Robert, Reverend (marriage to Ellen Aston) (i2040), d.1558
Lathrop, Ruth (i17), d.1750
Lathrop, Ruth (marriage to Samuel Post) (i17), d.1750
Lathrop, Samuel (i49), b.1620-d.1700
Lathrop, Samuel (i323), b.1650-
Lathrop, Samuel (marriage to Elizabeth Scudder) (i49), b.1620-d.1700
Lathrop, Samuel (marriage to Hannah Adgate) (i471)
Lathrop, Samuell (i405), b.1692-
Lathrop, Sarah (i324), b.1655-
Lathrop, Sarah (i1429)
Lathrop, Solomon (i998)
Lathrop, Thomas (Lowthroppe) (i1607), b.1536-d.1606
Lathrop, William (i403), b.1688-
Latmer, William Lord (marriage to Elizabeth FitzAlan) (i8060), b.1320-
Le bon, Helena (i8620), b.1030-
Le bon, Helena (marriage to Waldron de Saint clare) (i8620), b.1030-
Le brun, Alice (i7815), b.1296-
Lechaber, Kenneth Thane of (marriage to Dunclina Princess Scotland) (i3927), b.958-
Lee, Jane (marriage to John Birchard) (i298), d.1723
Lee, Jane (marriage to Samuel Hyde) (i298), d.1723
Lee, Joo (i2277)
Lee, Joo (marriage to Ann Hungerford) (i2277)
Lee, Tryphosa (i2274)
Lee, Tryphosa (marriage to Stephen Tracy) (i2274)
Leeds, Ruth (marriage to Joseph Allen) (i2267), b.1652-d.1745
Leffingwell, Abigail (i21), b.1734-
Leffingwell, Abigail (marriage to John Post) (i21), b.1734-
Leffingwell, Andrew (i354), b.1724-
Leffingwell, Ann (i353), b.1722-
Leffingwell, Caleb (i350), b.1716-
Leffingwell, Dan (i374), b.1689-
Leffingwell, Elizabeth (i356), b.1729-
Leffingwell, Hanah (i352), b.1719-
Leffingwell, Jonathan (i357), b.1731-
Leffingwell, Jonathan (i373), b.1687-d.1699
Leffingwell, Mary (i355), b.1726-
Leffingwell, Mary (i492)
Leffingwell, Nathaniel (i84), b.1656-d.1697
Leffingwell, Nathaniel (marriage to Mary Smith) (i84), b.1656-d.1697
Leffingwell, Nathaniell (i372), b.1684-d.1697
Leffingwell, Rachel (marriage to Robert Parke) (i2576), b.1648-
Leffingwell, Samuel (i86), b.1692-d.1753
Leffingwell, Samuel (i1556), d.1691
Leffingwell, Samuel (marriage to Hannah Gifford) (i86), b.1692-d.1753
Leffingwell, Samuell (i351), b.1718-
Leffingwell, Sarah (i358), b.1736-d.1742
Leffingwell, Thomas (i82), b.1624-d.1710
Leffingwell, Thomas (i491), b.1652-
Leffingwell, Thomas (i1609)
Leffingwell, Thomas (marriage to Mary Bushnell) (i491), b.1652-
Leffingwell, Thomas (marriage to Mary White) (i82), b.1624-d.1710
Legh, Margery (i2011)
Legh, Margery (marriage to William Davenport) (i2011)
Leighton, Thomas (marriage to Mary Zouche) (i7984), b.1294-
Lens, Judith de (i7222), b.1054-
Lens, Judith de (marriage to Waltheof Earl of Huntington) (i7222), b.1054-
Lens, Lambert de (i7237), b.1022-d.1054
Lens, Lambert de (marriage to Adelaide Princess of Normandy) (i7237), b.1022-d.1054
Leon and castile, Teresa, Princess of (i5907), b.1039-d.1130
Leon and castile, Teresa, Princess of (marriage to Henri de Burgundy Count of Portugal) (i5907),
Leon castile, Berengaria Queen of (i5394), b.1181-d.1245
Leon castile, Berengaria Queen of (marriage to Alphonso IX King of Leon) (i5394), b.1181-d.1245
Leon, Alphonso IX King of (i5891), b.1173-d.1230
Leon, Alphonso IX King of (marriage to Berengaria Queen of Leon castile) (i5891), b.1173-d.1230
Leon, Ferdinand II, King of (i5844), b.1137-d.1188
Leon, Ferdinand II, King of (marriage to Urraca, Princess of Portugal) (i5844), b.1137-d.1188
Leonard, Mary (marriage to Samuel Bliss) (i2297)
Lesser Poland, Salomea, Princess of (marriage to Kalman, Prince of Hungary) (i6116),
Leuthergis, concubine (marriage to Pepin King of France "the Short") (i4375), b.715-
Lewis, (unknown) (marriage to Rebeckah Lathrop) (i1431)
Lewis, Ann (marriage to John Morgan) (i4762), b.1512-
Lewis, Edward (marriage to Blanch Morgan) (i4732), b.1568-
Lewis, George (marriage to Mary Morgan) (i4718), b.1605-
Lewis, Thomas (marriage to Mary Morgan) (i4750), b.1536-
Limburg, Henry II, Duke (i6305), b.1111-d.1167
Limburg, Henry II, Duke (marriage to Maud) (i6305), b.1111-d.1167
Limesi, Amabile (marriage to John de Braose) (i7637), b.1182-
Limoges, Emma de (marriage to William IV Taillefer Count Angouleme) (i5696), b.1138-
Lincoln, Peter Arch Deacon (i5342), b.1159-d.1217
Litch, Eliza Ann (i201), b.1819-d.1887
Litch, Eliza Ann (marriage to William Lander) (i201), b.1819-d.1887
Lithuania, Miss, Princess of (marriage to Izyaslav II, Grand Kiev) (i6207), b.1098-
Little, Thomas (marriage to Ann Warren) (i1625), b.1610-d.1672
Llawen, Helen (i8780)
Llawen, Helen (marriage to Cadivor Vawr Ap Colwyn Lord of Dyfed) (i8780)
Llawen, Llwch (i8781) (living status unknown)
Llewelyn, Gladys Dhu Verch (i5199), b.1194-d.1251
Llewelyn, Gladys Dhu Verch (marriage to Ralph de Mortimer) (i5199), b.1194-d.1251
Llewelyn, Gladys Dhu Verch (marriage to Reginald de Braose) (i5199), b.1194-d.1251
Llewelyn, Gruffydd Ap (marriage to Eldgyth of Mercia) (i3819), b.1030-d.1063
Llewelyn, Gruffydd Ap (marriage to Eldgyth of Mercia) (i3819), b.1030-d.1063
Llewelyn, Helen Verch (i5200), b.1206-d.1253
Llewelyn, Ifor Lleia Ap (i4990), b.1245-
Llewelyn, Ifor Lleia Ap (marriage to Tangwystl verch Rhys) (i4990), b.1245-
Llewelyn, Ivor Ap (i4993), b.1169-
Llewelyn, Ivor Ap (marriage to Tanglwst Sais Verch Hywel) (i4993), b.1169-
Llewelyn, Llewelyn of North, Prince of Wales (i5198), b.1173-d.1240
Llewelyn, Llewelyn of North, Prince of Wales (marriage to Princess Joan of England) (i5198),
Llewelyn, Margred Verch (i5201), b.1206-
Llewelyn, Morgan Ap (i4973), b.1330-d.1384
Llewelyn, Morgan Ap (marriage to Mallt Verch Rhun) (i4973), b.1330-d.1384
Llewelyn, Thomas (marriage to Mary Morgan) (i4800), b.1478-
Lloyd, Alice (marriage to John Howes Reverend) (i2039), b.1572-
Llydocca, Gwerfyl Verch (marriage to Ednowain Ap Cynan) (i8479), b.1000-
Llywarch, Gladys Verch (i7589), b.1098-
Llywarch, Gladys Verch (marriage to Owain Prince of Wales) (i7589), b.1098-
Loan, Count Canbert of (i3655) (living status unknown)
Loccum, Wulbrand, Count of (marriage to Beatrix, Countess of Rheineck) (i6507), b.1119-
Locels, William de (i3494) (living status unknown)
London, Hawisia de (marriage to Walter de Braose) (i7633), b.1179-
Londres, Hawise de (i8124), b.1223-d.1274
Londres, Hawise de (marriage to Patrick de Chaworth) (i8124), b.1223-d.1274
Longdyck, Maria Jans (i1355)
Longdyck, Maria Jans (marriage to Cornelius Wynkoop) (i1355)
Longespee, Ela de (i5329), b.1220-d.1297
Longespee, Ela de, the younger (i5326), b.1211-
Longespee, Ela Eleanor de (i7990), b.1246-
Longespee, Ela Eleanor de (marriage to Roger La Zouche) (i7990), b.1246-
Longespee, Emmeline de (i8362), b.1252-d.1291
Longespee, Ida Camvile (i5330), b.1222-
Longespee, Ida de (i5333), b.1201-
Longespee, Ida de (i5335), b.1175-
Longespee, Isabella de (i5324), b.1208-d.1248
Longespee, Lora de, Nun at Lacock (i5331), b.1224-
Longespee, Nicholas de, BishpofSalisbury (i5328), b.1218-d.1297
Longespee, Petronilla de (i5325), b.1209-
Longespee, Richard de, Canon of Salisbury (i5327), b.1214-
Longespee, Stephen de, Earl of Ulster (i5332), b.1199-d.1274
Longespee, Stephen de, Earl of Ulster (marriage to Emmeline de Riddlesford Countess Of Uls (i5332),
Longespee, William de, Earl of Salisbury (i5321), b.1173-d.1226
Longespee, William de, Earl of Salisbury (marriage to Ela, Countess of Salisbury) (i5321),
Longespee, William de, Earlof Salisbury (i5323), b.1207-d.1249
Loockermans, Jannetje (marriage to Hans (Jan) Kierstede) (i2136)
Loomer, Samuel (marriage to Anna Morgan) (i4625), b.1692-d.1786
lorraine, (valtrude) Valdrade Queen (marriage to Lothaire II King of Lorraine) (i7105), b.836-
Lorraine, Agatha Princess of (i6325), b.1119-d.1147
Lorraine, Agatha Princess of (marriage to Raimond III Count Palatine) (i6325), b.1119-d.1147
Lorraine, Alberada (i4118), b.930-d.973
Lorraine, Alberada (marriage to Renaud Count of Rheims) (i4118), b.930-d.973
Lorraine, Gerberge (marriage to Lambert II Count Louvain) (i4128), b.954-
Lorraine, Gerberge of (i7092), b.935-
Lorraine, Gilbert Duke of (i7088), b.890-d.939
Lorraine, Gilbert Duke of (marriage to Gerberge of Saxony) (i7088), b.890-d.939
Lorraine, Henri Duke of (i7091), b.932-d.932
Lorraine, Lothaire II King of (i4289), b.830-d.869
Lorraine, Rainer I Duke of (i7086)
Loss, Arnold Count of (marriage to Adelaide Alix de Brabant) (i6289), b.1192-
Lothier, Godfrey II, Duke of (i6303), b.1107-
Lothier, Godfrey II, Duke of (marriage to Luitgarde) (i6303), b.1107-
Lothier, Godfrey III, Duke of (i6301), b.1133-d.1190
Lothier, Godfrey III, Duke of (marriage to Margaret) (i6301), b.1133-d.1190
Lothringen, Laurette de (marriage to Raoul I Count Vermandois) (i6003), b.1075-d.1175
Louis, (i4282)
Louvain, Lambert II Count (i4127), b.952-
Louvain, Maud de (i7242), b.1006-
Louvain, Maud de (marriage to Eustace Count of Boulogne) (i7242), b.1006-
Louw, Magdalena (i1380)
Louw, Magdalena (marriage to Benjamin Smedes) (i1380)
Louw, Pieter Cornelise (i1378)
Louw, Pieter Cornelise (marriage to Elizabeth Blanchan) (i1378)
Lowers, Elizabeth (i54), b.1591-
Lowers, Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas Scudder) (i54), b.1591-
Lowers, John (i2395), d.1650
Lowers, unknown (i2394)
Lucelles, Beatrice de (i3769), b.1145-
Lucelles, Beatrice de (marriage to Richard de Gobion) (i3769), b.1145-
Lucelles, Hugh de (i3701), d.1159
Lucelles, Richard de (i3490) (living status unknown)
Lucy Brnss Spalding (marriage to Randolph Meschines) (i8223), b.1076-
Lucy, Maude de (i7992), b.1247-
Lucy, Maude de (marriage to Nicholas de Segrave Baron Seagrave) (i7992), b.1247-
Ludlowe, Edmund (marriage to Margaret Manning) (i1820)
Ludlowe, John (marriage to Catherine Manning) (i1813)
Luff, Bridget (marriage to Robert Hibbard) (i2501) (living status unknown)
Luff, Joanna (i2533), b.1614-d.APR
Luff, Joanna (marriage to Robert Hibbard) (i2533), b.1614-d.APR
Luff, John (i2693), b.1585-d.1667
Luff, John (marriage to Bridget Unknown) (i2693), b.1585-d.1667
Luitgarde (i6304), b.1109-d.1162
Luitgarde (marriage to Godfrey II Lothier Duke of) (i6304), b.1109-d.1162
Lumbert, Abigail (i1327), b.1692-
Lumbert, Abigail (marriage to Isaac Isham) (i1327), b.1692-
Lumbert, Joshua (i1325)
Lumbert, Joshua (marriage to Hopestill Bullock) (i1325)
Lusignan, Agatha Agnes de (i5266), b.1230-d.1299
Lusignan, Alice de (i5130), b.1224-d.1256
Lusignan, Alice de (marriage to John de Warenne Earl of Surrey) (i5130), b.1224-d.1256
Lusignan, Aymer Ademar de (i5242), b.1228-d.1260
Lusignan, Geoffrey de (i5246), b.1224-d.1263
Lusignan, Guy de (i5240), b.1222-d.1281
Lusignan, Hugh de (i5245), b.1240-d.1282
Lusignan, Hugh de (i7816), b.1157-
Lusignan, Hugh de (marriage to Jeanne de Fougeres) (i5245), b.1240-d.1282
Lusignan, Hugh de (marriage to Mathilde de Angouleme) (i7816), b.1157-
Lusignan, Hugh X le Brun de (i5239), b.1183-d.1249
Lusignan, Hugh X le Brun de (marriage to Isabella of Angouleme (Taillefer) Queen) (i5239),
Lusignan, Hugh Xi de (i5243), b.1220-d.1250
Lusignan, Hugh Xi de (marriage to Yolande de Dreux) (i5243), b.1220-d.1250
Lusignan, Isabella de (i5241), b.1228-d.1283
Lusignan, Marguerite de (i5260), b.1228-d.1283
Luxembourg, Henri II, Count (i6608), b.1220-
Luxembourg, Henri II, Count (marriage to Marguerite de Bar le duc) (i6608), b.1220-
Luxembourg, Marie de (marriage to Charles IV King of France) (i6031), b.1304-d.1324
Luxembourg, Philippine, Comtesse de (i6372), b.1252-d.1311
Luxembourg, Philippine, Comtesse de (marriage to Jean II de Avesnes Count) (i6372),
Macdavid, David (i5661), b.1100-
MacMurrough, Dermod, King of Leinster (i7758), b.1111-d.1171
MacMurrough, Dermod, King of Leinster (marriage to More Otoole) (i7758), b.1111-d.1171
MacMurrough, Eva (Aoife), Countess of Ireland (i7756), d.1177
MacMurrough, Eva (Aoife), Countess of Ireland (marriage to Richard Strongbow FitzGilbert d (i7756),
Macon, Albert II Count (marriage to Ermentrude Irmtrude Rheims) (i4122), b.1018-d.1005
Madelet, Neeltje (i2313)
Madelet, Neeltje (marriage to Thomas Merlet) (i2313)
Madoc, Maud (marriage to Philip Ap Morgan) (i4977), b.1368-
Madog maret, Margaret of Powys (i7587), b.1150-
Madog maret, Margaret of Powys (marriage to Iorwerth Ap Owain) (i7587), b.1150-
Madog, Catrin verch (i8823)
Madog, Catrin verch (marriage to Gronwy "Fychan" ap Gronwy) (i8823)
Magnificent, Edmund I The (i3786)
Magnificent, Edmund I The (marriage to Elgiva) (i3786)
Mahaut Or Mathilde (marriage to Thibault IV de Blois) (i5991), b.1093-
Mahieu, Jane (jeanne) (i1385)
Mahieu, Marie (i1434), d.1650
Mahieu, Marie (marriage to Jan (Jean) de Lannoy) (i1434), d.1650
Maine, Constance Maud Viscountess (i5588), b.1098-
Maine, Elias Helie, (i5493), b.1060-d.1110
Maine, Elias Helie, (marriage to Matilde de Chateau du loire Countess of Maine) (i5493),
Maine, Ermengarde Ermentrude Du, Countess of Anjo (i5442), b.1096-d.1126
Maine, Ermengarde Ermentrude Du, Countess of Anjo (marriage to Foulques V Le Anjou King of (i5442),
Maine, Roricon Count of (marriage to Rotrud Princess Holy roman) (i4361), b.777-d.777
Maltravers, Eleanor (marriage to John Arundel FitzAlan Baron Arundel) (i8033), b.1320-
Maminot, Walkelin (marriage to Julianna de Vere) (i6807), b.1116-
Man, Maude (i2393)
Man, Maude (marriage to William Brewster) (i2393)
Man, Olave I, King of (marriage to Affrica de Galloway Queen) (i8310), b.1103-d.1153
Man, Princess of Isle (marriage to Thomas Galloway) (i8271), b.1214-
Manasses, Sibilla (i6785), b.1005-
Manasses, Sibilla (marriage to Henry Castellan Or Gand) (i6785), b.1005-
Mandeville, Geoffrey de (marriage to Rohese de Vere) (i6794), b.1092-d.1144
Maniot, Walchelin de (marriage to Dau de Ferrers) (i8532), b.1111-
Manning, Anna (i1814)
Manning, Catarina (i1795)
Manning, Catherine (i1812)
Manning, Doctor (i1792)
Manning, Dorathea (i1816)
Manning, Eylmer (i1781)
Manning, George (i1805)
Manning, Henry (i1802)
Manning, Henry (i1810)
Manning, Henry (marriage to Catherine Kirkner) (i1802)
Manning, Hugh (i1801)
Manning, Hugo (i1793)
Manning, Hugo (marriage to (unknown) Brandon) (i1793)
Manning, Humphrey (i2282)
Manning, Humphrey (marriage to Ellen Ungle) (i2282)
Manning, Johannes (i1787)
Manning, Johannes (i1790)
Manning, Johannes (i1797)
Manning, Johannes (i1803)
Manning, Johannes (marriage to Agnes Petley) (i1797)
Manning, Johannes (marriage to Alicia Walden) (i1790)
Manning, Margaret (i1818)
Manning, Margaret (i2281)
Manning, Margaret (marriage to Henry Kimball) (i2281)
Manning, Mildred (i1534)
Manning, Mildred (marriage to Thomas Whitfield) (i1534)
Manning, Richard (i1796)
Manning, Richard (i1804)
Manning, Robert (i1780)
Manning, Robert (i1783)
Manning, Robert (i1798)
Manning, Simon (i1785)
Manning, Simon (marriage to Catherina Chawcer) (i1785)
Manning, Stephen (i1779)
Manning, Symon (i1778)
Manning, William (i1782)
Manning, William (marriage to (unknown) Chyrfold) (i1782)
Mantell, Walter (marriage to Joane Bruley) (i3550), b.1400-
Mantell, Walter (marriage to Joane Bruley) (i3551), b.1400-
Mantes, Philippe Count of (i5481), b.1093-d.1123
Marche, Almodis de La, Countess of Bar (i7402), b.1000-d.1060
Marche, Almodis de La, Countess of Bar (marriage to Pons Count of Toulouse) (i7402),
Marche, Almodis de La, Countess of Bar (marriage to Raimond Berenger II, Barcelona) (i7402),
Marche, Aumodis de La (i8571), b.1064-
Marche, Aumodis de La (marriage to Roger de Lancaster) (i8571), b.1064-
Marche, Joan Lusignan de (i7773), b.1262-d.1323
Marche, Joan Lusignan de (marriage to Piers de Geneville) (i7773), b.1262-d.1323
Marcis, Marquis delVast (marriage to Agnes de Vermandois) (i7261), b.1063-d.1125
Maredudd, Morgan Ap (i8758) (living status unknown)
Maredydd, Madoc Ap (i7591), b.1103-d.1160
Maredydd, Madoc Ap (marriage to Susanna Verch Gruffydd) (i7591), b.1103-d.1160
Margaret (i2307), b.1550-d.1633
Margaret (i6302), b.1135-d.1172
Margaret (i8185), b.1179-d.1232
Margaret (marriage to Edward Marvin) (i2307), b.1550-d.1633
Margaret (marriage to Godfrey III Lothier Duke of) (i6302), b.1135-d.1172
Margaret (marriage to Roger La Zouche) (i8185), b.1179-d.1232
Margaret (marriage to William Plantagenet Earl Warenne) (i7683), b.1242-
Maria de Henestrosa (i8146), b.1284-
Maria de Henestrosa (marriage to Juan de Padilla Garciez) (i8146), b.1284-
Maria de Padilla (i8142), b.1335-d.1363
Maria de Padilla (marriage to Pedro of Castile) (i8142), b.1335-d.1363
Marichall, William, Count of (marriage to Alix de Avesnes) (i6380), b.1273-
Marion (i2287)
Marion (marriage to Henry Kimball) (i2287)
Markland, Nellie (marriage to Elias Bowen Bradley) (i1181), b.1861-d.1938
Marlatt, Abraham (i2314), d.1716
Marlatt, Abraham (i2317), b.1656-d.1714
Marlatt, Abraham (marriage to Christience Billeau) (i2317), b.1656-d.1714
Marlatt, Abraham (marriage to Elizabeth Morgan) (i2314), d.1716
Marlett, Abraham (i195), b.1781-
Marlett, Cornelius (i196), b.1786-
Marlett, Gideon (i187), b.1747-d.1820
Marlett, Gideon (marriage to Mary Quackenbush) (i187), b.1747-d.1820
Marlett, Isaac (i200), b.1797-
Marlett, Jeremiah (i192), b.1775-
Marlett, John (i188), b.1725-d.1777
Marlett, John (i191), b.1772-
Marlett, John (marriage to Batie (unknown)) (i188), b.1725-d.1777
Marlett, Margaret (i198), b.1791-
Marlett, Mary (Polly) (i175), b.1783-d.1840
Marlett, Mary (Polly) (marriage to William Lander) (i175), b.1783-d.1840
Marlett, Peter (i194), b.1779-
Marlett, Susanna (i197), b.1789-
Marlett, Thomas (i199), b.1794-
Marlett, William (i193), b.1777-
Marriott, Abigail (marriage to Daniel Fisher) (i8851)
Marsden, Esther (i99)
Marsden, Esther (marriage to James Salter) (i99)
Marshal, Anselm (i7734), b.1205-d.1245
Marshal, Gilbert (i7698), b.1198-d.1242
Marshal, Isabel (i7696), b.1196-d.1240
Marshal, Joan (i7703), b.1202-
Marshal, Richard (i7693), b.1194-d.1238
Marshall, Anselm (i7704), b.1202-d.1245
Marshall, Anselm (i7738), b.1154-
Marshall, Eve (i4096), b.1189-d.1246
Marshall, Eve (i7679), b.1206-d.1246
Marshall, Gilbert (i7678), b.1194-
Marshall, Gilbert (i7746), b.1100-
Marshall, Gilbert (marriage to Miss de Venuz) (i7746), b.1100-
Marshall, Henry (i7739), b.1156-d.1206
Marshall, Isabel (i5268), b.1203-d.1240
Marshall, Isabel (i7706), b.1203-d.1239
Marshall, Isabel (marriage to Richard Earl of Cornwal England) (i5268), b.1203-d.1240
Marshall, Joanna Joan (i7733), b.1204-d.1247
Marshall, John (i7736), b.1126-d.1164
Marshall, John (i7740), b.1144-d.1194
Marshall, John (marriage to Sybill de Evereaux) (i7736), b.1126-d.1164
Marshall, Margaret (i7675), b.1176-
Marshall, Maud (i7677), b.1192-d.1248
Marshall, Maud (i7745), b.1148-
Marshall, Maud (marriage to Hugh Bigod 3rd Earl Norfolk) (i7677), b.1192-d.1248
Marshall, Maud (marriage to William Plantagenet Earl Warenne) (i7677), b.1192-d.1248
Marshall, Richard (i7691), b.1190-d.1239
Marshall, Sibyl (i7676), b.1178-
