Fiftieth Generation

3833. Helgi50 Halfdansson (Halfdan51 Frodasson, Frodi52 Fridleifsson, Fridleif53 Frodasson, Frodi54 Dansson, Dan55 Olafsson, Olaf56 Vermundsson, Vermund57 Frodasson, Frodi58 Havarsson, Haver59 Fridleifsson, Fridleif60 Frodasson, Frodi61 Fridleifsson, Fridleif62 Skjoldsson, King of Danes63 Skjold, Frea Or64 Frigg) was born in Denmark about 528.

He married three times. He married Olof "The Mighty" in Denmark. Olof was born about 540 in Denmark. He married Yrsa Helgasson in Denmark. Yrsa was born about 565 in Denmark. Yrsa was the daughter of Helgi Halfdansson and Olof "The Mighty". He married an unknown person in Denmark.

Helgi Halfdansson and Olof "The Mighty" had the following child:

child + 3829 i. Yrsa49 Helgasson was born about 565.

Helgi Halfdansson and Yrsa Helgasson had the following child:

child 3830 ii. Hrolf "Krak" Helgasson was born in Hleithra, Denmark about 596. He married an unknown person in Denmark.

Helgi Halfdansson had the following child:

child 3834 iii. Skulda Helgasson was born in Denmark about 598.

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