Marshall, Sibyl (i7717), b.1204-d.1245
Marshall, Walter (i7700), b.1198-d.1245
Marshall, William (i5306), b.1190-d.1231
Marshall, William (i7684), b.1186-d.1231
Marshall, William (marriage to Eleanor Princess England) (i5306), b.1190-d.1231
Marshall, William (marriage to Millicent de Ferrers) (i8508), b.1175-
Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke (i7673), b.1143-d.1219
Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke (marriage to Isabel de Clare Countess of Pembroke) (i7673),
Marston, Joanna (i1518)
Marston, Joanna (marriage to Thomas Fitch) (i1518)
Marston, William (i1519)
Martin, Joan (marriage to Nicholas Audley 1st Lord Audley) (i7442), b.1291-
Martin, Margariet (i2322), b.1622-
Martin, Margariet (marriage to Gedeon La Plante Merlet) (i2322), b.1622-
Martyr, Edward The (i3827), d.978
Marvin, Abigail (i1498)
Marvin, Edward (i2094), b.1552-d.1615
Marvin, Edward (marriage to Margaret) (i2094), b.1552-d.1615
Marvin, Elizabeth (i1494), b.1623-
Marvin, Hannah (i1497), b.1633-
Marvin, John (i2096), b.1480-d.1533
Marvin, Mary (i60), d.1713
Marvin, Mary (marriage to Thomas Adgate) (i60), d.1713
Marvin, Matthew (i59), b.1600-d.1680
Marvin, Matthew (i1495), b.1626-
Marvin, Matthew (marriage to Elizabeth Gregory) (i59), b.1600-d.1680
Marvin, Rachel (i1500)
Marvin, Reinold (Rynalde) (i2095), b.1514-d.1561
Marvin, Roger (i2310), b.1430-d.1475
Marvin, Roger (marriage to Matilda) (i2310), b.1430-d.1475
Marvin, Samuel (i1499)
Marvin, Sarah (i1496), b.1628-d.1702
Mary (marriage to William de Beaumont) (i8262), b.1142-
Mason, Prissilla (marriage to Rev. James Fitch) (i387)
Massie, Hamo (i2016), b.1339-
Massie, Matild (i2015), b.1359-
Massie, Matild (marriage to John de Hyde) (i2015), b.1359-
Mathalgard, concubine 2 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4332), b.766-
Mathew, Ann (marriage to Edmond Morgan) (i4765), b.1516-
Mathew, Jenet Verch (i4789), b.1445-
Mathew, Jenet Verch (marriage to John Morgan Sir) (i4789), b.1445-
Mathew, Thomas (marriage to Catherine Morgan) (i4754), b.1540-
Mathilde (i5688), b.1042-
Mathilde (i5869), b.1070-
Mathilde (marriage to Guigues III Count of Albon) (i5869), b.1070-
Mathilde (marriage to William IV Count Toulouse) (i5688), b.1042-
Matilda (i2311), b.1432-
Matilda (marriage to David I, King of Scotland) (i5667), b.1084-
Matilda (marriage to Roger Marvin) (i2311), b.1432-
Matravers, Alicia (marriage to Elias Giffard) (i3430), b.1182-
Mauch, John (i1531)
Mauch, Mary (i1527)
Mauch, Mary (marriage to Thomas Fitch) (i1527)
Maud (i6306), b.1113-d.1145
Maud (i7436), b.1140-
Maud (marriage to Henry II, Duke Limburg) (i6306), b.1113-d.1145
Maud (marriage to Renaud Reginald Courtenay Seigneur De) (i5779), b.1137-
Maud (marriage to Roger Fitzalured) (i7436), b.1140-
Maud, (i4453), b.886-
Maud, (marriage to Henry I Emperor Saxony) (i4453), b.886-
Mauntell, Walter (marriage to Joane Bruley) (i3549), b.1400-
Maurienne, Humbert de, Count (i5769), b.1062-d.1103
Maurienne, Humbert de, Count (marriage to Gisela Gille Burgundy Countess of) (i5769),
Mautravers, Eleanor (marriage to John Arundel FitzAlan Baron Arundel) (i8030), b.1345-d.1404
Mautravers, Eleanor, Baroness Cobham (marriage to John Arundel FitzAlan Baron Arundel) (i8026),
May, William (marriage to Jane Giffard) (i3393), b.1412-
Mcdougal, Helen (marriage to Robert Quincy) (i7151), b.1215-
Mcgillis, Mari Ann (i25), b.1812-d.1884
Mcgillis, Mari Ann (marriage to Jabez Post) (i25), b.1812-d.1884
Mead, Rev. S. L. (marriage to Margaret Wilson) (i1859)
Mehun, Mahaud de (marriage to Robert de Courtenay) (i5720), b.1170-d.1240
Menchines, Hawise Des (marriage to Robert de Quincy) (i7135), b.1180-d.1243
Meneses, Mayor de (marriage to Alfonso) (i5896), b.1222-d.1265
Meranie, Agnes de (marriage to Philippe II King of France) (i5980), b.1180-d.1201
Mercia, Alfgar III of (i3821), b.1002-d.1059
Mercia, Alfgar III of (marriage to Elgiva Alfgifu) (i3821), b.1002-d.1059
Mercia, Burhhfard of (i3824), b.1030-
Mercia, Edwin of (i3822), b.1026-d.1071
Mercia, Eldgyth of (i3820), b.1034-
Mercia, Elswitha of (i3791), b.851-
Mercia, Elswitha of (marriage to Alfred The Great) (i3791), b.851-
Mercia, Lucia of (i3825), b.1040-
Mercia, Lucia of (i8248), b.1040-
Mercia, Lucia of (marriage to Ives Taillebois) (i8248), b.1040-
Mercia, Morcar of (i3823), b.1028-d.1089
Merle, Josias (i2324), b.1600-
Merle, Josias (marriage to Jeanne Robbe) (i2324), b.1600-
Merlet, Gedeon La Plante (i2321), b.1624-d.1683
Merlet, Gedeon La Plante (marriage to Margariet Martin) (i2321), b.1624-d.1683
Merlet, Thomas (i2312), b.1698-d.1748
Merlet, Thomas (marriage to Neeltje Madelet) (i2312), b.1698-d.1748
Merley, Agnes de (i3767), b.1188-
Merley, Agnes de (marriage to Richard Gobion) (i3767), b.1188-
Merley, Ralph de (i3770), b.1130-d.1160
Merley, Ralph de (marriage to Juliana of Dunbar) (i3770), b.1130-d.1160
Merley, Roger (i3712) (living status unknown)
Merley, Roger de (i3763), b.1160-d.1188
Merley, Roger de (marriage to Alice de Stuteville) (i3763), b.1160-d.1188
Merley, William (i3714) (living status unknown)
Merley, William de (i3718), d.1162
Merley, William de (i3766), b.1100-d.1129
Merston, Constance de (i3757), b.1240-d.1293
Merston, Constance de (marriage to John de Morteyn) (i3757), b.1240-d.1293
Mervyn, Thomas (i2308), b.1454-d.1503
Mervyn, Thomas (marriage to Christian) (i2308), b.1454-d.1503
Meschines, Agnes de (marriage to William de Ferrers) (i8509), b.1174-d.1247
Meschines, Alice Adeliza de (i4016), b.1089-
Meschines, Alice Adeliza de (marriage to Richard FitzGilbert de Clare) (i4016), b.1089-
Meschines, Avice de (i8220), b.1128-
Meschines, Geoffrey de (i8235), b.1074-
Meschines, Maud Matilda de (i8212), b.1126-
Meschines, Maud Matilda de (marriage to Phillip de Belmeis) (i8212), b.1126-
Meschines, Randolph (i8221), b.1070-d.1128
Meschines, Randolph (marriage to Lucy Taillebois) (i8221), b.1070-d.1128
Meschines, Ranulf de (i8233), b.1050-d.1129
Meschines, Ranulf de (marriage to Maud de Avranches) (i8233), b.1050-d.1129
Meschines, Ranulph de (i8229), b.1116-d.1153
Meschines, Ranulph de (i8241), b.1046-d.1129
Meschines, Robert de (i8236), b.1076-
Meschines, William de (i8217), b.1100-
Meschines, William de (i8234), b.1072-
Meschines, William de (marriage to Cecily de Rumilly) (i8217), b.1100-
Metz, Drogo Bishop of (i4337), b.792-
Metz, St Clodulphe Bishop (i4428), b.615-
Meudre, Reynold de (marriage to Isolda Bardolf) (i8689), b.1180-
Meulent, Robert Count de (marriage to Alix de Vexin) (i7213), b.965-
Meyers, Else (i5)
Meyers, Else (marriage to George Snydom) (i5)
Meynell, Hugh (marriage to Alice Audley) (i7453), b.1308-
Meynell, Hugh (marriage to Alice Audley) (i7444), d.1364
Meyric, Traherne Ap (marriage to Margaret Verch Morgan) (i4982), b.1376-
Milbourne, Blanche (marriage to James Whitney) (i4836), b.1469-
Mile, Margaret (i3591), b.1350-
Mile, Margaret (marriage to John Brancestre) (i3591), b.1350-
Miles, Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas Vaughan) (i4824), b.1463-
Milhaud, Dulce Aldonza, Countess (i5839), b.1095-d.1190
Milhaud, Dulce Aldonza, Countess (marriage to Raimond Berenger IV, Barcelona) (i5839),
Milhaud, Gilbert, Viscount of (i5921), b.1055-d.1107
Milhaud, Gilbert, Viscount of (marriage to Gerberge Provence Countess of) (i5921),
Missenden, Elizabeth de (i3396), b.1339-d.1367
Missenden, Elizabeth de (marriage to Sir Thomas Giffard) (i3396), b.1339-d.1367
Moha, Albert, Count of (i6451), b.1083-
Moha, Albert, Count of (marriage to Ermisende) (i6451), b.1083-
Mohun, Philippa de (marriage to Edward Prince of England) (i5010), b.1360-d.1431
Monchensy, Warine de (marriage to Joan Marshal) (i7702), b.1202-
Moncon, Ramiro, Lord of (i5948), b.1073-
Moncon, Ramiro, Lord of (marriage to Ximene) (i5948), b.1073-
Monmouth, Baderon de (marriage to Rohesia de Clare) (i4031), b.1085-
Montacute, Sir John de (i5037), b.1360-
Montacute, Thomas (marriage to Alianore de Holland) (i7910), b.1376-d.1428
Montagu, Sibyl (marriage to Edmund FitzAlan) (i8004), b.1332-
Montagu, Thomas, Earl Salisbury (marriage to Eleanor Alianore de Holland) (i7927),
Montagu, William de (marriage to Joan Princess of England) (i5036), b.1328-
Montanolier, Judith de (i6833), b.1004-
Montanolier, Judith de (marriage to Toustien Le Goz) (i6833), b.1004-
Montdidier, Beatrix de (i4108), b.1069-
Montdidier, Beatrix de (marriage to Geoffrey II Count Perche) (i4108), b.1069-
Montdidier, Count Hilduin III (i4038), b.1010-d.1063
Montdidier, Count Hilduin III (marriage to Adele de Roucy) (i4038), b.1010-d.1063
Montdidier, Marguerite de (i4033), b.1035-
Montdidier, Marguerite de (marriage to Hugh Count de Clermont) (i4033), b.1035-
Montecanute, Sibyl (marriage to Edmund FitzAlan) (i8050), b.1308-
Montferrat, Bonifacio I, Marchese (marriage to Margit, Princess of Hungary) (i6136), b.1175-
Montferrat, Conrado, Marchese of (marriage to Theodora Angelina) (i6348), b.1156-
Montferrat, Rainer, Marquis of (marriage to Gisela Gille Burgundy Countess of) (i5771), b.1062-
Montfort, Amauri de (i8402), b.993-d.FEB
Montfort, Amauri de (marriage to Bertrade) (i8402), b.993-d.FEB
Montfort, Amaury de (i8398), b.1070-d.1137
Montfort, Bertrade de, Queen of France (i5473), b.1059-d.1117
Montfort, Bertrade de, Queen of France (marriage to Foulques IV Count Anjou) (i5473),
Montfort, Bertrade de, Queen of France (marriage to Philippe I King of France) (i5473),
Montfort, Simon I, Seigneur De (i8396), b.1025-d.1087
Montfort, Simon I, Seigneur De (marriage to Agnes de Evereaux) (i8396), b.1025-d.1087
Montfort, Simon V de (marriage to Eleanor Princess England) (i5309), b.1208-d.1265
Montgomery, Mathilde (marriage to Robert Mortaigne) (i7384), b.1037-
Montgomery, Mathilde (marriage to Robert Mortaigne) (i7384), b.1037-
Montgomery, Maud de (i7381), b.1039-
Montgomery, Maud de (marriage to Robert de Mortaigne) (i7381), b.1039-
Monthermer, Margaret (marriage to Sir John de Montacute) (i7936), b.1360-
Monthermer, Ralph de (marriage to Isabel Despencer) (i8119), b.1268-
Monthermer, Ralph de, Baron Monthermer (marriage to Joan of Acre England) (i5132), b.1275-
Monthlery, Elisabeth de (marriage to Philippe Count of Mantes) (i5482), b.1095-d.1141
Monthlery, Elisabeth de (marriage to Philippe Count of Mantes) (i5482), b.1095-d.1141
Montlhery, Isabel de (i8378), b.1040-
Montlhery, Isabel de (marriage to Josceline de Courtenay) (i8378), b.1040-
Montmorency, Mathieu I Lord, Cnstable of France (marriage to Alice Aline) (i5594),
Montmorency, Mathieu I, of (marriage to Alix Countess of Savoy Queen of France) (i5737),
Montpellier, Marie de (i5829), b.1185-d.1213
Montpellier, Marie de (marriage to Pedro II King of Aragon) (i5829), b.1185-d.1213
Montvillers, Maud (i5603), b.1096-
Moore, (marriage to Elizabeth Giffard) (i3380), b.1431-
Moore, Abel (marriage to Lydia Post) (i1554)
Moravia, Eufemia, Princess Of, (marriage to Svyatopolk Novgorod Duke) (i6245), b.1115-
Moray, Findlaech Mormaer of (marriage to Donalda of Scotland) (i3921), b.982-d.1020
Moray, Fonia, of (i8358), b.1155-
Moray, Fonia, of (marriage to Reginald, Lord of Isles) (i8358), b.1155-
Moray, Gillacomgan Mormaer of (marriage to Gruoch Queen of Scotland) (i3917), b.1010-d.1032
Morel, Arkil (i3746), b.1075-d.1095
Morel, Sybil (i2447), b.1095-
Morel, Sybil (marriage to Gospatric II Earl of Dunbar) (i2447), b.1095-
Moreville, Walter (marriage to Rosselina de Bruce) (i8609), b.1060-
Morgan, (i4681), b.1616-d.1699
Morgan, Abigail (i4603), b.1688-d.1693
Morgan, Abraham (i4638), b.1648-d.1649
Morgan, Angharad Verch (i4989), b.1282-
Morgan, Angharad Verch (marriage to Llewelyn Ap Ifor) (i4989), b.1282-
Morgan, Ann (i4727), b.1578-
Morgan, Ann (i4749), b.1534-
Morgan, Ann (i4815), b.1410-
Morgan, Ann Verch (i4981), b.1374-
Morgan, Anna (i4626), b.1697-d.1787
Morgan, Anne (i4601), b.1678-
Morgan, Barbara (i4772), b.1518-
Morgan, Blanch (i4706), b.1587-d.1629
Morgan, Blanch (i4715), b.1601-
Morgan, Blanch (i4733), b.1568-
Morgan, Bridget (marriage to William Morgan Sir) (i4702), b.1587-
Morgan, Captain James (i4651), b.1644-d.1711
Morgan, Captain John (i4659), b.1645-d.1712
Morgan, Catherine (i4735), b.1570-
Morgan, Catherine (i4755), b.1540-
Morgan, Catherine (i4758), b.1546-
Morgan, Christian Verch (i4979), b.1372-
Morgan, Christy (i4814), b.1402-
Morgan, Constance (i4782), b.1524-
Morgan, Cwladis (i4696), b.1560-
Morgan, Cwladis (marriage to William Morgan) (i4696), b.1560-
Morgan, David (i4726), b.1566-
Morgan, David (i4810), b.1430-
Morgan, Deborah (i4604), b.1694-
Morgan, Dorothy (i4607), b.1675-d.1759
Morgan, Edmond (i4764), b.1514-d.1595
Morgan, Edward (i4710), b.1592-d.1661
Morgan, Edward (i4728), b.1562-
Morgan, Eleanor Verch (i4987), b.1380-
Morgan, Elizabeth (i2315)
Morgan, Elizabeth (i4671), b.1583-d.1638
Morgan, Elizabeth (i4737), b.1572-
Morgan, Elizabeth (i4741), b.1576-
Morgan, Elizabeth (i4753), b.1538-
Morgan, Elizabeth (i4787), b.1528-
Morgan, Elizabeth (i4790), b.1472-
Morgan, Elizabeth (i4797), b.1474-
Morgan, Elizabeth (marriage to Abraham Marlatt) (i2315)
Morgan, Elizabeth (marriage to William Morgan) (i4671), b.1583-d.1638
Morgan, Florence (marriage to Sir John Morgan) (i4731), b.1564-
Morgan, Frances (i4717), b.1603-
Morgan, Frances (i4721), b.1609-
Morgan, Hannah (i4600), b.1673-d.1697
Morgan, Hannah (i4641), b.1642-d.1688
Morgan, Henry (i4746), b.1532-d.1603
Morgan, Honora (marriage to Rowland Morgan) (i4713), b.1599-
Morgan, Infant (i4639), b.1650-d.1650
Morgan, Isabella (i4803), b.1480-
Morgan, James (i2545), b.1607-d.1685
Morgan, James (marriage to Margery Hill) (i2545), b.1607-d.1685
Morgan, Jane (i4723), b.1610-
Morgan, Jane (i4739), b.1574-
Morgan, Jane (i4778), b.1522-
Morgan, Jane (i4799), b.1476-
Morgan, Jane (marriage to William Morgan) (i4723), b.1610-
Morgan, Javan (i4808), b.1401-d.1448
Morgan, Javan (marriage to Elizabeth Verch Thomas) (i4808), b.1401-d.1448
Morgan, Jenkyn (i4811), b.1432-
Morgan, John (i4674), b.1609-
Morgan, John (i4676), b.1610-
Morgan, John (i4699), b.1597-
Morgan, John (i4700), b.1600-
Morgan, John (i4761), b.1512-
Morgan, John (i4794), b.1470-d.1504
Morgan, John (i4804), b.1484-
Morgan, John Ap (i4975), b.1370-
Morgan, John, Sir (i4788), b.1428-
Morgan, John, Sir (marriage to Jenet Verch Mathew) (i4788), b.1428-
Morgan, Joseph (i4599), b.1671-
Morgan, Joseph, Lt. (i2543), b.1646-d.1704
Morgan, Joseph, Lt. (marriage to Dorothy Parke) (i2543), b.1646-d.1704
Morgan, Lewis (i4792), b.1485-
Morgan, Llewelyn Ap (i4812), b.1366-d.1387
Morgan, Llewelyn Ap (marriage to Jenet Verch David) (i4812), b.1366-d.1387
Morgan, Margaret (i4743), b.1580-
Morgan, Margaret (i4769), b.1516-
Morgan, Margaret (Margery) (i1305), b.1686-
Morgan, Margaret (Margery) (marriage to Ebenezer Hibbard) (i1305), b.1686-
Morgan, Margaret (marriage to John Morgan) (i4795), b.1470-
Morgan, Margaret Verch (i4983), b.1376-
Morgan, Martha (i4602), b.1680-d.1754
Morgan, Mary (i4701), b.1611-d.1687
Morgan, Mary (i4704), b.1619-
Morgan, Mary (i4719), b.1605-d.1639
Morgan, Mary (i4751), b.1536-
Morgan, Mary (i4784), b.1526-
Morgan, Mary (i4801), b.1478-
Morgan, Maud (i4776), b.1520-
Morgan, Miles (i4682), b.1615-d.1699
Morgan, Miles (marriage to Elizabeth Bliss) (i2301)
Morgan, Nathan (i4678), b.1611-
Morgan, Philip (i4791), b.1472-
Morgan, Philip (marriage to Ann Morgan) (i4748), b.1534-
Morgan, Philip Ap (i4976), b.1368-
Morgan, Reynold (i4759), b.1510-
Morgan, Robert (i4677), b.1611-
Morgan, Rowland (i4712), b.1597-d.1661
Morgan, Rowland (i4744), b.1499-d.1577
Morgan, Rowland (marriage to Blanche Thomas) (i4744), b.1499-d.1577
Morgan, Rowland (marriage to Jane Morgan) (i4738), b.1574-
Morgan, Samuel (i4679), b.1613-
Morgan, Sir Anthony (i4703), b.1617-
Morgan, Sir John (i4730), b.1564-d.1610
Morgan, Thomas (i2316)
Morgan, Thomas (i4707), b.1588-d.1664
Morgan, Thomas (i4724), b.1534-d.1603
Morgan, Thomas (i4756), b.1482-d.1538
Morgan, Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth Bodenham) (i4724), b.1534-d.1603
Morgan, Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth Vaughan) (i4756), b.1482-d.1538
Morgan, Verch (i4985), b.1378-
Morgan, Watkin (i4675), b.1609-
Morgan, William (i4670), b.1582-d.1629
Morgan, William (i4680), b.1613-
Morgan, William (i4695), b.1556-
Morgan, William (i4722), b.1610-d.1660
Morgan, William (i4806), b.1486-d.1511
Morgan, William (marriage to Cwladis Morgan) (i4695), b.1556-
Morgan, William (marriage to Elizabeth Morgan) (i4670), b.1582-d.1629
Morgan, William (marriage to Jane Morgan) (i4722), b.1610-d.1660
Morgan, William (marriage to Joan Vaughan) (i4806), b.1486-d.1511
Morgan, William, Sir (i4697), b.1560-d.1653
Morgan, William, Sir (marriage to Elizabeth Winter) (i4697), b.1560-d.1653
Mormaer, Duncan Lord of (i3920), b.954-
Morosini, Tomasina, Princess of Hungary (marriage to Istvan The Posthumous Hungary) (i6123),
Mortaigne, Agnes de (i7383), b.1054-
Mortaigne, Agnes de (marriage to Andre Seigneur de Vitre) (i7383), b.1054-
Mortaigne, Emma de (i7382), b.1058-
Mortaigne, Emma de (marriage to William IV Count Toulouse) (i5689), b.1058-
Mortaigne, Robert (i7190), b.1037-d.1091
Mortaigne, Robert de (i7189), b.1037-d.1091
Mortaigne, Robert de (marriage to Maud de Montgomery) (i7189), b.1037-d.1091
Mortain, Mauger Count of (i4206), b.967-
Mortain, William (marriage to Isabel de Warenne) (i5430), b.1135-
Morteyn, Edmund de, Canon of York (i3397), d.1366
Morteyn, Joan de (i3605) (living status unknown)
Morteyn, John de (i3504), d.1362
Morteyn, John de (i3756), b.1240-d.1284
Morteyn, John de (i3758), b.1260-d.1296
Morteyn, John de (marriage to Constance de Merston) (i3756), b.1240-d.1284
Morteyn, John de (marriage to Joan Gobion) (i3758), b.1260-d.1296
Morteyn, Lucy de Elmbrugge (i3405), b.1305-d.1361
Morteyn, Lucy de Elmbrugge (marriage to Sir John Giffard) (i3405), b.1305-d.1361
Morteyn, Sir John de (i3467), b.1279-d.1346
Morteyn, Sir John de (marriage to Joan de Rothwell) (i3467), b.1279-d.1346
Mortimer, Agnes de (i7476), b.1326-
Mortimer, Agnes de, CntessofPembroke (i7481), b.1313-d.1368
Mortimer, Anne (marriage to Richard Prince of England) (i5012), b.1390-d.1411
Mortimer, Beatrice de (i7528), b.1311-d.1383
Mortimer, Beautrice de (i7479), b.1332-
Mortimer, Blanche de (i7478), b.1330-
Mortimer, Blanche de (i7530), b.1316-d.1347
Mortimer, Edmund de (i7482), b.1306-d.1351
Mortimer, Edmund de (i7539), b.1294-
Mortimer, Edmund de (i7542), b.1298-
Mortimer, Elizabeth de (i7540), b.1296-
Mortimer, Elizabeth de (i7546), b.1302-
Mortimer, Geoffrey de (i7468), b.1317-
Mortimer, Geoffrey de (i7558), b.1254-
Mortimer, Geofrey de (i7471), b.1316-
Mortimer, Hawise (marriage to Stephan Count of Aumale Lord Holderness) (i7219), b.1072-
Mortimer, Hugh de (i7535), b.1290-
Mortimer, Hugh de (i7577), b.1227-d.1305
Mortimer, Hugh de (i7578), b.1233-d.1273
Mortimer, Hugh de (marriage to Annora Eleanore de Braose) (i7641), b.1186-d.1227
Mortimer, Hugh de (marriage to Eleanor de Braose) (i7639), b.1185-
Mortimer, Hugh de (marriage to Maud Matilda de Meschines) (i8213), b.1124-
Mortimer, Isabella de (i7560), b.1248-d.1274
Mortimer, Isabella de (marriage to John FitzAlan) (i7560), b.1248-d.1274
Mortimer, Iseude Iswolde Isolt, Baroness Audley (i7549), b.1265-d.1336
Mortimer, Isolde de (i7547), b.1304-
Mortimer, Joan de (i6665), b.1305-d.1337
Mortimer, Joan de (i7536), b.1292-
Mortimer, Joan de (i7545), b.1300-
Mortimer, Joan de (marriage to Sir Knight James Audley 2nd Lord Audley) (i6665), b.1305-d.1337
Mortimer, Johanna de (i7474), b.1322-
Mortimer, John de (i7469), b.1321-
Mortimer, John de (i7472), b.1318-
Mortimer, John de (i7534), b.1288-d.1318
Mortimer, John de (i7544), b.1300-d.1318
Mortimer, John de (i7572), b.1235-
Mortimer, John de (i7576), b.1225-
Mortimer, Katharine de, Countess Of Warw (i7473), b.1320-d.1368
Mortimer, Margaret (i4648), d.1405
Mortimer, Margaret (marriage to John Touchet) (i4648), d.1405
Mortimer, Margaret de (i7475), b.1324-d.1351
Mortimer, Margaret de (i7541), b.1296-
Mortimer, Matilda de (i7477), b.1328-
Mortimer, Matilda de (i7543), b.1298-
Mortimer, Maud (marriage to William La Zouche) (i8191), b.1213-
Mortimer, Maud de (i7490), b.1307-d.AUG
Mortimer, Maud de (i7554), b.1286-
Mortimer, Peter de (i7573), b.1237-
Mortimer, Peter de (i7575), b.1223-
Mortimer, Philippa de (marriage to Richard FitzAlan Earl Of Arundel,) (i8041), b.1375-d.1400
Mortimer, Ralph de (i7557), b.1250-d.1274
Mortimer, Ralph de (i7571), b.1190-d.1246
Mortimer, Ralph de (marriage to Gladys Dhu Verch Llewelyn) (i7571), b.1190-d.1246
Mortimer, Roger (marriage to Alianore de Holland) (i7913), b.1384-d.1398
Mortimer, Roger (marriage to Elizabeth de Ferrers) (i8507), b.1164-
Mortimer, Roger de (i7466), b.1287-d.1330
Mortimer, Roger de (i7470), b.1314-
Mortimer, Roger de (i7505), b.1309-
Mortimer, Roger de (i7555), b.1221-d.1282
Mortimer, Roger de (i7567), b.1256-d.1326
Mortimer, Roger de (marriage to Eleanor Alianore de Holland) (i7922), b.1374-d.1398
Mortimer, Roger de (marriage to Isabel de Ferrers) (i8553), b.1038-
Mortimer, Roger de (marriage to Joan de Geneville) (i7466), b.1287-d.1330
Mortimer, Roger de (marriage to Maud Braose) (i7555), b.1221-d.1282
Mortimer, Roger de (marriage to Millicent de Ferrers) (i8504), b.1158-d.1215
Mortimer, Roger, 2nd Earl March (i4624) (living status unknown)
Mortimer, Sir Edmund de, Knight (i7532), b.1252-d.1304
Mortimer, Sir Edmund de, Knight (marriage to Margaret de Fiennes) (i7532), b.1252-d.1304
Mortimer, Walter de (i7537), b.1292-
Mortimer, Walter de (i7538), b.1294-
Mortimer, William de (i7569), b.1258-d.1297
Morville, Ada de (i8326), b.1131-
Morville, Elena Or Helena (i8296), b.1153-d.1217
Morville, Elena Or Helena (marriage to Roland of Galloway) (i8296), b.1153-d.1217
Morville, Hugh de (i8322), b.1105-d.1162
Morville, Hugh de (marriage to Beatrice de Beauchamp) (i8322), b.1105-d.1162
Morville, Malcolm de (i8325), b.1129-
Morville, Richard de, Constable (i8320), b.1143-d.1189
Morville, Richard de, Constable (marriage to Avice Or Avicia Lancaster) (i8320), b.1143-d.1189
Morville, Roger de (i8324), b.1127-
Morville, Simon de (i8327), b.1079-
Morville, Simon de (marriage to Ada de Engayne) (i8327), b.1079-
Morville, William de (i8321), b.1151-d.1196
Morvis, Beatrice of (i4243), b.862-
Morvis, Beatrice of (marriage to Herbert I Count Vermandois) (i4243), b.862-
Moselle, Ermengarde Duchess of (i4285), b.830-
Moselle, Ermengarde Duchess of (marriage to Gilbert Count of Brabant) (i4285), b.830-
Mowbray, Adela de (marriage to Reginald de Warenne) (i6579), b.1106-
Mowbray, Baron John de (marriage to Joan Plantagenet Baron Mowbray) (i8095), b.1310-d.1361
Mowbray, Joan (marriage to John de Warenne Earl of Surrey) (i5253)
Mulshoe, Elinor (marriage to Henry Freeman) (i2663), b.1598-
Munchenst, Warine de (marriage to Joanna Joan Marshall) (i7732), b.1204-
Munchensy, Joan de (marriage to William de Lusignan Valence) (i5256), b.1225-d.1307
Munchensy, Joan de (marriage to William de Lusignan Valence) (i5256), b.1225-d.1307
Munderic, (i4459), b.505-
Murdac, Alice (i3465), b.1187-
Murdac, Alice (marriage to Alan de Bokland) (i3465), b.1187-
Murom, Gleb Roman Vladimirovich (i7326), b.983-d.1015
Musard, Isabella (marriage to Elias Giffard) (i3432), b.1182-
Namur, Ermensinde Or Alix (marriage to Baldwin IV Hainault Count of) (i6445), b.1126-d.1195
Namur, Ermenson de (marriage to Henry II Count Champagne) (i6267), b.1155-
Namur, Godfrey, Count of (i6449), b.1084-
Namur, Godfrey, Count of (marriage to Ermisende) (i6449), b.1084-
Namur, Robert, Comte de (marriage to Elisabeth Or Isabella, Holland) (i6369), b.1323-
Nangis, Miss de (marriage to Flore Fleury Prince France) (i5484), b.1097-
Nangis, Miss de (marriage to Flore Fleury Prince France) (i5484), b.1097-
Nanks, Sonichilde Duchess of (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4384), b.700-d.700
Nanna, (i4509), b.247-
Nanna, (marriage to Beldeg) (i4509), b.247-
Nanseglos, Mary (marriage to Roger Giffard Esq) (i3366), b.1466-d.1542
Naples and sicil, Isabella, Princess of (i5818), b.1264-d.1290
Naples and sicil, Isabella, Princess of (marriage to Laszlo IV, King of Hungary) (i5818),
Naples, Carlo II King of (i5814), b.1254-d.1309
Naples, Carlo II King of (marriage to Maria, Princess of Hungary) (i5814), b.1254-d.1309
Nassau, Heinrich II Count (marriage to Mechteld Countess van Gelre) (i6602), b.1194-
Navarra navarre, Blanche de (i5947), b.1180-d.1229
Navarra navarre, Blanche de (marriage to Thibault V Count Champagne) (i5947), b.1180-d.1229
Navarra, Berengaria Princess of (i5381), b.1163-d.1230
Navarra, Berengaria Princess of (marriage to Richard I Coeur de Lion England) (i5381),
Navarra, Blanca Princess of (i6266), b.1214-d.1283
Navarra, Blanche Princess of (i5899), b.1139-d.1156
Navarra, Blanche Princess of (marriage to Sancho III, King of Castile) (i5899), b.1139-d.1156
Navarra, Enrique I King of (i6261), b.1239-d.1274
Navarra, Enrique I King of (marriage to Blanche D Artois Princess) (i6261), b.1239-d.1274
Navarra, Teobaldo I King of (i6263), b.1201-d.1253
Navarra, Teobaldo I King of (marriage to Marguerite de Bourbon Queen of Navarra) (i6263),
Navarra, Thibault Prince of (i6262), b.1270-d.1273
Navarra, Thibaut II King of (i6048), b.1237-d.1270
Navarra, Thibaut II King of (marriage to Isabelle Princess of France) (i6048), b.1237-d.1270
Navarre, Garcias V VI, King of (i5944), b.1099-d.1150
Navarre, Garcias V VI, King of (marriage to Marguerite de La Aigle) (i5944), b.1099-d.1150
Navarre, Sancho V VI (i5945), b.1130-d.1194
Navarre, Sancho V VI (marriage to Beatrice Sancha Princess Castile) (i5945), b.1130-d.1194
Neelle, Raoul I de, Count de Soisson (marriage to Alix Adele de Dreux) (i7826), b.1142-d.1235
Nesta (i8472), b.1046-
Nesta (marriage to Trahaern Ap Caradawg) (i8472), b.1046-
Neufmarche, Bernard de, Lord Marcher (i8624) (living status unknown)
Neufmarche, Sybil de (i8623), b.1108-
Neufmarche, Sybil de (marriage to Miles de Gloucester Earl of Hereford) (i8623), b.1108-
Neustria, Grimoald (i4419), b.675-d.714
Nevers, Count Renaud (marriage to Princess Alice France) (i4133), b.931-d.1040
Nevers, Ermengarde de (i5788), b.1073-d.1095
Nevers, Ermengarde de (marriage to Milo de Courtenay) (i5788), b.1073-d.1095
Nevers, Renaud I Count (marriage to Adelaide Havoise Countess Auxerre) (i8446), b.993-d.1040
Neville, Eleanor de (marriage to Richard Le Despenser) (i4915), b.1398-d.1440
Neville, John (marriage to Elizabeth de Holland) (i7932), b.1392-d.1420
Newton, John (marriage to Ruth Bradley) (i1387), b.1754-d.1831
Nicolaea (marriage to Guillaume de Courtenay) (i5723), b.1174-
Nielson, Esther (marriage to Raymond George Krueger) (i1267), b.1892-d.1957
Normandy, Adelaide Princess of (i7238), b.1026-d.1090
Normandy, Adelaide Princess of (marriage to Lambert de Lens) (i7238), b.1026-d.1090
Normandy, Adelais Princess of (marriage to Renaud I Count Palatine Burgundy) (i7388), b.1008-
Normandy, Alix de (i8239), b.1021-
Normandy, Alix de (i8459), b.1021-
Normandy, Alix de (marriage to Ranulph Comte de Bayeux) (i8239), b.1021-
Normandy, Emma (i4212), d.1052
Normandy, Emma (marriage to Ethelred II The Unready) (i4212), d.1052
Normandy, Gonner Concubine (marriage to Richard I Duke Normandy Fearless) (i4202), b.936-d.1031
Normandy, Guillaume I Duke (i6765), b.893-d.943
Normandy, Guillaume I Duke (marriage to Sprote de Bretagne) (i6765), b.893-d.943
Normandy, Judith Countess of (i7387), b.1003-
Normandy, Judith Countess of (marriage to Renaud I Count Palatine Burgundy) (i7387), b.1003-
Normandy, Ledgarde Duchess of (i4223), b.913-d.978
Normandy, Mr de (i4207), b.969-
Normandy, Mr de (i4208), b.972-
Normandy, Papie de (i8456), b.1019-
Normandy, Princess Adele (i4166), b.917-d.962
Normandy, Princess Adele (marriage to William I Duke Aquitaine) (i4166), b.917-d.962
Normandy, Richard I Duke, Fearless (i4196), b.933-d.996
Normandy, Richard I Duke, Fearless (marriage to Princess Emma France) (i4196), b.933-d.996
Normandy, Richard I Duke, Fearless (marriage to Unknown concubine 1) (i4196), b.933-d.996
Normandy, Richard II Duke, "the Good" (i4204), d.1026
Normandy, Richard III Duke of (i8452), b.1000-d.1028
Normandy, Richard III Duke of (marriage to Adele Alix Princess France) (i8452), b.1000-d.1028
Normandy, Richard III Duke of (marriage to Daughter concubine 3) (i8452), b.1000-d.1028
Normandy, Robert de (i4203), b.961-
Normandy, Robert I "The (i7248), b.999-d.1035
Normandy, Robert I "The (marriage to Harlette de Falaise) (i7248), b.999-d.1035
Normandy, William de (marriage to Mathilde de Anjou Duchess of Normandy) (i5467), b.1118-
Normandy, William III Prince (marriage to Sibilla Sibyl Sybil Anjou Countess of Flanders) (i5457),
North wales, Dafydd Prince of (i5196), b.1209-d.1246
North wales, David (marriage to Emma Plantagenet Princessof Wales) (i5434), b.1136-d.1204
North wales, Helen Princess of (i5195), b.1206-d.1253
North wales, Margaret Princess of (i5197), b.1210-
North wales, Wentelina Gwladus Princess, "du" (i5194), b.1205-d.1251
North, Abram (i1514)
North, Cora (i1513)
North, Cora (marriage to Thomas Fitch) (i1513)
Northumberland, Aldred Earl of (i7236), b.1009-
Northumberland, Ealdgyth of (i3675), b.1020-
Northumberland, Ealdgyth of (marriage to Maldred Earl of Dunbar) (i3675), b.1020-
Northumberland, Gospatric, Earl of (i8319), b.1110-
Northumberland, Judith Countess of (i8464), b.1037-d.1094
Northumberland, Ogne Princess of (marriage to Hroar Halfdansson) (i6701), b.530-
Northumberland, Sybil of (i7225), b.1048-d.1070
Northumberland, Tostig, Earl Duke (marriage to Judith Countess of Northumberland) (i8491),
Northumberland, Uchtred Earl of (i3681), b.994-d.1016
Northumberland, Uchtred Earl of (marriage to Elgiva Alfgifu) (i3681), b.994-d.1016
Northumberland, Waltheof Earl of (i3596) (living status unknown)
Norway, Harald III King of (marriage to Elizaveta Yaroslavna Princess Kiev) (i7311), b.1032-
Norway, Sigurd I, King of (marriage to Malfrida, Princess Of, Kiev) (i6222), b.1098-
Norway, St. Olav of (marriage to Estrid of Sweden) (i7356), b.1001-
Novgorod and psk, Vsevolod Gavriil, Duke (i6232), b.1102-d.1136
Novgorod, Elena Mariya, Princess (marriage to Andras, Prince of Hungary) (i6118), b.1210-
Novgorod, Ilya Yaroslavich Duke (i7278), b.1001-d.1020
Novgorod, Svyatopolk, Duke (i6244), b.1108-d.1154
Novgorod, Vladimir Yaroslavich, Duke (i7280), b.1020-d.1052
Novgorod, Vysheslav Vladimirovich, Duke (i7322), b.977-d.1010
Nowers, Alicia (marriage to John Giffard) (i3410), b.1329-
Noyers, Adeline de (marriage to Guillaume de Courtenay) (i5722), b.1174-
Nurse, Francis (marriage to Rebecca Towne) (i1926)
Oberlothringen, Petronille, Princess of (i6502), b.1086-d.1144
Oberlothringen, Petronille, Princess of (marriage to Floris II, de Holland) (i6502),
Ochtreda Or Ethelreda (i8318), b.1108-
Oda, (i4457) (living status unknown)
Oda, (marriage to Bodegisel) (i4457) (living status unknown)
Odingselles, William de (marriage to Ela de Longespee the younger) (i8369), b.1209-
Odingsells, Margaret de (marriage to John de Grey) (i8628), b.1276-
Oechlingen, (Unknown) (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7335), b.991-d.1018
Olafsson, Dan (i6720), b.412-
Olafsson, Halfdau (i6728), b.704-
Olafsson, Halfdau (marriage to Asa Eysteinsson) (i6728), b.704-
Olafsson, Rognvald (i6759), b.790-d.790
Oldham, Lucretia (i38), d.1678
Oldham, Lucretia (marriage to Jonathan Brewster) (i38), d.1678
Olof "The Mighty" (i6708), b.540-
Olof "The Mighty" (marriage to Helgi Halfdansson) (i6708), b.540-
Oosterwijk, Ida Van (marriage to Willem Cuser) (i6393), b.1290-
Orabella (i7154), b.1131-
Orabella (marriage to Robert de Quincy) (i7154), b.1131-
Osbeorne (i7226), b.1050-
Osburga, (i3793), b.803-d.854
Osburga, (marriage to Ethelwolf) (i3793), b.803-d.854
Oslac, Earl (i3796), b.780-
Otoole, More (i7759), b.1114-d.1191
Otoole, More (marriage to Dermod MacMurrough King of Leinster) (i7759), b.1114-d.1191
Ottarsson, Adils (i6739), b.572-
Ottarsson, Adils (marriage to Yrsa Helgasson) (i6739), b.572-
Ouldham, William (i8871)
Ouldham, William (marriage to Philippa Sowter) (i8871)
Owain, Iorwerth Ap (i7590), b.1130-d.1184
Owain, Iorwerth Ap (marriage to Margaret of Powys Madog maret) (i7590), b.1130-d.1184
Owen, David Ap (marriage to Emma Plantagenet Princessof Wales) (i5438), b.1136-
Owen, Matilda (marriage to Floyd Ralph Krueger) (i1264)
Pacy, Eustace de (marriage to Juliane Princess of England) (i5553), b.1090-d.1136
Paen, Aaron Ap (i8485), b.1000-
Paganel, Felice (marriage to Geffery de Beaumont) (i8263), b.1146-
Paganell, Ralph (marriage to Dau de Ferrers) (i8534), b.1113-
Pagnel, Agnes (marriage to Robert de Brus) (i8612), b.1076-
Palaiologos, Andronikos (marriage to Miss Angelina) (i6346), b.1149-
Palatina, (i4458) (living status unknown)
Palatina, (marriage to Bodegisel) (i4458) (living status unknown)
Palatine, Beatrice, Countess of (i6314), b.1143-d.1184
Palatine, Beatrice, Countess of (marriage to Friedrich I Barberosa Holy roman) (i6314),
Palatine, Raimond III Count (i6324), b.1117-d.1148
Palatine, Raimond III Count (marriage to Agatha Princess of Lorraine) (i6324), b.1117-d.1148
Palatine, Renaud I Count, Burgundy (i7386), b.1000-d.1057
Palatine, Renaud I Count, Burgundy (marriage to Judith Countess of Normandy) (i7386),
Palmer, Sarah (i2243)
Palmer, Sarah (marriage to Henry Rowley) (i2243)
Palmer, William (i2376)
Paris, Beggen Bego Count (marriage to Alpaide Alpais Princess West Holy Roman) (i4297),
Paris, Philip Arch Dean (i5733), b.1125-d.1161
Paris, Robert I Earl (marriage to Beatrix de Vermandois) (i4447), b.852-
Parke, Alice (i2554), b.1658-
Parke, Anne (i2606), b.1618-
Parke, Dorothy (i2544), b.1652-
Parke, Dorothy (marriage to Joseph Morgan Lt.) (i2544), b.1652-
Parke, Edmund (i2611), b.1583-
Parke, Jane (i2597), b.1613-
Parke, John (i2553), b.1656-
Parke, John (i2596), b.1611-
Parke, John (i2616), b.1430-
Parke, John (i2617), b.1399-d.1455
Parke, Martha (i2556), b.1646-d.1716
Parke, Martha (i2600), b.1603-
Parke, Nathaniel (i2551), b.1650-
Parke, Nathaniel (i2590), b.1662-d.1718
Parke, Richard (i2603), b.1609-
Parke, Robert (i2575), b.1651-
Parke, Robert (i2593), d.1665
Parke, Robert (i2595), b.1605-
Parke, Robert (i2609), b.1550-d.1593
Parke, Robert (i2618), b.1369-d.1400
Parke, Robert (marriage to Alice Chaplin) (i2609), b.1550-d.1593
Parke, Robert (marriage to Alice Freeman) (i2593), d.1665
Parke, Robert (marriage to Margaret Unknown) (i2618), b.1369-d.1400
Parke, Robert (marriage to Martha Chaplin) (i2593), d.1665
Parke, Samuel (i2607), b.1621-
Parke, Thomas (i2548), b.1616-d.1709
Parke, Thomas (i2560), b.1648-
Parke, Thomas (marriage to Dorothy Thompson) (i2548), b.1616-d.1709
Parke, William (i2552), b.1654-
Parke, William (i2601), b.1607-
Parke, William (i2612), b.1586-
Parke, William (i2613), b.1520-d.1551
Parke, William (i2614), b.1490-d.1531
Parke, William (i2615), b.1460-d.1484
Parker, Jane (i1322), b.1664-d.1720
Parker, Jane (marriage to John Isham) (i1322), b.1664-d.1720
Parker, Robert (i1320)
Parker, Robert (marriage to Sarah James) (i1320)
Parsons, Joseph (marriage to Mary Bliss) (i2292)
Partridge, Elizabeth (i2245), b.1644-d.1722
Partridge, Elizabeth (marriage to James Allen) (i2245), b.1644-d.1722
Partridge, George (i2251), b.1605-d.1695
Partridge, George (marriage to Sarah Tracy) (i2251), b.1605-d.1695
Partridge, James (i2271)
Partridge, James (marriage to Christian Sims) (i2271)
Partridge, Sarah (i2256), b.1639-d.1722
Partridge, Sarah (marriage to Samuel Allen Deacon) (i2256), b.1639-d.1722
Paston, Wolston de (marriage to Philena de Braose) (i8598), b.1079-
Paula (i8408), b.1044-
Paula (marriage to John de La Fleche) (i8408), b.1044-
Payson, Edward (marriage to Anne Parke) (i2605), b.1616-
Peaceable, Edgar The (i3784), d.975
Peaceable, Edgar The (marriage to Ealfthyth Or Elfrida) (i3784), d.975
Peche, Joan (i4104), b.1196-
Peche, Joan (marriage to Nicholas de Stuteville Lord Cottingham) (i4104), b.1196-
Peckham, Jean (marriage to Thomas Delano) (i2090), b.1703-
Pemberton, Alice (i4177), b.1491-
Pemberton, Alice (marriage to Thomas Rudd) (i4177), b.1491-
Pengilly, Eunice (marriage to Moses Estey) (i1921)
Perche, Countess Maud, Countess of (i4109), b.1093-d.1143
Perche, Countess Maud, Countess of (marriage to Raimond Raymond I Turrenne Viscount of) (i4109),
Perche, Geoffrey II Count (i4107), b.1067-d.1100
Perche, Geoffrey II Count (marriage to Beatrix de Montdidier) (i4107), b.1067-d.1100
Perche, Juliana (i4110), b.1093-
Perche, Julienne Du (i5705), b.1070-
Perche, Julienne Du (marriage to Gilbert de La Aigle) (i5705), b.1070-
Perche, Philippe Countess of (marriage to Elias de Anjou Count of Maine) (i5470), b.1113-
Perche, Rotrou II Count (marriage to Maud Princess of England Countess of Perc) (i5560),
Percy, Henry de (marriage to Eleanor de Warenne) (i8091), b.1235-d.1272
Percy, Henry de, Baron (marriage to Eleanor FitzAlan) (i8065), b.1273-d.1314
Percy, Henry de, Baron (marriage to Eleanor FitzAlan) (i8065), b.1273-d.1314
Percy, William (marriage to Joan de Briwere) (i4097), b.1183-d.1245
Perkins, Daniel (marriage to Deliverance Bliss) (i490)
Perkins, Joseph (marriage to Martha Morgan) (i4620), b.1674-d.1726
Peronne, Baudouin de (marriage to Marguerite de Avesnes) (i6406), b.1239-
Perwicke, Thomas (marriage to Alice Giffard) (i3361), b.1469-
Petley, Agnes (i1799)
Petley, Agnes (marriage to Johannes Manning) (i1799)
Petley, Johannes (i1831)
Petley, Johannes (i1832)
Petley, Johannes (i1837)
Petley, Johannes (marriage to Alice Brampton) (i1831)
Petley, Johannes (marriage to Christiana Philpot) (i1832)
Petley, Johannes (marriage to Juliana) (i1837)
Petley, John (i1835)
Petley, Richard (i1836)
Petley, Thomas (i1840)
Petley, Thomas (marriage to Isabella (unknown)) (i1840)
Petronilla (i7432), b.1140-
Petronilla (marriage to Simon Touchet) (i7432), b.1140-
Peverel, Adeline Adeliza, (i8563), b.1054-d.1119
Peverel, Adeline Adeliza, (marriage to William, The Elder Peverel (de Nottingham)) (i8563),
Peverel, Adelise (i8567), b.1072-
Peverel, Henry (i8560), b.1110-
Peverel, Maud (i8565), b.1078-
Peverel, Oddona, Mrs (marriage to William, The Younger Peverel (de Nottingham)) (i8559),
Peverel, William (i8564), b.1074-
Peverel, William, The Elder, (de Nottingham) (i8562), b.1054-
Peverel, William, The Elder, (de Nottingham) (marriage to Adeline Adeliza , Peverel) (i8562),
Peverel, William, The Younger, (de Nottingham) (i8557), b.1080-d.1155
Peverel, William, The Younger, (de Nottingham) (marriage to Avice de Lancaster) (i8557),
Peverell, Andrew (marriage to Katherine FitzAlan) (i8048), b.1305-
Peveril, Margaret, Countess of Derby (i8517), b.1114-
Peveril, Margaret, Countess of Derby (marriage to Robert de Ferrers Earl of Derby) (i8517),
Pharamus (i7769), b.1105-
Philip, Denis Ap Thomas (i4830), b.1414-
Philip, Denis Ap Thomas (marriage to Roger Vaughan) (i4830), b.1414-
Philpot, Christiana (i1834)
Philpot, Christiana (marriage to Johannes Petley) (i1834)
Philpot, Thomas (i1833)
Pickett, John (marriage to Ruth Brewster) (i1592), d.1667
Picot, Michael (marriage to Joan Wake) (i4058), b.1264-
Picts, Ungust King of (i3901), b.735-
Picts, Urgust King of (i3902), b.709-
Pilitrud, (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4402), b.706-
Piquigny, Agnes (i8413), b.1110-
Piquigny, Agnes (marriage to Barnard Balliol) (i8413), b.1110-
Planches, Agnes (i3643), b.1348-
Planches, Agnes (marriage to John Russell) (i3643), b.1348-
Plantagenet, Adewis (i5433), b.1132-
Plantagenet, Blanche (i7993), b.1307-
Plantagenet, Blanche (marriage to Baron Thomas Wake 2nd Baron) (i7993), b.1307-
Plantagenet, Blanche (marriage to John of Gaunt England Duke) (i5050), b.1345-d.1369
Plantagenet, Edmund Prince, Earl of Kent (i5105), b.1301-d.1329
Plantagenet, Edmund Prince, Earl of Kent (marriage to Lady Margaret Wake Countess of Kent) (i5105),
Plantagenet, Eleanor (marriage to William Marshall) (i7686), b.1186-
Plantagenet, Eleanor, Countess Arundel (i8001), b.1312-d.1372
Plantagenet, Eleanor, Countess Arundel (marriage to Richard "Copped Hat" Fitzalan Earl of (i8001),
Plantagenet, Elizabeth (i4913), b.1402-
Plantagenet, Elizabeth (marriage to John of Huntingdon Holland) (i5052), b.1358-d.1425
Plantagenet, Ella Or Adela (i5427), b.1170-
Plantagenet, Emma, Princessof Wales (i5435), b.1138-
Plantagenet, Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou and Maine (i5414), b.1113-d.1151
Plantagenet, Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou and Maine (marriage to concubine 1) (i5414),
Plantagenet, Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou and Maine (marriage to Matilda Maud England Empres (i5414),
Plantagenet, Geoffrey VI Mantell, Count of Nantes (i5416), b.1134-d.1157
Plantagenet, Geoffrey, Archbishop of York (i5338), b.1152-d.1212
Plantagenet, Hamelin (i5420), b.1130-d.1202
Plantagenet, Hamelin (marriage to Isabel de Warenne) (i5420), b.1130-d.1202
Plantagenet, Henry, Earl of Lancaster (i5183), b.1281-d.1345
Plantagenet, Henry, Earl of Lancaster (marriage to Maud Chaworth) (i5183), b.1281-d.1345
Plantagenet, Ida Isabel (i5422), b.1154-
Plantagenet, Ida Isabel (marriage to Roger Bigod 2nd Earl Norfolk) (i5422), b.1154-
Plantagenet, Joan, Baron Mowbray (i8096), b.1310-d.1349
Plantagenet, John (i5184), b.1286-d.1327
Plantagenet, Margaret (i5426), b.1170-
Plantagenet, Mary (i5185), b.1288-
Plantagenet, Maud (i8094), b.1298-d.1377
Plantagenet, Miss (i5428), b.1172-
Plantagenet, Richard (marriage to Isabel Marshal) (i7697), b.1196-
Plantagenet, Richard (marriage to Isabel Marshall) (i7715), b.1201-
Plantagenet, Robert (i5116), b.1327-
Plantagenet, Thomas (i5117), b.1329-
Plantagenet, Thomas (i5182), b.1278-d.1321
Plantagenet, William (i5251), b.1256-d.1285
Plantagenet, William (marriage to Joan de Vere) (i5251), b.1256-d.1285
Plantagenet, William, Count of Poitou (i5417), b.1136-d.1163
Plantagenet, William, Earl Warenne (i5425), b.1166-d.1240
Plantagenet, William, Earl Warenne (marriage to Maud Marshall) (i5425), b.1166-d.1240
Plectrude, (marriage to Pepin Austrasia) (i4412), b.652-d.714
Poele, Trude Van de (marriage to Guillaume III de Avesnes Count) (i6356), b.1286-
Pointz, Nicholas (marriage to Juliana Bardolf) (i8701), b.1182-
Poitou, Alix de (marriage to Raoul I Count Vermandois) (i6002), b.1075-
Poitou, Guillaume Count of (marriage to Ermengarde de Anjou) (i5478), b.1062-
Poland, Gertruda, Princess of (marriage to Izyaslav I Dmitrij, Kiev) (i7292), b.1020-d.1107
Poland, Rixa Richenza, Princess of (i5845), b.1107-d.1176
Poland, Rixa Richenza, Princess of (marriage to Alfonso VII, King of Castile galicia) (i5845),
Poland, Vladislav II, King of (i5848), b.1041-
Poland, Vladislav II, King of (marriage to Sophia Agnes Germany Princess of) (i5848), b.1041-
Pole, Geoffrey (marriage to Bova Danvers) (i3577), b.1438-
Polotsk, Iszyaslav Vladimirovich, Duke (i7338), b.978-d.1001
Polotsk, Rogneda, Princess of (i7318), b.962-d.1002
Polotsk, Rogneda, Princess of (marriage to Vladimir I Kiev) (i7318), b.962-d.1002
Pomerai, Henry de La (marriage to Gundred Princess of England) (i5532), b.1125-d.1167
Ponce, Pons (i4183), b.1034-d.1086
Pont de l arches, Robert de (marriage to Maud Marshall) (i7744), b.1148-
Pont, Juliana de (marriage to Robert de Berkeley) (i3943), b.1168-d.1217
Ponthieu, Guy II de (i5968), b.1090-d.1147
Ponthieu, Guy II de (marriage to Ida) (i5968), b.1090-d.1147
Ponthieu, Hughes I Count, Lord Abbeville (marriage to Princess Gisele France) (i4149),
Ponthieu, Jean I de (i5966), b.1135-d.1191
Ponthieu, Jean I de (marriage to Beatrice de St pol) (i5966), b.1135-d.1191
Ponthieu, Marie Countess of (i5951), b.1186-d.1251
Ponthieu, Marie Countess of (marriage to Simon de Dammartin) (i5951), b.1186-d.1251
Ponthieu, Maud de (i5958), b.1150-
Ponthieu, Maud de (marriage to Alberic II, Count Dammartin) (i5958), b.1150-
Ponthieu, William Guillaume III (i5964), b.1179-d.1221
Ponthieu, William Guillaume III (marriage to Alix Princess of France) (i5964), b.1179-d.1221
Pontz, Simon FitzRichard (i4466), b.1103-
Pope of Normandy (i6744), b.872-
Pope of Normandy (marriage to Rollo Duke Normandy Rognvaldsson) (i6744), b.872-
Popinelle, Mr de (marriage to Miss de Avesnes) (i6439), b.1161-
Port, Adam de (marriage to Sybil de Braose) (i7671), b.1159-d.1213
Porter, William (marriage to Margaret Giffard) (i3363), b.1471-
Portugal, Alfonso I King of (i5863), b.1109-d.1185
Portugal, Alfonso I King of (marriage to Maud Countess of Savoy) (i5863), b.1109-d.1185
Portugal, Alfonso II King of (marriage to Uracca Princess of Castile) (i5835), b.1185-d.1223
Portugal, Beatriz Princess of (marriage to Edward Prince of England) (i5009), b.1372-d.1409
Portugal, Maria of (i8144), b.1313-d.1357
Portugal, Maria of (marriage to Alfonso) (i8144), b.1313-d.1357
Portugal, Maud Princess of (marriage to Henry I King of Castile) (i5943), b.1205-d.1257
Portugal, Sancho I King of (i5833), b.1154-d.1198
Portugal, Sancho I King of (marriage to Aldonza of Barcelona) (i5833), b.1154-d.1198
Portugal, Teresa, Princess of (i5908), b.1113-
Portugal, Urraca, Princess of (i5864), b.1145-d.1176
Portugal, Urraca, Princess of (i5909), b.1113-
Portugal, Urraca, Princess of (marriage to Ferdinand II, King of Leon) (i5864), b.1145-d.1176
Post, Abigaell (i239), b.1664-d.1676
Post, Abigail (i232), b.1733-
Post, Abraham (i11), b.1566-d.1639
Post, Abraham (i244), b.1640-d.1691
Post, Abraham (marriage to Ann Hunter) (i11), b.1566-d.1639
Post, Alfred Perkins (i211), b.1838-d.1905
Post, Alice (i214), b.1852-d.1922
Post, Asa (i225), b.1771-
Post, Catherine (i243)
Post, Charles F. (i217), b.1789-d.1865
Post, Charles Rockwell (i209), b.1835-d.1910
Post, Charles Walter (i30), b.1905-d.1978
Post, Charles Walter (marriage to Lucinda Mae Catherwood) (i30), b.1905-d.1978
Post, Dora Knapp (i1658), b.1908-d.1989
Post, Edward Kieffer (i1656), b.1904-d.1988
Post, Elisha (i226), b.1774-
Post, Eliza S. (i210), b.1836-d.1875
Post, Elizabeth (i224), b.1767-
Post, Elizabeth (i1541), b.1655-
Post, Esther (i221), b.1759-
Post, Esther (i235), b.1706-
Post, Eunice (i229), b.1753-
Post, Experience (i223), b.1765-
Post, George (i250)
Post, George (i252)
Post, Gertrude Ethel (i1657), b.1906-
Post, Goosen (i1)
Post, Goosen (marriage to Jantje Van Zul) (i1)
Post, Hannah (i240), b.1671-
Post, Howard Afton (i207), b.1865-d.1952
Post, Jabez (i24), b.1796-d.1876
Post, Jabez (i230), b.1726-d.1726
Post, Jabez (i231), b.1730-
Post, Jabez (i236), b.1704-d.1725
Post, Jabez (marriage to Mari Ann Mcgillis) (i24), b.1796-d.1876
Post, James Albert (i28), b.1881-d.1976
Post, James Albert (marriage to Ethel M. Keiffer) (i28), b.1881-d.1976
Post, Jan (i251)
Post, Jean Margaret (i1659), b.1919-d.1940
Post, John (i14), b.1629-d.1710
Post, John (i20), b.1726-d.1809
Post, John (i22), b.1763-d.1837
Post, John (i234), b.1700-d.1718
Post, John (i1545), b.1657-
Post, John (marriage to Abigail Leffingwell) (i20), b.1726-d.1809
Post, John (marriage to Hester Hyde) (i14), b.1629-d.1710
Post, John (marriage to Nabbe Abigail Fitch) (i22), b.1763-d.1837
Post, John F. (i219), b.1794-d.1818
Post, John Fitch (i216), b.1828-d.1914
Post, Kenneth Charles (i1692) (still alive)
Post, Lydia (i241), b.1674-
Post, Margaret (i1539), b.1653-
Post, Martha June (i1002), b.1931-d.1993
Post, Mary (i1552), b.1662-d.1705
Post, Mary Ann (i213), b.1846-d.1913
Post, Nabby (i220), b.1758-
Post, Nathaniel (i18), b.1702-d.1799
Post, Nathaniel (marriage to Abigail Birchard) (i18), b.1702-d.1799
Post, Peter (i2)
Post, Peter (marriage to Annatie Snydom) (i2)
Post, Ruth (i238), b.1711-
Post, Samuel (i16), b.1668-d.1735
Post, Samuel (i233), b.1698-d.1746
Post, Samuel (marriage to Ruth Lathrop) (i16), b.1668-d.1735
Post, Sarah (i227), b.1777-
Post, Sarah (i1550), b.1659-
Post, Sarah B. (i218), b.1793-d.1877
Post, Stephen (i12), b.1596-d.1659
Post, Stephen (i222), b.1761-
Post, Stephen (i237), b.1709-d.1735
Post, Stephen (marriage to Elinor Langley) (i12), b.1596-d.1659
Post, Sterling E. (i208), b.1875-d.1879
Post, Thomas (i8), b.1530-d.1571
Post, Thomas (i242), d.1701
Post, Thomas (marriage to Susannah Van Gelder) (i8), b.1530-d.1571
Post, Walter (i26), b.1840-d.1913
Post, Walter (marriage to Orsa Jane Lander) (i26), b.1840-d.1913
Post, William (i212), b.1843-d.1850
Post, William Lander (i206), b.1871-d.1954
Potter, Sarah (marriage to Robert Foote) (i1443)
Poure, Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth Danvers) (i3559), b.1426-
Poure, Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth Danvers) (i3561), b.1426-
Powel, William David (marriage to Jane Morgan) (i4798), b.1476-
Pratellis, Ingeram (marriage to Sibyl Marshall) (i7731), b.1202-
Prence, Thomas (marriage to Patience Brewster) (i2327)
Preston, Robert Elmer (marriage to Christina C. Catherwood) (i159)
Provence, Alfonso II Count (i5820), b.1174-d.1269
Provence, Alfonso II Count (marriage to Gersinde II Forcalquier Countess of) (i5820),
Provence, Beatrice, Countess of, Queen of Sicily (i5810), b.1234-d.1267
Provence, Beatrice, Countess of, Queen of Sicily (marriage to Carlos, King of Sicily) (i5810),
Provence, Constance de (i4137), b.986-d.1032
Provence, Constance de (marriage to Robert II der Fromme France King, the Pious) (i4137),
Provence, Eleonore, Countess of, Queen of England (i5154), b.1223-d.1291
Provence, Eleonore, Countess of, Queen of England (marriage to Henry III King England) (i5154),
Provence, Ermengarde (i7399), b.973-
Provence, Gerberge, Countess of (i5922), b.1057-
Provence, Gerberge, Countess of (marriage to Gilbert Milhaud Viscount of) (i5922), b.1057-
Provence, Marguerite, Countess of, Queen of France (i5797), b.1221-d.1295
Provence, Marguerite, Countess of, Queen of France (marriage to Louis IX King of France) (i5797),
Provence, Raymond Berenger V (i5794), b.1198-d.1245
Provence, Raymond Berenger V (marriage to Beatrice, Countess of Savoy) (i5794), b.1198-d.1245
Provence, Sancha, Countess of (i5274), b.1225-d.1261
Provence, Sancha, Countess of (marriage to Richard Earl of Cornwal England) (i5274),
Province, Charles (i4284), b.828-
Pskov, Sudislav Vladimirovich, Duke (i7329), b.986-d.1063
Puny, Ann (marriage to William Danvers) (i3567), b.1434-
Purdy, Jack (marriage to Jane Salter) (i141)
Pury, Ann (marriage to William Danvers) (i3568), b.1434-
Putten, Uta Von (i6006), b.1065-
Putten, Uta Von (marriage to Engelbert II Carinthia Duke of) (i6006), b.1065-
Quackenbush, Mary (i190), b.1753-d.1825
Quackenbush, Mary (marriage to Gideon Marlett) (i190), b.1753-d.1825
Quartermain, Agnes (marriage to Robert Danvers) (i3530), b.1426-
Quartermain, Cecily (i3620), b.1315-
Quartermain, Clara (i3624), b.1284-
Quartermain, Elizabeth (i3603), b.1368-
Quartermain, Guy (i3600), b.1385-d.1414
Quartermain, Guy (i3616), b.1342-
Quartermain, Herbert (i3625), b.1224-
Quartermain, Herbert (i3719), b.1194-
Quartermain, Herbert (i3722), b.1168-
Quartermain, Herbert (marriage to Lecia Knyvet) (i3719), b.1194-
Quartermain, Isabel (marriage to Thomas Danvers) (i3563), b.1432-
Quartermain, John (i3599), b.1383-d.1403
Quartermain, John (i3615), b.1340-
Quartermain, Matilda (i3593), b.1387-
Quartermain, Matilda (marriage to John Bruley) (i3593), b.1387-
Quartermain, Richard (i3611), b.1391-
Quartermain, Richard (i3619), b.1307-
Quartermain, Robert (i3721), b.1228-
Quartermain, Thomas (i3597), b.1338-
Quartermain, Thomas (i3613), b.1313-d.1342
Quartermain, Thomas (marriage to Joan Russell) (i3597), b.1338-
Quartermain, Thomas (marriage to Katherine de Bretton) (i3613), b.1313-d.1342
Quartermain, William (i3617), b.1282-
Quartermain, William (i3622), b.1250-
Quartermain, William (marriage to Agnes Unknown) (i3622), b.1250-
Quartermain, William (marriage to Maude Unknown) (i3617), b.1282-
Quarterman, John (i3716), b.1248-
Quinci, Robert de (marriage to Helen Princess of North wales) (i8467), b.1204-
Quincy, Arabella de (i7138), b.1186-d.1258
Quincy, Elizabeth de (i7145), b.1214-d.APR
Quincy, Hawise de (i4043), b.1250-d.1285
Quincy, Hawise de (i6688), b.1178-
Quincy, Hawise de (marriage to Baldwin Wake) (i4043), b.1250-d.1285
Quincy, Hawise de (marriage to Hugh de Vere 4th Earl Oxford) (i6688), b.1178-
Quincy, Helen Ellen de (i7146), b.1222-d.1296
Quincy, Helen Ellen de (marriage to Sir Alan de la Zouche Knight) (i7146), b.1222-d.1296
Quincy, John de (i7133), b.1182-
Quincy, Loretta de (i7132), b.1180-
Quincy, Margaret de (i6679), b.1208-d.1266
Quincy, Margaret de (i7147), b.1222-d.1284
Quincy, Margaret de (marriage to Walter Marshall) (i7701), b.1198-
Quincy, Reginald de (i7134), b.1184-
Quincy, Robert (i7150), b.1210-
Quincy, Robert de (i6680), b.1172-d.1217
Quincy, Robert de (i7153), b.1100-d.1198
Quincy, Robert de (marriage to Orabella) (i7153), b.1100-d.1198
Quincy, Roger de (i7136), b.1210-d.1264
Quincy, Roger de, Earl Winchester (i6682), b.1204-d.1264
Quincy, Roger de, Earl Winchester (marriage to Helen de Galloway) (i6682), b.1204-d.1264
Quincy, Saher de (i7155), b.1090-
Quincy, Saher de (marriage to Maud de St liz) (i7155), b.1090-
Quincy, Saier IV de, Earl Winchester (i6681), b.1155-d.1219
Quincy, Saier IV de, Earl Winchester (marriage to Margaret de Beaumont) (i6681), b.1155-d.1219
Radcliffe, John (marriage to Joane de Holland) (i7952), b.1269-
Raingarde, concubine (marriage to Hugh Magnus of France) (i4187), b.902-d.994
Ramsay, Emma (marriage to Adam de Braose) (i8601), b.1081-
Ramsey, Emma (marriage to Robert de Brus) (i8606), b.1062-
Rapalje, Jane (i255)
Rapalje, Jane (marriage to Peter Van Zul) (i255)
Read, Elisabeth (i331), b.1672-d.1692
Read, Elisabeth (marriage to William Brewster) (i331), b.1672-d.1692
Read, Experience (i332), b.1675-
Read, Hannah (i44), b.1688-
Read, Hannah (marriage to Benjamin Fitch) (i44), b.1688-
Read, John (i333), b.1679-
Read, Joseph (i70), d.1679
Read, Joseph (i334), b.1680-
Read, Joseph (marriage to Ruth Cook Or Percy Ruth) (i70), d.1679
Read, Josiah (i69), d.1717
Read, Josiah (i329), b.1668-
Read, Josiah (marriage to Grace Halloway) (i69), d.1717
Read, Susana (i335), b.1685-
Read, William (i330), b.1670-
Redburga, (i3799), b.780-
Redburga, (marriage to Egbert) (i3799), b.780-
Reed, John R. (marriage to Mary Ann Post) (i529), b.1840-
Reed, Mary (marriage to Robert Hibbard) (i2460), b.1678-
Reeve, Ann (marriage to Thomas Fitch) (i1530)
Regina, Reginopycrha, concubine 4 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4336), b.770-
Reid, Margaret (i1071), b.1787-d.1861
Reid, Margaret (marriage to William Wilson) (i1071), b.1787-d.1861
Reviers, Richard de, (Seigneur de Revi) (marriage to Adelise Peverel) (i8566), b.1045-d.1107
Reynolds, Sarah (marriage to John Post) (i1546), b.1656-d.1703
Rheims, Ermentrude Irmtrude (i4120), b.1020-d.1005
Rheims, Henry Archbishop of (i5732), b.1121-d.1175
Rheims, Hugh Archbishop of (i4226), b.925-d.925
Rheims, Renaud Count of (i4117), b.939-d.973
Rheims, Renaud Count of (marriage to Alberada Lorraine) (i4117), b.939-d.973
Rhein, Heinrich II, Palsgraf (marriage to Mathilde of Brabant) (i6293), b.1200-
Rheineck, Beatrix, Countess of (i6508), b.1119-
Rheineck, Otto, Count of (i6506), b.1116-d.1149
Rheineck, Sofie, Countess of (i6489), b.1117-d.1176
Rheineck, Sofie, Countess of (marriage to Dirk Vi, Count Holland) (i6489), b.1117-d.1176
Rhun, Mallt Verch (i4974), b.1334-
Rhun, Mallt Verch (marriage to Morgan Ap Llewelyn) (i4974), b.1334-
Rhys, Gruffydd Ap (marriage to Maud de Braose) (i7614), b.1173-
Rhys, Tangwystl verch (i8825)
Rhys, Tangwystl verch (marriage to Ifor Lleia Ap Llewelyn) (i8825)
Richard, Margaret (marriage to John Morgan) (i4805), b.1484-
Richards, Esther (hester) (i1318), b.1705-d.1805
Richards, Esther (hester) (marriage to Aaron Estey) (i1318), b.1705-d.1805
Richardson, Heather Bernice Georgine (marriage to William Wilson Bradley) (i1069), b.1908-
Richelde, Richelde (marriage to Hugh Magnus of France) (i4189), b.902-
Riddlesford, Emmeline de, Countess Of Ulst (i8359), b.1223-d.1276
Riddlesford, Emmeline de, Countess Of Ulst (marriage to Stephen de Longespee Earl of Ulste (i8359),
Riddlesford, Walter de (i8424), b.1204-
Riddlesford, Walter de (marriage to Annora) (i8424), b.1204-
Rie, Eudea de (marriage to Rohesia de Clare) (i6856), b.1047-
Rind, (marriage to Odin Or Woden) (i4518), b.221-
Rithco (marriage to Maud de Beauchamp) (i8139), b.1280-
Robbe, Jeanne (i2325), d.1660
Robbe, Jeanne (marriage to Josias Merle) (i2325), d.1660
Robert S de (i8411), b.1000-
Robert, Count of Corbeill (i6766), b.895-
Roberts, Bertha (i8541), b.1040-
Roberts, Bertha (marriage to Henry de Ferrers (Sire de Chambrai)) (i8541), b.1040-
Roberts, Hugh (marriage to Mary Calkins) (i505)
Robinson, Mary, (?) (i88), b.1597-d.1655
Robinson, Mary, (?) (marriage to Thomas Birchard) (i88), b.1597-d.1655
Roche, Mathilde de La (i6434), b.1133-
Roche, Mathilde de La (marriage to Nicolas de Avesnes) (i6434), b.1133-
Rochefort, Agnes Countess of (marriage to Robert Count of Dreux) (i5739), b.1122-d.1143
Rochefort, Luciane de (marriage to Louis VI King of France) (i5734), b.1088-
Rochford, Ralffe (marriage to Margaret Russell) (i3647), b.1368-
Rockwell, Eunice (i1333)
Rockwell, Eunice (marriage to Benjamin Adams) (i1333)
Rockwell, Josiah (marriage to Ann Calkins) (i396), d.1728
Rockwell, Josiah (marriage to Anne Bliss) (i396), d.1728
Rockwell, Ruth (i65)
Rockwell, Ruth (marriage to Christopher Huntington) (i65)
Rockwell, William (i64), b.1595-
Rodrigo Gonsalez de (marriage to Sancha de Castile) (i5911), b.1054-
Roeloffse, Catrina (i2153), b.1623-
Roeloffse, Jans (i2155), b.1634-
Roeloffse, Sara (i1373), b.1626-d.1693
Roeloffse, Sara (marriage to Hans Kierstede) (i1373), b.1626-d.1693
Roeloffse, Sytie (i2154), b.1627-
Roelofs, Trijntje (i2157), b.1566-d.1648
Roelofs, Trijntje (marriage to Johan) (i2157), b.1566-d.1648
Roet, Katherine de (marriage to John of Gaunt England Duke) (i5061), b.1350-d.1403
Rogers, Thomas (marriage to Jean Whitney) (i4847), b.1469-
Rognvaldsson, Aseda (i6757), b.812-
Rognvaldsson, Aseda (marriage to Eystein Or Glumra Ivarsson) (i6757), b.812-
Rognvaldsson, Einar (i6748), b.852-
Rognvaldsson, Hallad (i6747), b.850-
Rognvaldsson, Hrollager Or Hrollaug (i6751), b.854-
Rognvaldsson, Ivar (i6750), b.868-
Rognvaldsson, Rollo Duke Normandy (i6742), b.870-
Rognvaldsson, Rollo Duke Normandy (marriage to Pope of Normandy) (i6742), b.870-
Rognvaldsson, Thordis (i6749), b.856-
Rognvaldsson, Thorer (i6754), b.872-
Rohan chabot, Helene de La (i7988), b.1310-
Rohan porhoet, Elisabeth de La (i7977), b.1298-d.1328
Rohan porhoet, Guillaume de La (i8186), b.1158-
Rohan porhoet, Helene de La (i8156), b.1242-
Rolfe, Johannis (i1826)
Rolfe, Margaret (i1827)
Rolfe, Margaret (marriage to Johannes Shelley) (i1827)
Rollos, Adeline de (i4027), b.1092-
Rollos, Adeline de (marriage to Baldwin FitzGilbert de Clare Lord Bourne) (i4027), b.1092-
Rollos, Richard de (i4084) (living status unknown)
Rollosson, Ansfred I, (i6844), b.935-
Rollosson, Ansfred I, (marriage to Helloe) (i6844), b.935-
Roman empire, Ludwig IV (marriage to Margaretha, Countess of Holland) (i6360), b.1282-d.1347
Romsey mortain, Marie, Countess of (i5995), b.1131-d.1182
Romsey mortain, Marie, Countess of (marriage to Matthieu D Alsace Count of Boulogn) (i5995),
Roosa, Eytie Albertse (i1375)
Roosa, Eytie Albertse (marriage to Roeloff Kierstede) (i1375)
Ros, Margaret de (marriage to James Touchet 4th Lord Audley) (i4854), b.1398-d.1423
Rose, Mary (marriage to Robert Parke) (i2580), b.1655-
Rosoy, Roger de (marriage to Adelaide de Avesnes) (i6431), b.1188-
Rosser, John (marriage to Maud Morgan) (i4775), b.1520-
Rostov, Boris David Vladimirovich, (i7325), b.982-
Rothwell, Joan de (i3468), b.1281-
Rothwell, Joan de (marriage to Sir John de Morteyn) (i3468), b.1281-
Rothwell, Richard de (i2661), b.1260-
Roucy, Count Gilbert (i4116), b.920-
Roucy, Raoul de (marriage to Isabeau de Coucy) (i7837), b.1164-d.1196
Rouen, Robert Archbishop of (i4205), b.964-d.1037
Rouen, St Remi Giles, Bishop (i4387), b.730-
Rowley, Henry (i2242), b.1595-d.1673
Rowley, Henry (marriage to Sarah Palmer) (i2242), b.1595-d.1673
Rowley, Joseph (i2365), b.1627-d.1655
Rowley, Moses (i2366), b.1632-d.1706
Rowley, Sarah (i2086)
Rowley, Sarah (marriage to Johnathan Hatch) (i2086)
Royce, Isaac (i2354)
Royce, Jonathan (i2351)
Royce, Jonathan (marriage to Deborah Calkins) (i506)
Royce, Nathaniel (i2353)
Royce, Nehemiah (i2350)
Royce, Nehemiah (marriage to Hannah Morgan) (i4640), b.1636-d.1706
Royce, Robert (i459), d.1676
Royce, Robert (marriage to Mary Sims) (i459), d.1676
Royce, Ruth (i94), b.1646-
Royce, Ruth (marriage to John Lathrop) (i94), b.1646-
Royce, Samuel (i2352)
Royce, Sarah (i458), b.1634-d.1711
Royce, Sarah (marriage to John Calkins) (i458), b.1634-d.1711
Rudd, Joan (i2668), b.1505-
Rudd, Joan (marriage to Henry Freeman) (i2668), b.1505-
Rudd, Nathaniel (marriage to Mary Post) (i1553)
Rudd, Thomas (i4176), b.1487-
Rudd, Thomas (marriage to Alice Pemberton) (i4176), b.1487-
Rufford, William de (marriage to Isabel Danvers) (i3587), b.1287-
Rumigny, Godefroid IV de Florennes (marriage to Havide (Hedwig) de Roucy) (i8861)
Rumigny, Nicolas de (marriage to Mathilde de Avesnes) (i6421), b.1183-
Rumilly, Cecily de (i8218), b.1100-
Rumilly, Cecily de (marriage to William de Meschines) (i8218), b.1100-
Rumley, Alice de (i8251), b.1098-
Rumley, Robert de (i8250), b.1074-
Russell, (i3710), b.1082-
Russell, (marriage to Unknown) (i3710), b.1082-
Russell, Christian (i3662), b.1316-d.1340
Russell, Edmund (i3661), b.1312-
Russell, Elizabeth (i3650), b.1374-
Russell, Hugh (i3724), b.1040-
Russell, Hugh (marriage to Unknown) (i3724), b.1040-
Russell, James (i3667), b.1258-d.1300
Russell, James (i3676), b.1202-
Russell, James (marriage to Jane Unknown) (i3667), b.1258-d.1300
Russell, Joan (i3598), b.1354-
Russell, Joan (marriage to Thomas Quartermain) (i3598), b.1354-
Russell, John (i3642), b.1340-
Russell, John (i3644), b.1374-
Russell, John (i3660), b.1310-d.1349
Russell, John (i3669), b.1285-
Russell, John (i3674), b.1174-d.1224
Russell, John (marriage to Agnes Planches) (i3642), b.1340-
Russell, John (marriage to Rose Bardolf) (i3674), b.1174-d.1224
Russell, John de (i3684), b.1156-
Russell, Lucy (i3672), b.1260-
Russell, Margaret (i3648), b.1370-
Russell, Margaret (i3664), b.1318-
Russell, Marjory (i3666), b.1320-
Russell, Nicholas (i3658), b.1287-d.1337
Russell, Nicholas (marriage to Agnes Grindon) (i3658), b.1287-d.1337
Russell, Odo Eudo de (i3680), b.1160-
Russell, Patrick de (i3686), b.1172-
Russell, Richard de (i3685), b.1170-
Russell, Robert (i3656), b.1314-d.1376
Russell, Robert (i3670), b.1230-
Russell, Robert (i3683), b.1125-d.1201
Russell, Robert (marriage to Katherine Vampage) (i3656), b.1314-d.1376
Russell, Robert de (i3687), b.1174-
Russell, Roberta (i3679), b.1206-
Russell, Thomas (i3673), b.1204-
Russell, Thomas de (i3688), b.1176-
Russell, William (i3645), b.1368-d.1428
Russell, William de (i3689), b.1178-
Sabran, Raimond de, Prnc Marseilles (i5850), b.1154-d.1224
Sabran, Raimond de, Prnc Marseilles (marriage to Garsinde Forcalquier Countess of) (i5850),
Sachsen, Gertrude Von (marriage to Robert I Le Flanders) (i8488), b.1035-
Saeming, King of Norse (i4517), b.239-
Saever (marriage to Signa Halfdansson) (i6705), b.520-
Saint clare, Agnes de (i8586), b.1054-
Saint clare, Agnes de (marriage to William de Braose) (i8586), b.1054-
Saint clare, Waldron de (i8619), b.1015-
Saint clare, Waldron de (marriage to Helena Le bon) (i8619), b.1015-
Saint hilaire, Marie de (marriage to John of Gaunt England Duke) (i5066), b.1341-
Saint maur, Nicolas de (marriage to Helene de La Rohan chabot) (i7987), b.1306-
Saint saveur, Miss (i6829), b.1040-
Saint saveur, Miss (marriage to Robert Or Roger Bigod) (i6829), b.1040-
Saint saveur, Neil, Viscount (i6849), b.1016-
Salins, Gaucher III, Sire (i5874), b.1088-
Salins, Guyenne (i5871), b.1114-
Salins, Guyenne (marriage to Gerard I Vienne Count of) (i5871), b.1114-
Salisbury, Edward de (i8422), b.1050-d.1130
Salisbury, Ela, Countess of (i5322), b.1191-d.1261
Salisbury, Ela, Countess of (marriage to William de Longespee Earl of Salisbury) (i5322),
Salisbury, Patric de (i8417), b.1105-d.1168
Salisbury, Patric de (marriage to Ela Comet) (i8417), b.1105-d.1168
Salisbury, Walter de (i8420), b.1075-d.1147
Salisbury, Walter de (marriage to Sibille de Hesding) (i8420), b.1075-d.1147
Salmesbury, Elizabeth de (i7962), b.1253-
Salmesbury, Elizabeth de (marriage to Robert de Holland) (i7962), b.1253-
Salmesbury, William de (i7974), b.1227-
Salter, Amy (i110)
Salter, Belle (i113)
Salter, George (i112)
Salter, James (i98)
Salter, James (marriage to Esther Marsden) (i98)
Salter, Jane (i115)
Salter, Jess (i111)
Salter, Louisa (i118)
Salter, Martha (i100), b.1873-d.1942
Salter, Martha (marriage to Anderson Cunningham (Andrew) Catherwood) (i100), b.1873-d.1942
Salter, May (i117)
Salter, Reinford (i114)
Salter, Tom (i116)
Salter, William (i109)
Saluzza, Alisona de (i8062), b.1271-d.1292
Saluzza, Alisona de (marriage to Richard FitzAlan Earl Of Arundel) (i8062), b.1271-d.1292
Saluzza, Thomas de (i8073), b.1245-
Saluzza, Thomas de (marriage to Leugia de Ceva) (i8073), b.1245-
Samwell, James (i2676), b.1434-
Samwell, John (i2675), b.1460-
Samwell, Richard, Esq (i2673), b.1486-d.1519
Samwell, Richard, Esq (marriage to Anna Amy Giffard) (i2673), b.1486-d.1519
Samwell, Roger (marriage to Eleanor Giffard) (i3357), b.1465-
Samwell, Susanna (i2672), b.1512-
Samwell, Susanna (marriage to Peter Edwards) (i2672), b.1512-
Sancerre, Guillaume I Comte (marriage to Eustachia de Courtenay) (i5715), b.1160-d.1219
Sancha de Castile (i5912), b.1056-
Sanford, Alica de (i7130), b.1231-d.1317
Sanford, Alica de (marriage to Robert de Vere 5th Earl Oxford) (i7130), b.1231-d.1317
Saracen, Galiana (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4403), b.712-
Sarazine (i5702), b.1067-
Sarazine (marriage to Hugh VII Le Sire) (i5702), b.1067-
Savoy, Agnes, Countess of (i5776), b.1138-d.1177
Savoy, Agnes, Countess of (marriage to William I Geneva Count of) (i5776), b.1138-d.1177
Savoy, Alix Countess of, Queen of France (i5730), b.1092-d.1154
Savoy, Alix Countess of, Queen of France (marriage to Louis VI King of France) (i5730),
Savoy, Amadeo III Count (i5772), b.1092-d.1148
Savoy, Amadeo III Count (marriage to Maud Mathilde Albon Countess of) (i5772), b.1092-d.1148
Savoy, Amadeo IV Count (i5857), b.1197-d.1253
Savoy, Beatrice, Countess of (i5795), b.1201-d.1266
Savoy, Beatrice, Countess of (marriage to Raymond Berenger V Provence) (i5795), b.1201-d.1266
Savoy, Humbert III Count (i5775), b.1136-d.1188
Savoy, Humbert III Count (marriage to Beatrix Vienne) (i5775), b.1136-d.1188
Savoy, Maud Countess of (i5774), b.1111-d.1157
Savoy, Maud Countess of (marriage to Alfonso I King of Portugal) (i5774), b.1111-d.1157
Savoy, Thomas I Count (i5855), b.1177-d.1233
Savoy, Thomas I Count (marriage to Beatrice Margaret Geneva) (i5855), b.1177-d.1233
Saxby, John (marriage to Anna Amy Giffard) (i3341), b.1482-
Saxony, Gerberge of (i7089), b.925-d.984
Saxony, Gerberge of (marriage to Gilbert Duke of Lorraine) (i7089), b.925-d.984
Saxony, Hedwig of (i4186), b.910-d.965
Saxony, Hedwig of (marriage to Hugh Magnus of France) (i4186), b.910-d.965
Saxony, Heinrich V Duke (marriage to Matilda Princess England) (i5361), b.1129-d.1195
Saxony, Henry I Emperor (i4452), b.884-
Saxony, Henry I Emperor (marriage to Maud) (i4452), b.884-
Say, John (marriage to Agnes Danvers) (i3546), b.1428-
Say, Margaret (marriage to Hugh de Ferrers) (i8552), b.1040-
Scotland, Ada, Princess of (i6468), b.1146-d.1204
Scotland, Ada, Princess of (marriage to Floris Florence III, Holland "crusader") (i6468),
Scotland, Aedh King of (i3894), b.838-d.878
Scotland, Alexander I King of (marriage to Sibyl Elizabeth Queen Scotland) (i5509),
Scotland, Alexander II King of (marriage to Joane Princess England) (i5295), b.1198-d.1249
Scotland, Alexander III King of (marriage to Margaret Princess of England) (i5160),
Scotland, Alexander III King of (marriage to Margaret Princess of England) (i5166), b.1248-
Scotland, Alpin King of (i3889), b.778-d.834
Scotland, Anleta Thora of (i3924), b.988-
Scotland, Bethoc of (i3631), b.984-
Scotland, Bethoc of (marriage to Crinan Abbott of Dunkeld) (i3631), b.984-
Scotland, Claricia, Princess of (i5665), b.1116-
Scotland, Constantine I King of (i3893), b.836-d.877
Scotland, David I, King of (i5659), b.1080-d.1153
Scotland, David I, King of (marriage to Maud Huntington) (i5659), b.1080-d.1153
Scotland, David II King of (marriage to Joan Princess of England) (i5088), b.1323-d.1370
Scotland, Dolphin Maldred Prince (i3908), b.1042-
Scotland, Donald I King of (i3890), b.812-d.863
Scotland, Donald II King of (i3933), b.862-d.900
Scotland, Donald III King of (i3914), b.1033-d.1097
Scotland, Donalda of (i3922), b.986-
Scotland, Duff King of (i3931), b.930-d.967
Scotland, Duncan I King of (i3911), b.1005-d.1040
Scotland, Duncan I King of (marriage to Gruoch Queen of Scotland) (i3911), b.1005-d.1040
Scotland, Duncan II King of (marriage to Ethelreda Queen Scotland) (i3905), b.1060-d.1094
Scotland, Dunclina Princess (i3928), b.960-
Scotland, Ethelreda Queen (i3906), b.1068-
Scotland, Ferchar Og Prince (i3919), b.1044-
Scotland, Gruoch Queen of (i3912), b.1009-
Scotland, Gruoch Queen of (marriage to Duncan I King of Scotland) (i3912), b.1009-
Scotland, Henry, Prince of (i5663), b.1114-d.1152
Scotland, Henry, Prince of (marriage to Ada de Warenne) (i5663), b.1114-d.1152
Scotland, Hodierna, Princess of (i5666), b.1117-
Scotland, Kenneth I King of, MacAlpin (i3891), b.810-d.859
Scotland, Kenneth II King of (i3926), b.932-d.995
Scotland, Macbeth King of (marriage to Gruoch Queen of Scotland) (i3918), b.1014-d.1057
Scotland, Malcolm I King of (i3929), b.897-d.954
Scotland, Malcolm II King of (i3632), b.958-d.1034
Scotland, Malcolm III King of (i3913), b.1031-d.1093
Scotland, Malcolm III King of (marriage to Margaret Atheling Queen) (i3913), b.1031-d.1093
Scotland, Malcolm IV The (i6510), b.1141-d.1165
Scotland, Malcolm, Prince of (i5664), b.1114-
Scotland, Margaret Princess of (marriage to Alan de Galloway Lord of Galloway) (i6534),
Scotland, Marjory Princess of (i6544), b.1152-
Scotland, Mary, Princess of (i5674), b.1084-d.1116
Scotland, Mary, Princess of (marriage to Eustace III Count Boulogne) (i5674), b.1084-d.1116
Scotland, Matilda Eadgyth, Princess (i5496), b.1080-d.1118
Scotland, Matilda Eadgyth, Princess (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5496),
Scotland, Matilda Princess of (i6511), b.1150-d.1152
Scotland, Melmare Prince, Prince (i3915), b.1037-
Scotland, Mogallus Prince (i3930), b.934-
Scotland, Mrs Donald III (marriage to Donald III King of Scotland) (i8492), b.1065-
Scotland, Princess (i3892), b.834-
Scotland, Princess (i3909), b.1000-
Scotland, Princess, Queen Ireland (i3895), b.842-
Scotland, Sibyl Elizabeth Queen (i5510), b.1090-d.1122
Scotland, William I King of (i6512), b.1143-d.1214
Scott, Henry (i1612), d.1623
Scott, Henry (marriage to Martha Whotlock) (i1612), d.1623
Scott, John (marriage to Sarah Bliss) (i2299)
Scott, John, Earl of Chester (marriage to Helen Princess of North wales) (i8466), b.1204-
Scott, Ursula (i1614), b.1597-d.1667
Scott, Ursula (marriage to Richard Kimball) (i1614), b.1597-d.1667
Scrivens, Archie (marriage to May Salter) (i145)
Scudder, Elizabeth (i50), b.1622-
Scudder, Elizabeth (marriage to Samuel Lathrop) (i50), b.1622-
Scudder, Henry (i2035), b.1565-
Scudder, Henry (i2397)
Scudder, John (i2034), b.1617-
Scudder, Thomas (i53), b.1587-
Scudder, Thomas (i2396)
Scudder, Thomas (marriage to Elizabeth Lowers) (i53), b.1587-
Scudder, William (i2398)
Seagrave, Eleanor (i7976), b.1270-d.1314
Seagrave, Eleanor (marriage to Alan La Zouche) (i7976), b.1270-d.1314
Seaxnete, (i4526), b.249-
Segrave, Gilbert de (i8426), b.1220-
Segrave, Gilbert de (i8431), b.1150-
Segrave, Gilbert de (marriage to Amabilia de Chacomb) (i8426), b.1220-
Segrave, Nicholas de, Baron Seagrave (i7991), b.1245-d.1295
Segrave, Nicholas de, Baron Seagrave (marriage to Maude de Lucy) (i7991), b.1245-d.1295
Segrave, Stephen de (i8428), b.1176-d.1241
Segrave, Stephen de (marriage to Rohesia de Spencer) (i8428), b.1176-d.1241
Selegny, Avelon de (marriage to Miss de Courtenay) (i5785), b.1127-
Semur, Ella Ermengarde (Helie) (i7389), b.1011-d.1109
Semur, Ella Ermengarde (Helie) (marriage to Robert I Duke Bourgogne) (i7389), b.1011-d.1109
Senecy, Laura de (i5880), b.1088-
Senecy, Laura de (marriage to Pons I Cuseau Seigneur of) (i5880), b.1088-
Senlis, Adele de (i7216), b.944-
Senlis, Adele de (marriage to Gautier II Count Vexin) (i7216), b.944-
Senlis, Bernard Count of (i4441), b.844-
Senlis, Pepin II Count (i4442), b.846-
Serbia, Jelena Or Jereha, Queen of Hungary (i6187), b.1115-
Serbia, Jelena Or Jereha, Queen of Hungary (marriage to Bela II The Hungary) (i6187), b.1115-
Sergeaux, Richard, Sir Knight (marriage to Phillippa FitzAlan) (i8010), b.1328-d.1393
Sessions, Susanna (marriage to Chester Bradley) (i1301)
Seymour, Humphrey, Esq (marriage to Elizabeth Wynslow) (i3473), b.1453-d.1501
Seymour, Sir Henry, Sir (marriage to Barbara Morgan) (i4771), b.1514-
Seyton, Elizabeth (marriage to Roger Giffard Esq) (i3385), b.1372-
Shaftesbury, Marie Abbess of (i5419), b.1134-
Sheaffe, Dorothy (i1537)
Sheaffe, Dorothy (marriage to Rev. Henry Whitfield) (i1537)
Sheaffe, Edmund (i1535)
Sheaffe, Edmund (marriage to Elizabeth Cotton) (i1535)
Shelley, Alice (i1828)
Shelley, Alice (marriage to William Brampton) (i1828)
Shelley, Johannes (i1822)
Shelley, Johannes (marriage to Margaret Rolfe) (i1822)
Shelley, Nicholas (i1824)
Shelley, Richard (i1825)
Shelley, Thomas (i1821)
Shelley, Thomas (i1823)
Sibyl, (marriage to Duncan I King of Scotland) (i3916), b.1007-d.1040
Sicile, Beatrix de (i5813), b.1252-d.1275
Sicile, Blanche de (i5812), b.1250-d.1269
Sicile, Louis de (i5811), b.1248-d.1248
Sicile, Marie Elizabeth Isabel (i5817), b.1261-d.1290
Sicile, Robert de (i5816), b.1258-d.1265
Sicily, Carlos, King of (i5809), b.1226-d.1285
Sicily, Carlos, King of (marriage to Beatrice, Countess of Provence Queen of Sicily) (i5809),
Sicily, Constance of (marriage to Pedro II Prince Aragon) (i6081), b.1248-d.1302
Sicily, Constania of (marriage to Henry Vi, Emperor Germany) (i6316), b.1167-d.1198
Sicily, Guglielmo II, Il (marriage to Joanna Princess England) (i5405), b.1154-d.1189
Sicily, Marguerite, Princess of (i6041), b.1274-d.1299
Sicily, Marguerite, Princess of (marriage to Charles Count of Valois) (i6041), b.1274-d.1299
Sigelline, Earl of Kent (i3797), b.850-
Sigrid Or Sigarith (i8316), b.1075-
Sigrid Or Sigarith (marriage to Waltheof, Earl of Dunbar) (i8316), b.1075-
Sigris (i6704), b.507-
Sigris (marriage to Halfdan Frodasson) (i6704), b.507-
Sigrlami, King of Gardariki (i4521), b.245-
Simkinson, John (marriage to Mary (Simkinson) Smythe) (i2332)
Sims, Christian (i2272)
Sims, Christian (marriage to James Partridge) (i2272)
Sims, Mary (i1506)
Sims, Mary (marriage to Robert Royce) (i1506)
Sire, Hugh VII Le (i5701), b.1065-d.FEB
Sire, Hugh VII Le (marriage to Sarazine) (i5701), b.1065-d.FEB
Sire, Ponce (i5698), b.1091-
Sire, Ponce (marriage to Wulgrin Vulgrin II Taillefer Count) (i5698), b.1091-
Skadi, (marriage to Odin Or Woden) (i4516), b.220-
Skjold, King of Danes (i4513), b.237-
Skjold, King of Danes (marriage to Gefion) (i4513), b.237-
Skjoldsson, Fridleif (i4515), b.259-
Slemme, Emund II The (i7353), b.1005-d.1054
Sluman, Thomas (marriage to Sarah Bliss) (i487)
Smedes, Benjamin (i1381)
Smedes, Benjamin (marriage to Magdalena Louw) (i1381)
Smedes, Elizabeth Ann (i1218)
Smedes, Elizabeth Ann (marriage to Lucas Kiersted) (i1218)
Smedes, Petrus (i1382)
Smedes, Petrus (marriage to Catrina Du Bois) (i1382)
Smith, Edward (marriage to Elisabeth Bliss) (i486)
Smith, Elizabeth (i1422), b.1627-
Smith, Elizabeth (marriage to Nathaniel Foote) (i1422), b.1627-
Smith, Hannah (i1084), d.1807
Smith, Hannah (marriage to Isaac Estey) (i1084), d.1807
Smith, Hannah Mellows (marriage to Joseph Hills) (i4965), b.1602-d.1655
Smith, John (i984)
Smith, Mary (i85), d.1710
Smith, Mary (marriage to Nathaniel Leffingwell) (i85), d.1710
Smith, Phillip (marriage to Rebeckah Foote) (i1438), b.1633-d.1685
Smolensk, Stanslav Vladimirovich, Duke (i7327), b.984-d.1015
Smolensk, Vyacheslav Yaroslavich, Duke (i7284), b.1034-d.1056
Smythe, Mary (Simkinson) (i34)
Smythe, Mary (Simkinson) (marriage to William Brewster) (i34)
Smythe, William (i2331)
Snelling, Nicholas (marriage to Mary Hibbard) (i2507), b.1639-
Sneyde, Elizabeth (i1995)
Sneyde, Elizabeth (marriage to William Calverly) (i1995)
Sneyde, Richard (i1996), b.1499-
Snow, Anthony (marriage to Abigail Warren) (i1629), d.1692
Snydom, Annatie (i3)
Snydom, Annatie (marriage to Peter Post) (i3)
Snydom, George (i4)
Snydom, George (marriage to Else Meyers) (i4)
Snylling, Ulfcytel (marriage to Wulfhild) (i3818), b.990-
Soissons, Adelaide de (marriage to Guy I de Vermandois) (i7372), b.983-
Soissons, Marguerite de (marriage to Jean de Avesnes) (i6391), b.1288-
Soissons, Raoul, Comte de (marriage to Ada de Avesnes) (i6430), b.1186-
Soleio, Agnes de, CuntssofChartres (marriage to Guillaume de Champagne) (i5989), b.1088-
Somerset, Eleanor (marriage to Roger Vaughan) (i4820), b.1436-
Somery, Joan de (marriage to Thomas de Berkeley) (i3953), b.1191-d.1276
Sowter, Philippa (i8872)
Sowter, Philippa (marriage to William Ouldham) (i8872)
Sowter, Thomas (i8873) (living status unknown)
Sowter, Thomas (marriage to Alice Turnar) (i8873) (living status unknown)
Spencer, Hugh de (i8433), b.1154-
Spencer, Rohesia de (i8429), b.1200-
Spencer, Rohesia de (marriage to Stephen de Segrave) (i8429), b.1200-
Spencer, Thomas de (i8432), b.1180-
Spencer, William (marriage to Jane Freeman) (i2664), b.1598-
Sperry, John (marriage to Elizabeth Post) (i1542)
Spineto, Sir Guy de (i3752), b.1370-
Spineto, Sir William de (i3753), b.1345-
Spineto, William de (i3754), b.1320-
Spinney, Eleanor de (i3748), b.1390-d.1466
Spinney, Eleanor de (marriage to Sir John Throckmorton) (i3748), b.1390-d.1466
Spoleto, Lambert Duke of (marriage to Princess Adelaide Italy) (i4450), b.795-
St arnulf, Bishop of Metz (i4426), b.582-
St arnulf, Bishop of Metz (marriage to Doda de Heristal) (i4426), b.582-
St beggue, (i4425), b.613-
St beggue, (marriage to Duke Ansigise Austrasia) (i4425), b.613-
St Denis, Jerome Hieronimus, Abbot (i4391), b.736-d.814
St liz, Maud de (i5672), b.1094-d.1140
St liz, Maud de (marriage to Robert FitzRichard de Clare) (i5672), b.1094-d.1140
St liz, Maud de (marriage to Saher de Quincy) (i5672), b.1094-d.1140
St liz, Simon de Senlis (i5669), b.1068-d.1109
St liz, Simon de Senlis (marriage to Maud Huntington) (i5669), b.1068-d.1109
St liz, Simon II de (i5670), b.1090-d.1153
St liz, Simon II de (marriage to Isabel de Beaumont) (i5670), b.1090-d.1153
St liz, Waltheof de (i5671), b.1092-d.1170
St luke, Beatrice (marriage to Robert de Grey) (i8693), b.1209-
St maur, Nicholas (marriage to Ela Zouche) (i7983), b.1288-
St omer, Guillaume, Comte de (marriage to Ida de Avesnes) (i6437), b.1157-
St omer, Nicolas de (marriage to Margit, Princess of Hungary) (i6137), b.1175-d.1208
St ormand, John de (marriage to Joan Despenser) (i8719), b.1262-
St Ouen, Nicolas Abbot of (i8454), b.1017-d.1092
St pol, Anselme de (i5972), b.1090-d.1174
St pol, Anselme de (marriage to Eustache de Champagne) (i5972), b.1090-d.1174
St pol, Beatrice de (i5967), b.1135-
St pol, Beatrice de (marriage to Jean I de Ponthieu) (i5967), b.1135-
St Quentin, Bernard Count of (i4394), b.738-
St valery, Maud de, Lady of LaHaie (i7605), b.1155-d.1210
St valery, Maud de, Lady of LaHaie (marriage to William de Braose) (i7605), b.1155-d.1210
St valery, Reginald de (i7672), b.1129-
Stade, Oda, Countess of (marriage to Vladimir Yaroslavich, Duke Novgorod) (i7281),
Stade, Oda, Countess of (marriage to Vyacheslav Yaroslavich, Duke Smolensk) (i7281),
Staller, Ednoth The (i3974), b.1024-d.1068
Standish, Josiah, Lt. (marriage to Sarah Allen) (i2260), b.1633-d.1690
Stanford, Gilbert (marriage to Lora La Zouche) (i8194), b.1209-
Starr, Samuel (marriage to Hannah Brewster) (i1588), b.1640-d.1688
Stavelegh, Margaret or Elizabeth (i2019)
Stavelegh, Margaret or Elizabeth (marriage to Robert Hyde) (i2019)
Stavelegh, Robert de (i2020), b.1255-
Staveley, Mary (marriage to Thomas Giffard Esq) (i3345), b.1480-
Stephens, Judith (marriage to Christopher Huntington) (i420), b.1673-
Stephens, Judith (marriage to Jonathan Brewster) (i420), b.1673-
Steven V (i6108), b.1240-d.1273
Stoddard, John (marriage to Mary Foote) (i1442), d.1664
Stokeport, Margaret (i2028), b.1223-
Stokeport, Margaret (marriage to John Hyde) (i2028), b.1223-
Stokeport, Robert (i2029), b.1197-
Stokeport, Robert (marriage to Roes Venables) (i2029), b.1197-
Stokes, Geoffrey de (marriage to Alice Danvers) (i3585), b.1284-
Stokes, John (marriage to Isabella Stretle) (i3388), b.1363-
Stone, Mary (marriage to Joseph Fitch) (i291)
Stoughton, Thomas (marriage to Margaret Barrett) (i1605)
Stradling, Elizabeth (marriage to Edmond Morgan) (i4766), b.1516-
Strange, John Le, 4th Lord (marriage to Isabel Mary FitzAlan) (i8006), b.1332-d.1361
Strange, Roger Le (marriage to Aline FitzAlan) (i8054), b.1327-d.1382
Strange, Sybil (i3634), b.1174-
Strange, Sybil (marriage to Robert Chetwood) (i3634), b.1174-
Strathclyde, Run King of (marriage to Princess Scotland) (i3935), b.830-
Streora, Edric (marriage to Edith) (i3817), b.990-
Stretle, Isabella (i3383), b.1365-
Stretle, Isabella (marriage to Roger Giffard Esq) (i3383), b.1365-
Stuteville, Alice de (i3772), b.1160-
Stuteville, Alice de (marriage to Roger de Merley) (i3772), b.1160-
Stuteville, Joan de (i4063), b.1220-d.1276
Stuteville, Joan de (marriage to Hugh Wake) (i4063), b.1220-d.1276
Stuteville, Joan de (marriage to Sir Hugh Bigod) (i4063), b.1220-d.1276
Stuteville, Joan de (marriage to Sir Hugh Bigod) (i4063), b.1220-d.1276
Stuteville, Nicholas de, Lord Cottingham (i4103), b.1194-d.1233
Stuteville, Nicholas de, Lord Cottingham (marriage to Joan Peche) (i4103), b.1194-d.1233
Stuteville, Osmund de (i3696), d.1202
Stuteville, Robert de (i3478), d.1107
Stuteville, Robert de (i3529) (living status unknown)
Stuteville, Robert de (i3556), d.1090
Stuteville, Roger de (i3771), b.1145-d.1202
Stuteville, William de (i3610) (living status unknown)
Sudeley, John (marriage to Margaret de Beauchamp) (i8138), b.1276-
Sulton, Margaret de (marriage to William Hugh) (i6850), b.1168-
Sutton, Margaret de (marriage to William Le Bigod) (i7805), b.1188-
Swabia, Adrienne (i6322), b.1115-
Swabia, Friedrich II, Duke (i6318), b.1090-d.1147
Swabia, Friedrich II, Duke (marriage to Princess Judith Bavaria) (i6318), b.1090-d.1147
Swabia, Gerold I, Duke (i4436) (living status unknown)
Swabia, Imma Duchess of (i4437) (living status unknown)
Swabia, Marie de, Princess of Germany (i6276), b.1201-d.1235
Swabia, Marie de, Princess of Germany (marriage to Henry II Duke Brabant) (i6276),
Swanton, John (marriage to Joanna Hibbard) (i2512), b.1649-
Sweden, Astrid (Inegrid) Queen (i7350), b.979-
Sweden, Astrid (Inegrid) Queen (marriage to Olaf III King of Sweden) (i7350), b.979-
Sweden, Christina, Princess of (marriage to Mstislav I, Grand Kiev) (i6200), b.1078-d.1122
Sweden, Ingegerda, Princess of (i7276), b.1001-d.1050
Sweden, Ingegerda, Princess of (marriage to Yaroslav I Kiew) (i7276), b.1001-d.1050
Sweden, Jarl of (marriage to Rogneda, Princess of Polotsk) (i7337), b.962-
Sweden, Olaf III King of (i7349), b.950-d.1022
Sweden, Olaf III King of (marriage to Astrid (Inegrid) Queen Sweden) (i7349), b.950-d.1022
Swynnerton, Thomas (marriage to Maud Matilda de Holland) (i7955), b.1335-d.1381
Sybbrantse, Wyntie (i1364)
Sybbrantse, Wyntie (marriage to William Bogardus) (i1364)
Symonds, Mary (i4942), b.1578-
Symonds, Mary (marriage to George Hill) (i4942), b.1578-
Symonds, William (marriage to Mary Symonds) (i4950), b.1576-
Tabaric, Tancrede Prince of (marriage to Cecile Princess of France) (i5486), b.1095-
Tabaric, Tancrede Prince of (marriage to Cecile Princess of France) (i5486), b.1095-
Taillebois, Ives (i8247), b.1036-d.1094
Taillebois, Ives (marriage to Lucia of Mercia) (i8247), b.1036-d.1094
Taillebois, Lucy (i8222), b.1074-
Taillebois, Lucy (marriage to Randolph Meschines) (i8222), b.1074-
Taillefer, Count Aymer of Angouleme (i5691), b.1160-d.1218
Taillefer, Count Aymer of Angouleme (marriage to Alix de Courtenay Countess) (i5691),
Taillefer, William III (i5699), b.1084-d.1118
Taillefer, William III (marriage to Vitapoy de Benauges) (i5699), b.1084-d.1118
Taillefer, William III, Count Toulouse (i7395), b.947-d.1037
Taillefer, William III, Count Toulouse (marriage to Arsinde (Blanche) de Anjou Countess Of (i7395),
Taillefer, William III, Count Toulouse (marriage to Emma Venaissin CntessofProvenc) (i7395),
Taillefer, William IV, Count Angouleme (i5694), b.1134-d.1187
Taillefer, William IV, Count Angouleme (marriage to Margaret Turrenne Countess of) (i5694),
Taillefer, Wulgrin Vulgrin II, Count (i5697), b.1108-d.1140
Taillefer, Wulgrin Vulgrin II, Count (marriage to Ponce Sire) (i5697), b.1108-d.1140
Talbot, Richard (marriage to Sarah de Beauchamp) (i8130), b.1267-d.1306
Talbot, Robert (marriage to Ermintrude de Ferrers) (i8502), b.1161-
Talcott, Joseph (marriage to Hannah Hibbard) (i2496), b.1689-
Talvaise, Ela (marriage to Patrick de Evereaux) (i7751), b.1124-d.1174
Talvas, Ala de (i6577), b.1110-
Talvas, Ala de (marriage to William III de Warenne Earl of Surrey) (i6577), b.1110-
Talvas, Ela (marriage to Patric de Salisbury) (i8419), b.1126-d.1178
Talvas, William, Count of Ponthieu (i8827)
Tansley, Lady Cecilia Agnes (marriage to Thomas Winslow Esq) (i3743), b.1575-
Tappen, Ariantje (i1377), d.1761
Tappen, Ariantje (marriage to Johannes Kierstede) (i1377), d.1761
Tappen, Christoffel (i1368)
Tappen, Christoffel (marriage to Cornelia Vas) (i1368)
Tappen, Christopher (i1110), b.1742-d.1826
Tappen, Christopher (marriage to Annatje Wynkoop) (i1110), b.1742-d.1826
Tappen, Cornelia (i1114), b.1813-d.1888
Tappen, Cornelia (marriage to Ogden Bradley) (i1114), b.1813-d.1888
Tappen, George (i1112), b.1772-d.1856
Tappen, George (marriage to Ann Kierstede) (i1112), b.1772-d.1856
Tappen, Petrus (i1370)
Tappen, Petrus (marriage to Taatjen Wynkoop) (i1370)
Taylor, Frank (marriage to Jessie Elizabeth Bradley) (i1047), b.1891-d.1980
Teller, William (marriage to Rachel Kierstede) (i2148)
Ten Broeck, Cornelia (i1359)
Ten Broeck, Cornelia (marriage to Johannes Wynkoop) (i1359)
Ten Broeck, Dirk Wesselse (i1357)
Ten Broeck, Dirk Wesselse (marriage to Cornelise Van Buren) (i1357)
Teresa (i5916), b.1056-
Teresa of Portugal (i5866), b.1135-
Teutonicus, Baldwick (marriage to Miss Fitzrichard de Clare) (i6859), b.1056-
Thatcher, Anney (i1338), b.1697-d.1756
Thatcher, Anney (marriage to John Lathrop) (i1338), b.1697-d.1756
Theodesinde, Teutdesinde (marriage to Grimoald Neustria) (i4420), b.677-
Thessalonique, Philippe King of (i5815), b.1256-
Thiern, Guy de (marriage to Clementia de Courtenay) (i5717), b.1162-
Thierry, Count of (marriage to Hildegarde Princess West Holy Roman abbesse) (i4301), b.810-
Thomas, Blanche (i4745), b.1512-
Thomas, Blanche (marriage to Rowland Morgan) (i4745), b.1512-
Thomas, Elizabeth (marriage to Edward Morgan) (i4729), b.1562-
Thomas, Elizabeth Verch (i4809), b.1404-
Thomas, Elizabeth Verch (marriage to Javan Morgan) (i4809), b.1404-
Thomas, Jenkin Ap (marriage to Vaughan) (i4825), b.1469-
Thomas, John (i4937), b.1474-
Thompson, Anthony (i2629), b.1614-
Thompson, Bridget (i2636), b.1622-d.1643
Thompson, Cora (marriage to Henry Davison Wilson) (i1091), b.1861-d.1953
Thompson, Dorothy (i2549), b.1624-d.1709
Thompson, Dorothy (marriage to Thomas Parke) (i2549), b.1624-d.1709
Thompson, John (i2627), b.1585-d.1627
Thompson, John (i2628), b.1612-
Thompson, John (marriage to Alice Freeman) (i2627), b.1585-d.1627
Thompson, Martha (i2634), b.1626-
Thompson, Mary (i2632), b.1619-d.1693
Thompson, Nathaniel (i2633), b.1625-
Thompson, William (i2631), b.1618-
Thora (marriage to Svend II Estridsen) (i7233), b.1021-
Thorgilsson, Ulf (i7228), b.933-d.1027
Thorgilsson, Ulf (marriage to Estridmargaret) (i7228), b.933-d.1027
Thouars, Aymer (marriage to Marguerite de Lusignan) (i5263), b.1226-
Thouars, Aymer (marriage to Marguerite de Lusignan) (i5263), b.1226-
Throckmorton, Agnes (i3472), b.1415-
Throckmorton, Agnes (marriage to Thomas William Wynslow Esq) (i3472), b.1415-
Throckmorton, John (i3751), b.1340-
Throckmorton, John (i4179) (living status unknown)
Throckmorton, Robert (i5229)
Throckmorton, Sir John (i3747), b.1380-d.1445
Throckmorton, Sir John (marriage to Eleanor de Spinney) (i3747), b.1380-d.1445
Throckmorton, Thomas (i4178) (living status unknown)
Throckmorton, Thomas de (i3749), b.1360-d.1411
Throckmorton, Thomas de (marriage to Agnes de Besford) (i3749), b.1360-d.1411
Thuringia, Ludwig IV, Landgrave (marriage to Erzsebet, Princess of Hungary) (i6113), b.1207-
Tillieul or bigo, Humphrey de (i6834), b.1017-
Tilly, Jane (marriage to James Russell) (i3677), b.1204-
Timmell, Augusta (i1251), b.1848-d.1899
Timmell, Augusta (marriage to Charles J. Anderson) (i1251), b.1848-d.1899
Tirel, Walter (marriage to Adeliza de Clare) (i4002), b.1065-
Toeni, Alice de, Countess Of War (marriage to Guy de Beauchamp Earl Of Warwick) (i8131),
Tompson, Thomas (i3154) (living status unknown)
Tomson, Thomas (i2630), b.1616-
Toni, Adeliza de (i6818), b.1059-
Toni, Adeliza de (marriage to Roger Bigod) (i6818), b.1059-
Toni, Adeliza de (marriage to William Fitzosborne Earl of Hereford) (i6818), b.1059-
Toni, Goda de (marriage to William de Ferrers Earl of Derby) (i7665), b.1140-
Toni, Margaret de (marriage to Walter de Clifford) (i4477), b.1109-
Toni, Robert de, Lord Belvoir (i6853), b.1033-
Toni, Robert de, Lord Belvoir (marriage to Adeliza) (i6853), b.1033-
Tonnerre, Marguerite Countess of (marriage to Carlos, King of Sicily) (i5819), b.1249-d.1308
Torosechaselain, Jean I de (marriage to Alix Adele de Dreux) (i7825), b.1142-
Totnais, Aenor de (marriage to Philip de Braose) (i8575), b.1084-
Totnes, Judhel de, Lord of Totnes (i8621), b.1049-
Touchet, Anne (i4881), b.1441-
Touchet, Constance (i4831), b.1443-
Touchet, Constance (marriage to Robert Whitney) (i4831), b.1443-
Touchet, Edmund (i4853), b.1437-d.1524
Touchet, Elizabeth (i4867), b.1433-
Touchet, Elizabeth (i4901), b.1406-
Touchet, Humphrey (i4876), b.1436-d.1471
Touchet, James, 4th Lord Audley (i4851), b.1398-d.1459
Touchet, James, 4th Lord Audley (marriage to Eleanor de Holand) (i4851), b.1398-d.1459
Touchet, John (i4855), b.1420-d.1490
Touchet, John (i5003), b.1345-d.1372
Touchet, John (marriage to Margaret Mortimer) (i5003), b.1345-d.1372
Touchet, John, 2nd Lord Tuchet (i4898), b.1371-d.1408
Touchet, John, 2nd Lord Tuchet (marriage to Isabell Unknown) (i4898), b.1371-d.1408
Touchet, Margaret (i4862), b.1431-d.FEB
Touchet, Matthew (i7434), b.1100-
Touchet, Richard (i7413), b.1352-
Touchet, Richard (i7424), b.1246-
Touchet, Robert (i7415), b.1275-d.1337
Touchet, Robert (i7418), b.1300-
Touchet, Robert (i7422), b.1218-
Touchet, Robert (i7429), b.1160-
Touchet, Robert (marriage to Agnes) (i7415), b.1275-d.1337
Touchet, Robert (marriage to Alice Fitzroger) (i7429), b.1160-
Touchet, Robert (marriage to Eva de Apleby) (i7422), b.1218-
Touchet, Simon (i7421), b.1279-
Touchet, Simon (i7431), b.1132-
Touchet, Simon (marriage to Petronilla) (i7431), b.1132-
Touchet, Sir John (i4598), b.1327-d.1361
Touchet, Sir John (marriage to Joan Audley) (i4598), b.1327-d.1361
Touchet, Thomas (i4597), b.1298-d.1346
Touchet, Thomas (i4877), b.1439-d.1507
Touchet, Thomas (i7420), b.1244-
Touchet, Thomas (i7425), b.1192-
Touchet, Thomas (marriage to Isabella) (i7425), b.1192-
Touchet, Thomas (marriage to Joan Unknown) (i4597), b.1298-d.1346
Touchet, William (i7427), b.1222-
Toulouse, Bertha of (i4354), b.777-
Toulouse, Bertha of (marriage to Pippin Carloman King of Italy) (i4354), b.777-
Toulouse, Jeanne Countess of (marriage to Alphonse Prince of France) (i5262), b.1220-d.1261
Toulouse, Philippa Mathilde Or, Countess of (i5680), b.1073-d.1117
Toulouse, Philippa Mathilde Or, Countess of (marriage to William VII Guillaume Aquitaine) (i5680),
Toulouse, Pons Count of (i7401), b.990-d.1060
Toulouse, Pons Count of (marriage to Almodis de La Marche Countess of Bar) (i7401),
Toulouse, Raimond V Count (marriage to Constance Princess of France) (i5760), b.1134-d.1194
Toulouse, Raimond VI Count (marriage to Joanna Princess England) (i5409), b.1156-
Toulouse, Raimond VII Count (marriage to Marguerite de Lusignan) (i5259), b.1197-d.1249
Toulouse, Raimond VII Count (marriage to Marguerite de Lusignan) (i5259), b.1197-d.1249
Toulouse, William Count of (i4451), b.751-
Toulouse, William IV Count (i5687), b.1040-d.1093
Toulouse, William IV Count (marriage to Mathilde) (i5687), b.1040-d.1093
Tours, Adelaide (i4233), b.819-d.866
Tours, Adelaide (marriage to Robert the Strong, Duke France) (i4233), b.819-d.866
Tours, Aylmer de (marriage to Amicia de Braose) (i8588), b.1074-
Tours, Count Herbert (i4227), b.926-d.993
Tours, Count Herbert (marriage to Eadgifu) (i4227), b.926-d.993
Tours, Ermengarde Countess of, Empress Of H.rom (i7110), b.800-d.851
Tours, Robert Count of, archbshopBourge (marriage to Richildes de Blois) (i4251), b.864-d.959
Towne, Edmund (i1924)
Towne, Joseph (i1925)
Towne, Mary (i1312), b.1634-d.1692
Towne, Mary (marriage to Isaac Estey) (i1312), b.1634-d.1692
Towne, Rebecca (i1311), d.1692
Towne, William (i1309)
Towne, William (marriage to Joanna Blessing) (i1309)
Tracey, Henry (marriage to Alicia Danvers) (i3547), b.1430-
Tracy, Daniel (marriage to Abigaill Adgate) (i472)
Tracy, Hawisa de, concubine (marriage to John (Lackland) King England) (i5208), b.1167-
Tracy, Sarah (i2252), b.1621-d.1708
Tracy, Sarah (marriage to George Partridge) (i2252), b.1621-d.1708
Tracy, Solomon (marriage to Sarah Bliss) (i488)
Tracy, Stephen (i2273), b.1596-
Tracy, Stephen (i2275), d.1630
Tracy, Stephen (marriage to Agnes Erdley) (i2275), d.1630
Tracy, Stephen (marriage to Tryphosa Lee) (i2273), b.1596-
Tracy, William de (i5584), b.1097-d.1140
Trady, Thomazina (marriage to Johannes Manning) (i1800)
Trahaiarn, Llywarch Ap (i8469), b.1070-d.1128
Trahaiarn, Llywarch Ap (marriage to Dyddgu Verch Idnerth) (i8469), b.1070-d.1128
Trastamare, Bermudo Perez de (marriage to Urraca, Princess of Portugal) (i5925), b.1111-d.1161
Traversari, Elisabetta Di, Princess of Hungary (marriage to Istvan The Posthumous Hungary) (i6121),
Traves, Alice (i5873), b.1090-
Traves, Alice (marriage to William Vienne Count of) (i5873), b.1090-
Treat, Honour (marriage to John Deming) (i2223)
Trie, Renaud de, ComtedeDammartin (marriage to Ida de Flanders Cntss of Dammart) (i6310),
Tripoly, Pons Count of (marriage to Cecile Princess of France) (i5488), b.1095-d.1137
Tripoly, Pons Count of (marriage to Cecile Princess of France) (i5488), b.1095-d.1137
Trivers, Ebria (i8330), b.1051-
Trivers, Ebria (marriage to Ralph de Engaine) (i8330), b.1051-
Trouemer, William of (i1839)
Troyes, Hugh Count of (marriage to Constansia Princess of France) (i5765), b.1093-d.1126
Troyes, Milon II Viscount (marriage to Lithuise Adela de Champagne) (i5998), b.1096-
Tubbs, Helen L. (marriage to Ralph Ogden Bradley) (i1297), b.1894-d.1979
Turenne, Beatrix Viscountess of (i4211), b.980-
Turnar, Alice (i8874)
Turrenne, Margaret, Countess of (i5695), b.1117-
Turrenne, Margaret, Countess of (marriage to William IV Taillefer Count Angouleme) (i5695),
Turrenne, Raimond Raymond I, Viscount of (i5703), b.1091-d.1121
Turrenne, Raimond Raymond I, Viscount of (marriage to Countess Maud Perche Countess of) (i5703),
Ulsiusson, Biorn (i7227), b.975-d.1045
Ungle, Ellen (i2283)
Ungle, Ellen (marriage to Humphrey Manning) (i2283)
Unknown (i5668), b.1108-
Unknown (i5792), b.1080-
Unknown (marriage to Frederic de Donjon) (i5792), b.1080-
Unknown (marriage to Svend II Estridsen) (i7234), b.1021-
Unknown, (i2896) (living status unknown)
Unknown, (i3164) (living status unknown)
Unknown, (i3165) (living status unknown)
Unknown, (i3420), b.1239-
Unknown, (i3641), b.1257-
Unknown, (i3711), b.1103-
Unknown, (i3713) (living status unknown)
Unknown, (i3725), b.1060-
Unknown, (i4511), b.223-
Unknown, (marriage to Herbert Quartermain) (i3713) (living status unknown)
Unknown, (marriage to Herbert Quartermain) (i3715), b.1230-
Unknown, (marriage to Hugh Russell) (i3725), b.1060-
Unknown, (marriage to John Danvers) (i3533), b.1428-
Unknown, (marriage to John Hibbard) (i3165) (living status unknown)
Unknown, (marriage to Odin Or Woden) (i4511), b.223-
Unknown, (marriage to Odin Or Woden) (i4520), b.225-
Unknown, (marriage to Russell) (i3711), b.1103-
Unknown, (marriage to Sir John Giffard) (i3420), b.1239-
Unknown, (marriage to Thomas de Grey) (i3641), b.1257-
Unknown, (marriage to William Chaplin) (i3164) (living status unknown)
Unknown, (marriage to William Chaplin) (i2896) (living status unknown)
Unknown, Adeline (i7247), b.952-
Unknown, Adeline (marriage to Enricule Count of Boulogne) (i7247), b.952-
Unknown, Agnes (i3623), b.1254-
Unknown, Agnes (marriage to William Quartermain) (i3623), b.1254-
Unknown, Ala (i3455), b.1065-
Unknown, Ala (marriage to Elias Helias Giffard) (i3455), b.1065-
Unknown, Alice (marriage to Simon Danvers) (i3584), b.1262-
Unknown, Alice (marriage to Sir John Giffard) (i3408), b.1303-d.1379
Unknown, Alles Alice (marriage to John Giffard Esq) (i3356), b.1445-d.1534
Unknown, Amice (i8632), b.1198-
Unknown, Amice (marriage to Robert de Grey) (i8632), b.1198-
Unknown, Ann (marriage to Joseph Hills) (i4972), b.1604-
Unknown, Ava (i7116), b.769-
Unknown, Ava (marriage to Hugues III Count Alsace Count of Tours) (i7116), b.769-
Unknown, Beatrice (i4468), b.1340-d.1404
Unknown, Beatrice (marriage to Alexander de Besford) (i4468), b.1340-d.1404
Unknown, Bridget (i2448), b.1587-d.1671
Unknown, Bridget (marriage to John Luff) (i2448), b.1587-d.1671
Unknown, Catherine (marriage to John de Morteyn) (i3502) (living status unknown)
Unknown, Christian (i8835)
Unknown, Christian (marriage to John Fisher) (i8835)
Unknown, concubine (marriage to Louis West Holy Roman Emporer, the Pious) (i4255), b.777-
Unknown, concubine (marriage to Robert II der Fromme France King, the Pious) (i4145)
Unknown, concubine 1 (i4198), b.935-
Unknown, concubine 1 (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4386), b.708-
Unknown, concubine 1 (marriage to Richard I Duke Normandy Fearless) (i4198), b.935-
Unknown, concubine 2 (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4390), b.714-
Unknown, concubine 2 (marriage to Pepin Austrasia) (i4410), b.658-
Unknown, concubine 2 (marriage to Richard I Duke Normandy Fearless) (i4200), b.937-
Unknown, concubine 3 (marriage to Charles Martel Austrasia) (i4393), b.716-
Unknown, concubine 5 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4341), b.774-
Unknown, concubine 6 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4343), b.776-
Unknown, concubine 7 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4345), b.778-
Unknown, concubine 9 (marriage to Charlemagne Emporer Holy roman) (i4349), b.780-
Unknown, Dorothea (marriage to Blase Freeman) (i4489), b.1536-
Unknown, Edith (i7122), b.719-
Unknown, Edith (marriage to Luitfrid I Duke of Alsace) (i7122), b.719-
Unknown, Elflaed (marriage to Edward Atheling The Exile) (i3782), b.1018-
Unknown, Emma (marriage to Childebrand Austrasia) (i4423), b.680-
Unknown, Godiva (i3976), b.1076-
Unknown, Godiva (marriage to estmond) (i3976), b.1076-
Unknown, Hannah (marriage to Samuel Parke) (i2608), b.1623-
Unknown, Hiltrude (i7120), b.744-
Unknown, Hiltrude (marriage to Luitfrid II Count Alsace) (i7120), b.744-
Unknown, Isabel (i8696), b.1160-
Unknown, Isabel (marriage to Hugh Bardolf) (i8696), b.1160-
Unknown, Isabell (i4899), b.1375-d.1405
Unknown, Isabell (marriage to John Touchet 2nd Lord Tuchet) (i4899), b.1375-d.1405
Unknown, Jane (i3668), b.1260-
Unknown, Jane (marriage to James Russell) (i3668), b.1260-
Unknown, Joan (i4636), b.1302-
Unknown, Joan (marriage to John de Grey) (i8681), b.1226-d.1256
Unknown, Joan (marriage to Richard Giffard) (i3414), b.1384-
Unknown, Joan (marriage to Thomas Touchet) (i4636), b.1302-
Unknown, Joane (marriage to Osbert Giffard) (i3424), b.1236-
Unknown, Katherine (marriage to Thomas Touchet) (i4878), b.1441-d.1514
Unknown, Livida (i3973), b.1073-
Unknown, Livida (marriage to Harding Eadnothson) (i3973), b.1073-
Unknown, Lucy (i4090), b.1136-
Unknown, Lucy (marriage to William Du Hommet Constable) (i4090), b.1136-
Unknown, Lydia (marriage to John Hibbard) (i2530), b.1643-
Unknown, Lydia (marriage to Samuel Hatch) (i2250)
Unknown, Margaret (i2619), b.1373-d.1408
Unknown, Margaret (marriage to Oswolde Freeman) (i4491), b.1544-
Unknown, Margaret (marriage to Robert Parke) (i2619), b.1373-d.1408
Unknown, Margery (marriage to Richard Parke) (i2604), b.1611-
Unknown, Margery (marriage to Sir Thomas Giffard) (i3398), b.1350-
Unknown, Marie (i7245), b.1056-
Unknown, Mary (i8876)
Unknown, Mary (marriage to William Andrews) (i8876)
Unknown, Mary Wyrall or Wentworth or (i36), b.1569-d.1627
Unknown, Mary Wyrall or Wentworth or (marriage to William Brewster Elder) (i36), b.1569-d.1627
Unknown, Matilda (i3755), b.1230-
Unknown, Matilda (marriage to Hugh Gobion) (i3755), b.1230-
Unknown, Maude (i3618), b.1286-
Unknown, Maude (marriage to William Quartermain) (i3618), b.1286-
Unknown, Olive (marriage to John Chetwood) (i3637), b.1205-
Unknown, Ranulph, The Rich (i7194), b.1042-
Unknown, Rheineck (i5658) (living status unknown)
Unknown, Richard (marriage to Joan de Braose) (i7617), b.1175-
Unknown, Rissa (i3990), b.1044-
Unknown, Rissa (marriage to Roger I de Berkeley) (i3990), b.1044-
Unknown, Sybil (i4582), b.1215-d.1265
Unknown, Sybil (marriage to Sir Thomas Giffard) (i3402), b.1349-d.1429
Unknown, Sybil (marriage to Sir William de Gardinis) (i4582), b.1215-d.1265
Unknown, William (marriage to Martha Parke) (i2599), b.1601-
Unready, Ethelred II The (i3806), b.965-d.1016
Unready, Ethelred II The (marriage to Alfgifu) (i3806), b.965-d.1016
Unready, Ethelred II The (marriage to Emma Normandy) (i3806), b.965-d.1016
Upper Lorraine, Fredrick I Duke (marriage to Princess Beatrix France) (i4194), b.1932-d.994
Vachell, (marriage to William Giffard) (i3376), b.1475-
Valence, William de Lusignan (i5255), b.1225-d.1296
Valerie, Leonore St (i7819), b.1185-
Valerie, Leonore St (marriage to Robert III, Count Dreux) (i7819), b.1185-
Valkenburg, Beatrix Van (marriage to Richard Earl of Cornwal England) (i5280), b.1248-d.1277
Valletort, Joan de (marriage to Richard Earl of Cornwal England) (i5281), b.1211-
Valoines, Joan de (i8626), b.1250-d.1312
Valoines, Joan de (marriage to Robert de Grey) (i8626), b.1250-d.1312
Valois, Charles Count of (i6040), b.1270-d.1325
Valois, Charles Count of (marriage to Marguerite, Princess of Sicily) (i6040), b.1270-d.1325
Valois, Isabel de (i6042), b.1293-d.1309
Valois, Isabelle de (i6047), b.1318-
Valois, Jeanne de, Hainault (i6044), b.1294-d.1352
Valois, Jeanne de, Hainault (marriage to Guillaume III de Avesnes Count) (i6044), b.1294-d.1352
Valois, Raoul II de (marriage to Anna von Kiew) (i7274), b.1036-
Valois, Raoul III "The (i7373), b.1010-d.1064
Valois, Raoul III "The (marriage to Adele de Bar sur aube Countess of Val) (i7373),
Valtrude, (i4281), b.820-
Vampage, Katherine (i3657), b.1316-
Vampage, Katherine (marriage to Robert Russell) (i3657), b.1316-
Van Borsum, Cornelis (marriage to Sara Roeloffse) (i2133)
Van Buren, Cornelise (i1358)
Van Buren, Cornelise (marriage to Dirk Wesselse Ten Broeck) (i1358)
Van Der Poest, Arthur (i248)
Van Der Poest, Jan (i247)
Van Der Poest, Jan (i249)
Van Der Poest, Peter Arnold (i6), b.1500-
Van Der Poest, Peter Arnold (marriage to Maragrietje Bogert) (i6), b.1500-
Van Der Poest, Sarah (i245)
Van Der Poest, Susanna (i246)
Van Gelder, Abraham (i10)
Van Gelder, Susannah (i9)
Van Gelder, Susannah (marriage to Thomas Post) (i9)
Van Zul, Jantje (i253)
Van Zul, Jantje (marriage to Goosen Post) (i253)
Van Zul, Peter (i254)
Van Zul, Peter (marriage to Jane Rapalje) (i254)
Vannes, Beatrix de, concubine 1 (marriage to Rainald de Dunstanville) (i5522), b.1097-
Varennes, William de, Earl of Surrey (i5651), b.1055-d.1088
Varennes, William de, Earl of Surrey (marriage to Gundred Princess of England Countess) (i5651),
Varennes, William II de, 2nd Earl of Surrey (i5653), b.1081-d.1138
Varennes, William II de, 2nd Earl of Surrey (marriage to Isabel (Elizabeth) de Vermandois) (i5653),
Vas, Cornelia (i1369)
Vas, Cornelia (marriage to Christoffel Tappen) (i1369)
Vaughan, (i4826), b.1469-
Vaughan, Eleanor (i4828), b.1471-
Vaughan, Elizabeth (i4757), b.1486-
Vaughan, Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas Morgan) (i4757), b.1486-
Vaughan, Henry (i4818), b.1465-
Vaughan, Joan (i4807), b.1473-
Vaughan, Joan (marriage to William Morgan) (i4807), b.1473-
Vaughan, Miss (i4819), b.1469-
Vaughan, Roger (i4816), b.1436-
Vaughan, Roger (i4829), b.1410-
Vaughan, Roger (marriage to Denis Ap Thomas Philip) (i4829), b.1410-
Vaughan, Roger (marriage to Jane Whitney) (i4816), b.1436-
Vaughan, Sir Roger (marriage to Margaret Touchet) (i4865), b.1429-
Vaughan, Thomas (i4823), b.1463-
Vaughan, Thomas (marriage to Eleaner Whitney) (i4845), b.1467-
Vaughan, Watkin Or William (i4821), b.1461-
Vaughan, William (marriage to Jane Morgan) (i4780), b.1520-
Vaux, Beatrice de (i4092), b.1149-
Vaux, Beatrice de (marriage to William de Briwere) (i4092), b.1149-
Vaux, Eleanor (i3379), b.1405-
Vaux, Eleanor (marriage to Thomas Giffard Esq) (i3379), b.1405-
Vaux, William Thomas, Esq (i3469), b.1379-
Vaux, William Thomas, Esq (marriage to Eleanor Drakelowe) (i3469), b.1379-
Ve, (i4537), b.217-
Venables, Roes (i2030), b.1201-
Venables, Roes (marriage to Robert Stokeport) (i2030), b.1201-
Venaissin, Emma, CntessofProvenc (i7397), b.949-
Venaissin, Emma, CntessofProvenc (marriage to William III Taillefer Count Toulouse) (i7397),
Verdon, Bertram de (marriage to Maud de Ferrers) (i8528), b.1094-
Verdon, Theobold de (marriage to Maud de Mortimer) (i7553), b.1286-
Verdun, Valtrude Countess of (marriage to Walechise Count of Verdun) (i4430), b.612-
Verdun, Walechise Count of (i4429), b.610-
Vere, Adeliza Alice de (i4009), b.1093-d.1185
Vere, Alberic de (i6777), b.1030-d.1088
Vere, Alberic de (marriage to Beatrice Gand (Ghent)) (i6777), b.1030-d.1088
Vere, Alberic II de (i4007), b.1062-d.1141
Vere, Alberic II de (marriage to Adeliza Alice de Clare) (i4007), b.1062-d.1141
Vere, Alberic Or Audley (marriage to Alice (Adeliza) Bigod) (i7806), b.1192-
Vere, Alice de (i6789), b.1174-
Vere, Aubrey de (i6786), b.1167-d.1214
Vere, Aubrey III de, Earl of Oxford (i4012), b.1120-d.1194
Vere, Aubrey III de, Earl of Oxford (marriage to Lucia Essex de Abrancis) (i4012),
Vere, Geoffrey de (i6779), b.1064-
Vere, Henry de (i6788), b.1172-
Vere, Hugh de, 4th Earl Oxford (i6687), b.1184-d.1263
Vere, Hugh de, 4th Earl Oxford (marriage to Hawise de Quincy) (i6687), b.1184-d.1263
Vere, Isabel de (i7125), b.1222-d.EB 1
Vere, Joan de (i7131), b.1264-d.1293
Vere, Joan de (marriage to William de Warenne) (i7131), b.1264-d.1293
Vere, Joan de (marriage to William Plantagenet) (i7131), b.1264-d.1293
Vere, Julianna de (i4011), b.1116-d.1199
Vere, Julianna de (marriage to Hugh Bigod 1st Earl Norfolk) (i4011), b.1116-d.1199
Vere, Margaret de, BaronessBeaumont (marriage to Henry de Beaumont Baron Beaumont) (i8016),
Vere, Ralph de (i6787), b.1168-d.1214
Vere, Robert de (i6781), b.1068-
Vere, Robert de, 3rd Earl Oxford (i4454), b.1160-d.1221
Vere, Robert de, 5th Earl Oxford (i7129), b.1230-d.1296
Vere, Robert de, 5th Earl Oxford (marriage to Alica de Sanford) (i7129), b.1230-d.1296
Vere, Roger de (i6780), b.1066-
Vere, Rohese de (i4010), b.1109-d.1166
Vere, William de (i6782), b.1072-
Vermandois, Adela de (i4247), b.902-
Vermandois, Adelaide de, Comtesse de Vermandois (i7254), b.1050-d.1121
Vermandois, Adelaide de, Comtesse de Vermandois (marriage to Hugues I Crepi le Grand, Comt (i7254),
Vermandois, Agnes de (i7262), b.1065-d.1125
Vermandois, Albert I Count (i4225), b.917-
Vermandois, Albert II Count (i7369), b.977-d.1015
Vermandois, Beatrice de (i4218), b.880-
Vermandois, Beatrice de (marriage to Robert I King of France Count of Paris) (i4218), b.880-
Vermandois, Beatrix de (i4448), b.854-
Vermandois, Beatrix de (i7269), b.1079-d.1144
Vermandois, Constance de (i7264), b.1069-
Vermandois, Count Robert (i4222), b.911-d.968
Vermandois, Daughter de (i7259), b.1085-
Vermandois, Elizabeth de (i7257), b.1083-
Vermandois, Ermengarde de (i7368), b.946-
Vermandois, Ermengarde de (marriage to Herbert III Count of Vermandois) (i7368), b.946-
Vermandois, Eudes de (i7362), b.1060-
Vermandois, Eudes I de, Lord of Ham (i7366), b.1030-
Vermandois, Gerardus de (i7361), b.1064-
Vermandois, Guillaume de (marriage to Isabelle de France) (i5735), b.1103-
Vermandois, Guy I de (i7371), b.981-d.981
Vermandois, Herbert I Count (i4242), b.848-d.902
Vermandois, Herbert I Count (marriage to Beatrice of Morvis) (i4242), b.848-d.902
Vermandois, Herbert II Count (i4219), b.884-d.943
Vermandois, Herbert II Count (marriage to Princess Hildebrante France) (i4219), b.884-d.943
Vermandois, Herbert III Count of (i6686), b.942-d.997
Vermandois, Herbert III Count of (marriage to Ermengarde de Vermandois) (i6686), b.942-d.997
Vermandois, Herbert Iv(V) Count (i7359), b.1028-d.1080
Vermandois, Herbert Iv(V) Count (marriage to Adele de Vexin) (i7359), b.1028-d.1080
Vermandois, Hugo de (i4246), b.902-
Vermandois, Isabel (Elizabeth) de (i6555), b.1081-d.1131
Vermandois, Isabel (Elizabeth) de (marriage to William II de Varennes 2nd Earl of Surrey) (i6555),
Vermandois, Mahaut de (i7258), b.1083-
Vermandois, Maud Matilda de (i7266), b.1071-d.1080
Vermandois, Miss de (i4244), b.882-d.949
Vermandois, Miss de (i4248), b.902-
Vermandois, Miss de (i4444), b.850-
Vermandois, Miss de (i4446), b.852-
Vermandois, Odo de (i4245), b.902-
Vermandois, Otho Otto Count (i7364), b.979-d.1043
Vermandois, Otho Otto Count (marriage to Pavia Patia Vermandois) (i7364), b.979-d.1043
Vermandois, Pavia Patia (i7365), b.990-
Vermandois, Pavia Patia (marriage to Otho Otto Count Vermandois) (i7365), b.990-
Vermandois, Pepin Quentin, Count St Quentin (i4440), b.818-d.818
Vermandois, Peter de (i7367), b.1032-
Vermandois, Raoul I Count (i6000), b.1073-d.1152
Vermandois, Raoul I Count (marriage to Eleonore de Blois) (i6000), b.1073-d.1152
Vermandois, Simon de (i7256), b.1077-d.1148
Vermandois, William de (i7260), b.1087-d.1096
Vermundsson, Olaf (i6691), b.391-
Vermundsson, Olaf (marriage to Danpi) (i6691), b.391-
Verney, Alice (marriage to John Danvers) (i3519), b.1390-
Verney, Bernice (marriage to Henry Danvers) (i3571), b.1436-
Verney, Betri (marriage to Henry Danvers) (i3570), b.1436-
Verney, Betris (marriage to Henry Danvers) (i3572), b.1436-
Vernon, Ralph de (marriage to De Braose) (i8579), b.1114-
Vescy, William (marriage to Isabella de Longespee) (i8368), b.1206-
Vexin, Adele de (i7360), b.1032-d.1080
Vexin, Adele de (marriage to Herbert Iv(V) Count Vermandois) (i7360), b.1032-d.1080
Vexin, Alice de (i7378), b.1008-
Vexin, Alix de (i7214), b.970-
Vexin, Gautier II Count (i7215), b.944-
Vexin, Gautier II Count (marriage to Adele de Senlis) (i7215), b.944-
Vexin, Raoul II Count, Amiens & Valois (i7375), b.980-d.1030
Vexin, Raoul II Count, Amiens & Valois (marriage to Adele de Breteuil) (i7375), b.980-d.1030
Vienne, Beatrix (i5862), b.1138-d.1230
Vienne, Beatrix (marriage to Humbert III Count Savoy) (i5862), b.1138-d.1230
Vienne, Gerard I, Count of (i5870), b.1112-d.1180
Vienne, Gerard I, Count of (marriage to Guyenne Salins) (i5870), b.1112-d.1180
Vienne, Guillaume III Count (marriage to Scholastique de Champagne) (i6268), b.1155-
Vienne, William, Count of (i5872), b.1088-
Vienne, William, Count of (marriage to Alice Traves) (i5872), b.1088-
Viennois, Count Eudes (i4221), b.910-d.944
Vili, (i4538), b.219-
Villehardouin, Isabel de (marriage to Philippe King of Thessalonique) (i6634), b.1263-d.1312
Villehardouin, Isabelle de (marriage to Floris de Avesnes) (i6409), b.1255-
Vine, Mary (marriage to Captain James Morgan) (i4652), b.1641-
Vipont, Robert, Lord Of Westmore (marriage to Isabel FitzJohn) (i7780), b.1220-
Visconti, Lucy (marriage to Edmund de Holand Earl of Kent) (i8828)
Visconti, Violanta (marriage to Lionel Prince of England) (i5048), b.1353-d.1386
Vitre, Andre Seigneur de (i8556), b.1044-
Vitre, Andre Seigneur de (marriage to Agnes de Mortaigne) (i8556), b.1044-
Vitre, Hawise de, (Countess of Derb) (i8525), b.1069-
Vitre, Hawise de, (Countess of Derb) (marriage to Robert de Ferrers) (i8525), b.1069-
Vitrie, Alianore de (i8416), b.1166-
Vitrie, Alianore de (marriage to William FitzPatrick Earl Salisbury) (i8416), b.1166-
Vladimir volynsk, Igor Yaroslavich, Duke (i7314), b.1036-d.1059
Vladimir volynsk, Pozvizd Vladimirovich, Duke (i7328), b.985-d.1015
Vladimir volynsk, Vsevolod Vladimirovich, Prince (i7343), b.983-d.1015
Vladimir volynsk, Yaroslav I Svyatopolkich, (marriage to Miss Mstislavna, Princess Kiev) (i6208),
Vladimir volynsk, Yaroslav I, Duke (marriage to Miss Mstislavna, Princess Kiev) (i6215),
von Hennegau, Beatrix (de Hainault) (i4115)
von Hennegau, Beatrix (de Hainault) (marriage to Ebles I Count de Roucy) (i4115)
Vrouwelijn (marriage to Henri de Avesnes) (i6399), b.1302-
Wac, Geoffrey (i4086), b.1084-d.1142
Wade, Margaret (i2043)
Waiet, Ralph de, Earl of Norfolk (i8264), b.1080-
Waiet, Ralph de, Earl of Norfolk (marriage to Emma Fitzosborne) (i8264), b.1080-
Wake, (i4054), b.1274-
Wake, Baldwin (i4041), b.1236-d.1281
Wake, Baldwin (i4078), b.1184-d.1224
Wake, Baldwin (i4081), b.1145-d.1198
Wake, Baldwin (marriage to Agnes Du Hommet) (i4081), b.1145-d.1198
Wake, Baldwin (marriage to Hawise de Quincy) (i4041), b.1236-d.1281
Wake, Baldwin (marriage to Isabel de Briwere) (i4078), b.1184-d.1224
Wake, Baron Thomas, 2nd Baron (i4048), b.1297-d.1349
Wake, Baron Thomas, 2nd Baron (marriage to Blanche Plantagenet) (i4048), b.1297-d.1349
Wake, Elizabeth (i4061), b.1268-d.1314
Wake, Emeline (i4044), b.1269-
Wake, Geoffrey (i4085), b.1147-
Wake, Hugh (i4051), b.1272-d.1315
Wake, Hugh (i4062), b.1212-d.1241
Wake, Hugh (i4064), b.1270-d.1315
Wake, Hugh (i4083), b.1110-d.1175
Wake, Hugh (marriage to Emma FitzGilbert de Clare) (i4083), b.1110-d.1175
Wake, Hugh (marriage to Joan de Stuteville) (i4062), b.1212-d.1241
Wake, Ida (i4057), b.1258-d.1287
Wake, Joan (i4059), b.1266-
Wake, John (i4047), b.1294-
Wake, Lady Margaret, Countess of Kent (i4049), b.1299-d.1349
Wake, Lady Margaret, Countess of Kent (marriage to Edmund Prince Plantagenet Earl of Kent) (i4049),
wake, Nn (i8756)
Wake, Sir John (i4045), b.1271-d.1300
Wake, Sir John (marriage to Joan FitzBernard) (i4045), b.1271-d.1300
Wake, Thomas (marriage to Blanche Plantagenet) (i7995), b.1292-d.1349
Walden, Alicia (i1791)
Walden, Alicia (marriage to Johannes Manning) (i1791)
Walden, Edward (i2542), b.1625-d.1679
Walden, Mary (i2453), b.1655-d.1736
Walden, Mary (marriage to Robert Hibbard Jr) (i2453), b.1655-d.1736
Walden, Ruth H (marriage to John Hibbard) (i2502), b.1642-d.1679
Wale, Vali Or (i4519), b.241-
Wales, Nesta Princess of (marriage to King Henry I England (Beauclerc)) (i5500), b.1073-
Wales, Owain Prince of (i7588), b.1087-d.1169
Wales, Owain Prince of (marriage to Gladys Verch Llywarch) (i7588), b.1087-d.1169
Waleton, Cicily (i8151), b.1181-
Waleton, Cicily (marriage to Alan de Columbers) (i8151), b.1181-
Waleton, Henry de (i8153), b.1155-
Walker, Sarah (i1118), d.1700
Walker, Sarah (marriage to Nathaniel Warren) (i1118), d.1700
Wallecourt, Ermingarde, of Namur (i2067)
Wallecourt, Ermingarde, of Namur (marriage to Conrad de Franchimont) (i2067)
Waller, Robert (marriage to Catherine Kirkner) (i1809)
Warburton, Blanch (i2009)
Warburton, Blanch (marriage to William Davenport) (i2009)
Warenne, Ada de (i6509), b.1120-d.1178
Warenne, Ada de (marriage to Henry Earl of Huntington) (i6553), b.1115-
Warenne, Ada de (marriage to Henry Earl of Huntington) (i6553), b.1115-
Warenne, Ada de (marriage to Henry, Prince of Scotland) (i6509), b.1120-d.1178
Warenne, Alice de (i8044), b.1277-d.1338
Warenne, Alice de (i8090), b.1285-d.1338
Warenne, Alice de (marriage to Edmund Fitzalan Earl of Arundel) (i8044), b.1277-d.1338
Warenne, Edith de (i5655), b.1084-
Warenne, Eleanor de (i5249), b.1251-d.1282
Warenne, Griffen de (i8077), b.1288-
Warenne, Gundred de (i5656), b.1085-
Warenne, Gundred de, Countess Of Warw (i6582), b.1117-
Warenne, Gundred de, Countess Of Warw (marriage to William de Lancaster Lord Of Kendal) (i6582),
Warenne, Isabel de (i5421), b.1137-d.1199
Warenne, Isabel de (marriage to Hamelin Plantagenet) (i5421), b.1137-d.1199
Warenne, Isabel de (marriage to William England Count of Boulogu) (i5421), b.1137-d.1199
Warenne, Jeffrey de (i5424), b.1160-
Warenne, John de (i8079), b.1347-
Warenne, John de, Earl of Surrey (i5248), b.1231-d.1305
Warenne, John de, Earl of Surrey (marriage to Alice de Lusignan) (i5248), b.1231-d.1305
Warenne, Maud de (i5423), b.1154-
Warenne, Ralph de (i6557), b.1115-
Warenne, Reginald de (i5654), b.1082-
Warenne, Reginald de (i6578), b.1113-
Warenne, Suzanne de (marriage to John (Lackland) King England) (i5212), b.1166-
Warenne, William de (i5250), b.1260-d.1286
Warenne, William de (marriage to Joan de Vere) (i5250), b.1260-d.1286
Warenne, William III de, Earl of Surrey (i6576), b.1119-d.1148
Warenne, William III de, Earl of Surrey (marriage to Ala de Talvas) (i6576), b.1119-d.1148
Warren, Abigail (i1623), b.1618-d.1692
Warren, Alice (i1636), b.1656-d.1692
Warren, Ann (i1501), b.1612-d.1675
Warren, Cicely (i2013)
Warren, Cicely (marriage to John Davenport) (i2013)
Warren, Elizabeth (i1505), b.1616-d.1670
Warren, Elizabeth (i1635), b.1654-d.1689
Warren, Helen Or Ellen (i1416), b.1540-
Warren, Helen Or Ellen (marriage to John Foote) (i1416), b.1540-
Warren, Hope (i1633), b.1651-d.1689
Warren, Jabez (i1641), b.1647-d.1701
Warren, James (i1640), b.1665-d.1715
Warren, Jane (i1634), b.1652-d.1683
Warren, John (i1639), b.1663-d.1690
Warren, Joseph (i1624), b.1626-d.1689
Warren, Margaret (i1998)
Warren, Margaret (marriage to Hamnet Hyde) (i1998)
Warren, Mary (i1279), b.1610-d.1683
Warren, Mary (i1637), b.1660-d.1690
Warren, Mercy (i1119), b.1658-d.1727
Warren, Mercy (marriage to Johnathan Delano Lt.) (i1119), b.1658-d.1727
Warren, Nathaniel (i1117), b.1624-d.1667
Warren, Nathaniel (i1638), b.1662-d.1707
Warren, Nathaniel (marriage to Sarah Walker) (i1117), b.1624-d.1667
Warren, Richard (i1115), b.1580-d.1628
Warren, Richard (i1631), b.1646-d.1697
Warren, Richard (marriage to Elizabeth Juatt or Marsh or Evans) (i1115), b.1580-d.1628
Warren, Sarah (i1502), b.1614-d.1696
Warren, Sarah (i1632), b.1649-d.1692
Warwick, Agnes de (i6585), b.1135-
Warwick, Gundred Or Gundreda (i6583), b.1130-
Warwick, Gundred Or Gundreda (marriage to Hugh Bigod 1st Earl Norfolk) (i6583), b.1130-
Warwick, Henry de (i6587), b.1144-
Warwick, Margaret de (i6588), b.1146-
Warwick, Roger Earl of (marriage to Gundred de Warenne Countess Of Warw) (i6581), b.1102-d.1153
Warwick, Thomas Earl of (marriage to Ela de Longespee) (i8372), b.1218-
Warwick, Waleran Earl of (i6586), b.1140-d.1204
Warwick, William, Earl of (i6584), b.1130-d.1184
Wasseburg, Yolande de (i6448), b.1089-
Wasseburg, Yolande de (marriage to Baldwin III Hainault Count of) (i6448), b.1089-
Wecta, Wegdeg Or (i4532), b.255-
Welles, Thomas, Gov. (marriage to Elizabeth Deming) (i2225), d.1660
Wendin, Edla of Mecklenburg (marriage to Olaf III King of Sweden) (i7351), b.985-
Wenlock, John (marriage to Agnes Danvers) (i3545), b.1428-
Weothelgeat, (i4528), b.251-
Wessmael, Arnold Lord of, Marshal of Brabant (marriage to Adelaide Alix de Brabant) (i6292),
West franks, Carloman, Prince, abbott of E (i4268), b.849-
West franks, Charles King of (i4260), b.823-d.877
West franks, Charles King of (marriage to Ermentrude West franks Queen) (i4260), b.823-d.877
West franks, Charles Prince (i4266), b.876-d.876
West franks, Drogo Prince (i4264), b.873-
West franks, Ermentrud Princess, abbess of Hasno (i4274), b.854-
West franks, Ermentrude, Queen (i4267), b.825-d.869
West franks, Ermentrude, Queen (marriage to Charles King of West franks) (i4267), b.825-d.869
West franks, Gisele Princess (i4276), b.858-
West franks, Hersent Princess (i7087) (living status unknown)
West franks, Hersent Princess (marriage to Rainer I Duke of Lorraine) (i7087) (living status
West franks, Hildegarde Princess (i4275), b.856-
West franks, Judith, Queen of England (i4269), d.870
West franks, Lothaire Prince, The Lame (i4272), b.847-
West franks, Louis II King of, The Stammerer (i4270), b.846-d.879
West franks, Louis Prince (i4265), b.875-d.875
West franks, Pepin Prince (i4263), b.872-
West franks, Richilde Queen of (marriage to Charles King of West franks) (i4261), b.850-d.877
West franks, Rothilde Princess (i4262), b.871-
West franks, Rotrude Princess, abbesStRadegond (i4273), d.912
West Holy Roman, Adelaide Princess (i4304), b.814-
West Holy Roman, Alpaide Alpais Princess (i4298), b.810-
West Holy Roman, Ermengarde Empress (i4253), b.778-d.818
West Holy Roman, Ermengarde Empress (marriage to Louis West Holy Roman Emporer, the Pious) (i4253),
West Holy Roman, Gisle Princess (i4306), d.876
West Holy Roman, Hildegarde Princess, abbesse (i4302), b.812-d.841
West Holy Roman, Louis, Emporer, the Pious (i4252), b.778-d.840
West Holy Roman, Louis, Emporer, the Pious (marriage to Ermengarde Empress West Holy Roman (i4252),
West Holy Roman, Louis, Emporer, the Pious (marriage to Judith of Bavaria) (i4252), b.778-d.840
West Holy Roman, Rotrude Princess (i4254), b.808-
Wetterau, Udo Count of (marriage to Miss de Vermandois) (i4439) (living status unknown)
Whatman, Elizabeth (i1413), b.1528-d.1599
Whatman, Elizabeth (marriage to John Brooke) (i1413), b.1528-d.1599
Wheateley, John (i1732)
Wheateley, Maude (i1731)
Wheateley, Maude (marriage to William Whitfield) (i1731)
Wheeler, Isaac (marriage to Martha Parke) (i2555), b.1646-d.1711
White, Edward (i1597), b.1593-
White, Edward (marriage to Martha (unknown)) (i1597), b.1593-
White, Elma Augusta (marriage to Howard Afton Post) (i1643), b.1869-d.1897
White, Martha (i1599), b.1625-
White, Mary (i83), b.1627-d.1711
White, Mary (marriage to Thomas Leffingwell) (i83), b.1627-d.1711
Whitfield, Abigail (i73), d.1659
Whitfield, Abigail (marriage to Rev. James Fitch) (i73), d.1659
Whitfield, Bridget (i1760)
Whitfield, Dorothy (i1770)
Whitfield, Elizabeth (i1742)
Whitfield, Elizabeth (i1761)
Whitfield, Frances (i1753)
Whitfield, Frances (i1759)
Whitfield, Henry (i1776), d.1634
Whitfield, Jane (i1754)
Whitfield, John (i1733)
Whitfield, John (i1737)
Whitfield, John (i1741)
Whitfield, John (i1757)
Whitfield, John (i1773)
Whitfield, Jone (i1756)
Whitfield, Katharine (i1762)
Whitfield, Lucy (i1763)
Whitfield, Margaret (i1752)
Whitfield, Martha (i1747)
Whitfield, Mary (i1745)
Whitfield, Mary (i1775)
Whitfield, Myles (i1739)
Whitfield, Nathaniel (i1774)
Whitfield, Rebecca (i1777)
Whitfield, Rev. Henry (i72), b.1597-d.1657
Whitfield, Rev. Henry (marriage to Dorothy Sheaffe) (i72), b.1597-d.1657
Whitfield, Richard (i1735)
Whitfield, Richard (i1736)
Whitfield, Robert (i1738)
Whitfield, Robert (i1740)
Whitfield, Robert (i1743)
Whitfield, Robert (marriage to Agnes Atwood) (i1743)
Whitfield, Sarah (i1755)
Whitfield, Sarah (i1771), d.1675
Whitfield, Susan (i1746)
Whitfield, Thomas (i1533)
Whitfield, Thomas (i1744)
Whitfield, Thomas (i1772)
Whitfield, Thomas (marriage to Mildred Manning) (i1533)
Whitfield, William (i1727)
Whitfield, William (i1730)
Whitfield, William (i1734)
Whitfield, William (i1751)
Whitfield, William (marriage to (unknown) Holme) (i1727)
Whitfield, William (marriage to Maude Wheateley) (i1730)
Whitmore, Anne (i2254), b.1612-d.1641
Whitmore, Anne (marriage to Samuel Allen) (i2254), b.1612-d.1641
Whitney, (i4850), b.1475-
Whitney, Eleaner (i4846), b.1467-
Whitney, James (i4835), b.1465-
Whitney, Jane (i4817), b.1465-
Whitney, Jane (marriage to Roger Vaughan) (i4817), b.1465-
Whitney, Jean (i4848), b.1469-
Whitney, John (i4833), b.1471-
Whitney, Robert (i4832), b.1413-
Whitney, Robert (i4834), b.1473-
Whitney, Robert (marriage to Constance Touchet) (i4832), b.1413-
Whorman, Edmund (marriage to Elizabeth Post) (i1544)
Whotlock, Martha (i1613), b.1574-
Whotlock, Martha (marriage to Henry Scott) (i1613), b.1574-
Wig, (i4502), b.355-
William (marriage to Elizabeth Beaumont Countess Of Leic) (i8261), b.1140-
Williams, Charles (marriage to Frances Morgan) (i4716), b.1603-
Williams, Charles (marriage to Frances Morgan) (i4720), b.1609-
Williams, David Lafayette (marriage to Eliza S. Post) (i518), b.1830-d.1900
Williams, Edward (marriage to Mary Morgan) (i4783), b.1526-
Williams, Elizabeth (marriage to Joseph Morgan Lt.) (i4605), b.1646-
Williams, Henry (marriage to Margaret Morgan) (i4742), b.1580-
Wilmouth, Anna (marriage to Samuel Allen Deacon) (i2257) (living status unknown)
Wilson, Allen (i1089), d.1880
Wilson, Andrew Logan (i1073), b.1820-
Wilson, Ann Thomson (i1077), b.1832-
Wilson, Ann Thomson (i1857), b.1830-d.1830
Wilson, Helen Cray (i1078), b.1826-
Wilson, Henry Davison (i1090), b.1853-d.1936
Wilson, James (i1079), b.1806-d.1891
Wilson, James (i1303)
Wilson, James (marriage to Philena Bailey Davison) (i1079), b.1806-d.1891
Wilson, Janet Young (i1076), b.1813-
Wilson, Jean Reid (i1075), b.1824-
Wilson, John (i1074), b.1815-
Wilson, Margaret (i1088)
Wilson, Margaret Reid (i1853), b.1809-
Wilson, Mary Campbell (i1039), b.1856-d.1939
Wilson, Mary Campbell (marriage to Robert Ogden Bradley) (i1039), b.1856-d.1939
Wilson, Mary Muir (i1852), b.1805-
Wilson, Mathew (i1854), b.1817-
Wilson, Robert (i1855), b.1819-d.1819
Wilson, Robert (i1856), b.1828-
Wilson, William (i1070), b.1781-d.1832
Wilson, William (i1072), b.1811-
Wilson, William (i1087), b.1843-d.1864
Wilson, William (marriage to Margaret Reid) (i1070), b.1781-d.1832
Windham, Elizabeth (marriage to Thomas Morgan) (i4709), b.1588-
Wing, Nathaniel (marriage to Sarah Hatch) (i2249)
Wingfield, Robert (marriage to Elizabeth Russell) (i3649), b.1370-d.1409
Winslow, Thomas, Esq (i3742), b.1565-
Winta, (i4530), b.253-
Winter, Elizabeth (i4698), b.1564-
Winter, Elizabeth (marriage to William Morgan Sir) (i4698), b.1564-
Winter, William, Sir (i4939), b.1534-
Winter, William, Sir (marriage to Maria Lanston or Langton) (i4939), b.1534-
Witter, Ebenezer (marriage to Dorothy Morgan) (i4606), b.1668-d.1712
Woden, Odin Or (i4510), b.215-
Woden, Odin Or (marriage to Frea Or Frigg) (i4510), b.215-
Woden, Odin Or (marriage to Unknown) (i4510), b.215-
Wolverton, Joan de (marriage to Hugh Wake) (i4052), b.1274-
Worsley, Christopher (marriage to Elizabeth Touchet) (i4870), b.1431-
Wright, Lydia (marriage to Lawrence Bliss) (i2295)
Wulfhild, (i3815), b.998-
Wyncelow, John (marriage to Agnes Throckmorton) (i3740), b.1400-d.1420
Wynkoop, Annatje (i1111), b.1741-d.1815
Wynkoop, Annatje (marriage to Christopher Tappen) (i1111), b.1741-d.1815
Wynkoop, Cornelius (i1354)
Wynkoop, Cornelius (marriage to Maria Jans Longdyck) (i1354)
Wynkoop, Johannes (i1356), b.1679-d.1730
Wynkoop, Johannes (i1360), d.1791
Wynkoop, Johannes (marriage to Cornelia Ten Broeck) (i1356), b.1679-d.1730
Wynkoop, Johannes (marriage to Maria Bogardus) (i1360), d.1791
Wynkoop, Taatjen (i1371)
Wynkoop, Taatjen (marriage to Petrus Tappen) (i1371)
Wynslow, Agnes (i3352), b.1439-
Wynslow, Agnes (marriage to John Giffard Esq) (i3352), b.1439-
Wynslow, Elizabeth (i3474), b.1445-
Wynslow, Thomas William, Esq (i3471), b.1413-d.1463
Wynslow, Thomas William, Esq (marriage to Agnes Throckmorton) (i3471), b.1413-d.1463
Ximene (i5949), b.1075-
Ximene (marriage to Ramiro Moncon Lord of) (i5949), b.1075-
Ykenai Hikenai concubine 1 (marriage to Henry II King of England) (i5337), b.1131-
Ymzoete (marriage to Jean II de Avesnes Count) (i6379), b.1247-
York, Constance of, (Plantagenet) (i4909), b.1374-d.1416
York, Constance of, (Plantagenet) (marriage to Edmund de Holand Earl of Kent) (i4909),
Zahringen, Berthold V Duke (marriage to Ida de Flanders Cntss of Dammart) (i6309), b.1159-
Zouch, Alan (i8209), b.1124-
Zouch, Alan La, Vicomte de Rohan (i8208), b.1093-
Zouch, Alan La, Vicomte de Rohan (marriage to Constance Princess of Bretagne ViscuntssofRo (i8208),
Zouch, Geoffrey (i8206) (living status unknown)
Zouch, Geoffrey (marriage to Hawise Fergan) (i8206) (living status unknown)
Zouche, Alan (i8202), b.1157-d.1190
Zouche, Alan (marriage to Alice Belmeis) (i8202), b.1157-d.1190
Zouche, Alan La (i7975), b.1267-d.1314
Zouche, Alan La (i8157), b.1248-
Zouche, Alan La (marriage to Eleanor Seagrave) (i7975), b.1267-d.1314
Zouche, Alice La (i8196), b.1213-d.1256
Zouche, Ela (i7978), b.1314-d.1334
Zouche, Eon Eudo La (i8164), b.1244-
Zouche, Eon La (i8188), b.1207-
Zouche, Henry La (i8159), b.1252-
Zouche, Lora La (i8195), b.1211-
Zouche, Margaret La (i8162), b.1234-
Zouche, Mary (i7985), b.1296-
Zouche, Maud La (i7950), b.1284-d.1349
Zouche, Maud La (i8160), b.1254-
Zouche, Maud La (marriage to Sir Robert de Holland Knight) (i7950), b.1284-d.1349
Zouche, Oliver La (i8158), b.1250-
Zouche, Philip (i8204), b.1184-
Zouche, Roger La (i7989), b.1242-d.1285
Zouche, Roger La (i8184), b.1182-d.1238
Zouche, Roger La (marriage to Ela Eleanor de Longespee) (i7989), b.1242-d.1285
Zouche, Roger La (marriage to Margaret) (i8184), b.1182-d.1238
Zouche, Sir Alan de la, Knight (i8155), b.1217-d.1270
Zouche, Sir Alan de la, Knight (marriage to Helen Ellen de Quincy) (i8155), b.1217-d.1270
Zouche, William (i8205), b.1186-
Zouche, William La (i8179), b.1246-d.1287
Zouche, William La (i8190), b.1209-d.1271
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